Re: Alpha 2 build: sawfish: wants not available imlib 1.9.12 ?

On 1 Feb 2002, Mario Vukelic wrote:

> On Fri, 2002-02-01 at 10:16, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > Build sawfish with --enable-gdk-pixbuf
> I must be getting old, too. Or blind at least, its all there in
> configure --help. Thanks.
> sawfish is the biggest stumbling block so far. It built now, but
> configure says it won't use rep-gtk gnome wrappers (I tried to rebuild
> rep-gtk and rechecked its configure options but to no avail) and that it
> can't find control-center config, so won't build capplets. I hve
> control-center built already, though.

These two (capplet and gnome wrappers) are still work in progress and thus
aren't being built yet. Stay tuned for updates.

> gargnome time I think
> -- 
> I did not vote for the Austrian government


	I see a dark sail on the horizon
	Set under a dark cloud that hides the sun
	Bring me my Broadsword and clear understanding

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