Re: NautilusView lifecycle

Personally, I would like to see NautilusView die in favor of using a
BonoboControl with a defined interface API for Nautilus embedding.
Things that didn't follow the defined API would not get progress shown
with the throbber, and various other little things. Though, I doubt
that anything like this will happen. :-/

-- dobey

On Sat, 2002-12-28 at 10:06, Jens Finke wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder how the lifecycle for a NautilusView is supposed to work.  Third
> party views like gthumb image/catalog view or apotheke, which inherit from
> a NautilusView object, don't get destroyed properly when you switch back
> e.g. to a nautilus icon view [1]. The most annyoing thing is that they
> left there possible merged menu/toolbar items (for apotheke you still have
> all your CVS commands in the menu).
> As far as I tracked this down a dispose or finalize method is neither 
> called for the NautilusView nor for it's descendants. 
> Can somebody enlighten me on this? Or is it just a bug in nautilus?
> Best wishes,
>    Jens
> [1] Don't take the eog image viewer as test here, because it implements
> only the BonoboControl interface and is shut down correctly.
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