Re: .desktop -> bugzilla

On Thu, 2002-08-15 at 13:00, jacob berkman wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-08-15 at 11:07, fherrera onirica com wrote:
> > 	Hi! Bug-buddy is a beautiful tool, and it makes easier to report 
> > a bug to gnome, but it can be better, some toughts sbout it:
> > 
> > 	1 - bug-buddy includes two different uses:
> > 		a) Bug-from-scratch reporting tool
> > 		b) Crash interceptor and consecuent bug reporting
> note that even in a), the user may still wish to report a "crash". 
> bug-buddy will happily attach to a running (looping?  crashed but no
> dialog?  hung due to thread deadlock?) app or a core file.


> > 	Some times these two uses disturb themself, for example:
> > 		If a user run bug-buddy for report a bug about some wrong
> > results in gnome-calculator, he will see a "Show debug information" button.
> > This is horrible from a usability point of view.
> how can bug-buddy differentiate from a user wanting to submit a normal
> report, and a crash?

Called with different command line options, maybe?

> > 	Jacob, when reading all-applications:///, appname (from
> > gnome-program stuff) == Exec ( from .desktop) resolve
> > should work for all applications, shouldn't it? If this is possible we can
> > skip the application selection (and someone suggested we can just ask for
> > confirmation)
> it's a little tricker than that:
>         1.  some applications are multiple components, which have
>         different binary names
>         2.  b-b also queries bonobo-activation for applets, and the info
>         it gets back doesn't indicate (directly) the binary name
> a simple solution to both of these is to add another field:
> X-Gnome-Bugzilla-OtherApplicationNames=evolution-mail;evolution-calendar;
> to the .desktop file.

-OtherBinaryNames maybe? [Just for clarity.] Sounds good otherwise.

Oh, and is there some reason that if we get an exact match in the
desktop file, we can't just skip that step, and if we don't have an
exact match, we go through the 'normal' rigamarole?


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