Re: [Deskbar] Levenstein, Typo correction, Sorting items by usage

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Nils schrieb:
>> Imagine for instance you want to search for "mikkel" but misspell
>> it "mikkal". No results are found, but the engine is able to
>> suggest alternative query strings, for instance "mikkel", if this
>> term exists in its documents corpus. A feedback mechanism where
>> the user is prompted with "Did you mean mikkel ?" would be useful.
>> Engines that support this do it rather quickly and it doesn't have
>> a noticeable impact on search speed.
> That's not exactly what i meant. I used quicksilver some time ago on
> OSX and as far as I remember it did the following: It showed up the
> items matching the input, sorted by the levenstein distance (the one
> with the shortest distance first) and by usage (the most used items
> first). This means that you could call "Firefox", for example "foxy",
> since there is some similarity between the 2 strings. If you always
> choose Firefox, when typing "foxy", it learns, so Firefox will move on
> the top of the menu. It also reacted quick, but I'm not sure what
> algorithms were used, I also think it's not opensource (but free of
> charge).
Currently, the order of the results is determined by the order of the
modules in the preferences dialog.

In addition, Deskbar is not capable of learning from the user's input.
Nevertheless, it would be a very big feature to support something like
it. Apparently, this will be no  easy task and we're pretty much lacking
man power these days.

- --
Sebastian P�erl
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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