Re: [Deskbar] Pushing handler updates from a central repo

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
> Amazing! If I was the swearing kinda guy I would probably say OMFG, but
> now
> that I'm a responsible father, I resort to OMG :-D I thought it would take
> longer to do this. Although, there's still a lot of work, you are already
> on
> good track. Don't you just love Python for this kinda development!
You're right, it couldn't be any easier.

> I had to change the SPECS_DIR to get it running, but that was a
> no-brainer.
> Notes:
> ---------
> 1) You might want to add "#!/usr/bin/env python" in the first line of you
> dbus client and server, so that they can be run like ./ and
> ./
That's no problem, I'll do that.

> 2) Why not create a updater.Client class? As I understand dbus-client
> would
> be specific for deskbar, but if you create a generic client class you can
> ship it with the NewStuff "package", and have a client for all Python
> projects out there (plus a "tutorial" for other languages).
Sounds like a very good idea. I'll think about it. But first I need to
write a working integration into deskbar-applet.

> 3) If the dbus-object is spawned by dbus activation, you might as well add
> a
> timeout every ten seconds to check if we have been doing anything lately,
> and if not simply quit the main loop. If we are needed again dbus will
> restart us.
That's on my to do list, too.

> This was just of the top of my head and not really thought through, but I
> hope you can use it :-D Anyway, you get my "Hacker of the Month" reward
> for
> this work (the fact that you had documented most things brings you way
> past
> the thousands of other runner ups :-D)!
Thank you very much for that honor :)
As I said before I'm going to extend documentation, too.

Sebastian Pölsterl

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