Re: [Deskbar] Rhythmbox Handler

On 7/21/06, Sebastian Pölsterl <marduk k-d-w org> wrote:
You're right. Parsing the XML file at startup increased the speed
dramaticly. In addition, you could increase the maximum number of results.
I tried 50 and it still works fine.

I'm thinking of adding a More Info dialog that let's the user select
the maximum number of results (if that is possible).

> Thanks for the suggestions,
Here are some more:

First of all, you should not only search the song title but at least the
artist, too. Maybe you want to search in the album's name, too.

That shouldn't be too hard to do.  If I get a More Info dialog set up,
I could even add options to choose what to search.

Furthermore, I get the following error if I try to unload the handler from
the preferences dialog:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/deskbar/", line
208, in stop_module
    context.module.stop ()
  File "/home/sebp/.gnome2/deskbar-applet/handlers/", line
115, in stop
    for watched in self.watcher.watched:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration

D'oh!  I always try to alter a list/dict during a loop.  That will
work if you add .keys() to the end.  But it's not really necessary
since it can be replaced with self.watcher.remove(self.rhythmdb)

I'm going to make changes to the plugin later (I am moving this
weekend and have a lot of packing to do).  I'll work on it and
announce it when I get a chance next week.

Thanks again,
Ryan R.

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