Re: [Deskbar] Rhythmbox Handler

Alright, an updated version of the plugin is up at

I use xml.parsers.expat to parse ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml

I also set the Library handler to return only 5 results per query
(which may fix some of the slowness)

As far as placing the results in their own category, I'm not aware of
a way to create a new category (like 'Music').  Perhaps the Deskbar
team can enlighten me.

I still think keeping a list of the songs is the more efficient way to
handle them (see the Muine example at  In my opinion it's
better to parse the file only when it is changed and create the list
of X songs (~2700 in your case) rather than parse the file every time
there is a query sent to the handler.

I don't think very much space is needed by the list of songs anyhow.
Currently it's a list of tuples containing (song title, artist name,
file path).  I would guess that most of these have a combined total of
75-150 characters.  Even with the Python object overhead, a list of
3000 songs should still be less than 1 Mb which is manageable.

I just really don't like the idea of parsing the file every single
time a query is sent (everytime a character is pressed, especially if
the person is not searching for music).  If I could find a way around
that I wouldn't mind making a change, but until then I'm going to keep
the songs in a list.

Try it out again and see if limiting the query results helped the speed.

Thanks for the suggestions,
Ryan R.

On 7/20/06, Sebastian Pölsterl <marduk k-d-w org> wrote:
I just had a closer look at your handler.

I think it's a bad idea to put the hole files in the library dir in an
dictionary and search that one. I've got ~2700 files, therefore your way
needs much space and is awefully slow.
I think it's a better idea to use the XML file rhythmbox creates located
in ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml

A fast XML parser like ElementTree should parse this file quite fast.

Furthermore, the results should be displayed in it's own category.

Nevertheless, I still like your idea.

Sebastian Pölsterl
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