Re: [Deskbar] Need feedback on refactoring

2006/4/27, Raphael Slinckx <raphael slinckx net>:
On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 01:49 +0200, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
> I want to remove all Gnome/Gtk dependancies from DeskbarEngine,
> ModuleList and ModuleLoader (ie. the core of deskbar) - making them
> only depend on pygobject.

I don't agree.

> Why? The goal of this is that it should be possible to run deskbar
> from non-gnome environments (XFCE, FLuxbox)), maybe even pure terminal
> (gtk requires a connection to an X display if I'm not wrong). And also
> it appears as the cleanest solution.

I don't agree, deskbar is made for gnome, and will stay so. We depend on
gtk, and there is no way we won't separate gtk from deskbar in any case.

What you will end up doing is reimplementing gtk.TreeStore or ListStore
using gobjects only, then recreating a true gtk.Tree/ListStore back
again to display in a treeview, it's useless.

As far as deskbar is concerned you are right. However, it blows my mind as to why gtk.Tree/ListStore is gkt-based and not pure GObjects - but as pvanhoof points out[1] there is a model-view mess up in the GTK tree model/view parts.

> However, as I hinted, this will require substantial work[1] - thus
> further delaying progress in other parts of d-a. Is it worth it?

No :)

I suggest you just strip any UI-related code from the core, but not
remove gtk references from it.

I agree. :-)

Good thing I didn't pour into this without proper consideration :-) gtk/gnome is too deeply integrated in deskbar to be factored out in less than 10GLoC :-D



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