[Deskbar] Re: Gnome 2.14 Module Proposal: Deskbar Applet

On Sun, Oct 23, 2005 at 07:19:15PM +0200, Raphael Slinckx wrote:

> This mail introduces the deskbar-applet, and officially propose its
> inclusion in the gnome 2.14 desktop release !

> Of these requirements, only gnome-python-extras is problematic from what
> i understand, maybe it's a good time to push gnomeapplet into
> gnome-python proper ?

I would love to see this not only go in, but also replace
mini-commander (ie. have everyone's mini-commander get automagically
upgraded to deskbar, unless they choose to specifically build

I would also love to see the ability to write GNOME Applets in
Python be an officially supported part of 'Desktop'.


Davyd Madeley

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