[Deskbar] Gnome 2.14 Module Proposal: Deskbar Applet

Hi !

This mail introduces the deskbar-applet, and officially propose its
inclusion in the gnome 2.14 desktop release !

I added the relevant informations to the wiki 2.13 page [3]

The latest tarball can be found on my website [2], we are uploading it
to sourceforge soon, so please do not publish this address yet.

== Buzzwords-laden Overview ==
The goal of DeskbarApplet is to provide an omnipresent versatile search
interface. By typing search terms into the deskbar entry in your panel
you are presented with the search results as you type.

Searches are handled by are series of plugins. DeskbarApplet provides a
simple interface to manage these plugins to provide you with the search
results that fit your needs.

For an extensive feature list, please visit the Deskbar non-official
website [1], you will also find some plans we have for the future [4].

== Requirements ==
Required dependencies:
 * Python 2.3 or above
 * pygtk-2.6 (modules: gtk, gtk.gdk, gtk.glade, gobject)
 * gnome-python-2.10 (modules: gconf, gnome, gnome.ui, gnomevfs)
 * gnome-python-extras-2.10 (module: gnomeapplet)
 * gtk+-2.6 to compile global hotkey and icon entry

Optional dependencies:
 * Compile time:
  * evolution-data-server-1.2, for libebook-1.2
  * beagle-1.1, python bindings for libbeagle, currently shipped, and on
their way upstream
 * Run time:
  * Running beagle daemon
  * Running evolution-data-server
  * SOAPpy package to search with google soap API

Of these requirements, only gnome-python-extras is problematic from what
i understand, maybe it's a good time to push gnomeapplet into
gnome-python proper ?

I hope every needed info is available, let's hear what you people think
about this proposal :)

For the deskbar team,

PS. Please CC the deskbar-applet-list gnome org so we can see the
discussion !

[1] http://raphael.slinckx.net/deskbar
[2] http://raphael.slinckx.net/files/deskbar-applet-0.8.0.tar.gz
[3] http://live.gnome.org/TwoPointThirteen_2fDesktop
[4] http://raphael.slinckx.net/deskbar/devel.php#future

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