Re: [Deskbar] Scrapping priority

On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 09:46 +0100, Raphael Slinckx wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 12:55 +1100, Nigel Tao wrote:
> > I haven't thought too hard about it, but now that we can drag 'n' drop
> > handlers to put them higher in the list of suggestions, should we junk
> > the concept of priority (the integer)?
> > 
> Yes, and maybe we should trash it in the maches too, since it's not
> persistant anyway (i can only remember whith file/folder it's used to
> sort them together) ? (more below)

I was about to excise mentions of priority from the source, but I
noticed that Raphael checked in some history stuff that used it.  Is it
still good to yank?

> Concerning matches persistance, i ran across a problem while trying to
> implement history persistance. The problem will be the same if we ever
> want to remember a particular match priority (i'm thinking almost only
> about search engines, for other handlers having a per-match-priority
> makes no sense).
> Since we abuse wrapped C structures, there is no way to use the builtin
> cPickle module to store results on disk, that was my first attempt to
> store history in a pickled file then reload it on startup. Pixbufs are
> lost, as well as any other info coming from C world.
> The only solution i see here is to have matches serialize to strings or
> simple python structures, that we can store, and then easily be
> recreatable from that string.
> That won't work because the Class of the match isn't known to the core,
> as isn't the Handler class since it's all pluggable, and i get things
> like (unable to import pathprograms when trying to recreate a path
> program match)
> Do anyone see a solution to this problem ?

Hmm... not yet.  :(  Let me think about it some more.


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