Re: complete restore homedir hangs

On Thu, 17 Oct 2019 22:35:40 -0400
jonikelee <jonikelee comcast net> wrote:

The other test, deja-dup to a new folder, is easy enough - I'll try
that tomorrow...

Just tried it.  It doesn't hang - increasing suspicion that the hang
was due to an overwrite of something being played with at the time of
the restore.  A guess: how about .config/dconf?  Perhaps deja-dup
was having problems itself when this got restored?

However, the metadata issue is still there - some files are being given
the restore time as their mod time instead of their original mod times
at backup. It seems to be the same set of files getting this
mistreatment in each restore - a clue that the problem may be with the
backup somehow not bothering to record the metadata and the restore not
caring that it wasn't recorded.

Some of the files getting this mistreatment are a bit unusual - they're
encrypted in a gocryptfs folder, and have fairly long filenames.
However, one is just a text file in my top-level homedir that contains
lshw xml output I was examining, less than 40Kb, short filename
(~/hostname.lshw). Also just noticed that these files aren't all getting
the right permissions set. For example, that lshw file had 644
permissions, but got restored to 600 both times.

Obviously, next step is to save and compare file checksums to
see if the contents were restored correctly...  At least gocryptfs's
own -fsck didn't find any problems on that gocryptfs folder.

BTW: --versions are: 40.1 for deja-dup, 0.7.19 for duplicity.

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