Questions about deja-dup

Hello, I've started to learn how to use secure backup techniques and have a few open questions about deja-dup that have not been covered by articles yet. I hope someone on this list can help me!

1. I read that deja-dup uses gpg2 to encrypt the backups. Where and how can I set my own keys for this? In Evoulution Mail it works quite simply. It searches for existing keys.

2. I saw that this feature request would still be very useful.
But the request  was from 2009. Now it's 2018. Any progress on that?

3. Is it bad if I change the interval of backups from daily to weekly in an ongoing backup cycle, as described in "Deleting old backups"?

4. What happens if only one of these backup files doesn't work anymore? I read i need all of them From full backup A to incremental backup A4.

5. On the help section "Deleting old backups" i read that "Déjà Dup lets you specify that you want backups to be kept for a period of time (say, a month)" -> But there as the options seems to be hard coded here there is just 6month/1year/forver

Will you make it possible to select all the dates and periods manually in the nearby future? That's related to 2. as well.

All the best


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