Re: gitignore foo

2009/5/14 Joe Shaw <joe joeshaw org>:
> Hi,
> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Arun Raghavan <arunissatan gmail com> wrote:
>> Hello folks,
>> I've committed a couple of changes to the autofoo files to allow
>> automagic generation of .gitignore files. There was some information
>> about this on the gnome-infrastructure mailing list a while ago.
> Looks good, although I never understood why checking .gitignore files
> into git was a bad idea.

I don't really see any major disadvantage to either approach. A very
minor plus for the is that you don't need to update .gitignore
even those few rare times that you might otherwise have to (since
it'll just "introspect" it from the build system).
Arun Raghavan

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