beagle-0.3.4 preview, please test

  Here is a preview tarball for 0.3.4:

The major change is we upgraded to Lucene.Net-2.1 (with backports and
performance enhancement tweaks). An automatic re-indexing will follow.
Also, if you are using mono-1.9 (preview 3 and above), then 0.3.4 will
solve the last remaining issue regarding "beagle processes are not
killed at logout".

I will appreciate it if people can test 0.3.4 and report if they see
any errors/exceptions/Lucene.Net errors crash/lock obtain time out.
Some testing on stopping beagled via beagle-shutdown/kill -INT/kill
-TERM would be also very helpful; only with mono-1.9 though. (Yes,
killing beagle via sending TERM/INT signals is now completely
acceptable and preferable; in fact beagle-shutdown will do that

Let us know if you face any troubles or other comments you may have.
There might be a few GUI changes in beagle-search but other than that,
this will be become the final version if everything goes well.

Thanks a lot,
- dBera

Debajyoti Bera @
beagle / KDE fan
Mandriva / Inspiron-1100 user

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