Re: NullReferenceException

Hi Joe,

Joe Shaw wrote:
Hi again,

On 3/22/07, Joe Shaw <joe ximian com> wrote:
Yeah, how we deal with child indexables changed recently, and I didn't
also make the necessary changes to beagle-build-index.  I'll take a
look at it.

I just checked in a fix for this.  Give it a shot.


Thanks for the fix.
The end of my logs look now like that:

2007-03-23 04:05:22: Debug: +file:///usr/local/www/Software.Datasheets/Executable.File.Formats/
2007-03-23 04:05:22: Debug: +file:///usr/local/www/Software.Datasheets/Vga.Svga/ (deferred)
2007-03-23 04:05:22: Debug: +file:///usr/local/www/Software.Datasheets/Executable.File.Formats/ (deferred)
2007-03-23 04:05:22: Debug: Optimizing index
2007-03-23 04:05:26: Debug: IndexWorker Done
2007-03-23 04:05:26: Debug: Elapsed time 24.01s.
2007-03-23 04:05:26: Debug: Restarting helper
2007-03-23 04:05:26: Debug: Set best effort IO priority to lowest level (7)
2007-03-23 04:05:26: Warn: Unable to set scheduler policy to SCHED_BATCH
2007-03-23 04:05:26: Debug: Reniced process to 19
2007-03-23 04:05:27: Debug: Loaded 5554 records from /home/steve/.beagle-static/FileAttributesStore.db in 0.053s
2007-03-23 04:05:27: Debug: Size: VmRSS=10.7 MB, size=1.00, 0.0%
2007-03-23 04:05:27: Debug: Starting IndexWorker
2007-03-23 04:05:27: Debug: Starting CrawlWorker
2007-03-23 04:05:30: Debug: Size: VmRSS=21.4 MB, size=2.01, 20.1%
2007-03-23 04:05:30: Debug: IndexWorker Done
2007-03-23 04:05:30: Warn: Exception caught while executing :Void IndexWorker()
2007-03-23 04:05:30: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
2007-03-23 04:05:30: at Beagle.Daemon.BuildIndex.FileToIndexable (System.IO.FileInfo file) [0x00000]
2007-03-23 04:05:30: at Beagle.Daemon.BuildIndex.IndexWorker () [0x00000]
2007-03-23 04:05:30: at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void ()
2007-03-23 04:05:30: at Beagle.Util.ExceptionHandlingThread.ThreadStarted () [0x00000]
2007-03-23 04:05:34: Debug: Size: VmRSS=35.6 MB, size=3.34, 46.7%
2007-03-23 04:05:36: Debug: Size: VmRSS=47.3 MB, size=4.44, 68.7%
2007-03-23 04:05:38: Debug: Scanned 77711 files and directories in 6036 directories
2007-03-23 04:05:38: Debug: CrawlWorker Done
2007-03-23 04:05:39: Debug: Elapsed time 12.68s.

It looks like indexing was done but another exception is
poping up.

Beagle is rev3597.


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