Problem building latest beagle source

Hi all,

I am trying to build beagle on debian etch (testing).  I did try using
the debian package, but it doesn't have the indexing / searching of
archive functionality that I need, so I went and got the latest source:

svn checkout
Checked out revision 3249.

After a bit of fiddling with the installation of dependencies, I finally
got it to configure (output below):

        Beagle Version:           0.2.14
        Target OS:                linux
        inotify?                  yes

        Prefix:                   /usr/local/beagle/
        GNOME Prefix:             /usr
        KDE Prefix:               /usr

        Evolution support?        no (missing dependencies)
        gsf-sharp?                yes
        wv1?                      yes
        galago-sharp?             yes
        libchm?                   yes
        Thunderbird backend?      yes

        Mozilla Extension?        yes
        Epiphany Extension?       auto

        Local SqliteClient?       yes
        Sqlite version:           3.x

        Enable libbeagle          yes
        Enable python bindings    no
        Enable libbeagle docs     no
        Monitor screensaver       no

        Enable beagle-search GUI  yes
        Enable "Open With" menu   yes

I then typed "make" as instructed and the make process bombed with the
following error (with a bit of context):

Making all in Util
make[2]: Entering directory `/space/beagle_hacking/beagle/Util'
sed     -e "s|\ prefix\@|/usr/local/beagle/|g"                  \
                -e "s|\ sysconfdir\@|/usr/local/beagle//etc|g"          \
"s|\ pkglibdir\@|/usr/local/beagle//lib/beagle|g"            \
"s|\ pkgdatadir\@|/usr/local/beagle//share/beagle|g"         \
                -e "s|\ localstatedir\@|/usr/local/beagle//var|g"       \
                -e "s|\ VERSION\@|0.2.14|g"                     \
                -e "s|\ GNOME_PREFIX\@|/usr|g"  \
                -e "s|\ KDE_PREFIX\@|/usr|g"            \
                -e "s|\ SQLITE_MAJ_VER\@|3|g"   \
                < ./ > ExternalStringsHack.cs
debug -nowarn:0169,0414 -unsafe -out:Util.dll -target:library
-define:OS_LINUX  -define:ENABLE_INOTIFY ArrayFu.cs BetterBitArray.cs
EndianConverter.cs camel.cs CommandLineFu.cs Conf.cs DateTimeUtil.cs
DelayedTextWriter.cs DigikamTags.cs DirectoryWalker.cs Evolution.cs
ExceptionHandlingThread.cs ExifData.cs ExtendedAttribute.cs
FileAdvise.cs FileSystem.cs FrequencyStatistics.cs FSpotTools.cs
GuidFu.cs ICalParser.cs ImBuddy.cs ImLog.cs Inotify.cs IoPriority.cs
JpegHeader.cs KdeUtils.cs KonqHistoryUtil.cs Log.cs Logger.cs
MetadataStore.cs MultiReader.cs NautilusTools.cs Note.cs PathFinder.cs
PngHeader.cs PullingReader.cs ReflectionFu.cs SafeProcess.cs
Scheduler.cs SmallIntArray.cs Stopwatch.cs StringFu.cs StringMatcher.cs
SystemInformation.cs TeeTextWriter.cs ThreadPond.cs Tiff.cs Timeline.cs
TopScores.cs TypeCacheAttribute.cs UnclosableStream.cs UriFu.cs
XdgMime.cs XmlFu.cs XmpFile.cs SemWeb/ForwardLogic.cs
SemWeb/KnowledgeModel.cs SemWeb/MemoryStore.cs SemWeb/N3Parser.cs
SemWeb/N3Writer.cs SemWeb/NamespaceManager.cs SemWeb/Query.cs
SemWeb/RdfParser.cs SemWeb/RdfWriter.cs SemWeb/Reasoning.cs
SemWeb/Resource.cs SemWeb/RSquary.cs SemWeb/RSquaryFilters.cs
SemWeb/Sparql.cs SemWeb/SQLStore.cs SemWeb/Statement.cs SemWeb/Store.cs
SemWeb/UriMap.cs SemWeb/Util.cs SemWeb/XmlParser.cs SemWeb/XmlWriter.cs
SemWeb/XPathSemWebNavigator.cs PropertyKeywordAttribute.cs Mork.cs
Thunderbird.cs ChmFile.cs ExternalStringsHack.cs
-r:/usr/lib/cli/gsf-sharp-0.0/gsf-sharp.dll   -r:System.Web.Services
-r:System.Data -r:Mono.Data.SqliteClient -r:Mono.Posix -r:System.Web
make[2]: debug: Command not found

Is that "debug" line an incomplete command line?  Or am I missing a tool?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dan T.

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