Re: Beagle with Samba Share


Stringer Leon (West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust) wrote:
Thanks for your reply. I'm using 2.13, there don't seem to be Fedora
> packages for 2.14 yet but the Troubleshooting page indicates this
fixes a known problem with looping. I assume this is likely to be the problem.

Possibly, but if this were the case it would likely be indexing the same thing over and over. And since your home directory is the first thing indexed, you should at least be able to find files in there.

The files in  .beagle/Log are all empty...

Ok, this is probably due to the log level that the Fedora packages run at by default. First shut down any currently running daemon with:


and then start a new one in the foreground with more debug info:

    beagled --fg --debug

and see if there is any info there. (It will also be logged to ~/.beagle/Log.)


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