Beagle crash

This happened twice in a row, each time I deleted ~/.beagle and restarted 
beagle. EXCERCISE THE DOG is set, so after a while the log shows:

20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX: Unable to 
filter /home/aviram/vmware/vmware-player-distrib/lib/share/pixmaps/template-lock.svg:
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX: System.IO.IOException: Read 
timed out.
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Net.WebConnectionStream.Read (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, 
Int32 size) [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.XmlInputStream.Read (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 
count) [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.NonBlockingStreamReader.ReadBuffer () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.NonBlockingStreamReader.Read () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.XmlParserInput+XmlParserInputSource.Read () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.XmlParserInput.ReadSourceChar () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.XmlParserInput.PeekChar () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.DTDReader.PeekChar () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.DTDReader.SkipWhitespace () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.DTDReader.ProcessDTDSubset () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.DTDReader.GenerateDTDObjectModel () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.GenerateDTDObjectModel (System.String name, 
System.String publicId, System.String systemId, System.String internalSubset, 
Int32 intSubsetStartLine, Int32 intSubsetStartColumn) [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadDoctypeDecl () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadDeclaration () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadContent () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
Beagle.Filters.FilterSvg.DoPullProperties () [0x00000]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at Beagle.Daemon.Filter.Open 
(System.IO.FileSystemInfo info) [0x00000]

and all indexing stops. This is beagle from Debian unstable:
$ dpkg -l | grep beag
ii  beagle                                            
indexing and search tool for your personal data
ii  libbeagle0               

The strange thing is that after the first time I put a .noindex file 
in /home/aviram/vmware/, but it still tried to index that dir.

- Aviram

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