Re: Personal crawler for beagle.


On Thu, 2006-09-14 at 11:40 +0200, Pio Clemente wrote:
> I wrote a small personal crawler in python that works via command
> line. 
> I'm writing an xmlrpc wrapper for crawler to trasform it in a daemon 
> and an python xmlrpc client to manage the deamon. 
> How can I integrate the crawler in beagle? 

I'm not really sure I understand what you mean by a crawler, sorry.

You basically have two choices: you can use the indexing service and
send your data to be indexed by Beagle.  You can do this either through
an API call or by dropping the content and a descriptor file into
~/.beagle/ToIndex.  Option 2 is writing a proper backend for your
crawler.  Unfortunately, the backend would have to be written in C# and
not Python.

Hope this helps,

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