Re: A problem with indexing Thunderbird mail

Debajyoti Bera wrote:
> 	The INBOX file was rejected by the File backend (specifically Text file 
> filter) because it is too large to be a decent text file. If you are using 
> the thunderbird backend, then it is not indexing/seeing .../Mail/Local 
> Folders/Inbox. Are you sure you are running beagled with thunderbird backend 
> enabled ?

The backend is certainly installed.

I am using Ubuntu Edgy.  Beagle 0.2.9.

I had previously been running Beagle with this command:
beagled --debug --fg  --replace

I have now started it with this command:
shane opendawn1:~$ beagled --debug --fg  --replace --backend Thunderbird
Debug: Starting Beagle Daemon (version 0.2.9)
Debug: Running on Mono
Debug: Command Line: /usr/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemon.exe --debug --fg
--replace --backend Thunderbird
Warn: Extended attributes are not supported on this filesystem.
Performance will suffer as a result.
Debug: Established a connection to the X server
Debug: Starting main loop
Debug: Beginning main loop
Debug: Starting messaging server
Debug: Starting QueryDriver
Debug: Found 0 backends in /usr/lib/beagle/Backends/EvolutionBackends.dll
Debug: Found index helper at /usr/lib/beagle/beagled-index-helper
Debug: Found 1 backends in /usr/lib/beagle/Backends/ThunderbirdBackends.dll
Debug: Found 0 backends in /usr/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemonLib.dll
Debug: Reading mapping from filters
Debug: Loading system static indexes.
Debug: Found 0 system-wide indexes.
Debug: Found 0 user-configured static indexes..
Debug: Waiting 60 seconds before starting queryables
Debug: Starting Scheduler thread
Debug: Starting Inotify threads
Debug: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+IndexingConfig from indexing.xml
Debug: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+DaemonConfig from daemon.xml
Debug: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+SearchingConfig from searching.xml
Debug: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+NetworkingConfig from networking.xml
Debug: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+WebServicesConfig from webservices.xml
Debug: Daemon initialization finished after .78s
Debug: Starting queryables
Debug: Starting backend: 'Thunderbird'
Debug: Starting Thunderbird backend
Warn: Exception caught while executing
Beagle.Daemon.ThunderbirdQueryable.ThunderbirdQueryable:Void StartWorker()
  at Beagle.Util.Inotify.Subscribe (System.String path,
Beagle.Util.InotifyCallback callback, EventType mask, EventType
initial_filter) [0x00000]
  at Beagle.Util.Inotify.Subscribe (System.String path,
Beagle.Util.InotifyCallback callback, EventType mask) [0x00000]
  at Beagle.Daemon.ThunderbirdQueryable.ThunderbirdIndexer..ctor
(Beagle.Daemon.ThunderbirdQueryable.ThunderbirdQueryable queryable,
System.String[] root_paths) [0x00000]
  at Beagle.Daemon.ThunderbirdQueryable.ThunderbirdQueryable.StartWorker
() [0x00000]
  at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void ()
  at Beagle.Util.ExceptionHandlingThread.ThreadStarted () [0x00000]
Debug: Caught ResponseMessageException: Connection refused
Debug: InnerException is SocketException -- we probably need to launch a
Debug: Launching helper process
Debug: IndexHelper PID is 16102
Debug: Starting messaging server
Warn: Unable to set IO priority for process to idle
Debug: IO priority for process set to best effort 7
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=15.6 MB, size=1.00, 0.0%
Debug: Found IndexHelper (16102) in 1.01s
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=17.6 MB, size=1.13, 3.3%
Debug: Found IndexHelper (16102) in 1.01s
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=17.6 MB, size=1.13, 3.3%
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=17.9 MB, size=1.15, 3.8%
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=17.9 MB, size=1.15, 3.8%
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=17.9 MB, size=1.15, 3.8%
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=17.9 MB, size=1.15, 3.8%
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=18.0 MB, size=1.15, 3.8%
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=18.0 MB, size=1.15, 3.9%
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=18.0 MB, size=1.15, 3.9%
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=18.0 MB, size=1.16, 3.9%
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=18.0 MB, size=1.16, 3.9%
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=18.0 MB, size=1.16, 3.9%
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=18.0 MB, size=1.16, 3.9%
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=18.0 MB, size=1.16, 3.9%
Debug: Helper Size: VmRSS=18.0 MB, size=1.16, 4.0%

Is this looking right?

I am sorry...I don't know much about the way Beagle works and I am at a
loss.  Thank you for your help.



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