System.DllNotFoundException: /usr/lib/cli/evolution-sharp-2.0/

Saw this in my beagle log just before it died:

20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX: Unhandled exception thrown.  Exiting immediately.
20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX: System.DllNotFoundException: /usr/lib/cli/evolution-sharp-2.0/
20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at (wrapper managed-to-native) Evolution.CalUtil:e_cal_glue_from_objects_to_glue_components (intptr)
20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at Evolution.CalUtil.CalCompFromICal (IntPtr ical_objects, Evolution.Cal ecal) [0x00000] 
20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at Beagle.Daemon.EvolutionDataServerQueryable.CalContainer.OnObjectsAdded (System.Object o, Evolution.ObjectsAddedArgs args) [0x00000] 
20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_object_ObjectsAddedArgs (object,Evolution.ObjectsAddedArgs)
20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at Evolution.CalView.ObjectsAddedSignalCallback (IntPtr arg0, IntPtr arg1, IntPtr gch) [0x00000] 
20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at (wrapper native-to-managed) Evolution.CalView:ObjectsAddedSignalCallback (intptr,intptr,intptr)
20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at <0x00000> <unknown method>
20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at (wrapper managed-to-native) GLib.MainLoop:g_main_loop_run (intptr)
20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at GLib.MainLoop.Run () [0x00000] 
20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at Beagle.Daemon.BeagleDaemon.DoMain (System.String[] args) [0x00000] 
20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at Beagle.Daemon.BeagleDaemon.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] 

Maybe I'm misreading the error message but:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 86824 2006-08-20 17:40 /usr/lib/cli/evolution-sharp-2.0/

There's more more of those same exceptions before the above one, but
this one was the one that caused beagle to exit.



My other computer is your Microsoft Windows server.

Brian J. Murrell

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