Re: Inital Deb Filter

On Friday 21 April 2006 18:10, Pat Double wrote:
> On Friday 21 April 2006 17:02, D Bera wrote:
> > Pat, I changed FilterEbuild to derive from FilterPackage. Nothing should
> > be broken since I didnt change any functionality and I tested it on 2
> > simple ebuilds. But you might want to go through it once to make sure I
> > didnt drop anything in copy/paste. I dont know the ebuild format good
> > enough.
> >
> > - dBera
> Will do. I don't know if the Deb and RPM filters put in installation info
> into the properties, but if so I also have a patch to the ebuild filter to
> do so. It would be nice to standarize on those properties like the size of
> the installed files, when it was installed, etc.

For RPM, I try to extract the information that is useful for searching or 
displaying. I didnt feel filesizes would be useful to extract so I didnt. Its 
upto you for the ebuild filter. But since filesizes can be only be extracted 
from "installed"-ebuilds and not ebuilds lying in the file-system, and I am 
not sure how can it be used while displaying in beagle-search, I am not too 
keen on adding that information to FilterPackage. Just add them specific to 

- dBera

Debajyoti Bera @
beagle / KDE fan
Mandriva / Inspiron-1100 user

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