Re: Git branches etc.

Yeah, remove the expander. I also look forward to the new FSpot configuration, with its Start Fspot button. This gives us the opportunity to close 3 bugs at once (when it is working).

Actually, I just spent another 2 hours trying to get the FSpot dataprovider working, and I failed. No idea why it is not working, and the error messages are rather missing/unhelpful. No idea what is going on. Would you mind taking a look at it? Patch against HEAD attached


Index: conduit/modules/FspotModule/
--- conduit/modules/FspotModule/	(revision 1878)
+++ conduit/modules/FspotModule/	(working copy)
@@ -38,20 +38,42 @@
     def __init__(self, *args):
+        self.update_configuration(
+            enabledTags = ([], self.set_tags, self.get_tags),
+        )
         self.enabledTags = [] = []
         self.has_roll = False
         self.photo_remote = None
         self.tag_remote = None
+        self._connection_name = None
         self.list_store = None
+    def set_tags(self, tags):
+        self.enabledTags = []
+        for tag in tags:
+            self.enabledTags.append(str(tag))
+    def get_tags(self):
+        return self.enabledTags
     def _connect_to_fspot(self):
         bus = dbus.SessionBus()
         if Utils.dbus_service_available(FSpotDbusTwoWay.SERVICE_PATH, bus):
+            #If the connection was broken and remade, the connection name changes
+            #and the connection objects no longer works. 
+            #F-Spot restarting does exactly that, so we need to remake our objects.
+            connection_name = bus.get_name_owner(FSpotDbusTwoWay.SERVICE_PATH)
+            if self._connection_name != connection_name:
+                self.photo_remote = None
+                self.tag_remote = None
+            self._connection_name = connection_name
             if self.photo_remote == None:
                     remote_object = bus.get_object(FSpotDbusTwoWay.SERVICE_PATH, FSpotDbusTwoWay.PHOTOREMOTE_PATH)
@@ -67,6 +89,9 @@
                 except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
                     print "#"*34
                     self.tag_remote = None
+        else:
+            self.photo_remote = None
+            self.tag_remote = None            
         #need both tag and photo remote to be OK
         return self.tag_remote != None and self.photo_remote != None
@@ -189,7 +214,64 @@
         self.photo_remote = None
         self.tag_remote = None
-    def configure(self, window):
+    def config_setup(self, config):
+        #forward declarations instead of passing
+        #args to callbacks
+        tags_config = None
+        status_label = None
+        tag_name_config = None
+        add_tags_section = None
+        def watch(name):
+            connected = bool(name and self._connect_to_fspot())
+            if connected:            
+                tags_config.set_choices(self._get_all_tags())            
+            add_tags_section.set_enabled(connected)
+            if config.showing:
+                if connected:
+                    status_label.set_value("F-Spot is running")
+                else:
+                    status_label.set_value("Please start F-Spot or activate the D-Bus Extension")
+        status_label = config.add_item("Status", "label")
+        config.add_item("Start F-Spot", "button",
+            initial_value = lambda x: dbus.SessionBus().start_service_by_name(self.SERVICE_PATH)
+        )
+        ### WTF???
+        ### Why do either of these crash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+        ###
+#        config.add_section("Tags")
+#        tags_config = config.add_item("Tags", "list",
+#            config_name = 'tags',
+#            choices = [(True,"tst"), (False,"tst2")],
+#        )
+#        config.add_section("Test1")
+#        items_config = config.add_item("Items", "list",
+#            config_name = "items",
+#            choices = [(True,"tst"), (False,"tst2")],
+#        )
+        def add_tag_cb(button):
+            text = tag_name_config.get_value()
+            tags = text.split(',')
+            for tag in tags:
+                self._create_tag (tag.strip ())   
+            tags_config.set_choices(self._get_all_tags())
+            tag_name_config.set_value('')
+        add_tags_section = config.add_section("Add tags")
+        tag_name_config = config.add_item("Tag name", "text",
+            initial_value = ""
+        )
+        config.add_item("Add tag", "button",
+            initial_value = add_tag_cb
+        )
+        dbus.SessionBus().watch_name_owner(self.SERVICE_PATH, watch)
+    def configure_(self, window):
         import gtk
         def create_tags_clicked_cb(button):
             text = self.tags_entry.get_text()
@@ -267,14 +349,6 @@
         response = Utils.run_dialog (dlg, window)
-    def set_configuration(self, config):
-        self.enabledTags = []
-        for tag in config.get("tags", []):
-            self.enabledTags.append(str(tag))
-    def get_configuration(self):
-        return {"tags": self.enabledTags}
     def get_UID(self):
         return Utils.get_user_string()

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