Moving to Git


Now that Gnome moved to git, I wanted to move my branches to the Gnome git. I understood the procedure to move the changes from one branch to another (I havent done it yet, so I dont know if it'll work for me), but I dont quite understand how to move my branches to Gnome git. For instance, I have some branches in my GitHub account:, but I dont want to move all of them to the Gnome git, as some of them are not very useful and others I was testing patches. But I still want to have the ability to create public and temporary branches, for testing patches and other small changes. Do Gnome provide some kind of personal repository for my branches? I'm not sure that is even what I want.

Anyway, could someone explain to me or point me somewhere else I can know more about the commit workflow now that Gnome moved to git? For instance, how does the prepare-Changelog script works with Git?

Alexandre Rosenfeld

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