Re: [Fwd: Re: status of network data provider]
- From: Zsolt Barat <zsolt softmonsters com>
- To: John Stowers <john stowers gmail com>
- Cc: conduit-list gnome org
- Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: status of network data provider]
- Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:08:06 +0100
John Stowers schrieb:
hi, thanks for your reply,
im using conduit vers. 0.3.6 and tomboy 0.8.2 but is tried also conduit
from latest svn.
avahi 0.6.22-r1, python2.5.1-r5 . all on gentoo.
thats the way i tried to sync:
i put tomboy dataprovider in connection to the network dataprovider on
both machines. i tried also the reverse. so what happens is that the
> Machine 1
> Tomboy --> Network
> Machine 2
> Network <--> Tomboy
> Then start the sync
I am so sorry, I explained this wrongly!
Machine 1 (what your screenshot shows)
Tomboy --> Network
Machine 2
You should see in your logs that it detects machine 1 has shared a
dataprovider. A new category is then created in the list of data
providers on the list. The name of this category is the name of
Machine 1. This category contains all dataproviders currently shared
(connected --> Network) on Machine 1. There should be Tomboy in this
list. Drag it to the canvas and connect it to a regular Tomboy
Tomboy from Machine 1 <--> Tomboy
Then start the sync
Both machines must be running the same Conduit version. If this doesnt
work can you please file a bug with the logs from both machines
attached please.
Regards, sorry I put you wrong
hi john,
thanks for your detailed explanation, but sadly this doesn't work here.
this new category is not created. see the attached logs for details.
proto1 is the workstation where i try to share my tomboy notes from and
lisabook is my laptop. i disabled ipv6 in avahi because i thought it
could be prob, but nothing has changed.
best regards
[Main ][INFO ] Conduit v0.3.6 Installed: True (
[Main ][INFO ] Using UI: gtk (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /home/zsolt/.conduit/modules (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/GConfModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/BackpackModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/BansheeModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/NetworkModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/BoxDotNetModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FileModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/N800Module (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FlickrModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/PicasaModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/ShutterflyModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/RhythmboxModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/SmugMugModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/YouTubeModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FeedModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FspotModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FacebookModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/GoogleModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/EvolutionModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/GmailModule (
[dataproviders.SimpleFactory][INFO ] HAL Initialized (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/BackpackModule/backpack to python path (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/NetworkModule to python path (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Starting AvahiAdvertiser server (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Announcing avahi conduit service (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/BoxDotNetModule/BoxDotNetAPI to python path (
[dataproviders.SimpleFactory][INFO ] HAL Initialized (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FlickrModule/FlickrAPI to python path (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/PicasaModule/PicasaAPI to python path (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/ShutterflyModule/shutterfly to python path (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/SmugMugModule/SmugMugAPI to python path (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FacebookModule to python path (
[modules.Google ][WARNING] Skipping GoogleCalendarTwoWay - GDATA is not available (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/GmailModule/libgmail- to python path (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=ContactConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=PixbufPhotoConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=FileConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=TomboyNoteConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=EmailConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=AudioVideoConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=SettingConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=NoteConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=EventConverter Initargs=() (
[gtkui.UI ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/share/conduit to icon theme search path (
[gtkui.UI ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules to icon theme search path (
[gtkui.UI ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/share/conduit/icons to icon theme search path (
[gtkui.UI ][DEBUG ] Adding /home/zsolt/.conduit/modules to icon theme search path (
[Syncronization ][DEBUG ] Setting sync policy: {'deleted': 'ask', 'conflict': 'ask'} (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Rhythmbox Music source (UID: RhythmboxSource-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Creating Category <conduit.dataproviders.DataProviderCategory.DataProviderCategory instance at 0x2aad271804d0> (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: YouTube source (UID: YouTubeSource-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Creating Category <conduit.dataproviders.DataProviderCategory.DataProviderCategory instance at 0x2aad2694b9e0> (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: F-Spot Photos source (UID: FspotSource-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Creating Category <conduit.dataproviders.DataProviderCategory.DataProviderCategory instance at 0x2aad26940680> (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: RSS Feed source (UID: RSSSource-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Banshee Playlists source (UID: BansheeSource-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Files source (UID: FileSource-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Creating Category <conduit.dataproviders.DataProviderCategory.DataProviderCategory instance at 0x2aad26940488> (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Backpack Notes sink (UID: BackpackNoteSink-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Creating Category <conduit.dataproviders.DataProviderCategory.DataProviderCategory instance at 0x2aad269403b0> (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Shutterfly sink (UID: ShutterflySink-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Facebook sink (UID: FacebookSink-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Tomboy Notes twoway (UID: TomboyNoteTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Picasa twoway (UID: PicasaTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: twoway (UID: BoxDotNetTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Network twoway (UID: NetworkEndpoint-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Folder twoway (UID: FolderTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Email twoway (UID: GmailEmailTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Creating Category <conduit.dataproviders.DataProviderCategory.DataProviderCategory instance at 0x1328cb0> (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: SmugMug twoway (UID: SmugMugTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: GConf Settings twoway (UID: GConfTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Flickr twoway (UID: FlickrTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[SyncSet ][INFO ] Restoring Sync Set from /home/zsolt/.conduit/settings-dev.xml (
[gtkui.UI ][DEBUG ] Presenting GUI (
[ModuleWrapper ][WARNING] Could not load icon applications-media for Media (
[ModuleWrapper ][WARNING] Could not load icon banshee for Banshee Playlists (
[ModuleWrapper ][WARNING] Could not load icon rhythmbox for Rhythmbox Music (
[DBus ][DEBUG ] DBus Exported: / (
[DBus ][DEBUG ] DBus Exported: /syncset/gui (
[DBus ][DEBUG ] DBus Exported: /syncset/dbus (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Resolved conduit service proto1 on proto1.local -
Extra Info: ['version=0.3.6'] (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Remote host 'proto1.local' detected (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Resolved conduit service lisabook on lisabook.local - fe80::21c:b3ff:fec3:e6d8:3400
Extra Info: ['version=0.3.6'] (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Remote host 'lisabook.local' detected (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Resolved conduit service lisabook on lisabook.local - fe80::21b:63ff:fe34:7617:3400
Extra Info: ['version=0.3.6'] (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Remote host 'lisabook.local' detected (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Resolved conduit service lisabook on lisabook.local -
Extra Info: ['version=0.3.6'] (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Remote host 'lisabook.local' detected (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Resolved conduit service lisabook on lisabook.local -
Extra Info: ['version=0.3.6'] (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Remote host 'lisabook.local' detected (
[Main ][INFO ] Closing application (
[SyncSet ][INFO ] Saving Sync Set to /home/zsolt/.conduit/settings-dev.xml (
[Main ][INFO ] Setting global cancel flag (
[Main ][INFO ] Stopping Synchronization threads (
[Main ][INFO ] Closing dataprovider factories (
[Main ][INFO ] Unitializing dataproviders (
/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/ line 131: 8408 Beendet "$prog" ${1+"$@"}
[Main ][INFO ] Conduit v0.3.6 Installed: True (
[Main ][INFO ] Using UI: gtk (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /home/zsolt/.conduit/modules (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/YouTubeModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/N800Module (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/ShutterflyModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FeedModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/BackpackModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FspotModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/GmailModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/BoxDotNetModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FlickrModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/RhythmboxModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/GoogleModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/BansheeModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/PicasaModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/EvolutionModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/SmugMugModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FacebookModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/GConfModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FileModule (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Reading directory /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/NetworkModule (
[dataproviders.SimpleFactory][INFO ] HAL Initialized (
[dataproviders.SimpleFactory][INFO ] HAL Initialized (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/ShutterflyModule/shutterfly to python path (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/BackpackModule/backpack to python path (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/GmailModule/libgmail- to python path (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/BoxDotNetModule/BoxDotNetAPI to python path (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FlickrModule/FlickrAPI to python path (
[modules.Google ][WARNING] Skipping GoogleCalendarTwoWay - GDATA is not available (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/PicasaModule/PicasaAPI to python path (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/SmugMugModule/SmugMugAPI to python path (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/FacebookModule to python path (
[Utils ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules/NetworkModule to python path (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Starting AvahiAdvertiser server (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Announcing avahi conduit service (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=ContactConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=PixbufPhotoConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=FileConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=TomboyNoteConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=EmailConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=AudioVideoConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=SettingConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=NoteConverter Initargs=() (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=EventConverter Initargs=() (
[gtkui.UI ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/share/conduit to icon theme search path (
[gtkui.UI ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/lib64/conduit/modules to icon theme search path (
[gtkui.UI ][DEBUG ] Adding /usr/share/conduit/icons to icon theme search path (
[gtkui.UI ][DEBUG ] Adding /home/zsolt/.conduit/modules to icon theme search path (
[Syncronization ][DEBUG ] Setting sync policy: {'deleted': 'ask', 'conflict': 'ask'} (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Rhythmbox Music source (UID: RhythmboxSource-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Creating Category <conduit.dataproviders.DataProviderCategory.DataProviderCategory instance at 0x2b912ddae5a8> (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: YouTube source (UID: YouTubeSource-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Creating Category <conduit.dataproviders.DataProviderCategory.DataProviderCategory instance at 0x2b912cd30ab8> (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: F-Spot Photos source (UID: FspotSource-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Creating Category <conduit.dataproviders.DataProviderCategory.DataProviderCategory instance at 0x2b912cd23758> (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: RSS Feed source (UID: RSSSource-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Banshee Playlists source (UID: BansheeSource-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Files source (UID: FileSource-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Creating Category <conduit.dataproviders.DataProviderCategory.DataProviderCategory instance at 0x2b912cd23560> (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Backpack Notes sink (UID: BackpackNoteSink-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Creating Category <conduit.dataproviders.DataProviderCategory.DataProviderCategory instance at 0x2b912cd23488> (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Shutterfly sink (UID: ShutterflySink-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Facebook sink (UID: FacebookSink-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Tomboy Notes twoway (UID: TomboyNoteTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Picasa twoway (UID: PicasaTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: twoway (UID: BoxDotNetTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Network twoway (UID: NetworkEndpoint-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Folder twoway (UID: FolderTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Email twoway (UID: GmailEmailTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Creating Category <conduit.dataproviders.DataProviderCategory.DataProviderCategory instance at 0x142e050> (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: SmugMug twoway (UID: SmugMugTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: GConf Settings twoway (UID: GConfTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[gtkui.Tree ][DEBUG ] Adding DataProvider Wrapper: Flickr twoway (UID: FlickrTwoWay-None) to TreeModel (
[SyncSet ][INFO ] Restoring Sync Set from /home/zsolt/.conduit/settings-dev.xml (
[SyncSet ][DEBUG ] Restoring TomboyNoteTwoWay to (source=True) (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=TomboyNoteTwoWay Initargs=() (
[modules.Tomboy ][INFO ] Using Tomboy Version 0.8.2 (
[dataproviders.DataProvider][DEBUG ] set_configuration() not overridden by derived class Tomboy Notes (
[Conduit ][DEBUG ] Adding twoway dataprovider into source position (
[SyncSet ][DEBUG ] Restoring NetworkEndpoint to (source=False) (
[Module ][DEBUG ] Returning new instance: Classname=NetworkEndpoint Initargs=() (
[dataproviders.DataProvider][DEBUG ] set_configuration() not overridden by derived class Network (
[Conduit ][DEBUG ] Adding twoway dataprovider into sink position (
[TypeConverter ][DEBUG ] [('note', '', {})] (
[TypeConverter ][DEBUG ] Conversions note -> doesnt exist (
[gtkui.UI ][DEBUG ] Presenting GUI (
[ModuleWrapper ][WARNING] Could not load icon applications-media for Media (
[ModuleWrapper ][WARNING] Could not load icon banshee for Banshee Playlists (
[DBus ][DEBUG ] DBus Exported: / (
[DBus ][DEBUG ] DBus Exported: /syncset/gui (
[DBus ][DEBUG ] DBus Exported: /syncset/dbus (
[DBus ][DEBUG ] DBus Message from /syncset/gui: Emmiting DBus signal ConduitAdded (
[modules.Network.S ][INFO ] Starting server for Wrapper: Tomboy Notes twoway (UID: TomboyNoteTwoWay-zsolt proto1) on port 3401 (
[modules.Network.S ][INFO ] Starting server for Wrapper: Tomboy Notes twoway (UID: TomboyNoteTwoWay-zsolt proto1) on port 3401 (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Resolved conduit service lisabook on lisabook.local -
Extra Info: ['version=0.3.6'] (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Remote host 'lisabook.local' detected (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Resolved conduit service proto1 on proto1.local -
Extra Info: ['version=0.3.6'] (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Remote host 'proto1.local' detected (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Remote host 'lisabook' removed (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Resolved conduit service lisabook on lisabook.local -
Extra Info: ['version=0.3.6'] (
[modules.Network ][DEBUG ] Remote host 'lisabook.local' detected (
[Main ][INFO ] Closing application (
[SyncSet ][INFO ] Saving Sync Set to /home/zsolt/.conduit/settings-dev.xml (
[dataproviders.DataProvider][DEBUG ] get_configuration() not overridden by derived class Tomboy Notes (
[dataproviders.DataProvider][DEBUG ] get_configuration() not overridden by derived class Network (
[Main ][INFO ] Setting global cancel flag (
[Main ][INFO ] Stopping Synchronization threads (
[Main ][INFO ] Closing dataprovider factories (
[Main ][INFO ] Unitializing dataproviders (
/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/ line 131: 6645 Beendet "$prog" ${1+"$@"}
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