Error with a notehe book

I m in holiday at a friend and give me a notebook for using during one week.

I immediately downloawd conduit & try to upload file to the picassa
web but a error never see before block me :

[Module              ][WARNING] Error loading the file:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pitch/Desktop/roums/conduit-0.3.15/conduit/",
line 173, in _load_modules_in_file
    mod = self._import_file(filename)
  File "/home/pitch/Desktop/roums/conduit-0.3.15/conduit/",
line 154, in _import_file
    mods = pydoc.importfile (filename)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 259, in importfile
    raise ErrorDuringImport(path, sys.exc_info())
ErrorDuringImport: problem in
- <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: No module named dateutil.parser

Maybe, a information about the package python-dateutil is needed for
some dataprovider is will be great , isnt it ?

I install the package, relunch conduit :

 [Module              ][WARNING] Error loading the file:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pitch/Desktop/roums/conduit-0.3.15/conduit/",
line 173, in _load_modules_in_file
    mod = self._import_file(filename)
  File "/home/pitch/Desktop/roums/conduit-0.3.15/conduit/",
line 154, in _import_file
    mods = pydoc.importfile (filename)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 259, in importfile
    raise ErrorDuringImport(path, sys.exc_info())
ErrorDuringImport: problem in
- <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: No module named vobject

same problem and question for the package python-vobject ...
Install this & re-run conduit.

Yes, the dataprovider is here.
I make a sync beetween files to picassa :
    It s not possible to file file in the mode icon view : not very
simple to find files ....
And in the files view, you cant select more than one file a a time ...

Bref, a make a sync this 5 files :

GError: Failed to open file
No such file or directory

Ohh shit, what the problem ?
i remove the & in the folder : same problem.

I remove the space on the file : Ok its uploading

The full log :

[TypeConverter       ][DEBUG  ] Converting file -> file/photo (args:
{'default-format': 'image/jpeg', 'formats': 'image/jpeg', 'size':
'1024x768'}) (
[modules.PhotoConverter][INFO   ] Transcode Photo: {'default-format':
'image/jpeg', 'formats': 'image/jpeg', 'size': '1024x768'}
[TypeConverter       ][DEBUG  ] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pitch/Desktop/roums/conduit-0.3.15/conduit/",
line 176, in _convert
    self.convertables[from_type][to_type](data, **args)
  File "/home/pitch/Desktop/roums/conduit-0.3.15/conduit/modules/",
line 116, in file_to_photo
    return self.transcode(p,**kwargs)
  File "/home/pitch/Desktop/roums/conduit-0.3.15/conduit/modules/",
line 74, in transcode
    w,h = photo.get_photo_size()
  File "/home/pitch/Desktop/roums/conduit-0.3.15/conduit/datatypes/",
line 70, in get_photo_size
  File "/home/pitch/Desktop/roums/conduit-0.3.15/conduit/datatypes/",
line 63, in get_photo_pixbuf
    self.pb = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(self.get_local_uri())
GError: Failed to open file
'/home/pitch/Desktop/roums/IUGA/2008-11-30%20-%2011.40.32.JPG': No
such file or directory

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