flickr as datasource

Hi all,

Last night, i added the possibility to use your smugmug and picasa
albums as datasource.  This means you can now fully keep a local folder
and your smugmug/picasa album in sync.

This has not been done yet for the flickr provider for the following
1. flickr does not have the notion of albums
2. i could use a search on tags in your current account, just like you
can tag when you upload to flickr.  The problem here is that currently
you don't need to specify a tag when uploading, so that would require
different configuration behaviour for source vs sink

3. i could sync with a photo-set; but again that would require different
configuration (which we currently do not support (?)).  And i don't know
how much real flickr users - which i am not - use that concept.

Suggestions welcome,

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