[devdocsgjs] (73 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/andyholmes/gnome-43

The branch 'wip/andyholmes/gnome-43' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  e77de8c... Update for GNOME 43

Commits added to the branch:

  6510b06... add Sanctuary (*)
  7b66bd9... update pilcrow colour in dark theme (*)
  a63f32c... add hacks to prevent overzealous test cases from failing (*)
  d471a23... chore(deps): update ruby/setup-ruby action to v1.114.0 (*)
  79e2e85... Merge pull request #1794 from freeCodeCamp/renovate/ruby-se (*)
  7cae548... Update Rust documentation (1.63.0) (*)
  36e8cd9... chore(deps): update ruby docker tag to v2.7.6 (*)
  7a1f8ca... Merge pull request #1797 from freeCodeCamp/renovate/ruby-2. (*)
  701f954... Update Support Tables documentation (1.0.30001376) (*)
  52e061a... Update MariaDB documentation (10.8.3) (*)
  b5ef4ff... Related Projects: add quickDocs and vim-devdocs (*)
  0cab638... Update Julia documentation (1.8.0) (*)
  4f6e549... chore(deps): update ruby/setup-ruby action to v1.115.1 (*)
  5e284ca... Merge pull request #1799 from freeCodeCamp/renovate/ruby-se (*)
  3b55d24... chore(deps): update ruby/setup-ruby action to v1.115.2 (*)
  48d55da... Merge pull request #1800 from freeCodeCamp/renovate/ruby-se (*)
  514a267... chore(deps): update ruby/setup-ruby action to v1.115.3 (*)
  69cf3c7... Merge pull request #1802 from freeCodeCamp/renovate/ruby-se (*)
  0f64d27... Update Deno documentation (1.25.0) (*)
  0536298... sanctuary: simplify filter (*)
  d1edab7... sanctuary: simplify (*)
  2b781b9... sanctuary: add news entry (*)
  a6fe023... Merge pull request #1771 from davidchambers/sanctuary (*)
  39f8849... Fix Nokogiri::XML::Node.new deprecation (*)
  86cc6f3... Update TypeScript documentation (4.8.2) (*)
  a28add7... Update Nix documentation (2.10.3) (*)
  6434970... Update SQLite documentation (3.39.2) (*)
  b09c0cf... Update React documentation (18.2.0) (*)
  1a4ddca... Update Immutable.js documentation (4.1.0) (*)
  246e352... Update Homebrew documentation (3.5.10) (*)
  06f1115... Update Prettier documentation (2.7.1) (*)
  b101ec8... Update Flask documentation (2.2.x) (*)
  9ba1ba1... Update Werkzeug documentation (2.2.x) (*)
  5c1769e... Update Jest documentation (29.0.1) (*)
  cb1584b... Update Electron documentation (20.0.0) (*)
  3947238... Update Electron documentation (20.0.0) (*)
  9e9fa2b... Update React Native documentation (0.69) (*)
  16f42e7... Add Requests documentation (2.28.1) (*)
  0ed83b2... Merge pull request #1803 from freeCodeCamp/requests (*)
  03e42df... Add Axios documentation (0.27.2) (*)
  ccce5e8... Merge pull request #1804 from freeCodeCamp/axios (*)
  91dc724... Fix iframe height (*)
  d697f88... Update Angular documentation (14.2.0) (*)
  56ab068... Update Nix documentation (2.11.0) (*)
  cf2c992... Update ESLint documentation (8.23.0) (*)
  d55d41b... Update HAProxy documentation (2.6.5) (*)
  255f71b... Update D3.js documentation (7.6.1) (*)
  965be77... Image scraping: evaluate Content-Length header (*)
  766d013... Update Express documentation (4.18.1) (*)
  5540f12... Update Node.js documentation (18.8.0) (*)
  32a0f92... Update Composer documentation (2.4.1) (*)
  6a8c4a1... Update Flow documentation (0.186.0) (*)
  700b82b... Update esbuild documentation (0.15.7) (*)
  2045567... Update MariaDB documentation (10.9.2) (*)
  f7aead9... Add date-fns documentation (2.29.2) (*)
  79466f7... Merge pull request #1810 from freeCodeCamp/date-fns (*)
  4f2c2bd... Update C and C++ documentation (*)
  3260db2... Update HTML documentation (*)
  719c310... Update CSS documentation (*)
  ac42a79... Update JavaScript documentation (*)
  078d1bc... Update SVG documentation (*)
  611dfee... Update Web Extensions documentation (*)
  831acb6... Update XSLT & XPath documentation (*)
  0da7135... mdn: reference mdn/yari interactive-examples.scss (*)
  750ab2e... Merge pull request #1809 from FireIsGood/main (*)
  ebe281a... Update Python documentation (3.10.6) (*)
  d8306ef... Update Node.js documentation (18.8.0) (*)
  dbe0b56... Update Moment.js documentation (2.29.4) (*)
  8754993... Update Python documentation (3.10.7) (*)
  ef6b66e... chore(deps): update ruby/setup-ruby action to v1.116.0 (*)
  9720f1a... Merge pull request #1812 from freeCodeCamp/renovate/ruby-se (*)
  06660a1... Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into wip/andyh (*)
  0673d93... Update for GNOME 43

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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