[sysadmin-bin] master.g.o was rebuilt to RHEL 8, use a venv to avoid rewriting the entire ftpadmin script

commit 0a67c3f691b3dc519469eb4285801b8dc59f268c
Author: Andrea Veri <averi redhat com>
Date:   Tue Aug 30 01:16:35 2022 +0200

    master.g.o was rebuilt to RHEL 8, use a venv to avoid rewriting the entire ftpadmin script

 ftpadmin     | 1845 +---------------------------------------------------------
 ftpadmin_cmd | 1844 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1847 insertions(+), 1842 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ftpadmin b/ftpadmin
index 5dc419b..fb09a48 100755
--- a/ftpadmin
+++ b/ftpadmin
@@ -1,1844 +1,5 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -u
-import sys
-import os
-import os.path
-import grp
-import pwd
-import re
-import tempfile
-import tarfile
-import pprint
-import difflib
-import shutil
-import gzip
-import bz2
-import lzma # pyliblzma
-import subprocess
-import argparse
-import errno
-import glob
-import string
-from email.mime.text import MIMEText
-from email.header import Header
-from email.utils import formataddr
-import json
-import xmlrpclib
-    from cStringIO import StringIO
-except ImportError:
-    from StringIO import StringIO
+source /home/admin/ftpadmin_venv/bin/activate
-import urlparse
-import urllib2
-script_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
-script_dir = os.path.dirname(script_path) + '/git'
-sys.path.insert(0, '/home/admin/bin/git')
-sys.path.insert(0, script_dir)
-# Lives inside gitadmin-bin
-import semi_rdf
-# Protection, only ovitters should be using debug mode:
-if not os.environ['USER'] in ('ovitters', 'olav'):
-    DEBUG=False
-re_file = 
-re_majmin = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*')
-re_maj = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+).*')
-re_version = re.compile(r'([-.]|\d+|[^-.\d]+)')
-re_who = re.compile(r' <[^>]+>$')
-re_whitespace = re.compile("\s+")
-        'sources',
-        'core',
-        'apps',
-        'platform',
-        'desktop',
-        'bindings',
-        'admin',
-        'devtools',
-        'mobile',
-def get_majmin(version):
-    """Returns the folder name to be used.
-    This is major.minor for the old versioning scheme and major for the new
-    scheme (starting GNOME 40)"""
-    maj = re_maj.sub(r'\1', version)
-    if int(maj) >= 40:
-        return maj
-    return re_majmin.sub(r'\1', version)
-def version_cmp(a, b):
-    """Compares two versions
-    Returns
-      -1 if a < b
-      0  if a == b
-      1  if a > b
-    Logic from Bugzilla::Install::Util::vers_cmp"""
-    A = re_version.findall(a.lstrip('0'))
-    B = re_version.findall(b.lstrip('0'))
-    while A and B:
-        a = A.pop(0)
-        b = B.pop(0)
-        if a == b:
-            continue
-        elif a == '-':
-            return -1
-        elif b == '-':
-            return 1
-        elif a == '.':
-            return -1
-        elif b == '.':
-            return 1
-        elif a.isdigit() and b.isdigit():
-            c = cmp(a, b) if (a.startswith('0') or b.startswith('0')) else cmp(int(a, 10), int(b, 10))
-            if c:
-                return c
-        elif a.isalpha() and b.isdigit():
-            if a == 'alpha' or a == 'beta' or a == 'rc':
-                return -1
-        elif a.isdigit() and b.isalpha():
-            if b == 'alpha' or b == 'beta' or b == 'rc':
-                return 1
-        else:
-            c = cmp(a.upper(), b.upper())
-            if c:
-                return c
-    return cmp(len(A), len(B))
-def get_latest_version(versions, max_version=None):
-    """Gets the latest version number
-    if max_version is specified, gets the latest version number before
-    max_version"""
-    latest = None
-    for version in versions:
-        if ( latest is None or version_cmp(version, latest) > 0 ) \
-           and ( max_version is None or version_cmp(version, max_version) < 0 ):
-            latest = version
-    return latest
-def human_size(size):
-    suffixes = [("",2**10), ("K",2**20), ("M",2**30), ("G",2**40), ("T",2**50)]
-    for suf, lim in suffixes:
-        if size < lim:
-            break
-    sizediv = size/float(lim/2**10)
-    if suf == "":
-        fmt = "%0.0f%s"
-    elif sizediv > 100:
-        fmt = "%0.0f%s"
-    elif sizediv > 10:
-        fmt = "%0.1f%s"
-    else:
-        fmt = "%0.2f%s"
-    return fmt % (size/float(lim/2**10), suf)
-def makedirs_chown(name, mode=0777, uid=-1, gid=-1):
-    """Like os.makedirs, but also does a chown
-    """
-    head, tail = os.path.split(name)
-    if not tail:
-        head, tail = os.path.split(head)
-    if head and tail and not os.path.exists(head):
-        try:
-            makedirs_chown(head, mode, uid, gid)
-        except OSError, e:
-            # be happy if someone already created the path
-            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
-                raise
-        if tail == os.path.curdir:           # xxx/newdir/. exists if xxx/newdir exists
-            return
-    os.mkdir(name, mode)
-    os.chown(name, uid, gid)
-def line_input (file):
-    for line in file:
-        if line[-1] == '\n':
-            yield line[:-1]
-        else:
-            yield line
-class _LZMAProxy(object):
-    """Small proxy class that enables external file object
-       support for "r:lzma" and "w:lzma" modes. This is actually
-       a workaround for a limitation in lzma module's LZMAFile
-       class which (unlike gzip.GzipFile) has no support for
-       a file object argument.
-    """
-    blocksize = 16 * 1024
-    def __init__(self, fileobj, mode):
-        self.fileobj = fileobj
-        self.mode = mode
-        self.name = getattr(self.fileobj, "name", None)
-        self.init()
-    def init(self):
-#        import lzma
-        self.pos = 0
-        if self.mode == "r":
-            self.lzmaobj = lzma.LZMADecompressor()
-            self.fileobj.seek(0)
-            self.buf = ""
-        else:
-            self.lzmaobj = lzma.LZMACompressor()
-    def read(self, size):
-        b = [self.buf]
-        x = len(self.buf)
-        while x < size:
-            raw = self.fileobj.read(self.blocksize)
-            if not raw:
-                break
-            try:
-                data = self.lzmaobj.decompress(raw)
-            except EOFError:
-                break
-            b.append(data)
-            x += len(data)
-        self.buf = "".join(b)
-        buf = self.buf[:size]
-        self.buf = self.buf[size:]
-        self.pos += len(buf)
-        return buf
-    def seek(self, pos):
-        if pos < self.pos:
-            self.init()
-        self.read(pos - self.pos)
-class XzTarFile(tarfile.TarFile):
-    OPEN_METH = tarfile.TarFile.OPEN_METH.copy()
-    OPEN_METH["xz"] = "xzopen"
-    @classmethod
-    def xzopen(cls, name, mode="r", fileobj=None, **kwargs):
-        """Open gzip compressed tar archive name for reading or writing.
-           Appending is not allowed.
-        """
-        if len(mode) > 1 or mode not in "rw":
-            raise ValueError("mode must be 'r' or 'w'")
-        if fileobj is not None:
-            fileobj = _LMZAProxy(fileobj, mode)
-        else:
-            fileobj = lzma.LZMAFile(name, mode)
-        try:
-            # lzma doesn't immediately return an error
-            # try and read a bit of data to determine if it is a valid xz file
-            fileobj.read(_LZMAProxy.blocksize)
-            fileobj.seek(0)
-            t = cls.taropen(name, mode, fileobj, **kwargs)
-        except IOError:
-            raise tarfile.ReadError("not a xz file")
-        except lzma.error:
-            raise tarfile.ReadError("not a xz file")
-        t._extfileobj = False
-        return t
-if not hasattr(tarfile.TarFile, 'xzopen'):
-    tarfile.open = XzTarFile.open
-class SetEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
-    def default(self, obj):
-       if isinstance(obj, set):
-          return list(obj)
-       return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
-class BasicInfo(object):
-    GROUPID = None
-    GROUP_VCS='gnomecvs'
-    FTPROOT='/ftp/pub/GNOME'
-    FTPROOT_DEBUG='/ftp/tmp'
-    URLROOT='https://download.gnome.org'
-    BLOCKSIZE=2*1024*1024 # (dot will be printed per block for progress indication)
-    # Note: this defines the formats install-module can read
-    #       formats install-module creates are defined in
-    #       ModuleInstall.INSTALL_FORMATS
-    #
-    # WARNING: When extending this, make sure tarfile.TarFile
-    #          actually also supports the new compression!
-    #          See e.g. XzTarFile class
-    FORMATS = {
-        'tar.gz': gzip.GzipFile,
-        'tar.bz2': bz2.BZ2File,
-        'tar.xz': lzma.LZMAFile
-    }
-    DIFF_FILES = [
-        # Filename in tarball; extension on ftp.gnome.org; heading name
-        ('NEWS', 'news', 'News'),
-        ('ChangeLog', 'changes', 'ChangeLog')
-    ]
-    DIFF_FILES_DICT = dict([(a,(b,c)) for a,b,c in DIFF_FILES])
-class DOAP(BasicInfo):
-    NS_DOAP = "http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#";
-    #NS_FOAF = "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/";
-    NS_GNOME = "http://api.gnome.org/doap-extensions#";
-    DOAP_CACHE = '/ftp/cache/doap.json'
-    TARBALL_PATH_PREFIX = '/sources/'
-    TARBALL_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX = '.gnome.org'
-    PROPERTIES = ('description', 'shortdesc', 'name')
-    PROPERTIES_AS_LIST = ('bug-database', )
-    # http://www.artima.com/forums/flat.jsp?forum=122&thread=15024
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.jsonfile = self.DOAP_CACHE
-        self._init_doap()
-    def get_module(self, tarball):
-        modules = self.tarball_to_module.get(tarball, [])
-        if not modules: modules.append(tarball)
-        if len(modules) == 1:
-            return list(modules)[0]
-        elif tarball in modules:
-            return tarball
-        else:
-            return sorted(modules, key=len)[0]
-    def _init_doap(self, force_refresh=False):
-        from datetime import datetime
-        import dateutil.relativedelta as relativedelta
-        if not os.path.exists(self.jsonfile) or os.path.getsize(self.jsonfile) == 0:
-            force_refresh = True
-        if os.path.exists(self.jsonfile) and datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.jsonfile)) < 
(datetime.now() - relativedelta.relativedelta(days=1)):            force_refresh = True
-        if not force_refresh:
-            j = json.load(open(self.jsonfile, 'rb'))
-            json_ver = j[0]
-            if json_ver == self.JSONVERSION:
-                json_ver, info, TARBALL_TO_MODULE, UID_TO_MODULES = j
-                if not len(info):
-                    force_refresh = True
-            elif json_ver > self.JSONVERSION:
-                print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: Json newer than supported version, ignoring json"
-                force_refresh = True
-            else:
-                force_refresh = True
-        changed = False
-        if force_refresh:
-           info, TARBALL_TO_MODULE, UID_TO_MODULES = self._parse_url_handle()
-            changed = True
-        self.info = info
-        self.tarball_to_module = TARBALL_TO_MODULE
-        self.uid_to_module = UID_TO_MODULES
-        if changed:
-            # save the new information
-            self.write_json()
-    def _parse_url_handle(self):
-        from xml.sax import SAXParseException
-        import gitlab
-        UID_TO_MODULES = {}
-        TARBALL_TO_MODULE = {}
-        MODULE_INFO = {}
-        exec(open("/home/admin/secret/gitlab_ro").read())
-        gl = gitlab.Gitlab('https://gitlab.gnome.org', GITLAB_PRIVATE_RO_TOKEN, api_version=4)
-        group = gl.groups.get(8, with_projects=False)
-        projects = group.projects.list(all=True, with_shared=False)
-        doap_url = 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/%s/%s/raw/%s/%s.doap'
-        for p in projects:
-            default_branch = p.attributes.get('default_branch')
-            if not default_branch:
-               default_branch = 'master'
-            namespace = p.attributes['namespace']['name']
-            name = p.attributes.get('path')
-            try:
-                nodes = semi_rdf.read_rdf(doap_url % (namespace, name, default_branch, name))
-            except SAXParseException:
-                continue
-            for node in nodes:
-                if node.name != (self.NS_DOAP, "Project"):
-                    continue
-                modname = name
-                MODULE_INFO[modname] = {}
-                tarballs = [url.path[url.path.index(self.TARBALL_PATH_PREFIX) + 
TARBALL_PATH_PREFIX_LEN:].split('/')[0] for url in [urlparse.urlparse(url) for url in 
node.find_properties((self.NS_DOAP, u'download-page')) if isinstance(url, semi_rdf.UrlResource)] if 
self.TARBALL_PATH_PREFIX in url.path and url.hostname.endswith(self.TARBALL_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX)]
-            if tarballs:
-                MODULE_INFO[modname]['tarballs'] = set(tarballs)
-                for tarball in tarballs:
-                    TARBALL_TO_MODULE.setdefault(tarball, set()).add(modname)
-            maints = set()
-            for maint in node.find_properties((self.NS_DOAP, u'maintainer')):
-                if not isinstance(maint, semi_rdf.Node):
-                    continue
-                uid = maint.find_property((self.NS_GNOME, u'userid'))
-                if not isinstance(uid, basestring):
-                    continue
-                uid = str(uid)
-                maints.add(uid)
-                UID_TO_MODULES.setdefault(uid, set()).add(modname)
-            if maints:
-                MODULE_INFO[modname]['maintainers'] = maints
-            for prop in self.PROPERTIES:
-                val = node.find_property((self.NS_DOAP, prop))
-                if val is not None:  MODULE_INFO[modname][prop] = val
-            for prop in self.PROPERTIES_AS_LIST:
-                val = node.find_properties((self.NS_DOAP, prop))
-                if val: MODULE_INFO[modname][prop] = list(val)
-    def write_json(self):
-        # Want to overwrite any existing file and change the owner
-        if os.path.exists(self.jsonfile):
-            os.remove(self.jsonfile)
-        with open(self.jsonfile, 'w') as f:
-            json.dump((self.JSONVERSION, self.info, self.tarball_to_module, self.uid_to_module), f, 
-            if self.GROUPID is not None:
-                os.fchown(f.fileno(), -1, self.GROUPID)
-class TarInfo(BasicInfo):
-    def __init__(self, path, files=set()):
-        self.path = path
-        self.file = {}
-        self.dirname, self.basename = os.path.split(path)
-        tarinfo_files = files.copy()
-        r = re_file.match(self.basename)
-        if r:
-            fileinfo = r.groupdict()
-            self.module = fileinfo['module']
-            self.version = fileinfo['version']
-            self.format = fileinfo['format']
-            self.majmin = get_majmin(fileinfo['version'])
-            for tarballname, format, formatname in self.DIFF_FILES:
-                tarinfo_files.add('%s-%s/%s' % (self.module, self.version, tarballname))
-        else:
-            self.module = None
-            self.version = None
-            self.format = None
-            self.majmin = None
-        self.files = tarinfo_files
-    def check(self, progress=False):
-        """Check tarball consistency"""
-        if hasattr(self, '_errors'):
-            return self._errors
-        errors = {}
-        files = self.files
-        t = None
-        try:
-            # This automatically determines the compression method
-            # However, it does that by just trying to open it with every compression method it knows
-            # and seeing what succeeds. Which is somewhat inefficient
-            t = tarfile.open(self.path, 'r')
-            size_files = 0
-            file_count = 0
-            uniq_dir = None
-            dots_shown = 0
-            for info in t:
-                file_count += 1
-                size_files += info.size
-                if info.name in files:
-                    try:
-                        self.file[os.path.basename(info.name)] = t.extractfile(info).readlines()
-                    except SystemError:
-                        print "warning: no new line at the end of the %s file, reading file byte by byte" % 
-                        self.file[os.path.basename(info.name)] = t.extractfile(info).read()
-                if file_count == 1:
-                    if '/' in info.name.lstrip('/'):
-                        uniq_dir = "%s/" % info.name.lstrip('/').partition('/')[0]
-                    elif info.isdir():
-                        uniq_dir = "%s/" % info.name
-                elif uniq_dir is not None and not info.name.startswith(uniq_dir) and \
-                     not ( info.isdir() and uniq_dir == '%s/' % info.name ):
-                    uniq_dir = None
-                if progress:
-                    dots_to_show = t.offset / self.BLOCKSIZE
-                    if dots_to_show > dots_shown:
-                        sys.stdout.write("." * (dots_to_show - dots_shown))
-                        dots_shown = dots_to_show
-            # Now determine the current position in the tar file
-            tar_end_of_data_pos = t.fileobj.tell()
-            # as well as the last position in the tar file
-            # Note: doing a read as seeking is often not supported :-(
-            while t.fileobj.read(self.BLOCKSIZE) != '':
-                if progress:
-                    sys.stdout.write(".")
-            tar_end_of_file_pos = t.fileobj.tell()
-            test_uniq_dir = '%s-%s/' % (self.module, self.version)
-            if uniq_dir is None:
-                errors['NO_UNIQ_DIR'] = 'Files should all be in one directory (%s)' % test_uniq_dir
-            elif uniq_dir != test_uniq_dir:
-                errors['UNIQ_DIR'] = 'Files not in the correct directory (expected %s, found %s)' % 
(test_uniq_dir, uniq_dir)
-            test_eof_data = (tar_end_of_file_pos - tar_end_of_data_pos)
-            MAX_EXTRA_DATA=20480
-            if test_eof_data > MAX_EXTRA_DATA:
-                errors['EXTRA_DATA'] = 'Too much uncompressed tarball data (expected max %s, found %s); use 
tar-ustar in AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE!' % (human_size(MAX_EXTRA_DATA), human_size(test_eof_data))
-            if not isinstance(t.fileobj, self.FORMATS.get(self.format, "")):
-                errors['WRONG_EXT'] = 'Compression used is different than what extension suggests'
-            self.size_files = size_files
-            self.file_count = file_count
-            self.tar_end_of_data_pos = tar_end_of_data_pos
-            self.tar_end_of_file_pos = tar_end_of_file_pos
-            self.uniq_dir = uniq_dir
-        except tarfile.ReadError:
-            errors['INVALID_FILE'] = 'Tarball cannot be read'
-        finally:
-            if t:
-                t.close()
-        self._errors = errors
-        return self._errors
-    def diff(self, files, prev_tarinfo, constructor, progress=False):
-        diffs = {}
-        prev_errors = False
-        # Only diff if the current tarbal has at least one file to diff
-        found_files = len([fn for fn in files if fn in self.file])
-        if not found_files:
-            return diffs
-        if prev_tarinfo:
-            if progress:
-                sys.stdout.write(" - Checking previous tarball: ")
-            prev_errors = prev_tarinfo.check(progress)
-            if not prev_errors:
-                if progress:
-                    print ", done"
-            else:
-                if progress:
-                    print ", failed (ignoring previous tarball!)"
-        for fn in files:
-            if fn not in self.file:
-                continue
-            if progress:
-                sys.stdout.write(" - %s" % fn)
-            f = constructor(fn)
-            if prev_tarinfo is not None and fn in prev_tarinfo.file:
-                context = 0
-                a = prev_tarinfo.file[fn]
-                b = self.file[fn]
-                break_for = False
-                lines = 0
-                for group in difflib.SequenceMatcher(None,a,b).get_grouped_opcodes(context):
-                    i1, i2, j1, j2 = group[0][1], group[-1][2], group[0][3], group[-1][4]
-                    for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in group:
-                        if tag == 'replace' or tag == 'insert':
-                            lines += j2 - j1
-                            f.writelines(b[j1:j2])
-                            break_for = True
-                    if break_for:
-                        break
-                if lines > 2:
-                    f.flush()
-                    diffs[fn] = f
-                    if progress:
-                        print ", done (diff, %s lines)" % lines
-                else:
-                    if progress:
-                        print ", ignored (no change)"
-                    if hasattr(f, 'name'):
-                        os.remove(f.name)
-            elif not prev_errors:
-                # succesfully read previous tarball, didn't find a 'NEWS' / 'ChangeLog'
-                # assume file has been added in this release and no diff is needed
-                f.writelines(self.file[fn])
-                f.flush()
-                diffs[fn] = f
-                print ", done (new file)"
-            else:
-                print ", ignored (previous tarball is not valid)"
-        return diffs
-class DirectoryInfo(BasicInfo):
-    def __init__(self, relpath, limit_module=None):
-        self.relpath = relpath
-        self.module = limit_module
-        self.jsonfile = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, relpath, 'cache.json')
-        self.read_json()
-    def refresh(self):
-        self.read_json(force_refresh=True)
-    def read_json(self, force_refresh=False):
-        info = {}
-        ignored = {}
-        changed = False
-        if not os.path.exists(self.jsonfile):
-            force_refresh = True
-        if not force_refresh:
-            j = json.load(open(self.jsonfile, 'rb'))
-            json_ver = j[0]
-            if json_ver == self.JSONVERSION:
-                json_ver, info, json_versions, ignored = j
-                if not len(info):
-                    force_refresh=True
-            elif json_ver > self.JSONVERSION:
-                print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: Json newer than supported version, ignoring json"
-                force_refresh=True
-            else:
-                force_refresh=True
-        absdir = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, self.relpath)
-        if force_refresh and os.path.exists(absdir):
-            curdir = os.getcwd()
-            try:
-                # Ensures paths are relative to the moduledir
-                os.chdir(absdir)
-                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(".", topdown=False):
-                    saneroot = root[2:] if root.startswith("./") else root
-                    for filename in files:
-                        r = re_file.match(filename)
-                        if r:
-                            changed = True
-                            fileinfo = r.groupdict()
-                            module = fileinfo['module']
-                            version = fileinfo['version']
-                            format = fileinfo['format']
-                            if module not in info:
-                                info[module] = {}
-                            if version not in info[module]:
-                                info[module][version] = {}
-                            if self.module is None or module == self.module:
-                                info[module][version][format] = os.path.join(saneroot, filename)
-                                continue
-                        # If we arrive here, it means we ignored the file for some reason
-                        if saneroot not in ignored:
-                            ignored[saneroot] = []
-                        ignored[saneroot].append(filename)
-            finally:
-                os.chdir(curdir)
-        # XXX - maybe remove versions which lack tar.*
-        self._info = info
-        versions = {}
-        if self.module:
-            versions[self.module] = []
-        for module in info.keys():
-            versions[module] = sorted(info[module], version_cmp)
-        self._versions = versions
-        self._ignored = ignored
-        if changed:
-            # save the new information
-            self.write_json()
-    def determine_file(self, module, version, format, fuzzy=True, relative=False):
-        """Determine file using version and format
-        If fuzzy is set, possibly return a compressed version of the given
-        format."""
-        if module not in self._info:
-            return None
-        if version not in self._info[module]:
-            return None
-        formats = [format]
-        if fuzzy and not "." in format:
-            formats.extend(("%s.%s" % (format, compression) for compression in ("gz", "bz2", "xz")))
-        info_formats = self._info[module][version]
-        for f in formats:
-            if f in info_formats:
-                return os.path.join(self.relpath, info_formats[f]) if relative else \
-                        os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, self.relpath, info_formats[f])
-        return None
-    def info_detailed(self, module, version, format, fuzzy=False):
-        """Provides detailed information about file references by
-        version and format.
-        If fuzzy is set, possibly return a compressed version of the given
-        format."""
-        relpath = DirectoryInfo.determine_file(self, module, version, format, fuzzy=fuzzy, relative=True)
-        if relpath is None:
-            return None
-        realpath = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, relpath)
-        stat = os.stat(realpath)
-        return (relpath, realpath, human_size(stat.st_size), stat)
-    def write_json(self):
-        # Want to overwrite any existing file and change the owner
-        if os.path.exists(self.jsonfile):
-            os.remove(self.jsonfile)
-        with open(self.jsonfile, 'w') as f:
-            json.dump((self.JSONVERSION, self._info, self._versions, self._ignored), f)
-            if self.GROUPID is not None:
-                os.fchown(f.fileno(), -1, self.GROUPID)
-    @property
-    def info(self):
-        return self._info
-    @property
-    def versions(self):
-        return self._versions
-    @property
-    def ignored(self):
-        return self._ignored
-class SuiteInfo(DirectoryInfo):
-    def __init__(self, suite, version):
-        majmin = get_majmin(version)
-        relpath = os.path.join(suite, majmin, version)
-        DirectoryInfo.__init__(self, relpath)
-    def diff(self, oldversion, obj=sys.stdout):
-        # XXX  -- assert self.suite == oldversion.suite
-        import textwrap
-        def moduleprint(modules, header):
-            if modules:
-                print >>obj, "%s:" % header
-                print >>obj, textwrap.fill(", ".join(sorted(list(modules))), width=78,
-                                    break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False,
-                                    initial_indent='   ', subsequent_indent='   ')
-                print >>obj, ""
-        oldmodules = set(oldversion.versions.keys())
-        newmodules = set(self.versions.keys())
-        modules = set()
-        modules.update(oldmodules)
-        modules.update(newmodules)
-        addedmodules = newmodules - oldmodules
-        removedmodules = oldmodules - newmodules
-        samemodules = oldmodules & newmodules
-        moduleprint(addedmodules, "The following modules have been added in this release")
-        moduleprint(removedmodules, "The following modules have been removed in this release")
-        news = {}
-        sameversions = set()
-        header = "The following modules have a new version"
-        did_header = False
-        have_no_news = False
-        have_errors = False
-        for module in sorted(samemodules):
-            show_contents = True
-            newmodulever = self.versions.get(module, (None,))[-1]
-            new_file = self.determine_file(module, newmodulever, 'tar') if newmodulever else None
-            prevmodulever = oldversion.versions.get(module, (None,))[-1]
-            prev_file = oldversion.determine_file(module, prevmodulever, 'tar') if prevmodulever else None
-            if not new_file:
-                continue
-            if newmodulever == prevmodulever:
-                sameversions.add(module)
-                continue
-            if not did_header:
-                print >>obj, "%s:" % header
-                did_header=True
-            obj.write(" - %s (%s => %s)" % (module, prevmodulever or '-none-', newmodulever or '-none'))
-            fn = 'NEWS'
-            new_tarinfo = TarInfo(new_file)
-            new_errors = new_tarinfo.check()
-            if new_errors:
-                have_errors=True
-                print >>obj, " (E)"
-                continue
-            prev_tarinfo = TarInfo(prev_file) if prev_file else None
-            constructor = lambda fn: StringIO()
-            diffs = new_tarinfo.diff((fn, ), prev_tarinfo, constructor, progress=False)
-            if fn in diffs:
-                news[module] = diffs[fn]
-                news[module].seek(0)
-            else:
-                have_no_news=True
-                obj.write(" (*)")
-            print >>obj, ""
-        if did_header:
-            if have_no_news:
-                print >>obj, "(*) No summarized news available"
-            if have_errors:
-                print >>obj, "(E) No summarized news available due to tarball validation error"
-            print >>obj, ""
-        moduleprint(sameversions, "The following modules weren't upgraded in this release")
-        for module in sorted(news):
-            print >>obj, "========================================"
-            print >>obj, "  %s" % module
-            print >>obj, "========================================"
-            print >>obj, ""
-            print >>obj, news[module].read()
-class ModuleInfo(DirectoryInfo):
-    def __init__(self, module, section=DEFAULT_SECTION):
-        self.module = module
-        self.section = section
-        relpath = os.path.join(self.section, self.module)
-        DirectoryInfo.__init__(self, relpath, limit_module=module)
-    def _set_doap(self):
-        # Determine maintainers and module name
-        # single instance
-        doap = DOAP()
-        self.__class__._doap = doap
-        # get_from_doap relies on self._reponame being set
-        self._reponame = doap.get_module(self.module)
-        # Limit maintainers to anyone being a member of GROUP_VCS
-        maints = set(self.get_from_doap('maintainers', []))
-        if maints:
-            try:
-                maints = set(grp.getgrnam(self.GROUP_VCS).gr_mem).intersection(maints)
-            except KeyError:
-                maints = set()
-        self._maintainers = maints
-    @property
-    def maintainers(self):
-        if not hasattr(self, '_maintainers'):
-            self._set_doap()
-        return self._maintainers
-    @property
-    def reponame(self):
-        if not hasattr(self.__class__, '_doap'):
-            self._set_doap()
-        return self._reponame
-    @property
-    def doap(self):
-        if not hasattr(self.__class__, '_doap'):
-            self._set_doap()
-        return self.__class__._doap
-    def get_from_doap(self, needle, default=None):
-        return self.doap.info.get(self._reponame, {}).get(needle, default)
-    def get_gl_issues_url_from_doap(self):
-        for gl in self.get_from_doap('bug-database', []):
-            url = urlparse.urlparse(gl)
-            if url.netloc == 'gitlab.gnome.org':
-                yield gl
-    @property
-    def versions(self):
-        return self._versions[self.module]
-    def determine_file(self, version, format, fuzzy=True, relative=False):
-        return DirectoryInfo.determine_file(self, self.module, version, format, fuzzy, relative)
-    def info_detailed(self, version, format, fuzzy=False):
-        return DirectoryInfo.info_detailed(self, self.module, version, format, fuzzy=False)
-class InstallModule(BasicInfo):
-    # Preferred format should appear last
-    INSTALL_FORMATS = ('tar.xz',)
-    def __init__(self, file, section=DEFAULT_SECTION):
-        self.file = file
-        self.uid = os.getuid()
-        self.pw = pwd.getpwuid(self.uid)
-        self.who = self.pw.pw_gecos
-        self.who = re_who.sub("", self.who)
-        if self.who == "":
-            self.who = self.pw.pw_name
-        self.section = section
-        self.dirname, self.basename = os.path.split(file)
-        self.fileinfo = TarInfo(file)
-        if self.fileinfo.module is not None:
-            self.module = self.fileinfo.module
-            self.majmin = self.fileinfo.majmin
-            self.version = self.fileinfo.version
-            self.format = self.fileinfo.format
-            self.destination = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, self.section, self.fileinfo.module, self.majmin)
-            if DEBUG:
-                self.destination = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT_DEBUG, self.section, self.fileinfo.module, 
-        else:
-            self._moduleinfo = None
-            self.module = None
-    @property
-    def moduleinfo(self):
-        if not hasattr(self, '_moduleinfo'):
-            self._moduleinfo = ModuleInfo(self.fileinfo.module, section=self.section)
-        return self._moduleinfo
-    @property
-    def prevversion(self):
-        if not hasattr(self, '_prevversion'):
-            self._prevversion = get_latest_version(self.moduleinfo.versions, self.version)
-        return self._prevversion
-    def confirm_install(self):
-        print """
-      Module: %s
-     Version: %s   (previous version: %s)
- Destination: %s/""" % (self.module, self.version, self.prevversion or 'N/A', self.destination)
-        # Check if the module directory already exists. If not, the module name might contain a typo
-        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, self.section, self.module)):
-            print """
-WARNING: %s is not present in the archive!
-         Are you sure that it is new and/or the correct module name?""" % self.module
-        print """
-Install %s? [Y/n]""" % self.module,
-        response = raw_input()
-        if response != '' and response[0] != 'y' and response[0] != 'Y':
-            print """Module installation cancelled."""
-            return False
-        # install the module
-        return True
-    def validate(self, clobber=False):
-        if self.module is None:
-            print >>sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Unrecognized module/version/file format. Make sure to follow a sane 
naming scheme (MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO)'
-            return False
-        if self.format not in self.FORMATS:
-            print >>sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Unrecognized file format \'.%s\'' % self.format
-            return False
-        # Don't allow an existing tarball to be overwritten
-        if not DEBUG:
-            if not clobber and self.version in self.moduleinfo.versions:
-                print >>sys.stderr, """ERROR: %s already exists in the archive!""" % self.basename
-                return False
-        else:
-            # When debugging, only check for the exact tarball name
-            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.destination, self.basename)):
-                print >>sys.stderr, """ERROR: %s already exists in the archive!""" % self.basename
-                return False
-        # XXX - verify if tarball is being installed by a maintainer
-        sys.stdout.write(" - Checking consistency: ")
-        errors = self.fileinfo.check(progress=True)
-        if not errors:
-            print ", done"
-        else:
-            print ", failed"
-            for k, v in errors.iteritems():
-                print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % v
-        # True if there are no errors
-        return len(errors) == 0
-    def install(self, unattended=False, clobber=False):
-        print "Preparing installation of %s:" % self.basename
-        # Validate the file
-        if not self.validate(clobber):
-            return False
-        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='install_module')
-        try:
-            created_files = []
-            # do we have a previous version?
-            prev_file = self.moduleinfo.determine_file(self.prevversion, 'tar') if self.prevversion else None
-            prev_tarinfo = TarInfo(prev_file) if prev_file else None
-            constructor = lambda fn: self._make_tmp_file(tmpdir, self.DIFF_FILES_DICT[fn][0])
-            diffs = self.fileinfo.diff(self.DIFF_FILES_DICT, prev_tarinfo, constructor, progress=True)
-            for fn, f in diffs.iteritems():
-                created_files.append(f.name)
-            # Create tarball(s) according to INSTALL_FORMATS
-            if self.format in self.INSTALL_FORMATS:
-                sys.stdout.write(" - Copying %s" % self.format)
-                with open(self.file, 'rb') as f1:
-                    with self._make_tmp_file(tmpdir, self.format) as f2:
-                        created_files.append(f2.name)
-                        shutil.copyfileobj(f1, f2)
-                print ", done"
-            formats = [format for format in self.INSTALL_FORMATS if format != self.format]
-            if len(formats):
-                if len(formats) == 1:
-                    sys.stdout.write(" - Creating %s from %s: " % (formats[0], self.format))
-                else:
-                    sys.stdout.write(" - Creating tarballs from %s: " % self.format)
-                f2 = []
-                for format in formats:
-                    if len(formats) > 1:
-                        sys.stdout.write("%s " % format)
-                    f = self._make_tmp_file(tmpdir, format, constructor=self.FORMATS[format])
-                    created_files.append(f.name)
-                    f2.append(f)
-                f1 = self.FORMATS[self.format](self.file, 'rb')
-                while 1:
-                    buf = f1.read(self.BLOCKSIZE)
-                    if not buf:
-                        break
-                    for fdst in f2:
-                        fdst.write(buf)
-                        sys.stdout.write(".")
-                for fdst in f2:
-                    fdst.close()
-                    f2 = []
-                print ", done"
-            sys.stdout.write(" - Creating sha256sum")
-            with self._make_tmp_file(tmpdir, 'sha256sum') as f:
-                cmd = ['sha256sum', '--']
-                cmd.extend([os.path.basename(fn) for fn in created_files if os.path.isfile(fn)])
-                subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=f, cwd=tmpdir)
-                created_files.append(f.name)
-            print ", done"
-            # Ask user if tarball should be installed
-            if not unattended:
-                if not self.confirm_install():
-                    return False
-            print "Installing %s:" % self.basename
-            if not os.path.isdir(self.destination):
-                sys.stdout.write(' - Creating directory')
-                makedirs_chown(self.destination, 042775, -1, self.GROUPID or -1) # drwxrwsr-x
-                print ", done"
-            sys.stdout.write(' - Moving files: ')
-            for fn in created_files:
-                dest = os.path.join(self.destination, os.path.basename(fn))
-                shutil.move(fn, dest)
-                if self.GROUPID is not None:
-                    os.chown(dest, -1, self.GROUPID)
-                sys.stdout.write('.')
-            print ", done"
-            sys.stdout.write(' - Updating LATEST-IS')
-            for extension in reversed(self.INSTALL_FORMATS + ('tar.gz',)):
-                latest = '%s-%s.%s' % (self.module, self.version, extension)
-                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.destination, latest)):
-                    for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.destination, 'LATEST-IS-*')):
-                        os.remove(fn)
-                    os.symlink(latest, os.path.join(self.destination, 'LATEST-IS-%s' % self.version))
-                    break
-            print ", done"
-        finally:
-            # cleanup temporary directory
-            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
-        sys.stdout.write(" - Updating known versions")
-        self.moduleinfo.refresh()
-        print ", done"
-        sys.stdout.write(" - Removing original tarball")
-        if self.GROUPID is not None and os.stat(self.file).st_gid != self.GROUPID:
-            os.remove(self.file)
-            print ", done"
-        else:
-            print ", ignored (owned by protected group)"
-        self.inform()
-        return True
-    def _make_tmp_file(self, tmpdir, format, constructor=open):
-        fn = os.path.join(tmpdir, '%s-%s.%s' % (self.module, self.version, format))
-        f = constructor(fn, 'w')
-        if self.GROUPID is not None:
-            os.chown(fn, -1, self.GROUPID)
-        return f
-    def _print_header(self, obj, header):
-        print >>obj, header
-        print >>obj, "=" * len(header)
-    def inform(self):
-        """Inform regarding the new release"""
-        print "Doing notifications:"
-        if self.version not in self.moduleinfo.versions:
-            print "ERROR: Cannot find new version?!?"
-            return False
-        import textwrap
-        sha256sum = {}
-        sys.stdout.write(" - Informing ftp-release-list")
-        mail = StringIO()
-        realpath = self.moduleinfo.determine_file(self.version, 'sha256sum', fuzzy=False)
-        if realpath is not None:
-            with open(realpath, "r") as f:
-                for line in line_input(f):
-                    # XXX - the checksum filed could look differently (binary indicator)
-                    if '  ' in line:
-                        checksum, file = line.partition('  ')[::2]
-                        sha256sum[file] = checksum
-                    else:
-                        print "WARN: Strange sha256sum line: %s" % line
-        else:
-            print "WARN: Couldn't determine sha256sum file?!?"
-        headers = {
-            'Reply-To': 'desktop-devel-list gnome org',
-            'X-Module-Name': self.module,
-            'X-Module-Version': self.version,
-            'X-Maintainer-Upload': str(self.pw.pw_name in self.moduleinfo.maintainers)
-        }
-        modulename = None
-        desc = self.moduleinfo.get_from_doap('description')
-        desc = self.moduleinfo.get_from_doap('shortdesc') if desc is None else desc
-        if desc is not None:
-            modulename = self.moduleinfo.get_from_doap('name', self.module)
-            self._print_header(mail, "About %s" % (modulename or self.module))
-            print >>mail, ""
-            for paragraph in desc.encode('utf-8').split("\n\n"):
-                if "\n" in paragraph: paragraph = re_whitespace.sub(" ", paragraph)
-                print >>mail, textwrap.fill(paragraph)
-                print >>mail, ""
-        show_contents = True
-        for tarballname, format, formatname in self.DIFF_FILES:
-            info = self.moduleinfo.info_detailed(self.version, format)
-            if info is not None:
-                path, realpath, size, stat = info
-                if show_contents and stat.st_size < 50000:
-                    with open(realpath, 'r') as f:
-                        do_version = True
-                        stripchars = "".join((string.punctuation, string.whitespace))
-                        line = f.readline()
-                        while line != '' and (line.strip(stripchars) == '' \
-                                              or (do_version and self.version in line)):
-                            if self.version in line:
-                                do_version = False
-                            line = f.readline()
-                        if line == '':
-                            # No interesting line in this file, ignore it
-                            continue
-                        self._print_header(mail, formatname)
-                        print >>mail, ""
-                        mail.write(line)
-                        shutil.copyfileobj(f, mail)
-                else:
-                    self._print_header(mail, formatname)
-                    mail.write("%s/%s  (%s)" % (self.URLROOT, path, size))
-                headers['X-Module-URL-%s' % format] = "%s/%s" % (self.URLROOT, path)
-                print >>mail, ""
-                # Only show the contents of the first found file, URLs for the rest
-                show_contents = False
-        print >>mail, ""
-        self._print_header(mail, 'Download')
-        infos = [(format, self.moduleinfo.info_detailed(self.version, format)) for format in self.FORMATS]
-        infos = [(format,) + info for format, info in infos if info is not None]
-        max_format_len = max((len(info[0]) for info in infos))
-        if len(infos) > 1:
-            print >>mail, ""
-        for format, path, realpath, size, stat in infos:
-            dirname, basename = os.path.split(path)
-            print >>mail, "%s/%s %s(%s)" % (self.URLROOT, path, ' ' * (max_format_len - len(format)),  size)
-            if basename in sha256sum:
-                print >>mail, "  sha256sum: %s" % sha256sum[basename]
-                headers['X-Module-SHA256-%s' % format] = sha256sum[basename]
-            headers['X-Module-URL-%s' % format] = "%s/%s" % (self.URLROOT, path)
-            print >>mail, ""
-        mail.seek(0)
-        subject = '%s %s' % (self.module, self.version)
-        to = "FTP Releases <ftp-release-list gnome org>"
-        smtp_to = ['%s src gnome org' % maint for maint in self.moduleinfo.maintainers]
-        if not smtp_to:
-            smtp_to = []
-        smtp_to.append('ftp-release-list gnome org')
-        retcode = self._send_email(mail.read(), subject, to, smtp_to, headers)
-        print ", done"
-        sys.stdout.write(" - Triggering ftp.gnome.org update")
-        cmd = ['/usr/local/bin/signal-ftp-sync']
-        if self._call_cmd(cmd):
-            print """
-Your tarball will appear in the following location on ftp.gnome.org:
-  %s
-It is important to retain the trailing slash for compatibility with
-broken http clients.""" % "/".join((self.URLROOT, self.section, self.module, self.majmin, ""))
-            realpath = self.moduleinfo.determine_file(self.version, 'sha256sum', fuzzy=False)
-            if realpath is not None:
-                print ""
-                with open(realpath, "r") as f:
-                    shutil.copyfileobj(f, sys.stdout)
-        print """
-The ftp-release-list email uses information from the modules DOAP file. Make
-sure at least the following fields are filled in:
-  name, shortdesc, description, download-page, bug-database
-See https://wiki.gnome.org/MaintainersCorner#doap""";
-    def _call_cmd(self, cmd):
-        """Calls a certain command and shows progress
-        Note: returns True even if exit code is not zero."""
-        if not os.path.isfile(cmd[0]):
-            print ", FAILED (cannot find %s)" % cmd[0]
-            print "PLEASE INFORM gnome-sysadmin gnome org ASAP!!!"
-            return False
-        if DEBUG:
-            print ", ignored (debug mode)"
-            return True
-        retcode = subprocess.call(cmd)
-        if retcode == 0:
-            print ", done"
-        else:
-            print "FAILED (exit code %s)" % retcode
-        return True
-    def _send_email(self, contents, subject, to, smtp_to, headers=None):
-        """Send an email"""
-        msg = MIMEText(contents, _charset='utf-8')
-        msg['Subject'] = subject
-        msg['From'] = formataddr((Header(self.who.decode('utf-8')).encode(), 'install-module master gnome 
-        msg['To'] = to
-        if headers is not None:
-            for k, v in headers.iteritems():
-                msg[k] = v
-        if DEBUG:
-            smtp_to = ['olav vitters nl']
-        # Call sendmail program directly so it doesn't matter if the service is running
-        cmd = ['/usr/sbin/sendmail', '-oi', '-f', 'noreply gnome org', '--']
-        cmd.extend(smtp_to)
-        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
-        p.stdin.write(msg.as_string())
-        p.stdin.flush()
-        p.stdin.close()
-        return p.wait()
-class InstallSuites(BasicInfo):
-    INSTALL_FORMATS = ('tar.gz', 'tar.bz2')
-    def __init__(self, file, gnomever):
-        self.file = file
-        self.suites = {}
-        self.moduleinfo = {}
-        self.version = gnomever
-        self.dirname, self.basename = os.path.split(file)
-    def validate(self):
-        print "Preparing installation of %s:" % self.basename
-        is_valid = True
-        suitedata = {}
-        moduleversions = {}
-        modulesuites = {}
-        with open(self.file, 'r') as f:
-            for line in line_input(f):
-                if line == '' or line.startswith('#'):
-                    continue
-                data = line.split(':')
-                if len(data) <> 4:
-                    print 'ERROR: Bad line in datafile: %s' % line
-                    is_valid = False
-                    continue
-                suite, module, version, subdir = data
-                if suite not in suitedata:
-                    suitedata[suite] = {}
-                if module not in suitedata[suite]:
-                    suitedata[suite][module] = []
-                suitedata[suite][module].append((version, subdir))
-                # For validation purposes:
-                if module not in moduleversions:
-                    moduleversions[module] = []
-                moduleversions[module].append(version)
-                if module not in modulesuites:
-                    modulesuites[module] = set()
-                modulesuites[module].add(suite)
-        # Validate the suite
-        for suite in suitedata:
-            if suite not in SUITES:
-                print 'ERROR: Invalid suite: %s' % suite
-                is_valid = False
-            majmin = get_majmin(self.version)
-            abspath = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, suite, majmin, self.version)
-            if os.path.exists(abspath):
-                print "ERROR: Suite already exists: %s " % abspath
-                is_valid = False
-        # Validate if the given module versions can be found
-        for module, versions in moduleversions.iteritems():
-            self.moduleinfo[module] = ModuleInfo(module)
-            for version in versions:
-                if version not in self.moduleinfo[module].versions:
-                    print 'ERROR: Module %s doesn\'t have version %s' % (module, version)
-                    is_valid = False
-            # Module could have multiple versions, but that's pretty strange
-            if len(versions) > 1:
-                print 'WARNING: Module %s has multiple versions: %s' % (module, ", ".join(versions))
-        # Validate if module is not in multiple suites
-        for module, suites in modulesuites.iteritems():
-            if len(suites) > 1:
-                print 'ERROR: Module %s appears in multiple suites: %s' % (module, ", ".join(suites))
-                is_valid = False
-        if is_valid:
-            self.suites = suitedata
-        return is_valid
-    def install(self, unattended=False):
-        # Validate the file
-        if not self.validate():
-            return False
-        print "Installating new suites:"
-        suites = self.suites
-        for suite in sorted(suites):
-            sha256 = {}
-            sys.stdout.write(" - Linking %s tarballs: " % suite)
-            majmin = get_majmin(self.version)
-            relpath = os.path.join(suite, majmin, self.version, 'sources')
-            for module in sorted(suites[suite]):
-                data = suites[suite][module]
-                data.sort(lambda a, b: version_cmp(a[0], b[0]) or cmp(a[1], b[1]))
-                for version, subdir in data:
-                    relpath2 = relpath if subdir == '' else os.path.join(relpath, subdir)
-                    abspath = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, relpath2)
-                    if not os.path.exists(abspath):
-                        makedirs_chown(abspath, 042775, -1, self.GROUPID or -1) # drwxrwsr-x
-                    for format in self.FORMATS:
-                        relfile = self.moduleinfo[module].determine_file(version, format, fuzzy=False, 
-                        if relfile is None:
-                            continue
-                        ext = os.path.splitext(relfile)[1].lstrip('.')
-                        basename = os.path.basename(relfile)
-                        if ext not in sha256:
-                            sha256[ext] = []
-                        if subdir == '':
-                            sha256[ext].append(basename)
-                        else:
-                            sha256[ext].append(os.path.join(subdir, basename))
-                        relfile = os.path.sep.join((['..'] * len(relpath2.split(os.path.sep))) + [relfile])
-                        sys.stdout.write(".")
-                        os.symlink(relfile, os.path.join(abspath, basename))
-            print ""
-            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, relpath)) and sha256:
-                sys.stdout.write(" - Generating sha256sums: ")
-                for ext, files in sha256.iteritems():
-                    sys.stdout.write("%s " % ext)
-                    cmd = ['sha256sum', '--']
-                    cmd.extend(files)
-                    with open(os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, relpath, 'SHA256SUMS-for-%s' % ext), 'w') as f:
-                        subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=f, cwd=os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, relpath))
-                print ""
-def cmd_install(options, parser):
-    tarballs = [file for file in options.tarball if os.path.exists(file)]
-    if not len(tarballs):
-        parser.print_help()
-        sys.exit(2)
-    sys.stdout.write("Gathering information and sorting on version: ")
-    modules = []
-    for tarball in tarballs:
-        modules.append(InstallModule(tarball))
-        sys.stdout.write(".")
-    print ", done"
-    modules.sort(cmp=lambda x,y:
-                     x.module and y.module and (cmp(x.module, y.module)
-                                                or version_cmp(x.version, y.version)))
-    for module in modules:
-        module.install(unattended=options.unattended, clobber=options.clobber)
-        print ""
-    print """Please report any problems to:
-def cmd_notify(options, parser):
-    tarballs = [file for file in options.tarball if os.path.exists(file)]
-    if not len(tarballs):
-        parser.print_help()
-        sys.exit(2)
-    sys.stdout.write("Gathering information and sorting on version: ")
-    modules = []
-    for tarball in tarballs:
-        modules.append(InstallModule(tarball))
-        sys.stdout.write(".")
-    print ", done"
-    modules.sort(cmp=lambda x,y:
-                     x.module and y.module and (cmp(x.module, y.module)
-                                                or version_cmp(x.version, y.version)))
-    for module in modules:
-        module.inform()
-        print ""
-def cmd_show_info(options, parser):
-    import datetime
-    if not options.module:
-        options.module = [os.path.basename(path) for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(BasicInfo.FTPROOT, 
options.section, '*')) if os.path.isdir(path)]
-    for module in options.module:
-        moduleinfo = ModuleInfo(module, options.section)
-        version = moduleinfo.versions[-1] if len(moduleinfo.versions) else ""
-        changed = ""
-        if version:
-            info = moduleinfo.info_detailed(version, 'tar.gz')
-            if info:
-                path, realpath, size, stat = info
-                changed = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(stat.st_ctime).isoformat()
-        print "\t".join((module, version, changed, ", ".join(moduleinfo.maintainers)))
-def cmd_check_latest_is(options, parser):
-    if not options.module:
-        options.module = sorted([os.path.basename(path) for path in 
glob.glob(os.path.join(BasicInfo.FTPROOT, options.section, '*')) if os.path.isdir(path)])
-    for module in options.module:
-        moduleinfo = ModuleInfo(module, options.section)
-        latest_dirs = set()
-        for dir, files in moduleinfo.ignored.iteritems():
-            for name in files:
-                if name.startswith('LATEST-IS-'):
-                    latest_dirs.add(dir)
-                    break
-        majmins = {}
-        for version in moduleinfo.versions:
-            majmin = re_majmin.sub(r'\1', version)
-            if majmin not in majmins:
-                majmins[majmin] = []
-            majmins[majmin].append(version)
-        for majmin in sorted(majmins.keys(), version_cmp):
-            max_version = get_latest_version(majmins[majmin])
-            latest_is = 'LATEST-IS-%s' % max_version
-            has_other_latest = "WRONG" if majmin in latest_dirs else ""
-            if majmin not in moduleinfo.ignored or latest_is not in moduleinfo.ignored[majmin]:
-                print "\t".join((module, majmin, latest_is, has_other_latest))
-def cmd_sudo(options, parser):
-    print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: Not yet implemented!"
-    print ""
-    print os.environ['SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND']
-    sys.exit(2)
-def cmd_show_ignored(options, parser):
-    if options.module == '*':
-        modules = [os.path.basename(path) for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(BasicInfo.FTPROOT, 
options.section, '*')) if os.path.isdir(path)]
-    else:
-        modules = [options.module]
-    for module in modules:
-        moduleinfo = ModuleInfo(module, section=options.section)
-        for dir, files in moduleinfo.ignored.iteritems():
-            for f in files:
-                print "/".join((module, dir, f))
-def cmd_show_doap(options, parser):
-    import textwrap
-    print options.module
-    moduleinfo = ModuleInfo(options.module)
-    desc = moduleinfo.get_from_doap('description', '')
-    for paragraph in desc.split("\n\n"):
-        if "\n" in paragraph: paragraph = re_whitespace.sub(" ", paragraph)
-        print textwrap.fill(paragraph)
-        print ""
-    gl = moduleinfo.get_gl_issues_url_from_doap()
-    if gl:
-        print "GitLab issues tracker: %s" % ", ".join(gl)
-    maints = moduleinfo.maintainers
-    if maints:
-        print "Maintainers: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(maints))
-def cmd_validate_tarballs(options, parser):
-    print options.module, options.section
-    moduleinfo = ModuleInfo(options.module, section=options.section)
-    for version in moduleinfo.versions:
-        print "Version: %s" % version
-        for format in BasicInfo.FORMATS:
-            realpath = moduleinfo.determine_file(version, format, fuzzy=False)
-            if realpath is not None:
-                tarinfo = TarInfo(realpath)
-                sys.stdout.write(" - Checking %s: " % format)
-                errors = tarinfo.check(progress=True)
-                if errors:
-                    print ", FAILED"
-                    for k, v in errors.iteritems():
-                        print "ERROR: %s" % v
-                else:
-                    print ", success"
-def cmd_release_diff(options, parser, header=None):
-    oldversion = SuiteInfo(options.suite, options.oldversion)
-    newversion = SuiteInfo(options.suite, options.newversion)
-    did_header = False
-    modules = set()
-    modules.update(oldversion.versions.keys())
-    modules.update(newversion.versions.keys())
-    for module in sorted(modules):
-        oldmodulever = oldversion.versions.get(module, ('-none-',))[-1]
-        newmodulever = newversion.versions.get(module, ('-none-',))[-1]
-        if newmodulever == oldmodulever:
-            newmodulever = '-same-'
-        elif options.same:
-            # Only show modules which are the same
-            continue
-        if not did_header and header:
-            did_header = True
-            print header
-            print ""
-        print "%-35s %-15s %s" % (module, oldmodulever, newmodulever)
-    if did_header:
-        print ""
-def cmd_simple_diff(options, parser):
-    for suite in SUITES:
-        options.suite = suite
-        cmd_release_diff(options, parser, header="== %s ==" % suite)
-def cmd_release_news(options, parser, header=None):
-    oldversion = SuiteInfo(options.suite, options.oldversion)
-    newversion = SuiteInfo(options.suite, options.newversion)
-    newversion.diff(oldversion, obj=sys.stdout)
-def cmd_simple_news(options, parser):
-    diffs = []
-    do_diff = True
-    for suite in SUITES:
-        newversion = SuiteInfo(suite, options.newversion)
-        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(newversion.FTPROOT, newversion.relpath)):
-            continue
-        oldversion = SuiteInfo(suite, options.oldversion)
-        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(oldversion.FTPROOT, oldversion.relpath)):
-            continue
-        news = os.path.join(newversion.FTPROOT, newversion.relpath, 'NEWS')
-        if os.path.exists(news):
-            print 'ERROR: %s already exists for %s %s' % (news, suite, options.newversion)
-            do_diff = False
-        diffs.append((newversion, oldversion))
-    if do_diff:
-        print "Generating news file(s):"
-        for newversion, oldversion in diffs:
-            f = open(os.path.join(newversion.FTPROOT, newversion.relpath, 'NEWS'), 'w')
-            if BasicInfo.GROUPID is not None:
-                os.fchown(f.fileno(), -1, BasicInfo.GROUPID)
-            sys.stdout.write(" - %s " % f.name)
-            newversion.diff(oldversion, obj=f)
-            if f.tell() == 0:
-                os.remove(f.name)
-                print "uninteresting, not saved"
-            else:
-                print "saved"
-            f.close()
-def cmd_release_suites(options, parser):
-    installer = InstallSuites(options.datafile, options.newversion)
-    installer.install()
-def main():
-    try:
-        groupid = grp.getgrnam(GROUP)[2]
-    except KeyError:
-        print >>sys.stderr, 'FATAL: Group %s does NOT exist!' % GROUP
-        print >>sys.stderr, 'FATAL: Please inform gnome-sysadmin gnome org!'
-        if not DEBUG:
-            sys.exit(1)
-        groupid = None
-    if groupid is None or (os.getgid() != groupid and groupid not in os.getgroups()):
-        print 'FATAL: Script requires membership of the %s group' % GROUP
-        if not DEBUG:
-            sys.exit(1)
-    else:
-        BasicInfo.GROUPID = groupid
-    description = """Install new tarball(s) to GNOME FTP master and make it available on the mirrors."""
-    epilog="""Report bugs to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=sysadmin""";
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description,epilog=epilog)
-    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands')
-    #   install
-    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('install', help='install a module to %s' % BasicInfo.URLROOT)
-    subparser.add_argument("-f", "--force", action="store_true", dest="clobber",
-                           help="Overwrite the original tarball")
-    subparser.add_argument("-u", "--unattended", action="store_true",
-                           help="do not prompt for confirmation")
-    subparser.add_argument('tarball', nargs='+', help='Tarball(s) to install')
-    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--section", choices=SECTIONS,
-                           help="Section to install the file to")
-    subparser.set_defaults(
-        func=cmd_install, clobber=False, unattended=False, section=DEFAULT_SECTION
-    )
-    #   notify
-    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('notify', help='notify new release')
-    subparser.add_argument('tarball', nargs='+', help='Tarball(s) to notify')
-    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--section", choices=SECTIONS)
-    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_notify, section=DEFAULT_SECTION)
-    #   show-info
-    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('show-info', help='show module information')
-    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--section", choices=SECTIONS)
-    subparser.add_argument('module', nargs='*', help='Module(s) to show info for')
-    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_show_info, section=DEFAULT_SECTION)
-    # check-latest-is
-    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('check-latest-is', help='check and correct LATEST-IS files')
-    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--section", choices=SECTIONS)
-    subparser.add_argument('module', nargs='*', help='Module(s) to show info for')
-    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_check_latest_is, section=DEFAULT_SECTION)
-    #   sudo
-    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('sudo', help='install tarballs uploaded using rsync')
-    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_sudo)
-    #   doap
-    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('doap', help='show information from DOAP file')
-    subparser.add_argument('module', help='Module to show DOAP for')
-    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_show_doap)
-    #   validate-tarballs
-    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('validate-tarballs', help='validate all tarballs for a given module')
-    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--section", choices=SECTIONS,
-                           help="Section to install the file to")
-    subparser.add_argument('module', help='Module to validate')
-    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_validate_tarballs, section=DEFAULT_SECTION)
-    #   show-ignored
-    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('show-ignored', help='Show ignored files in a module')
-    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--section", choices=SECTIONS,
-                           help="Section")
-    subparser.add_argument('module', help='Module to check')
-    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_show_ignored, section=DEFAULT_SECTION)
-    # release-diff
-    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('release-diff', help='show differences between two GNOME suite 
-    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--suite", choices=SUITES,
-                           help='Suite to compare')
-    subparser.add_argument("--same", action="store_true",
-                           help='Only show modules which have not changed')
-    subparser.add_argument('oldversion', metavar='OLDVERSION', help='Previous GNOME version')
-    subparser.add_argument('newversion', metavar='NEWVERSION', help='New GNOME version')
-    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_release_diff, suite=DEFAULT_SUITE)
-    # simple-diff
-    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('simple-diff', help='Show differences between two GNOME versions in 
all suites')
-    subparser.add_argument("--same", action="store_true",
-                           help='Only show modules which have not changed')
-    subparser.add_argument('oldversion', metavar='OLDVERSION', help='Previous GNOME version')
-    subparser.add_argument('newversion', metavar='NEWVERSION', help='New GNOME version')
-    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_simple_diff)
-    # release-news
-    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('release-news', help='show news between two GNOME suite versions')
-    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--suite", choices=SUITES,
-                           help='Suite to compare')
-    subparser.add_argument('oldversion', metavar='OLDVERSION', help='Previous GNOME version')
-    subparser.add_argument('newversion', metavar='NEWVERSION', help='New GNOME version')
-    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_release_news, suite=DEFAULT_SUITE)
-    # simple-news
-    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('simple-news', help='Create NEWS file between two GNOME versions')
-    subparser.add_argument('oldversion', metavar='OLDVERSION', help='Previous GNOME version')
-    subparser.add_argument('newversion', metavar='NEWVERSION', help='New GNOME version')
-    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_simple_news)
-    # release-suites
-    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('release-suites', help='release a new GNOME version')
-    subparser.add_argument('newversion', metavar='NEWVERSION', help='New GNOME version')
-    subparser.add_argument('datafile', metavar='DATAFILE', help='file which describes which modules to 
-    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_release_suites)
-    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
-        parser.print_help()
-        sys.exit(2)
-    options = parser.parse_args()
-    old_mask = os.umask(0002)
-    if DEBUG:
-        print "WARNING: Running in DEBUG MODE!"
-    try:
-        options.func(options, parser)
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        print('Interrupted')
-        sys.exit(1)
-    except EOFError:
-        print('EOF')
-        sys.exit(1)
-    except IOError, e:
-        if e.errno != errno.EPIPE:
-            raise
-        sys.exit(0)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
+/home/admin/bin/ftpadmin_cmd "$@"
diff --git a/ftpadmin_cmd b/ftpadmin_cmd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e30642a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftpadmin_cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,1844 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import os
+import os.path
+import grp
+import pwd
+import re
+import tempfile
+import tarfile
+import pprint
+import difflib
+import shutil
+import gzip
+import bz2
+import lzma # pyliblzma
+import subprocess
+import argparse
+import errno
+import glob
+import string
+from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+from email.header import Header
+from email.utils import formataddr
+import json
+import xmlrpclib
+    from cStringIO import StringIO
+except ImportError:
+    from StringIO import StringIO
+import urlparse
+import urllib2
+script_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
+script_dir = os.path.dirname(script_path) + '/git'
+sys.path.insert(0, '/home/admin/bin/git')
+sys.path.insert(0, script_dir)
+# Lives inside gitadmin-bin
+import semi_rdf
+# Protection, only ovitters should be using debug mode:
+if not os.environ['USER'] in ('ovitters', 'olav'):
+    DEBUG=False
+re_file = 
+re_majmin = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*')
+re_maj = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+).*')
+re_version = re.compile(r'([-.]|\d+|[^-.\d]+)')
+re_who = re.compile(r' <[^>]+>$')
+re_whitespace = re.compile("\s+")
+        'sources',
+        'core',
+        'apps',
+        'platform',
+        'desktop',
+        'bindings',
+        'admin',
+        'devtools',
+        'mobile',
+def get_majmin(version):
+    """Returns the folder name to be used.
+    This is major.minor for the old versioning scheme and major for the new
+    scheme (starting GNOME 40)"""
+    maj = re_maj.sub(r'\1', version)
+    if int(maj) >= 40:
+        return maj
+    return re_majmin.sub(r'\1', version)
+def version_cmp(a, b):
+    """Compares two versions
+    Returns
+      -1 if a < b
+      0  if a == b
+      1  if a > b
+    Logic from Bugzilla::Install::Util::vers_cmp"""
+    A = re_version.findall(a.lstrip('0'))
+    B = re_version.findall(b.lstrip('0'))
+    while A and B:
+        a = A.pop(0)
+        b = B.pop(0)
+        if a == b:
+            continue
+        elif a == '-':
+            return -1
+        elif b == '-':
+            return 1
+        elif a == '.':
+            return -1
+        elif b == '.':
+            return 1
+        elif a.isdigit() and b.isdigit():
+            c = cmp(a, b) if (a.startswith('0') or b.startswith('0')) else cmp(int(a, 10), int(b, 10))
+            if c:
+                return c
+        elif a.isalpha() and b.isdigit():
+            if a == 'alpha' or a == 'beta' or a == 'rc':
+                return -1
+        elif a.isdigit() and b.isalpha():
+            if b == 'alpha' or b == 'beta' or b == 'rc':
+                return 1
+        else:
+            c = cmp(a.upper(), b.upper())
+            if c:
+                return c
+    return cmp(len(A), len(B))
+def get_latest_version(versions, max_version=None):
+    """Gets the latest version number
+    if max_version is specified, gets the latest version number before
+    max_version"""
+    latest = None
+    for version in versions:
+        if ( latest is None or version_cmp(version, latest) > 0 ) \
+           and ( max_version is None or version_cmp(version, max_version) < 0 ):
+            latest = version
+    return latest
+def human_size(size):
+    suffixes = [("",2**10), ("K",2**20), ("M",2**30), ("G",2**40), ("T",2**50)]
+    for suf, lim in suffixes:
+        if size < lim:
+            break
+    sizediv = size/float(lim/2**10)
+    if suf == "":
+        fmt = "%0.0f%s"
+    elif sizediv > 100:
+        fmt = "%0.0f%s"
+    elif sizediv > 10:
+        fmt = "%0.1f%s"
+    else:
+        fmt = "%0.2f%s"
+    return fmt % (size/float(lim/2**10), suf)
+def makedirs_chown(name, mode=0777, uid=-1, gid=-1):
+    """Like os.makedirs, but also does a chown
+    """
+    head, tail = os.path.split(name)
+    if not tail:
+        head, tail = os.path.split(head)
+    if head and tail and not os.path.exists(head):
+        try:
+            makedirs_chown(head, mode, uid, gid)
+        except OSError, e:
+            # be happy if someone already created the path
+            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+                raise
+        if tail == os.path.curdir:           # xxx/newdir/. exists if xxx/newdir exists
+            return
+    os.mkdir(name, mode)
+    os.chown(name, uid, gid)
+def line_input (file):
+    for line in file:
+        if line[-1] == '\n':
+            yield line[:-1]
+        else:
+            yield line
+class _LZMAProxy(object):
+    """Small proxy class that enables external file object
+       support for "r:lzma" and "w:lzma" modes. This is actually
+       a workaround for a limitation in lzma module's LZMAFile
+       class which (unlike gzip.GzipFile) has no support for
+       a file object argument.
+    """
+    blocksize = 16 * 1024
+    def __init__(self, fileobj, mode):
+        self.fileobj = fileobj
+        self.mode = mode
+        self.name = getattr(self.fileobj, "name", None)
+        self.init()
+    def init(self):
+#        import lzma
+        self.pos = 0
+        if self.mode == "r":
+            self.lzmaobj = lzma.LZMADecompressor()
+            self.fileobj.seek(0)
+            self.buf = ""
+        else:
+            self.lzmaobj = lzma.LZMACompressor()
+    def read(self, size):
+        b = [self.buf]
+        x = len(self.buf)
+        while x < size:
+            raw = self.fileobj.read(self.blocksize)
+            if not raw:
+                break
+            try:
+                data = self.lzmaobj.decompress(raw)
+            except EOFError:
+                break
+            b.append(data)
+            x += len(data)
+        self.buf = "".join(b)
+        buf = self.buf[:size]
+        self.buf = self.buf[size:]
+        self.pos += len(buf)
+        return buf
+    def seek(self, pos):
+        if pos < self.pos:
+            self.init()
+        self.read(pos - self.pos)
+class XzTarFile(tarfile.TarFile):
+    OPEN_METH = tarfile.TarFile.OPEN_METH.copy()
+    OPEN_METH["xz"] = "xzopen"
+    @classmethod
+    def xzopen(cls, name, mode="r", fileobj=None, **kwargs):
+        """Open gzip compressed tar archive name for reading or writing.
+           Appending is not allowed.
+        """
+        if len(mode) > 1 or mode not in "rw":
+            raise ValueError("mode must be 'r' or 'w'")
+        if fileobj is not None:
+            fileobj = _LMZAProxy(fileobj, mode)
+        else:
+            fileobj = lzma.LZMAFile(name, mode)
+        try:
+            # lzma doesn't immediately return an error
+            # try and read a bit of data to determine if it is a valid xz file
+            fileobj.read(_LZMAProxy.blocksize)
+            fileobj.seek(0)
+            t = cls.taropen(name, mode, fileobj, **kwargs)
+        except IOError:
+            raise tarfile.ReadError("not a xz file")
+        except lzma.error:
+            raise tarfile.ReadError("not a xz file")
+        t._extfileobj = False
+        return t
+if not hasattr(tarfile.TarFile, 'xzopen'):
+    tarfile.open = XzTarFile.open
+class SetEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+    def default(self, obj):
+       if isinstance(obj, set):
+          return list(obj)
+       return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
+class BasicInfo(object):
+    GROUPID = None
+    GROUP_VCS='gnomecvs'
+    FTPROOT='/ftp/pub/GNOME'
+    FTPROOT_DEBUG='/ftp/tmp'
+    URLROOT='https://download.gnome.org'
+    BLOCKSIZE=2*1024*1024 # (dot will be printed per block for progress indication)
+    # Note: this defines the formats install-module can read
+    #       formats install-module creates are defined in
+    #       ModuleInstall.INSTALL_FORMATS
+    #
+    # WARNING: When extending this, make sure tarfile.TarFile
+    #          actually also supports the new compression!
+    #          See e.g. XzTarFile class
+    FORMATS = {
+        'tar.gz': gzip.GzipFile,
+        'tar.bz2': bz2.BZ2File,
+        'tar.xz': lzma.LZMAFile
+    }
+    DIFF_FILES = [
+        # Filename in tarball; extension on ftp.gnome.org; heading name
+        ('NEWS', 'news', 'News'),
+        ('ChangeLog', 'changes', 'ChangeLog')
+    ]
+    DIFF_FILES_DICT = dict([(a,(b,c)) for a,b,c in DIFF_FILES])
+class DOAP(BasicInfo):
+    NS_DOAP = "http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#";
+    #NS_FOAF = "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/";
+    NS_GNOME = "http://api.gnome.org/doap-extensions#";
+    DOAP_CACHE = '/ftp/cache/doap.json'
+    TARBALL_PATH_PREFIX = '/sources/'
+    TARBALL_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX = '.gnome.org'
+    PROPERTIES = ('description', 'shortdesc', 'name')
+    PROPERTIES_AS_LIST = ('bug-database', )
+    # http://www.artima.com/forums/flat.jsp?forum=122&thread=15024
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.jsonfile = self.DOAP_CACHE
+        self._init_doap()
+    def get_module(self, tarball):
+        modules = self.tarball_to_module.get(tarball, [])
+        if not modules: modules.append(tarball)
+        if len(modules) == 1:
+            return list(modules)[0]
+        elif tarball in modules:
+            return tarball
+        else:
+            return sorted(modules, key=len)[0]
+    def _init_doap(self, force_refresh=False):
+        from datetime import datetime
+        import dateutil.relativedelta as relativedelta
+        if not os.path.exists(self.jsonfile) or os.path.getsize(self.jsonfile) == 0:
+            force_refresh = True
+        if os.path.exists(self.jsonfile) and datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.jsonfile)) < 
(datetime.now() - relativedelta.relativedelta(days=1)):            force_refresh = True
+        if not force_refresh:
+            j = json.load(open(self.jsonfile, 'rb'))
+            json_ver = j[0]
+            if json_ver == self.JSONVERSION:
+                json_ver, info, TARBALL_TO_MODULE, UID_TO_MODULES = j
+                if not len(info):
+                    force_refresh = True
+            elif json_ver > self.JSONVERSION:
+                print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: Json newer than supported version, ignoring json"
+                force_refresh = True
+            else:
+                force_refresh = True
+        changed = False
+        if force_refresh:
+           info, TARBALL_TO_MODULE, UID_TO_MODULES = self._parse_url_handle()
+            changed = True
+        self.info = info
+        self.tarball_to_module = TARBALL_TO_MODULE
+        self.uid_to_module = UID_TO_MODULES
+        if changed:
+            # save the new information
+            self.write_json()
+    def _parse_url_handle(self):
+        from xml.sax import SAXParseException
+        import gitlab
+        UID_TO_MODULES = {}
+        TARBALL_TO_MODULE = {}
+        MODULE_INFO = {}
+        exec(open("/home/admin/secret/gitlab_ro").read())
+        gl = gitlab.Gitlab('https://gitlab.gnome.org', GITLAB_PRIVATE_RO_TOKEN, api_version=4)
+        group = gl.groups.get(8, with_projects=False)
+        projects = group.projects.list(all=True, with_shared=False)
+        doap_url = 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/%s/%s/raw/%s/%s.doap'
+        for p in projects:
+            default_branch = p.attributes.get('default_branch')
+            if not default_branch:
+               default_branch = 'master'
+            namespace = p.attributes['namespace']['name']
+            name = p.attributes.get('path')
+            try:
+                nodes = semi_rdf.read_rdf(doap_url % (namespace, name, default_branch, name))
+            except SAXParseException:
+                continue
+            for node in nodes:
+                if node.name != (self.NS_DOAP, "Project"):
+                    continue
+                modname = name
+                MODULE_INFO[modname] = {}
+                tarballs = [url.path[url.path.index(self.TARBALL_PATH_PREFIX) + 
TARBALL_PATH_PREFIX_LEN:].split('/')[0] for url in [urlparse.urlparse(url) for url in 
node.find_properties((self.NS_DOAP, u'download-page')) if isinstance(url, semi_rdf.UrlResource)] if 
self.TARBALL_PATH_PREFIX in url.path and url.hostname.endswith(self.TARBALL_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX)]
+            if tarballs:
+                MODULE_INFO[modname]['tarballs'] = set(tarballs)
+                for tarball in tarballs:
+                    TARBALL_TO_MODULE.setdefault(tarball, set()).add(modname)
+            maints = set()
+            for maint in node.find_properties((self.NS_DOAP, u'maintainer')):
+                if not isinstance(maint, semi_rdf.Node):
+                    continue
+                uid = maint.find_property((self.NS_GNOME, u'userid'))
+                if not isinstance(uid, basestring):
+                    continue
+                uid = str(uid)
+                maints.add(uid)
+                UID_TO_MODULES.setdefault(uid, set()).add(modname)
+            if maints:
+                MODULE_INFO[modname]['maintainers'] = maints
+            for prop in self.PROPERTIES:
+                val = node.find_property((self.NS_DOAP, prop))
+                if val is not None:  MODULE_INFO[modname][prop] = val
+            for prop in self.PROPERTIES_AS_LIST:
+                val = node.find_properties((self.NS_DOAP, prop))
+                if val: MODULE_INFO[modname][prop] = list(val)
+    def write_json(self):
+        # Want to overwrite any existing file and change the owner
+        if os.path.exists(self.jsonfile):
+            os.remove(self.jsonfile)
+        with open(self.jsonfile, 'w') as f:
+            json.dump((self.JSONVERSION, self.info, self.tarball_to_module, self.uid_to_module), f, 
+            if self.GROUPID is not None:
+                os.fchown(f.fileno(), -1, self.GROUPID)
+class TarInfo(BasicInfo):
+    def __init__(self, path, files=set()):
+        self.path = path
+        self.file = {}
+        self.dirname, self.basename = os.path.split(path)
+        tarinfo_files = files.copy()
+        r = re_file.match(self.basename)
+        if r:
+            fileinfo = r.groupdict()
+            self.module = fileinfo['module']
+            self.version = fileinfo['version']
+            self.format = fileinfo['format']
+            self.majmin = get_majmin(fileinfo['version'])
+            for tarballname, format, formatname in self.DIFF_FILES:
+                tarinfo_files.add('%s-%s/%s' % (self.module, self.version, tarballname))
+        else:
+            self.module = None
+            self.version = None
+            self.format = None
+            self.majmin = None
+        self.files = tarinfo_files
+    def check(self, progress=False):
+        """Check tarball consistency"""
+        if hasattr(self, '_errors'):
+            return self._errors
+        errors = {}
+        files = self.files
+        t = None
+        try:
+            # This automatically determines the compression method
+            # However, it does that by just trying to open it with every compression method it knows
+            # and seeing what succeeds. Which is somewhat inefficient
+            t = tarfile.open(self.path, 'r')
+            size_files = 0
+            file_count = 0
+            uniq_dir = None
+            dots_shown = 0
+            for info in t:
+                file_count += 1
+                size_files += info.size
+                if info.name in files:
+                    try:
+                        self.file[os.path.basename(info.name)] = t.extractfile(info).readlines()
+                    except SystemError:
+                        print "warning: no new line at the end of the %s file, reading file byte by byte" % 
+                        self.file[os.path.basename(info.name)] = t.extractfile(info).read()
+                if file_count == 1:
+                    if '/' in info.name.lstrip('/'):
+                        uniq_dir = "%s/" % info.name.lstrip('/').partition('/')[0]
+                    elif info.isdir():
+                        uniq_dir = "%s/" % info.name
+                elif uniq_dir is not None and not info.name.startswith(uniq_dir) and \
+                     not ( info.isdir() and uniq_dir == '%s/' % info.name ):
+                    uniq_dir = None
+                if progress:
+                    dots_to_show = t.offset / self.BLOCKSIZE
+                    if dots_to_show > dots_shown:
+                        sys.stdout.write("." * (dots_to_show - dots_shown))
+                        dots_shown = dots_to_show
+            # Now determine the current position in the tar file
+            tar_end_of_data_pos = t.fileobj.tell()
+            # as well as the last position in the tar file
+            # Note: doing a read as seeking is often not supported :-(
+            while t.fileobj.read(self.BLOCKSIZE) != '':
+                if progress:
+                    sys.stdout.write(".")
+            tar_end_of_file_pos = t.fileobj.tell()
+            test_uniq_dir = '%s-%s/' % (self.module, self.version)
+            if uniq_dir is None:
+                errors['NO_UNIQ_DIR'] = 'Files should all be in one directory (%s)' % test_uniq_dir
+            elif uniq_dir != test_uniq_dir:
+                errors['UNIQ_DIR'] = 'Files not in the correct directory (expected %s, found %s)' % 
(test_uniq_dir, uniq_dir)
+            test_eof_data = (tar_end_of_file_pos - tar_end_of_data_pos)
+            MAX_EXTRA_DATA=20480
+            if test_eof_data > MAX_EXTRA_DATA:
+                errors['EXTRA_DATA'] = 'Too much uncompressed tarball data (expected max %s, found %s); use 
tar-ustar in AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE!' % (human_size(MAX_EXTRA_DATA), human_size(test_eof_data))
+            if not isinstance(t.fileobj, self.FORMATS.get(self.format, "")):
+                errors['WRONG_EXT'] = 'Compression used is different than what extension suggests'
+            self.size_files = size_files
+            self.file_count = file_count
+            self.tar_end_of_data_pos = tar_end_of_data_pos
+            self.tar_end_of_file_pos = tar_end_of_file_pos
+            self.uniq_dir = uniq_dir
+        except tarfile.ReadError:
+            errors['INVALID_FILE'] = 'Tarball cannot be read'
+        finally:
+            if t:
+                t.close()
+        self._errors = errors
+        return self._errors
+    def diff(self, files, prev_tarinfo, constructor, progress=False):
+        diffs = {}
+        prev_errors = False
+        # Only diff if the current tarbal has at least one file to diff
+        found_files = len([fn for fn in files if fn in self.file])
+        if not found_files:
+            return diffs
+        if prev_tarinfo:
+            if progress:
+                sys.stdout.write(" - Checking previous tarball: ")
+            prev_errors = prev_tarinfo.check(progress)
+            if not prev_errors:
+                if progress:
+                    print ", done"
+            else:
+                if progress:
+                    print ", failed (ignoring previous tarball!)"
+        for fn in files:
+            if fn not in self.file:
+                continue
+            if progress:
+                sys.stdout.write(" - %s" % fn)
+            f = constructor(fn)
+            if prev_tarinfo is not None and fn in prev_tarinfo.file:
+                context = 0
+                a = prev_tarinfo.file[fn]
+                b = self.file[fn]
+                break_for = False
+                lines = 0
+                for group in difflib.SequenceMatcher(None,a,b).get_grouped_opcodes(context):
+                    i1, i2, j1, j2 = group[0][1], group[-1][2], group[0][3], group[-1][4]
+                    for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in group:
+                        if tag == 'replace' or tag == 'insert':
+                            lines += j2 - j1
+                            f.writelines(b[j1:j2])
+                            break_for = True
+                    if break_for:
+                        break
+                if lines > 2:
+                    f.flush()
+                    diffs[fn] = f
+                    if progress:
+                        print ", done (diff, %s lines)" % lines
+                else:
+                    if progress:
+                        print ", ignored (no change)"
+                    if hasattr(f, 'name'):
+                        os.remove(f.name)
+            elif not prev_errors:
+                # succesfully read previous tarball, didn't find a 'NEWS' / 'ChangeLog'
+                # assume file has been added in this release and no diff is needed
+                f.writelines(self.file[fn])
+                f.flush()
+                diffs[fn] = f
+                print ", done (new file)"
+            else:
+                print ", ignored (previous tarball is not valid)"
+        return diffs
+class DirectoryInfo(BasicInfo):
+    def __init__(self, relpath, limit_module=None):
+        self.relpath = relpath
+        self.module = limit_module
+        self.jsonfile = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, relpath, 'cache.json')
+        self.read_json()
+    def refresh(self):
+        self.read_json(force_refresh=True)
+    def read_json(self, force_refresh=False):
+        info = {}
+        ignored = {}
+        changed = False
+        if not os.path.exists(self.jsonfile):
+            force_refresh = True
+        if not force_refresh:
+            j = json.load(open(self.jsonfile, 'rb'))
+            json_ver = j[0]
+            if json_ver == self.JSONVERSION:
+                json_ver, info, json_versions, ignored = j
+                if not len(info):
+                    force_refresh=True
+            elif json_ver > self.JSONVERSION:
+                print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: Json newer than supported version, ignoring json"
+                force_refresh=True
+            else:
+                force_refresh=True
+        absdir = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, self.relpath)
+        if force_refresh and os.path.exists(absdir):
+            curdir = os.getcwd()
+            try:
+                # Ensures paths are relative to the moduledir
+                os.chdir(absdir)
+                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(".", topdown=False):
+                    saneroot = root[2:] if root.startswith("./") else root
+                    for filename in files:
+                        r = re_file.match(filename)
+                        if r:
+                            changed = True
+                            fileinfo = r.groupdict()
+                            module = fileinfo['module']
+                            version = fileinfo['version']
+                            format = fileinfo['format']
+                            if module not in info:
+                                info[module] = {}
+                            if version not in info[module]:
+                                info[module][version] = {}
+                            if self.module is None or module == self.module:
+                                info[module][version][format] = os.path.join(saneroot, filename)
+                                continue
+                        # If we arrive here, it means we ignored the file for some reason
+                        if saneroot not in ignored:
+                            ignored[saneroot] = []
+                        ignored[saneroot].append(filename)
+            finally:
+                os.chdir(curdir)
+        # XXX - maybe remove versions which lack tar.*
+        self._info = info
+        versions = {}
+        if self.module:
+            versions[self.module] = []
+        for module in info.keys():
+            versions[module] = sorted(info[module], version_cmp)
+        self._versions = versions
+        self._ignored = ignored
+        if changed:
+            # save the new information
+            self.write_json()
+    def determine_file(self, module, version, format, fuzzy=True, relative=False):
+        """Determine file using version and format
+        If fuzzy is set, possibly return a compressed version of the given
+        format."""
+        if module not in self._info:
+            return None
+        if version not in self._info[module]:
+            return None
+        formats = [format]
+        if fuzzy and not "." in format:
+            formats.extend(("%s.%s" % (format, compression) for compression in ("gz", "bz2", "xz")))
+        info_formats = self._info[module][version]
+        for f in formats:
+            if f in info_formats:
+                return os.path.join(self.relpath, info_formats[f]) if relative else \
+                        os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, self.relpath, info_formats[f])
+        return None
+    def info_detailed(self, module, version, format, fuzzy=False):
+        """Provides detailed information about file references by
+        version and format.
+        If fuzzy is set, possibly return a compressed version of the given
+        format."""
+        relpath = DirectoryInfo.determine_file(self, module, version, format, fuzzy=fuzzy, relative=True)
+        if relpath is None:
+            return None
+        realpath = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, relpath)
+        stat = os.stat(realpath)
+        return (relpath, realpath, human_size(stat.st_size), stat)
+    def write_json(self):
+        # Want to overwrite any existing file and change the owner
+        if os.path.exists(self.jsonfile):
+            os.remove(self.jsonfile)
+        with open(self.jsonfile, 'w') as f:
+            json.dump((self.JSONVERSION, self._info, self._versions, self._ignored), f)
+            if self.GROUPID is not None:
+                os.fchown(f.fileno(), -1, self.GROUPID)
+    @property
+    def info(self):
+        return self._info
+    @property
+    def versions(self):
+        return self._versions
+    @property
+    def ignored(self):
+        return self._ignored
+class SuiteInfo(DirectoryInfo):
+    def __init__(self, suite, version):
+        majmin = get_majmin(version)
+        relpath = os.path.join(suite, majmin, version)
+        DirectoryInfo.__init__(self, relpath)
+    def diff(self, oldversion, obj=sys.stdout):
+        # XXX  -- assert self.suite == oldversion.suite
+        import textwrap
+        def moduleprint(modules, header):
+            if modules:
+                print >>obj, "%s:" % header
+                print >>obj, textwrap.fill(", ".join(sorted(list(modules))), width=78,
+                                    break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False,
+                                    initial_indent='   ', subsequent_indent='   ')
+                print >>obj, ""
+        oldmodules = set(oldversion.versions.keys())
+        newmodules = set(self.versions.keys())
+        modules = set()
+        modules.update(oldmodules)
+        modules.update(newmodules)
+        addedmodules = newmodules - oldmodules
+        removedmodules = oldmodules - newmodules
+        samemodules = oldmodules & newmodules
+        moduleprint(addedmodules, "The following modules have been added in this release")
+        moduleprint(removedmodules, "The following modules have been removed in this release")
+        news = {}
+        sameversions = set()
+        header = "The following modules have a new version"
+        did_header = False
+        have_no_news = False
+        have_errors = False
+        for module in sorted(samemodules):
+            show_contents = True
+            newmodulever = self.versions.get(module, (None,))[-1]
+            new_file = self.determine_file(module, newmodulever, 'tar') if newmodulever else None
+            prevmodulever = oldversion.versions.get(module, (None,))[-1]
+            prev_file = oldversion.determine_file(module, prevmodulever, 'tar') if prevmodulever else None
+            if not new_file:
+                continue
+            if newmodulever == prevmodulever:
+                sameversions.add(module)
+                continue
+            if not did_header:
+                print >>obj, "%s:" % header
+                did_header=True
+            obj.write(" - %s (%s => %s)" % (module, prevmodulever or '-none-', newmodulever or '-none'))
+            fn = 'NEWS'
+            new_tarinfo = TarInfo(new_file)
+            new_errors = new_tarinfo.check()
+            if new_errors:
+                have_errors=True
+                print >>obj, " (E)"
+                continue
+            prev_tarinfo = TarInfo(prev_file) if prev_file else None
+            constructor = lambda fn: StringIO()
+            diffs = new_tarinfo.diff((fn, ), prev_tarinfo, constructor, progress=False)
+            if fn in diffs:
+                news[module] = diffs[fn]
+                news[module].seek(0)
+            else:
+                have_no_news=True
+                obj.write(" (*)")
+            print >>obj, ""
+        if did_header:
+            if have_no_news:
+                print >>obj, "(*) No summarized news available"
+            if have_errors:
+                print >>obj, "(E) No summarized news available due to tarball validation error"
+            print >>obj, ""
+        moduleprint(sameversions, "The following modules weren't upgraded in this release")
+        for module in sorted(news):
+            print >>obj, "========================================"
+            print >>obj, "  %s" % module
+            print >>obj, "========================================"
+            print >>obj, ""
+            print >>obj, news[module].read()
+class ModuleInfo(DirectoryInfo):
+    def __init__(self, module, section=DEFAULT_SECTION):
+        self.module = module
+        self.section = section
+        relpath = os.path.join(self.section, self.module)
+        DirectoryInfo.__init__(self, relpath, limit_module=module)
+    def _set_doap(self):
+        # Determine maintainers and module name
+        # single instance
+        doap = DOAP()
+        self.__class__._doap = doap
+        # get_from_doap relies on self._reponame being set
+        self._reponame = doap.get_module(self.module)
+        # Limit maintainers to anyone being a member of GROUP_VCS
+        maints = set(self.get_from_doap('maintainers', []))
+        if maints:
+            try:
+                maints = set(grp.getgrnam(self.GROUP_VCS).gr_mem).intersection(maints)
+            except KeyError:
+                maints = set()
+        self._maintainers = maints
+    @property
+    def maintainers(self):
+        if not hasattr(self, '_maintainers'):
+            self._set_doap()
+        return self._maintainers
+    @property
+    def reponame(self):
+        if not hasattr(self.__class__, '_doap'):
+            self._set_doap()
+        return self._reponame
+    @property
+    def doap(self):
+        if not hasattr(self.__class__, '_doap'):
+            self._set_doap()
+        return self.__class__._doap
+    def get_from_doap(self, needle, default=None):
+        return self.doap.info.get(self._reponame, {}).get(needle, default)
+    def get_gl_issues_url_from_doap(self):
+        for gl in self.get_from_doap('bug-database', []):
+            url = urlparse.urlparse(gl)
+            if url.netloc == 'gitlab.gnome.org':
+                yield gl
+    @property
+    def versions(self):
+        return self._versions[self.module]
+    def determine_file(self, version, format, fuzzy=True, relative=False):
+        return DirectoryInfo.determine_file(self, self.module, version, format, fuzzy, relative)
+    def info_detailed(self, version, format, fuzzy=False):
+        return DirectoryInfo.info_detailed(self, self.module, version, format, fuzzy=False)
+class InstallModule(BasicInfo):
+    # Preferred format should appear last
+    INSTALL_FORMATS = ('tar.xz',)
+    def __init__(self, file, section=DEFAULT_SECTION):
+        self.file = file
+        self.uid = os.getuid()
+        self.pw = pwd.getpwuid(self.uid)
+        self.who = self.pw.pw_gecos
+        self.who = re_who.sub("", self.who)
+        if self.who == "":
+            self.who = self.pw.pw_name
+        self.section = section
+        self.dirname, self.basename = os.path.split(file)
+        self.fileinfo = TarInfo(file)
+        if self.fileinfo.module is not None:
+            self.module = self.fileinfo.module
+            self.majmin = self.fileinfo.majmin
+            self.version = self.fileinfo.version
+            self.format = self.fileinfo.format
+            self.destination = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, self.section, self.fileinfo.module, self.majmin)
+            if DEBUG:
+                self.destination = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT_DEBUG, self.section, self.fileinfo.module, 
+        else:
+            self._moduleinfo = None
+            self.module = None
+    @property
+    def moduleinfo(self):
+        if not hasattr(self, '_moduleinfo'):
+            self._moduleinfo = ModuleInfo(self.fileinfo.module, section=self.section)
+        return self._moduleinfo
+    @property
+    def prevversion(self):
+        if not hasattr(self, '_prevversion'):
+            self._prevversion = get_latest_version(self.moduleinfo.versions, self.version)
+        return self._prevversion
+    def confirm_install(self):
+        print """
+      Module: %s
+     Version: %s   (previous version: %s)
+ Destination: %s/""" % (self.module, self.version, self.prevversion or 'N/A', self.destination)
+        # Check if the module directory already exists. If not, the module name might contain a typo
+        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, self.section, self.module)):
+            print """
+WARNING: %s is not present in the archive!
+         Are you sure that it is new and/or the correct module name?""" % self.module
+        print """
+Install %s? [Y/n]""" % self.module,
+        response = raw_input()
+        if response != '' and response[0] != 'y' and response[0] != 'Y':
+            print """Module installation cancelled."""
+            return False
+        # install the module
+        return True
+    def validate(self, clobber=False):
+        if self.module is None:
+            print >>sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Unrecognized module/version/file format. Make sure to follow a sane 
naming scheme (MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO)'
+            return False
+        if self.format not in self.FORMATS:
+            print >>sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Unrecognized file format \'.%s\'' % self.format
+            return False
+        # Don't allow an existing tarball to be overwritten
+        if not DEBUG:
+            if not clobber and self.version in self.moduleinfo.versions:
+                print >>sys.stderr, """ERROR: %s already exists in the archive!""" % self.basename
+                return False
+        else:
+            # When debugging, only check for the exact tarball name
+            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.destination, self.basename)):
+                print >>sys.stderr, """ERROR: %s already exists in the archive!""" % self.basename
+                return False
+        # XXX - verify if tarball is being installed by a maintainer
+        sys.stdout.write(" - Checking consistency: ")
+        errors = self.fileinfo.check(progress=True)
+        if not errors:
+            print ", done"
+        else:
+            print ", failed"
+            for k, v in errors.iteritems():
+                print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % v
+        # True if there are no errors
+        return len(errors) == 0
+    def install(self, unattended=False, clobber=False):
+        print "Preparing installation of %s:" % self.basename
+        # Validate the file
+        if not self.validate(clobber):
+            return False
+        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='install_module')
+        try:
+            created_files = []
+            # do we have a previous version?
+            prev_file = self.moduleinfo.determine_file(self.prevversion, 'tar') if self.prevversion else None
+            prev_tarinfo = TarInfo(prev_file) if prev_file else None
+            constructor = lambda fn: self._make_tmp_file(tmpdir, self.DIFF_FILES_DICT[fn][0])
+            diffs = self.fileinfo.diff(self.DIFF_FILES_DICT, prev_tarinfo, constructor, progress=True)
+            for fn, f in diffs.iteritems():
+                created_files.append(f.name)
+            # Create tarball(s) according to INSTALL_FORMATS
+            if self.format in self.INSTALL_FORMATS:
+                sys.stdout.write(" - Copying %s" % self.format)
+                with open(self.file, 'rb') as f1:
+                    with self._make_tmp_file(tmpdir, self.format) as f2:
+                        created_files.append(f2.name)
+                        shutil.copyfileobj(f1, f2)
+                print ", done"
+            formats = [format for format in self.INSTALL_FORMATS if format != self.format]
+            if len(formats):
+                if len(formats) == 1:
+                    sys.stdout.write(" - Creating %s from %s: " % (formats[0], self.format))
+                else:
+                    sys.stdout.write(" - Creating tarballs from %s: " % self.format)
+                f2 = []
+                for format in formats:
+                    if len(formats) > 1:
+                        sys.stdout.write("%s " % format)
+                    f = self._make_tmp_file(tmpdir, format, constructor=self.FORMATS[format])
+                    created_files.append(f.name)
+                    f2.append(f)
+                f1 = self.FORMATS[self.format](self.file, 'rb')
+                while 1:
+                    buf = f1.read(self.BLOCKSIZE)
+                    if not buf:
+                        break
+                    for fdst in f2:
+                        fdst.write(buf)
+                        sys.stdout.write(".")
+                for fdst in f2:
+                    fdst.close()
+                    f2 = []
+                print ", done"
+            sys.stdout.write(" - Creating sha256sum")
+            with self._make_tmp_file(tmpdir, 'sha256sum') as f:
+                cmd = ['sha256sum', '--']
+                cmd.extend([os.path.basename(fn) for fn in created_files if os.path.isfile(fn)])
+                subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=f, cwd=tmpdir)
+                created_files.append(f.name)
+            print ", done"
+            # Ask user if tarball should be installed
+            if not unattended:
+                if not self.confirm_install():
+                    return False
+            print "Installing %s:" % self.basename
+            if not os.path.isdir(self.destination):
+                sys.stdout.write(' - Creating directory')
+                makedirs_chown(self.destination, 042775, -1, self.GROUPID or -1) # drwxrwsr-x
+                print ", done"
+            sys.stdout.write(' - Moving files: ')
+            for fn in created_files:
+                dest = os.path.join(self.destination, os.path.basename(fn))
+                shutil.move(fn, dest)
+                if self.GROUPID is not None:
+                    os.chown(dest, -1, self.GROUPID)
+                sys.stdout.write('.')
+            print ", done"
+            sys.stdout.write(' - Updating LATEST-IS')
+            for extension in reversed(self.INSTALL_FORMATS + ('tar.gz',)):
+                latest = '%s-%s.%s' % (self.module, self.version, extension)
+                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.destination, latest)):
+                    for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.destination, 'LATEST-IS-*')):
+                        os.remove(fn)
+                    os.symlink(latest, os.path.join(self.destination, 'LATEST-IS-%s' % self.version))
+                    break
+            print ", done"
+        finally:
+            # cleanup temporary directory
+            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+        sys.stdout.write(" - Updating known versions")
+        self.moduleinfo.refresh()
+        print ", done"
+        sys.stdout.write(" - Removing original tarball")
+        if self.GROUPID is not None and os.stat(self.file).st_gid != self.GROUPID:
+            os.remove(self.file)
+            print ", done"
+        else:
+            print ", ignored (owned by protected group)"
+        self.inform()
+        return True
+    def _make_tmp_file(self, tmpdir, format, constructor=open):
+        fn = os.path.join(tmpdir, '%s-%s.%s' % (self.module, self.version, format))
+        f = constructor(fn, 'w')
+        if self.GROUPID is not None:
+            os.chown(fn, -1, self.GROUPID)
+        return f
+    def _print_header(self, obj, header):
+        print >>obj, header
+        print >>obj, "=" * len(header)
+    def inform(self):
+        """Inform regarding the new release"""
+        print "Doing notifications:"
+        if self.version not in self.moduleinfo.versions:
+            print "ERROR: Cannot find new version?!?"
+            return False
+        import textwrap
+        sha256sum = {}
+        sys.stdout.write(" - Informing ftp-release-list")
+        mail = StringIO()
+        realpath = self.moduleinfo.determine_file(self.version, 'sha256sum', fuzzy=False)
+        if realpath is not None:
+            with open(realpath, "r") as f:
+                for line in line_input(f):
+                    # XXX - the checksum filed could look differently (binary indicator)
+                    if '  ' in line:
+                        checksum, file = line.partition('  ')[::2]
+                        sha256sum[file] = checksum
+                    else:
+                        print "WARN: Strange sha256sum line: %s" % line
+        else:
+            print "WARN: Couldn't determine sha256sum file?!?"
+        headers = {
+            'Reply-To': 'desktop-devel-list gnome org',
+            'X-Module-Name': self.module,
+            'X-Module-Version': self.version,
+            'X-Maintainer-Upload': str(self.pw.pw_name in self.moduleinfo.maintainers)
+        }
+        modulename = None
+        desc = self.moduleinfo.get_from_doap('description')
+        desc = self.moduleinfo.get_from_doap('shortdesc') if desc is None else desc
+        if desc is not None:
+            modulename = self.moduleinfo.get_from_doap('name', self.module)
+            self._print_header(mail, "About %s" % (modulename or self.module))
+            print >>mail, ""
+            for paragraph in desc.encode('utf-8').split("\n\n"):
+                if "\n" in paragraph: paragraph = re_whitespace.sub(" ", paragraph)
+                print >>mail, textwrap.fill(paragraph)
+                print >>mail, ""
+        show_contents = True
+        for tarballname, format, formatname in self.DIFF_FILES:
+            info = self.moduleinfo.info_detailed(self.version, format)
+            if info is not None:
+                path, realpath, size, stat = info
+                if show_contents and stat.st_size < 50000:
+                    with open(realpath, 'r') as f:
+                        do_version = True
+                        stripchars = "".join((string.punctuation, string.whitespace))
+                        line = f.readline()
+                        while line != '' and (line.strip(stripchars) == '' \
+                                              or (do_version and self.version in line)):
+                            if self.version in line:
+                                do_version = False
+                            line = f.readline()
+                        if line == '':
+                            # No interesting line in this file, ignore it
+                            continue
+                        self._print_header(mail, formatname)
+                        print >>mail, ""
+                        mail.write(line)
+                        shutil.copyfileobj(f, mail)
+                else:
+                    self._print_header(mail, formatname)
+                    mail.write("%s/%s  (%s)" % (self.URLROOT, path, size))
+                headers['X-Module-URL-%s' % format] = "%s/%s" % (self.URLROOT, path)
+                print >>mail, ""
+                # Only show the contents of the first found file, URLs for the rest
+                show_contents = False
+        print >>mail, ""
+        self._print_header(mail, 'Download')
+        infos = [(format, self.moduleinfo.info_detailed(self.version, format)) for format in self.FORMATS]
+        infos = [(format,) + info for format, info in infos if info is not None]
+        max_format_len = max((len(info[0]) for info in infos))
+        if len(infos) > 1:
+            print >>mail, ""
+        for format, path, realpath, size, stat in infos:
+            dirname, basename = os.path.split(path)
+            print >>mail, "%s/%s %s(%s)" % (self.URLROOT, path, ' ' * (max_format_len - len(format)),  size)
+            if basename in sha256sum:
+                print >>mail, "  sha256sum: %s" % sha256sum[basename]
+                headers['X-Module-SHA256-%s' % format] = sha256sum[basename]
+            headers['X-Module-URL-%s' % format] = "%s/%s" % (self.URLROOT, path)
+            print >>mail, ""
+        mail.seek(0)
+        subject = '%s %s' % (self.module, self.version)
+        to = "FTP Releases <ftp-release-list gnome org>"
+        smtp_to = ['%s src gnome org' % maint for maint in self.moduleinfo.maintainers]
+        if not smtp_to:
+            smtp_to = []
+        smtp_to.append('ftp-release-list gnome org')
+        retcode = self._send_email(mail.read(), subject, to, smtp_to, headers)
+        print ", done"
+        sys.stdout.write(" - Triggering ftp.gnome.org update")
+        cmd = ['/usr/local/bin/signal-ftp-sync']
+        if self._call_cmd(cmd):
+            print """
+Your tarball will appear in the following location on ftp.gnome.org:
+  %s
+It is important to retain the trailing slash for compatibility with
+broken http clients.""" % "/".join((self.URLROOT, self.section, self.module, self.majmin, ""))
+            realpath = self.moduleinfo.determine_file(self.version, 'sha256sum', fuzzy=False)
+            if realpath is not None:
+                print ""
+                with open(realpath, "r") as f:
+                    shutil.copyfileobj(f, sys.stdout)
+        print """
+The ftp-release-list email uses information from the modules DOAP file. Make
+sure at least the following fields are filled in:
+  name, shortdesc, description, download-page, bug-database
+See https://wiki.gnome.org/MaintainersCorner#doap""";
+    def _call_cmd(self, cmd):
+        """Calls a certain command and shows progress
+        Note: returns True even if exit code is not zero."""
+        if not os.path.isfile(cmd[0]):
+            print ", FAILED (cannot find %s)" % cmd[0]
+            print "PLEASE INFORM gnome-sysadmin gnome org ASAP!!!"
+            return False
+        if DEBUG:
+            print ", ignored (debug mode)"
+            return True
+        retcode = subprocess.call(cmd)
+        if retcode == 0:
+            print ", done"
+        else:
+            print "FAILED (exit code %s)" % retcode
+        return True
+    def _send_email(self, contents, subject, to, smtp_to, headers=None):
+        """Send an email"""
+        msg = MIMEText(contents, _charset='utf-8')
+        msg['Subject'] = subject
+        msg['From'] = formataddr((Header(self.who.decode('utf-8')).encode(), 'install-module master gnome 
+        msg['To'] = to
+        if headers is not None:
+            for k, v in headers.iteritems():
+                msg[k] = v
+        if DEBUG:
+            smtp_to = ['olav vitters nl']
+        # Call sendmail program directly so it doesn't matter if the service is running
+        cmd = ['/usr/sbin/sendmail', '-oi', '-f', 'noreply gnome org', '--']
+        cmd.extend(smtp_to)
+        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+        p.stdin.write(msg.as_string())
+        p.stdin.flush()
+        p.stdin.close()
+        return p.wait()
+class InstallSuites(BasicInfo):
+    INSTALL_FORMATS = ('tar.gz', 'tar.bz2')
+    def __init__(self, file, gnomever):
+        self.file = file
+        self.suites = {}
+        self.moduleinfo = {}
+        self.version = gnomever
+        self.dirname, self.basename = os.path.split(file)
+    def validate(self):
+        print "Preparing installation of %s:" % self.basename
+        is_valid = True
+        suitedata = {}
+        moduleversions = {}
+        modulesuites = {}
+        with open(self.file, 'r') as f:
+            for line in line_input(f):
+                if line == '' or line.startswith('#'):
+                    continue
+                data = line.split(':')
+                if len(data) <> 4:
+                    print 'ERROR: Bad line in datafile: %s' % line
+                    is_valid = False
+                    continue
+                suite, module, version, subdir = data
+                if suite not in suitedata:
+                    suitedata[suite] = {}
+                if module not in suitedata[suite]:
+                    suitedata[suite][module] = []
+                suitedata[suite][module].append((version, subdir))
+                # For validation purposes:
+                if module not in moduleversions:
+                    moduleversions[module] = []
+                moduleversions[module].append(version)
+                if module not in modulesuites:
+                    modulesuites[module] = set()
+                modulesuites[module].add(suite)
+        # Validate the suite
+        for suite in suitedata:
+            if suite not in SUITES:
+                print 'ERROR: Invalid suite: %s' % suite
+                is_valid = False
+            majmin = get_majmin(self.version)
+            abspath = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, suite, majmin, self.version)
+            if os.path.exists(abspath):
+                print "ERROR: Suite already exists: %s " % abspath
+                is_valid = False
+        # Validate if the given module versions can be found
+        for module, versions in moduleversions.iteritems():
+            self.moduleinfo[module] = ModuleInfo(module)
+            for version in versions:
+                if version not in self.moduleinfo[module].versions:
+                    print 'ERROR: Module %s doesn\'t have version %s' % (module, version)
+                    is_valid = False
+            # Module could have multiple versions, but that's pretty strange
+            if len(versions) > 1:
+                print 'WARNING: Module %s has multiple versions: %s' % (module, ", ".join(versions))
+        # Validate if module is not in multiple suites
+        for module, suites in modulesuites.iteritems():
+            if len(suites) > 1:
+                print 'ERROR: Module %s appears in multiple suites: %s' % (module, ", ".join(suites))
+                is_valid = False
+        if is_valid:
+            self.suites = suitedata
+        return is_valid
+    def install(self, unattended=False):
+        # Validate the file
+        if not self.validate():
+            return False
+        print "Installating new suites:"
+        suites = self.suites
+        for suite in sorted(suites):
+            sha256 = {}
+            sys.stdout.write(" - Linking %s tarballs: " % suite)
+            majmin = get_majmin(self.version)
+            relpath = os.path.join(suite, majmin, self.version, 'sources')
+            for module in sorted(suites[suite]):
+                data = suites[suite][module]
+                data.sort(lambda a, b: version_cmp(a[0], b[0]) or cmp(a[1], b[1]))
+                for version, subdir in data:
+                    relpath2 = relpath if subdir == '' else os.path.join(relpath, subdir)
+                    abspath = os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, relpath2)
+                    if not os.path.exists(abspath):
+                        makedirs_chown(abspath, 042775, -1, self.GROUPID or -1) # drwxrwsr-x
+                    for format in self.FORMATS:
+                        relfile = self.moduleinfo[module].determine_file(version, format, fuzzy=False, 
+                        if relfile is None:
+                            continue
+                        ext = os.path.splitext(relfile)[1].lstrip('.')
+                        basename = os.path.basename(relfile)
+                        if ext not in sha256:
+                            sha256[ext] = []
+                        if subdir == '':
+                            sha256[ext].append(basename)
+                        else:
+                            sha256[ext].append(os.path.join(subdir, basename))
+                        relfile = os.path.sep.join((['..'] * len(relpath2.split(os.path.sep))) + [relfile])
+                        sys.stdout.write(".")
+                        os.symlink(relfile, os.path.join(abspath, basename))
+            print ""
+            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, relpath)) and sha256:
+                sys.stdout.write(" - Generating sha256sums: ")
+                for ext, files in sha256.iteritems():
+                    sys.stdout.write("%s " % ext)
+                    cmd = ['sha256sum', '--']
+                    cmd.extend(files)
+                    with open(os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, relpath, 'SHA256SUMS-for-%s' % ext), 'w') as f:
+                        subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=f, cwd=os.path.join(self.FTPROOT, relpath))
+                print ""
+def cmd_install(options, parser):
+    tarballs = [file for file in options.tarball if os.path.exists(file)]
+    if not len(tarballs):
+        parser.print_help()
+        sys.exit(2)
+    sys.stdout.write("Gathering information and sorting on version: ")
+    modules = []
+    for tarball in tarballs:
+        modules.append(InstallModule(tarball))
+        sys.stdout.write(".")
+    print ", done"
+    modules.sort(cmp=lambda x,y:
+                     x.module and y.module and (cmp(x.module, y.module)
+                                                or version_cmp(x.version, y.version)))
+    for module in modules:
+        module.install(unattended=options.unattended, clobber=options.clobber)
+        print ""
+    print """Please report any problems to:
+def cmd_notify(options, parser):
+    tarballs = [file for file in options.tarball if os.path.exists(file)]
+    if not len(tarballs):
+        parser.print_help()
+        sys.exit(2)
+    sys.stdout.write("Gathering information and sorting on version: ")
+    modules = []
+    for tarball in tarballs:
+        modules.append(InstallModule(tarball))
+        sys.stdout.write(".")
+    print ", done"
+    modules.sort(cmp=lambda x,y:
+                     x.module and y.module and (cmp(x.module, y.module)
+                                                or version_cmp(x.version, y.version)))
+    for module in modules:
+        module.inform()
+        print ""
+def cmd_show_info(options, parser):
+    import datetime
+    if not options.module:
+        options.module = [os.path.basename(path) for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(BasicInfo.FTPROOT, 
options.section, '*')) if os.path.isdir(path)]
+    for module in options.module:
+        moduleinfo = ModuleInfo(module, options.section)
+        version = moduleinfo.versions[-1] if len(moduleinfo.versions) else ""
+        changed = ""
+        if version:
+            info = moduleinfo.info_detailed(version, 'tar.gz')
+            if info:
+                path, realpath, size, stat = info
+                changed = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(stat.st_ctime).isoformat()
+        print "\t".join((module, version, changed, ", ".join(moduleinfo.maintainers)))
+def cmd_check_latest_is(options, parser):
+    if not options.module:
+        options.module = sorted([os.path.basename(path) for path in 
glob.glob(os.path.join(BasicInfo.FTPROOT, options.section, '*')) if os.path.isdir(path)])
+    for module in options.module:
+        moduleinfo = ModuleInfo(module, options.section)
+        latest_dirs = set()
+        for dir, files in moduleinfo.ignored.iteritems():
+            for name in files:
+                if name.startswith('LATEST-IS-'):
+                    latest_dirs.add(dir)
+                    break
+        majmins = {}
+        for version in moduleinfo.versions:
+            majmin = re_majmin.sub(r'\1', version)
+            if majmin not in majmins:
+                majmins[majmin] = []
+            majmins[majmin].append(version)
+        for majmin in sorted(majmins.keys(), version_cmp):
+            max_version = get_latest_version(majmins[majmin])
+            latest_is = 'LATEST-IS-%s' % max_version
+            has_other_latest = "WRONG" if majmin in latest_dirs else ""
+            if majmin not in moduleinfo.ignored or latest_is not in moduleinfo.ignored[majmin]:
+                print "\t".join((module, majmin, latest_is, has_other_latest))
+def cmd_sudo(options, parser):
+    print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: Not yet implemented!"
+    print ""
+    print os.environ['SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND']
+    sys.exit(2)
+def cmd_show_ignored(options, parser):
+    if options.module == '*':
+        modules = [os.path.basename(path) for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(BasicInfo.FTPROOT, 
options.section, '*')) if os.path.isdir(path)]
+    else:
+        modules = [options.module]
+    for module in modules:
+        moduleinfo = ModuleInfo(module, section=options.section)
+        for dir, files in moduleinfo.ignored.iteritems():
+            for f in files:
+                print "/".join((module, dir, f))
+def cmd_show_doap(options, parser):
+    import textwrap
+    print options.module
+    moduleinfo = ModuleInfo(options.module)
+    desc = moduleinfo.get_from_doap('description', '')
+    for paragraph in desc.split("\n\n"):
+        if "\n" in paragraph: paragraph = re_whitespace.sub(" ", paragraph)
+        print textwrap.fill(paragraph)
+        print ""
+    gl = moduleinfo.get_gl_issues_url_from_doap()
+    if gl:
+        print "GitLab issues tracker: %s" % ", ".join(gl)
+    maints = moduleinfo.maintainers
+    if maints:
+        print "Maintainers: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(maints))
+def cmd_validate_tarballs(options, parser):
+    print options.module, options.section
+    moduleinfo = ModuleInfo(options.module, section=options.section)
+    for version in moduleinfo.versions:
+        print "Version: %s" % version
+        for format in BasicInfo.FORMATS:
+            realpath = moduleinfo.determine_file(version, format, fuzzy=False)
+            if realpath is not None:
+                tarinfo = TarInfo(realpath)
+                sys.stdout.write(" - Checking %s: " % format)
+                errors = tarinfo.check(progress=True)
+                if errors:
+                    print ", FAILED"
+                    for k, v in errors.iteritems():
+                        print "ERROR: %s" % v
+                else:
+                    print ", success"
+def cmd_release_diff(options, parser, header=None):
+    oldversion = SuiteInfo(options.suite, options.oldversion)
+    newversion = SuiteInfo(options.suite, options.newversion)
+    did_header = False
+    modules = set()
+    modules.update(oldversion.versions.keys())
+    modules.update(newversion.versions.keys())
+    for module in sorted(modules):
+        oldmodulever = oldversion.versions.get(module, ('-none-',))[-1]
+        newmodulever = newversion.versions.get(module, ('-none-',))[-1]
+        if newmodulever == oldmodulever:
+            newmodulever = '-same-'
+        elif options.same:
+            # Only show modules which are the same
+            continue
+        if not did_header and header:
+            did_header = True
+            print header
+            print ""
+        print "%-35s %-15s %s" % (module, oldmodulever, newmodulever)
+    if did_header:
+        print ""
+def cmd_simple_diff(options, parser):
+    for suite in SUITES:
+        options.suite = suite
+        cmd_release_diff(options, parser, header="== %s ==" % suite)
+def cmd_release_news(options, parser, header=None):
+    oldversion = SuiteInfo(options.suite, options.oldversion)
+    newversion = SuiteInfo(options.suite, options.newversion)
+    newversion.diff(oldversion, obj=sys.stdout)
+def cmd_simple_news(options, parser):
+    diffs = []
+    do_diff = True
+    for suite in SUITES:
+        newversion = SuiteInfo(suite, options.newversion)
+        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(newversion.FTPROOT, newversion.relpath)):
+            continue
+        oldversion = SuiteInfo(suite, options.oldversion)
+        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(oldversion.FTPROOT, oldversion.relpath)):
+            continue
+        news = os.path.join(newversion.FTPROOT, newversion.relpath, 'NEWS')
+        if os.path.exists(news):
+            print 'ERROR: %s already exists for %s %s' % (news, suite, options.newversion)
+            do_diff = False
+        diffs.append((newversion, oldversion))
+    if do_diff:
+        print "Generating news file(s):"
+        for newversion, oldversion in diffs:
+            f = open(os.path.join(newversion.FTPROOT, newversion.relpath, 'NEWS'), 'w')
+            if BasicInfo.GROUPID is not None:
+                os.fchown(f.fileno(), -1, BasicInfo.GROUPID)
+            sys.stdout.write(" - %s " % f.name)
+            newversion.diff(oldversion, obj=f)
+            if f.tell() == 0:
+                os.remove(f.name)
+                print "uninteresting, not saved"
+            else:
+                print "saved"
+            f.close()
+def cmd_release_suites(options, parser):
+    installer = InstallSuites(options.datafile, options.newversion)
+    installer.install()
+def main():
+    try:
+        groupid = grp.getgrnam(GROUP)[2]
+    except KeyError:
+        print >>sys.stderr, 'FATAL: Group %s does NOT exist!' % GROUP
+        print >>sys.stderr, 'FATAL: Please inform gnome-sysadmin gnome org!'
+        if not DEBUG:
+            sys.exit(1)
+        groupid = None
+    if groupid is None or (os.getgid() != groupid and groupid not in os.getgroups()):
+        print 'FATAL: Script requires membership of the %s group' % GROUP
+        if not DEBUG:
+            sys.exit(1)
+    else:
+        BasicInfo.GROUPID = groupid
+    description = """Install new tarball(s) to GNOME FTP master and make it available on the mirrors."""
+    epilog="""Report bugs to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=sysadmin""";
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description,epilog=epilog)
+    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands')
+    #   install
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('install', help='install a module to %s' % BasicInfo.URLROOT)
+    subparser.add_argument("-f", "--force", action="store_true", dest="clobber",
+                           help="Overwrite the original tarball")
+    subparser.add_argument("-u", "--unattended", action="store_true",
+                           help="do not prompt for confirmation")
+    subparser.add_argument('tarball', nargs='+', help='Tarball(s) to install')
+    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--section", choices=SECTIONS,
+                           help="Section to install the file to")
+    subparser.set_defaults(
+        func=cmd_install, clobber=False, unattended=False, section=DEFAULT_SECTION
+    )
+    #   notify
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('notify', help='notify new release')
+    subparser.add_argument('tarball', nargs='+', help='Tarball(s) to notify')
+    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--section", choices=SECTIONS)
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_notify, section=DEFAULT_SECTION)
+    #   show-info
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('show-info', help='show module information')
+    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--section", choices=SECTIONS)
+    subparser.add_argument('module', nargs='*', help='Module(s) to show info for')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_show_info, section=DEFAULT_SECTION)
+    # check-latest-is
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('check-latest-is', help='check and correct LATEST-IS files')
+    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--section", choices=SECTIONS)
+    subparser.add_argument('module', nargs='*', help='Module(s) to show info for')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_check_latest_is, section=DEFAULT_SECTION)
+    #   sudo
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('sudo', help='install tarballs uploaded using rsync')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_sudo)
+    #   doap
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('doap', help='show information from DOAP file')
+    subparser.add_argument('module', help='Module to show DOAP for')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_show_doap)
+    #   validate-tarballs
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('validate-tarballs', help='validate all tarballs for a given module')
+    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--section", choices=SECTIONS,
+                           help="Section to install the file to")
+    subparser.add_argument('module', help='Module to validate')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_validate_tarballs, section=DEFAULT_SECTION)
+    #   show-ignored
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('show-ignored', help='Show ignored files in a module')
+    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--section", choices=SECTIONS,
+                           help="Section")
+    subparser.add_argument('module', help='Module to check')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_show_ignored, section=DEFAULT_SECTION)
+    # release-diff
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('release-diff', help='show differences between two GNOME suite 
+    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--suite", choices=SUITES,
+                           help='Suite to compare')
+    subparser.add_argument("--same", action="store_true",
+                           help='Only show modules which have not changed')
+    subparser.add_argument('oldversion', metavar='OLDVERSION', help='Previous GNOME version')
+    subparser.add_argument('newversion', metavar='NEWVERSION', help='New GNOME version')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_release_diff, suite=DEFAULT_SUITE)
+    # simple-diff
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('simple-diff', help='Show differences between two GNOME versions in 
all suites')
+    subparser.add_argument("--same", action="store_true",
+                           help='Only show modules which have not changed')
+    subparser.add_argument('oldversion', metavar='OLDVERSION', help='Previous GNOME version')
+    subparser.add_argument('newversion', metavar='NEWVERSION', help='New GNOME version')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_simple_diff)
+    # release-news
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('release-news', help='show news between two GNOME suite versions')
+    subparser.add_argument("-s", "--suite", choices=SUITES,
+                           help='Suite to compare')
+    subparser.add_argument('oldversion', metavar='OLDVERSION', help='Previous GNOME version')
+    subparser.add_argument('newversion', metavar='NEWVERSION', help='New GNOME version')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_release_news, suite=DEFAULT_SUITE)
+    # simple-news
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('simple-news', help='Create NEWS file between two GNOME versions')
+    subparser.add_argument('oldversion', metavar='OLDVERSION', help='Previous GNOME version')
+    subparser.add_argument('newversion', metavar='NEWVERSION', help='New GNOME version')
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_simple_news)
+    # release-suites
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('release-suites', help='release a new GNOME version')
+    subparser.add_argument('newversion', metavar='NEWVERSION', help='New GNOME version')
+    subparser.add_argument('datafile', metavar='DATAFILE', help='file which describes which modules to 
+    subparser.set_defaults(func=cmd_release_suites)
+    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+        parser.print_help()
+        sys.exit(2)
+    options = parser.parse_args()
+    old_mask = os.umask(0002)
+    if DEBUG:
+        print "WARNING: Running in DEBUG MODE!"
+    try:
+        options.func(options, parser)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        print('Interrupted')
+        sys.exit(1)
+    except EOFError:
+        print('EOF')
+        sys.exit(1)
+    except IOError, e:
+        if e.errno != errno.EPIPE:
+            raise
+        sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

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