[gimp-web/master] (23 commits) ...Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/testing'

Summary of changes:

  f67db52... themes: add nightly link for macOS builds. (*)
  8a937e7... content: get rid of various links and general mentions to B (*)
  a081010... content: removing Bugzilla related pages. (*)
  f68777f... Issue #264: broken book link and 3 unlisted books in German (*)
  a950145... Infrastructure#859: New GIMP Mirror, Pikeville, Kentucky US (*)
  951d595... Issue #270: 3 GIMP books in Polish language. (*)
  ba11979... content: use publisher's URL when possible and add "Externa (*)
  613abc8... content: GIMP 2.99.12 released (tarball and Windows install (*)
  05268c0... themes: style tables in articles. (*)
  3b0d630... content: initial draft/plan for the GIMP 2.99.12 news. (*)
  3d02235... content: fill some more of the GIMP 2.99.12 news item. (*)
  4b1f5e9... content: more fixes to the news as suggested by lukaso. (*)
  032e170... content: various fixes, as reported by Jacob. (*)
  1f37463... content: add a fun animated "CMYK space invasion". (*)
  8ce2602... content: more text for GIMP 2.99.12 release news. (*)
  0efc824... content: more writing and screenshots for GIMP 2.99.12 rele (*)
  cb77983... content: more text and screenshots for GIMP 2.99.12 news. (*)
  201f2f9... content: now the news is complete and ready for final revie (*)
  72f3070... content: fixes after review by NikcDC. (*)
  778b27c... content: various fixes. (*)
  fe6c19a... content: some last second fixes, soon before publication. (*)
  e2a2a90... content: probably the last fixups before publishing! (*)
  78c239a... Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/testing'

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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