[gimp] Create draft devel doc for scriptfu v3 script authors.

commit 08686fff8b4d0290dabcabea8596653bb3a5e8e0
Author: lloyd konneker <konnekerl gmail com>
Date:   Sat Aug 13 11:45:16 2022 -0400

    Create draft devel doc for scriptfu v3 script authors.

 .../script-fu-author-guide.md                      | 451 +++++++++++++++++++++
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diff --git a/devel-docs/GIMP3-plug-in-porting-guide/script-fu-author-guide.md 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe5ce81008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel-docs/GIMP3-plug-in-porting-guide/script-fu-author-guide.md
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+# Guide to changes to ScriptFu v3 for script authors
+*Draft, until GIMP 3 is final.  FIXME: rearrange and rename the cited documents*
+## About
+The audience is authors of Scriptfu plugins.
+This discusses how to edit v2 scripts so they will run in GIMP 3.
+This is only about changes to ScriptFu proper.
+The GIMP PDB, which you can call in scripts, has also changed.
+That also may require you to edit scripts.
+  - For changes in signatures of PDB procedures,
+    see devel-docs/GIMP3-plug-in-porting-guide/porting_scriptfu_scripts.md
+  - For added, removed, and replaced PDB procedures,
+    see devel-docs/GIMP3-plug-in-porting-guide/removed_functions.md
+## Quickstart
+A lucky few existing scripts may work in GIMP v3.
+Some changes are most likely to break an existing plugin.:
+  - SF-VALUE is obsolete
+  - TRUE and FALSE are obsolete
+  - many PDB procedures are obsolete or renamed, or their signature changed
+Once you edit a script for these changes, the script won't work in GIMP v2.
+Other changes:
+  - you can install scripts like plugins in other languages
+  - scripts can use the new mult-layer selection feature of GIMP
+  - a script can abort with an error message
+  - a script's settings are more fully saved
+Those changes might not affect an existing plugin.
+You need only understand those changes when you want to use new features of GIMP.
+A word of explanation: the GIMP developers understand these changes may be onerous.
+Script developers might need to maintain two different versions of their scripts.
+Some users will stick with GIMP 2 for a while and some will switch to GIMP 3.
+But GIMP 3 is a major version change with new features.
+A clean break is necessary to move forward with improvements.
+The situation is similar to the disruption caused by the move from Python 2 to 3.
+### SF-VALUE kind of argument is obsolete
+The symbol SF-VALUE is obsolete.
+You can edit v2 scripts and replace that symbol.
+In v2, SF-VALUE declared a formal argument that is an unquoted, arbitrary string.
+Usually, SF-VALUE was used for an integer valued argument.
+In the dialog for a script, ScriptFu showed a text entry widget.
+Usually the widget showed a default integer literal,
+but the widget let you enter any text into the string.
+You usually will replace it with an SF-ADJUSTMENT kind of formal argument,
+where the "digits" field of the SF-ADJUSTMENT is 0,
+meaning no decimal places, i.e. integer valued.
+You must also add the other fields, e.g. the lower and upper limits.
+A script that has been edited to replace SF-VALUE with SF-ADJUSTMENT
+will remain compatible with GIMP 2.
+    SF-VALUE      "Font size (pixels)"  "50"
+    =>
+    SF-ADJUSTMENT "Font size (pixels)" '(50 1 1000 1 10 0 SF-SPINNER)
+Here, in the seven-tuple, the 0 denotes: no decimal places.
+Another example, where you formerly
+used SF-VALUE to declare a formal argument that is float valued:
+    SF-VALUE      "Lighting (degrees)"  "45.0"
+    =>
+    SF-ADJUSTMENT "Lighting (degrees)" '(45.0 0 360 5 10 1 SF-SLIDER)
+Here, the 1 denotes: show 1 decimal place, for example "45.0",
+in the dialog widget.
+#### Use SF-STRING for some use cases
+In v2, a SF-VALUE argument let a user enter executable Scheme code,
+say "'(1 g 1)", which is a list literal,
+to be injected into a Scheme call to a plugin.
+That use is no longer possible.
+If you must do that, use SF_STRING to get a string,
+and then your plugin can eval the string.
+#### Arbitrary precision floats
+In v2, a SF-VALUE argument let a user enter a float with arbitrary precision,
+e.g. "0.00000001"
+That is no longer possible.  You as a script author must use SF-ADJUSTMENT
+and specify the maximum precision that makes sense.  The user won't be able to
+enter a value with more precision (more digits after the decimal point.)
+You should understand the math of your algorithm and know what precision
+is excess in terms of visible results.
+    SF-ADJUSTMENT "Lighting (degrees)" '(45.0 0 360 5 10 4 SF-SLIDER)
+Here, the user will only be able to enter four decimal places,
+for example by typing "0.0001" into the widget.
+If you actually need arbitrary precision, use SF_STRING to get a string,
+and then your plugin can eval the string to get a Scheme numeric
+of the maximum precision that Scheme supports.
+#### Rationale
+Formerly, a SF-VALUE argument let a user enter garbage for an argument,
+which caused an error in the script.
+SF-ADJUSTMENT is more user-friendly.
+### FALSE and TRUE symbols obsolete
+FALSE and TRUE symbols are no longer defined symbols in the ScriptFu language.
+They never were in the Scheme language.
+Instead, the Scheme language has symbols #f and #t.
+In ScriptFu v2, FALSE was equivalent to 0
+and TRUE was equivalent to 1.
+But FALSE was not equivalent to #f.
+Formerly, you could use the = operator to compare to FALSE and TRUE.
+The = operator in Scheme is a numeric operator, not a logical operator.
+Now you can use the eq? or eqv? operators.
+In Scheme, all values are truthy except for #f.
+The empty list is truthy.
+The numeric 0 is truthy.
+Only #f is not truthy.
+A PDB procedure returning a single Boolean (a predicate)
+returns a list containing one element, for example (#f) or (#t).
+#### Rationale
+The ScriptFu language is simpler and smaller; TRUE and FALSE duplicated concepts already in the Scheme 
+#### Example changes
+Registering a script:
+    SF-TOGGLE     "Gradient reverse"   FALSE
+    =>
+    SF-TOGGLE     "Gradient reverse"   #f
+Calling a PDB procedure taking a boolean:
+    (gimp-context-set-feather TRUE)
+    =>
+    (gimp-context-set-feather #t)
+Logically examining a variable for truth:
+    (if (= shadow TRUE) ...
+    =>
+    (if shadow ...
+### In scripts, calls to PDB procedures that return boolean yield (#t) or (#f)
+In ScriptFu v2, PDB procedures returning a boolean returned 1 or 0 to a script,
+that is, numeric values.
+Those were equal to the old TRUE and FALSE values.
+Remember that a call to the PDB returns a list to the script.
+So in ScriptFu v3,
+a PDB procedure that returns a single boolean (a predicate function)
+returns (#t) or (#f), a list containing one boolean element.
+#### Rationale
+#t and #f are more precise representations of boolean values.
+0 and 1 are binary, but not strictly boolean.
+The ScriptFu language is smaller if concepts of truth are not duplicated.
+#### Example changes
+Calling a PDB procedure that is a predicate function:
+    (if (= FALSE (car (gimp-selection-is-empty theImage))) ...
+    =>
+    (if (car (gimp-selection-is-empty theImage)) ...
+Here, the call to the PDB returns a list of one element.
+The "car" function returns that element.
+The "if" function evaluates that element for truthy.
+Note that to evaluate the result of a PDB call for truth,
+you should just use as above, and not use "eq?" or "eqv?".
+Such a result is always a list, and a list is truthy,
+but not equivalent to #t.
+In the ScriptFu console:
+    >(eq? #t '())
+    #f
+    >(eqv? #t '())
+    #f
+### Use script-fu-script-abort to throw an error
+The function "script-fu-script-abort" is new to ScriptFu v3.
+It causes the interpreter to stop evaluating a script
+and yield an error of type GimpPDBStatus.
+That is, it immediately returns an error to the caller.
+It is similar to the "return" statement in other languages,
+but the Scheme language has no "return" statement.
+The function takes an error message string.
+When the caller is the GIMP app,
+the GIMP app will show an error dialog
+having the message string.
+When the caller is another PDB procedure (a plugin or script)
+the caller must check the result of a call to the PDB
+and propagate the error.
+ScriptFu itself always checks the result of a call to the PDB
+and propagates the error,
+concatenating error message strings.
+The function can be used anywhere in a script,
+like you would a "return" statement in other languages.
+Alternatively, a script can yield #f to yield a PDB error.
+See below.
+#### Rationale
+Formerly, scripts usually called gimp-message on errors,
+without yielding an error to the caller.
+It was easy for a user to overlook the error message.
+An abort shows an error message that a user must acknowledge
+by choosing an OK button.
+#### Example
+This script defines a PDB procedure that aborts:
+    (define (script-fu-abort)
+      (script-fu-script-abort "Too many drawables.")
+      (gimp-message "this never evaluated")
+    )
+    ...
+### A script can yield #f to throw an error
+Here we use the word "yield" instead of the word "return".
+Neither  "yield" nor "return" are reserved words in the Scheme language.
+A Scheme text evaluates to, or yields, the value of its last expression.
+Any value other than #f, even the empty list or the list containing #f,
+is truthy.
+A ScriptFu plugin
+(the PDB procedure that a script defines in its run func)
+whose last evaluated expression is #f
+will yield an error of type GimpPDBStatus.
+If you don't want a ScriptFu plugin to yield an error,
+it must not evaluate to #f.
+Most existing plugins won't, since their last evaluated expression
+is usually a call to the PDB yielding a list, which is not equivalent to #f.
+*Remember that ScriptFu does not yet let you register PDB procedures
+that return values to the caller.
+That is, you can only register a void procedure, having only side effects.
+So to yield #f does not mean to return a boolean to the caller.*
+*Also, you can define Scheme functions internal to a script
+that yield #f but that do not signify errors.
+It is only the "run func" that defines a PDB procedure that,
+yielding #f, yields a PDB error to the caller.*
+#### Examples
+    (define (script-fu-always-fail)
+      (begin
+        ; this will be evaluated and show a message in GIMP status bar
+        (gimp-message "Failing")
+        ; since last expression, is the result, and will mean error
+        #f
+      )
+    )
+### You can optionally install scripts like plugins in other languages
+In v3 you can install ScriptFu scripts to a /plug-ins directory.
+You must edit the script to include a shebang in the first line:
+    #!/usr/bin/env gimp-script-fu-interpreter-3.0
+In v2 all ScriptFu scripts were usually installed in a /scripts directory.
+In v3 you may install ScriptFu scripts with a shebang
+in a subdirectory of a /plug-ins directory.
+Installation of scripts with a shebang must follow rules for interpreted plugins.
+A script file must:
+- have a shebang on the first line
+- be in a directory having the same base name
+- have executable permission
+- have a file suffix corresponding to an interpreter
+An example path to a script:
+    ~/.config/GIMP/2.99/plug-ins/myScript/myScript.scm
+Such a script will execute in its own process.
+If it crashes, it doesn't affect GIMP or other scripts.
+In v2, all scripts in the /scripts directory are executed by the long-lived
+process "extension-script-fu."
+If one of those scripts crash, menu items implemented by ScriptFu dissappear
+from the GIMP app, and you should restart GIMP.
+### Use script-fu-register-filter to register PDB procedures that take images
+The function *script-fu-register-filter* is new to v3.
+It lets you declare a script that:
+    - is multi-layer capable filter, taking an image and many drawables
+    - can save its settings between sessions
+You don't specify the first two arguments "image" and "drawable"
+as you do with script-fu-register in v2.
+Those arguments are implicit.
+As a convenience, ScriptFu and GIMP registers those arguments in the PDB for you.
+The run func that you define in your script
+must have those formal arguments.  For example:
+    (define script-fu-my-plugin (image drawables arg1 arg2) body)
+ScriptFu passes a Scheme vector of drawables, not just one, to a script
+registering with script-fu-register-filter.
+#### Multi-layer capabilily
+script-fu-register-filter has an argument "multilayer-capability".
+Some documents may refer to the argument as "drawable arity."
+The argument follows the "image types" argument
+and precedes the argument triples that declare formally the "other" arguments
+of your plugin.
+Here is an abbreviated example:
+    (script-fu-register-filter "script-fu-test-sphere-v3"
+      "Sphere v3..."
+      "Test script-fu-register-filter: needs 2 selected layers."
+      "authors"
+      "copyright holders"
+      "copyright dates"
+      "*"  ; image types any
+      SF-TWO-OR-MORE-DRAWABLE  ; multi-layer capability argument
+      SF-ADJUSTMENT "Radius (in pixels)" (list 100 1 5000 1 10 0 SF-SPINNER)
+The "multilayer-capability" argument can have the following values:
+    SF_ONE_DRAWABLE           expects exactly one drawable
+    SF_ONE_OR_MORE_DRAWABLE   expects and will process one or more drawables
+    SF_TWO_OR_MORE_DRAWABLE   expects and will process two or more drawables
+This is only a declaration; whether your run func does what it promises is another matter.
+A script declaring SF_ONE_DRAWABLE still receives a vector of drawables,
+but the vector should be of length one.
+These do not specify how the script will process the drawables.
+Typically, SF_ONE_OR_MORE_DRAWABLE means a script will filter
+the given drawables independently and sequentially.
+Typically, SF_TWO_OR_MORE_DRAWABLE means a script will
+combine the given drawables, say into another drawable by a binary operation.
+The "multilayer-capability" argument tells GIMP to enable the script's menu item
+when a user has selected the appropriate count of drawables.
+#### Settings are handled by GIMP, not ScriptFu
+Scripts declared with script-fu-register-filter have settings that are persisted
+within and between Gimp sessions.  That is, the next time a user chooses the filter,
+the dialog will show the same settings as the last time they chose the filter.
+This is not true for v2 script-register-filter,
+where settings are only kept during a GIMP session.
+The dialog for a script declared with script-fu-register-filter
+will also have buttons for resetting to initial or factory values of settings.
+#### A script should check how many drawables were passed
+A well-written script should throw an error if a caller does not pass the expected number of drawables, 
either more or fewer than declared.  See below.
+### Deprecated: using script-fu-register-filter to register PDB procedures that take images
+Existing scripts that use script-fu-register to declare a procedure
+that takes an image and single drawable,
+are deprecated.
+They will still work and have a correct dialog in v3.
+In some future version of GIMP,
+such scripts may become obsolete.
+All newly written scripts taking an image and one or more drawables
+should use script-fu-register-filter.
+GIMP enables the menu item for such deprecated scripts if and only if a user
+selects exactly one drawable (layer or other.)
+### ScriptFu plugins are expected to throw errors for improper count of drawables
+Starting with GIMP 3,
+a plugin that takes an image takes a container of possibly many drawables.
+This is the so-called "multi-layer selection" feature.
+Existing plugins that don't are deprecated,
+and may become obsoleted in a future version of GIMP.
+Plugins should declare how many drawables they can process,
+also called the "multi-layer capability" or "drawable arity" of the algorithm.
+The declared drawable arity
+only describes how many drawables the algorithm is able to process.
+The declared drawable arity does not denote the signature of the PDB procedure.
+Well-written image procedures always receive a container of drawables.
+For calls invoked by a user, the drawable arity describes
+how many drawables the user is expected to select.
+GIMP disables/enables the menu item for a plugin procedure
+according to its declared drawable arity.
+So a plugin procedure invoked directly by a user should never receive
+a count of drawables that the plugin can't handle.
+*But PDB procedures are also called from other PDB procedures.*
+A call from another procedure may in fact
+pass more drawables than declared for drawable arity.
+That is a programming error on behalf of the caller.
+A well-written callee plugin that is passed more drawables than declared
+should return an error instead of processing any of the drawables.
+Similarly for fewer than declared.
+A ScriptFu plugin can use script-fu-script-abort to declare an error
+when passed an improper count of drawables.

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