[chronojump] RaceAnalyzer radial graph moved a bit down

commit 8a05213ccf60affd0daafe9f624d3886e192aa8a
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Fri May 7 11:06:58 2021 +0200

    RaceAnalyzer radial graph moved a bit down

 src/gui/cairo/radial.cs | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gui/cairo/radial.cs b/src/gui/cairo/radial.cs
index 020c4efe..4125e963 100644
--- a/src/gui/cairo/radial.cs
+++ b/src/gui/cairo/radial.cs
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ public class CairoRadial : CairoGeneric
        private Cairo.Context g;
        private int textHeight = 12;
-       private int margin = 4;
+       private int margin = 1;
+       private int offsetV = 6; //to move the graph vertically
        private Gtk.DrawingArea area;
        private string font;
        private int graphWidth;
@@ -88,17 +89,18 @@ public class CairoRadial : CairoGeneric
                        double iArc = (2*Math.PI / (maxPossibleValue +7)) * (i+17); //+7 for have the 
maxvalue at bottom right, +17 to have 0 on the bottom left
-                       printText(Convert.ToInt32(margin + graphWidth/2 + (minSide/2) * 1 * Math.Cos(iArc - 
-                                       Convert.ToInt32(margin + graphHeight/2 + (minSide/2) * 1 * 
Math.Sin(iArc - Math.PI/2)),
+                       printText(
+                                       Convert.ToInt32(margin + graphWidth/2 + (minSide/2) * 1 * 
Math.Cos(iArc - Math.PI/2)),
+                                       Convert.ToInt32(offsetV + margin + graphHeight/2 + (minSide/2) * 1 * 
Math.Sin(iArc - Math.PI/2)),
                                        0, textHeight, i.ToString(), g, alignTypes.CENTER);
                        g.MoveTo (
                                        margin + graphWidth/2 + (minSide/2) * .9 * Math.Cos(iArc - Math.PI/2),
-                                       margin + graphHeight/2 + (minSide/2) * .9 * Math.Sin(iArc - 
+                                       offsetV + margin + graphHeight/2 + (minSide/2) * .9 * Math.Sin(iArc - 
                        g.LineTo (
                                        margin + graphWidth/2 + (minSide/2) * (.9-tickLength) * Math.Cos(iArc 
- Math.PI/2),
-                                       margin + graphHeight/2 + (minSide/2) * (.9-tickLength) * 
Math.Sin(iArc - Math.PI/2));
+                                       offsetV + margin + graphHeight/2 + (minSide/2) * (.9-tickLength) * 
Math.Sin(iArc - Math.PI/2));
                        if(tickLength == .1)
@@ -137,13 +139,15 @@ public class CairoRadial : CairoGeneric
                g.LineWidth = 2;
                graphLineFromCenter(speed, colorArrow);
-               printText(Convert.ToInt32(margin + graphWidth/2),
-                               Convert.ToInt32(margin + (.66 * graphHeight)),
+               printText(
+                               Convert.ToInt32(margin + graphWidth/2),
+                               Convert.ToInt32(offsetV + margin + (.66 * graphHeight)),
                                0, textHeight,
                                "Speed: " + Util.TrimDecimals(speed, 1) + " m/s",
                                g, alignTypes.CENTER);
-               printText(Convert.ToInt32(margin + graphWidth/2),
-                               Convert.ToInt32(margin + (.66 * graphHeight)) + 20,
+               printText(
+                               Convert.ToInt32(margin + graphWidth/2),
+                               Convert.ToInt32(offsetV + margin + (.66 * graphHeight)) + 20,
                                0, textHeight,
                                "Distance: " + Util.TrimDecimals(distance, 3) + " m",
                                g, alignTypes.CENTER);
@@ -162,13 +166,15 @@ public class CairoRadial : CairoGeneric
                //g.SetSourceRGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                g.LineWidth = 2;
-               printText(Convert.ToInt32(margin + graphWidth/2),
-                               Convert.ToInt32(margin + (.66 * graphHeight)),
+               printText(
+                               Convert.ToInt32(margin + graphWidth/2),
+                               Convert.ToInt32(offsetV + margin + (.66 * graphHeight)),
                                0, textHeight,
                                "Max Speed: " + Util.TrimDecimals(speedMax, 1) + " m/s",
                                g, alignTypes.CENTER);
-               printText(Convert.ToInt32(margin + graphWidth/2),
-                               Convert.ToInt32(margin + (.66 * graphHeight)) + 20,
+               printText(
+                               Convert.ToInt32(margin + graphWidth/2),
+                               Convert.ToInt32(offsetV + margin + (.66 * graphHeight)) + 20,
                                0, textHeight,
                                "Distance: " + Util.TrimDecimals(distance, 3) + " m",
                                g, alignTypes.CENTER);
@@ -182,11 +188,14 @@ public class CairoRadial : CairoGeneric
                //double arc = (2*Math.PI / maxPossibleValue) * toValue;
                double arc = (2*Math.PI / (maxPossibleValue +7)) * (toValue+17); //+7 for have the maxvalue 
at bottom right, +17 to have 0 on the bottom left
-               g.MoveTo(margin + graphWidth/2, margin + graphHeight/2);
+               g.MoveTo(
+                               margin + graphWidth/2,
+                               offsetV + margin + graphHeight/2);
                //thanks to: http://ralph-glass.homepage.t-online.de/clock/readme.html
-               g.LineTo(margin + graphWidth/2 + (minSide/2) * .9 * Math.Cos(arc - Math.PI/2),
-                               margin + graphHeight/2 + (minSide/2) * .9 * Math.Sin(arc - Math.PI/2));
+               g.LineTo(
+                               margin + graphWidth/2 + (minSide/2) * .9 * Math.Cos(arc - Math.PI/2),
+                               offsetV + margin + graphHeight/2 + (minSide/2) * .9 * Math.Sin(arc - 
                g.Color = color;

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