[gnome-tetravex/wip/jimmac/icon-text-as-shapes] icons: replace text with shapes

commit 0e4bfccf3ceacc98ce70aa59e298c39278abcbb0
Author: Jakub Steiner <jimmac gmail com>
Date:   Thu Mar 11 10:54:27 2021 +0100

    icons: replace text with shapes
    - while it's usually safe to expect Cantarell to be installed,
      baking into shapes results in repeatable rendering regardess
      of font or renderer situation.

 .../hicolor/scalable/org.gnome.Tetravex.Devel.svg  | 103 +--------------------
 data/icons/hicolor/scalable/org.gnome.Tetravex.svg |  50 +---------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 151 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/org.gnome.Tetravex.Devel.svg 
index ab5ec48..388d577 100644
--- a/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/org.gnome.Tetravex.Devel.svg
+++ b/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/org.gnome.Tetravex.Devel.svg
@@ -1,102 +1 @@
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