[chronojump] Created tag 2.1.2

The unsigned tag '2.1.2' was created.

Tagger: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date: 1626109125 +0200


Changes since the last tag '2.1.1':

Anders Jonsson (2):
      Update Swedish translation
      Update Swedish translation

Andre Klapper (1):
      Fix broken markup in Slovenian UI translation

Daniel Mustieles (5):
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation

Enrico Nicoletto (8):
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation

Federico Perego (1):
      Update Italian translation

Florentina Mușat (1):
      Update Romanian translation

Leninux (2):
      Solved bug with server images: modified server response
      Rename all requests & response parameters done to networks to kebab_case

Matej Urbančič (1):
      Update Slovenian translation

Rafael Fontenelle (2):
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation

Xavier Padullés (20):
      sprintEncoder code refactorin for split calculations
      RaceAnalyzer sprintRawDynamics includes splits
      Photocell and encoder races export lap times in .csv
      Disabling triggers for debugging
      Arduino in debug mode
      Testing triggers
      Fixed double trigger bug
      Disabling triggers for debugging
      Merge branch 'raceAnalyzerTriggers'
      raceAnalyzer. Triggers don't reset displacement count
      RaceAnalyzer. When the step size is too small in nls it works
      Added the arduino code for the LightChro/QuiChro controler
      Added the arduino code for the LightChro/QuiChro sensor
      Blinking controled by interruptions in the timmer
      Fixed the unmatched raws in raceEncoder export
      ForceSensorLCD. Red button allows to start and stop capture
      Added Wifi photocells arduino code
      Force sensor resultant not elastic fixed force
      Force sensor elastic accel smoothing window. WIP
      Force sensor elastic fixed force without capture options

Xavier de Blas (358):
      Elipsis (... to …) on .cs files
      Elipsis (... to …) on .glade files
      Sprint analyze export gui: widgets done
      Sprint analyze export gui: 1st signals connected
      Fixed units N/Kg on F0 Samozino legend
      shown sprint analyze export icons
      spinbutton_sprint_export_image_width/height related to preferences and fs,re widgets
      Started sending/receiving logic for sprint export
      Added exportFile/sprint.cs (30% done)
      TODO Message on sprint export button
      Updated sqlite diagram for upcoming DB: 2.14 Run,RUnI with datetime
      Fixed RaceAnalyzer export when no triggers
      Hidden RunInterval export widgets for upcoming version fix
      DB: 2.14 run, runInterval, tempRunInterval with datetime. Also execute run, runI.
      run, runI with datetime on treeviews
      Run, runI datetime on exportSession (.csv)
      Fixed mismatch between Force sensor analyze notebook currentSet and radio
      DB: 2.1. Inserted into preferences: SessionLoadDisplay, and management of 3 booleans - 1 int
      class SessionLoadDisplay refactorized inheriting new class BooleansInt
      Small check on editing a session from load window
      A session can be deleted from load session "window"
      Images for load session bottom buttons
      Yellow eventbox for buttons edit/delete on load session
      Fixed trigger capture on forceSensor
      At trigger changed ms to us to clarify, but not at SQL
      sqlite/trigger.cs comments ms -> us
      Forcesensor: Triggers shown on forceSensor Analyze
      Sqlite diagram triggers comment ms is us
      Session load with a show tests selector for each of the 6 modes
      Races preferences improvements to have less vertical space
      Fixed one string
      PersonSelectWindow (top) Several usability improvements
      Person add/edit: shorter and better gui on third tab
      Fixed not showing track distance on creating new simple run type
      Session load top right view column icons
      session load: removed rt, other icons
      Minor improvement on person_select_window
      load session view checkboxes depend on current_mode
      Shown again sprint analyze export controls
      SqliteRunInterval.SelectRuns -> SelectRunsSA ready to refactorize
      Method to select RunsInterval as a List<T>
      minor. at exportFiles refactorized: exportDecimalSeparator and personSession_l
      minor change
      Needed on lasts commits
      exportFiles progressbar with inheritance and removed re.cs from POTFILES.in
      minor change
      Refactorized some sprint methods
      Method: sqlite/usefulObjects.cs RunIntervalTypeDistances
      Minor change
      sprint export glade
      Sprint can be exported (TODO: images and select file)
      Sprint export: width/height to SQL and in sync with spinbuttons: forceSensor, runEncoder
      exportFiles copy images refactorized, and done for sprint
      Removed unused code
      Sprint export moves the csv to user selected location and images if needed
      Sprint export discard sprints with less than 3 tracks
      Updated chronojumpScholarGraph.R
      Sprint export positions with decimals working
      Forcesensor export unsensitive image options
      Networks fixed not showing "disconnected rfid" if disconnect it after an encoder capture
      Fixed bug on triggers on analyze graphs when there are ON and not OFF or viceversa
      RaceAnalyzer can capture with person height == 0
      RunEncoder analyze not automatic, button shown again and better sensitivity
      RaceAnalyzer: better placement of top right analyze buttons
      Cairo graphs can have different widths
      Cairo XY graphs can have different pointRadius
      RaceAnalyzer capture pos/time, speed/time graphs WIP
      selector for change jumps simple <-> reactive
      selector for change runs simple/intervallic/encoder
      selector for change encoder gravitatory/inertial
      Application title (top bar) shown Chronojump - mode - session name
      Shown translated: "Race analyzer" on title if this is current mode
      On changeMode care on new top radiobuttons
      Fixed sensitivity of top radio mode buttons while running processes
      RaceAnalyzer on load do not change to analyze
      RaceAnalyzer graph capture radial show also data after capture
      RaceAnalyzer capture graphs (dist/speed)/time (while and at end) capture
      Contacts exercise selection with left/right buttons
      JumpsRj exercise selection with left/right buttons
      Better code for last two commits
      Runs exercise selection with left/right buttons
      RunsInterval exercise selection with left/right buttons
      ForceSensor exercise selection with left/right buttons
      RaceAnalyzer exercise selection with left/right buttons
      Fixes for last left/right commits
      Changing any combo exercise will modify sensitivity of left/right buttons
      Fixed one text string
      RaceAnalyzer: Do not draw analyze graph on load
      RaceAnalyzer capture radial graph results in two lines
      New class RunEncoderCaptureGetSpeedAndDisplacement to manage RaceAnalyzer captured/loaded values
      sprintEncoder comment hardcoded 0.0030321 points to correct file
      CairoRadial can create blank graph and also SpeedMax graph
      RaceAnalyzer capture with new RunEncoderCaptureGetSpeedAndDisplacement()
      RaceAnalyzer load uses RunEncoderCaptureGetSpeedAndDisplacement() to plot radial
      RaceAnalyzer radial expose_event correctly update current or max values
      After race analyzer capture, now analyze button is sensitive
      RaceAnalyzer capture tab updated at load
      JumpsRj AVG shows power and stiffness
      RaceAnalyzer at load redo axis of scatterplots on capture tab
      RaceAnalyzer speed/time graphs with correct units now
      Several improvements on raceAnalyzer capture tab scatterplots
      Removed unneded print
      New class ChronoDebug to help timely debug processes
      Done sample for ChronoDebug
      Fixed treeview shown of load session much faster show at 2n, 3d, ... times
      LastJumpSimpleType class to remember config of jump type done
      DB: 2.16: Created table lastJumpSimpleTypeParams
      Missing on last commit
      All SQL methods for LastJumpTypeSimpleParams
      Store widget values on LastJumpSimpleTypeParams
      Fill widgets using lastJumpSimpleTypeParams
      Updated Sqlite diagram
      extra_window_jumps_rj_spinbutton_limit is an int now
      LastJumpRjTypeParams class to manage last params of executed Rj
      extra_window_jumps_rj_spinbutton_fall 2 -> 1 decs
      Jump simple type config from last execute: Two fixes since last commits
      LastJumpRjType creation on DB
      DB: 2.17: Created table lastJumpRjTypeParams
      All SQL methods for LastJumpTypeRjParams
      Store widget values on LastJumpRjTypeParams
      Fill widgets using lastJumpRjTypeParams
      Updated Sqlite diagram
      ForceSensor capture options, do not show: normal/abs/inverted on ForceResultant (is always abs)
      RunInterval: fixed execution of RSA tests, ended at n time instead of custom tracks
      RunEncoder clicking on capture blanks the capture Cairo scatterplot graphs
      ChronojumpNetworks: Fixed url to download images (Lenin)
      Networks: Fixes to have lowercase month names (and do not have problems with old Capitals)
      Networks: do not uploadEncoderDataTemp, DeleteTempEncoder until find why db is closed
      Fix newline on authors
      Networks: Do not allow to change modes
      RunInterval type with different distances allow 5 chars, eg 25,51
      DB to 2.18 Person77 ALTER TABLE added field: linkServerImage (for networks)
      Updated sqlite diagram
      Networks on personDeserialize stores correctly linkServerImage
      Networks after GetPersonByRFID if person exists on local check that ID is the same than server
      Networks download image of person already on local if image changed
      Networks: player image is downloaded if file missing on client
      Made "DJ optimal fall" button translatable
      Sqlite session SelectAll can be uniqueID ASC or DESC
      after importing a session to a new session, allows to load it in the same dialog
      run_type_add added two vertical separators
      Shown decimal separator on run_type_add
      Fixed alignment for: label_encoder_exercise_encoder
      button encoder config: shows gravitatory or inertia on label depending on mode
      Missing on last commit
      encoder_configuration window shows gravitory or inertial on title
      Import file path label with max chars and dots in the middle
      Fixed SQL SelectCurrentSessionPersons since person77 new field
      Fixed wrong title "Delete exercise" on encoder exercise edit
      Better vertical alignment for encoder exercise-configuration
      generic_window has a notebook inside frame, fixes colors and size problems
      UtilGtk method: ContrastLabelsFrame
      DB: 2.19 encoderExercise with type (encoderGI). SQL, GUI, code. encoderExercises are separated by mode.
      Minor change
      Fixed potentially bugs on SqliteEncoder.Select
      Encoder exercise edit takes care on saved sets with that exercise
      Encoder exercise: Display help button on gravitatory/inertial config problems
      DB to 2.20 Inserted into preferences: runsEvolutionOnlyBestInSession
      Refactorized cairo jumpsEvolution.cs to allow run simple evolution graph
      Sqlite.SelectRuns cares for datetime on runs previous to DB 2.13
      jumpsEvolution refactorized to allow runsEvolution
      Allow runsEvolution cairo graph to be saved
      All GTK stuff related to runsEvolution
      Updated sqlite diagram
      Trigger on encoder working again
      Fixed osVersion on ping to be shorter
      Fixed machineID that can send to long data on ping
      Fixed two non-visible widgets on jump/run simple after raceanalyzer show
      CompujumpStationMode: JUMPSSIMPLE, JUMPSREACTIVE working, and can change
      Session export (SQL) can be cancelled
      Fixed highlighting latest products icon when no network
      Import session also imports forceSensor triggers
      ForceSensor analyze graph fixed triggers x
      ForceSensor analyze graph triggers also in zoom
      cairo graph of races/datetime cares about m/s or km/h
      cairo graph of races/datetime can show time(s)/date
      DB 2.21 preferences: runsEvolutionShowTime
      Added method: UtilGtk.ComboCount()
      Cairo graph races/datetime manages distances on not fixed tests
      SortDoublesListString() to sort List<string> of doubles (with a test)
      JumpsRunsEvolution cairo/graph select custom distances sorted
      MovingBar after simple jump/run, animates according elapsed time
      Minor change
      ForceSensor: After load ensure change to signal (not rfd image)
      ForceSensor RFD-back button much clear with an icon
      Precaution: do not allow to forceSensor capture if no session or no person
      ForceSensor: Ensure button_execute_test is not active after adjust if there are no persons
      Ensure sensitiveGuiNoPerson is applied when load a session without persons
      New feature: ForceSensorExercises can show repetitions: con, con+ecc together/separeted
      ForceSensorExercise dialog has textviews for desc/examples: size does not change between tabs
      race analyzer load set make analyze graph insensitve
      Fixed cvRMSSD (needed sqrt and dividing by mean) (and also *100 to be percentage)
      Written test to check if rmssd matches R psych package
      Added interpolate cosine and interpolate cubic, (and tests)
      RaceAnalyzer do not write to file the triggers with 0 displacement
      RaceAnalyzer Do not graph triggers with 0 displacement
      RaceAnalyzer capture tab graphs with POINTLINES
      Fixed last commit
      RaceAnalyzer capture tab, new graph accel/time
      Less margin for cairo/radial
      No margin for raceAnalyze graphs
      RaceAnalyzer capture tab graphs with lower margins
      raceAnalyzer capture tab graphs have better X axis position, values
      Race Analyzer blank interface (eg. change person) blanks accel/time graph
      RaceAnalyzer accel/time as LINES, and more easy to change this xy param
      RaceAnalyzer velocimeter in the middle
      RaceAnalyzer radial graph moved a bit down
      Fixed deleting a session from session load when there's no currentSession
      ForceSensor cubic interpolation done at load
      ForceSensor feedback gui added "_rectangle", preparing to path code
      Continuation of last commit
      ForceSensor interpolate working with config params on load set (to test it)
      Minor change
      On deleting a test type (eg. jump), if there are jumps on a session, session name is shown
      Delete test type (jumpsSimple, jumpsRj, runs, runsI) much better with notebook (no 3 window opened)
      On main menu, shown (Race analyzer) at the side of "measured with encoder"
      Jumps simple capture tab graph can be saved
      Runs simple capture tab graph can be saved
      One string changed on Spanish translation
      continuation of last commit
      RaceAnalyzer capture accel/time graph with correct units
      ForceSensor itnerpolate path moved to new function
      Removed unneded param
      forceSensor path interpolated while capture (but not nice at scroll)
      Fixed forceSensor load with interpolated path since last commits
      Fixes on forceSensor forceResultant calculation
      At raceAnalyzer capture combo_race_analyzer_device is not shown
      On runEncoder load do not show device
      ForceSensor capture interpolated path working at same speed than capture
      ForceSensor path adjusts initial max height
      ForceSensor: do not show interpolated path at load and after capture (also fixes crash)
      ForceSensor interpolated path starts at 0N by default
      ForceSensor interpolated path line width can be adjusted
      ForceSensor repetitive conditions manage path
      Feedback win for forceSensor with table and notebook
      Continuation of last commit
      RepetitiveConditions Win close (force) stores ok feedback on SQL
      Feedback bell works ok on feedback win closed (forceSensor)
      Do not create force sensor interpolate path at load
      Minor change
      ChronoDebug shows the name at PrintResults()
      At forceSensor capture with path no scroll, identify if signal is in path
      Fix to previous commit
      ForceSensor capture NOScroll tells the accuracy of interpolated path follow
      forceSensor numPainted is 0 only before scroll
      ForceSensor path calculates ok accuracy also while in scroll
      ForceSensor capture with path, fixed potential crash since last commits
      ForceSensor interpolated capture path speed ok in all situations. Minor bugs.
      ForceSensor capture path memory does not grow and accuracy cleaner code
      Programs quits correctly if user closes software while capturing
      ForceSensor interpolated capture path finally working as should be
      Better info on IdentifyPixelColorIsInPath
      ForceSensor capture interpolated path shows "read head" on signal out of path
      clean code
      Clean code
      ForceSensor capture interpolated path: lineWidth in N
      Added TwoListOfInts UtilMath class
      ForceSensor paintPoints interpolate path fix crashes on resizing window
      minor change
      ForceSensor path: red head previous to scroll and fixed memory leak previous to scroll
      ForceSensor path conditions check max>=min
      InterpolatedPathAccuracy variables moved to new class PathAccuracy
      InterpolateSignal can be sent toFile again
      InterpolateSignal can Test also signals with negative values
      ForceSensor capture interpolated path with negative values
      Continuation of last commit
      ForceSensor capture HVLines works much better on negative values
      ForceSensor feedback rectangle can be negative
      ForceSensor feedback path: show recommended line size (max-min)/3
      Better default values for forceSensor path
      DB: 2.22 Inserted forceSensorFeedbackPath params
      ForceSensor repetititiveConditionsWin gets updated according to preferences
      preferences and SQL updated on changes on repetitiveConditionsWin forceSensor path
      ForceSensor app1 gui does not call repetitiveConditionsWin for path (uses preferences)
      Added string "Absolute values" on force resultant exercise config
      ForceSensor capture path accuracy starts at a count down of 5 s
      ForceSensor path does not start at 0 anymore
      ForceSensor capture unsensitivizes adjust button
      Force sensor adjust moved to center of the capture window
      On ForceSensor capture scroll, adjust H lines according to max/min force and path
      ForceSensor accuracy countdown message in bold
      Minor change
      Do not allow to press results table buttons while jump/run capture
      Fixed DeletingLastTc on ending an Rj jump (fixes crash on unlimited with 1 jump)
      ExecuteAuto does not allow to add exercises on load
      Some minor gui changes on executeAuto win
      Fixed forceSensor export files with images on certain systems
      cont of last commit
      Fix a potential crash on forceSensor capture with path
      gui/sendLog -> gui/sendLogAndPoll.cs
      social network poll gui done
      json.SocialNetworkPoll done
      SocialPoll is sent ok (and care for security of other entry)
      social network: added twitter
      socialNetwork poll provides feedback on send
      Better labels for socialNetwork poll
      socialNetwork poll with background color
      socialNetwork poll question in bold
      socialNetwork poll: questions unsensitive after send
      DB:2.23 Inserted socialNetwork variables at preferences
      socialNetwork poll is only asked one time, stored locally and resent in the future if network problems
      Encoder: Fixed crash on inertia moment calculation since check Chronopic cable feature
      Intervalic races show total in bold
      ForceSensor ExportFiles sending URL to R cares for \\ to / on Windows
      RaceAnalyzer ExportFiles sending URL to R cares for \\ to / on Windows
      UtilAll.OpenFolder adds quotes to process files with spaces
      Util.OpenFolder renamed OpenURL
      ForceSensor analyze export can open result url
      ForceSensor analyze export changing images checkbox hide result label and open button
      selectable labels: label_force_sensor_export_result, label_run_encoder_export_result
      RaceAnalyzer analyze export can open result url
      Sprint export implemented open like forceSensor and raceAnalyzer
      forceSensor, raceAnalyzer, sprint only can open result if was successful
      Fix hang if export sprint where all data has just two tracks
      Fixed label_sprint_export_data was not showing person or session (was not showing anything)
      Fixed label_export_data on groupwise on runInterval, raceAnalyzer, forceSensor
      Fixed not seeing error label on forceSensorExercise create without name
      Fixed CSVDecimalColumnIsPoint (fixing really eventual problems on export on R)
      sprintEncoder export handles sets with different positions and exports instantaneous data
      raceAnalyzer export instantaneous exports speed fitted
      raceAnalyzer export instantaneous exports accel fitted
      raceAnalyzer export instantaneous exports force and power fitted
      SprintEncoder export with check for instantaneous and own column on csv: 1.csv
      RaceAnalyzer export instantaneous fitted data = 0 when time < 0
      Added debug to Logo to fix issue on mac since last commits
      Minor change on howto_compile instructions
      Sprint and RaceAnalyzer export copy the csv ensuring destination is a file
      ForceSensor export copies 1st to tmp/*.png to avoid windows accents problems
      raceAnalyzer export copies 1st to tmp/*.png to avoid windows accents problems
      ForceSensor export AB show vertical ablines to know AB on set
      Testing more stuff for logo on mac
      removed: Testing more stuff for logo on mac (was expose_event)
      Chronojump logo drawingarea and viewport in a notebook (maybe better for mac)
      Removed debug info on logo
      Removed sending app1 to execute classes
      Removed sending app1 to Run/RunI execute classes
      All the code for running with wireless photocells
      Wireless photocells will be shown on Device
      Logo animated not shown by default on mac (until Big Sur improves)
      One string fix on es.po and ca.po
      Added versions/2.1.2.html (until Apr 24)
      Updated 2.1.2.html until May 5
      R Code for test RMSSD and CVRMSSD
      Updated versions/2.1.2.html until May 12
      Wireless photocell can start inside and better widgets behaviour in all situations
      Force sensor variability method can be also RMSSD
      Finished versions/2.1.2.html (but waiting eventual force sensor force resultant calculations)
      Cleaned code of last commits
      4 horizontal buttons under persons treeview now under manage
      Better spacing buttons on manage
      cont of last commit
      on new session, ensure currentPerson is null (not show previos currentPerson on top personSelectWin)
      Minor change
      button persons manage has an icon (with a person)
      Minor change
      hidden the wireless photocell device
      Updated versions/2.1.2.html
      Updated catalan translation

Yuri Chornoivan (19):
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation

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