[gnome-calculator] Update Basque translation

commit 092d0d60f88f65b1fd65d4907adbf197abbf3f14
Author: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <asiersarasua ni eus>
Date:   Sat Feb 6 21:34:39 2021 +0000

    Update Basque translation

 help/eu/eu.po | 7640 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 4656 insertions(+), 2984 deletions(-)
diff --git a/help/eu/eu.po b/help/eu/eu.po
index a2b374a7..27b9b5b5 100644
--- a/help/eu/eu.po
+++ b/help/eu/eu.po
@@ -1,3352 +1,5024 @@
 # translation of gcalctool_help.HEAD.po to Basque
 # Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo euskalgnu org>, 2008.
+# Asier Sarasua Garmendia <asiersarasua ni eus>, 2021.
 msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gcalctool_help.HEAD\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-09-04 03:23+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-12-14 18:13+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo euskalgnu org>\n"
-"Language-Team: Basque <itzulpena euskalgnu org>\n"
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: gcalctool_help.HEAD\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-10 15:29+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-06 10:00+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <asiersarasua ni eus>\n"
+"Language-Team: Basque <librezale librezale eus>\n"
+"Language: eu\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
 "Plural-Forms:  nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:274(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_basic_window.png'; md5=3fa42f2372279ca1e08b02f00e83425f"
-msgstr "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_basic_window.png'; md5=3fa42f2372279ca1e08b02f00e83425f"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:302(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_menu_symbol.png'; md5=98c0e167a3b10b26bfae58102b3d9efa"
-msgstr "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_menu_symbol.png'; md5=98c0e167a3b10b26bfae58102b3d9efa"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:560(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_advanced_window.png'; md5=65dad780d95ae119dcfb093e042dc559"
-msgstr "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_advanced_window.png'; md5=65dad780d95ae119dcfb093e042dc559"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:775(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_financial_window.png'; md5=19be3cfdfc74c90278126a2b28dffd81"
-msgstr "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_financial_window.png'; md5=19be3cfdfc74c90278126a2b28dffd81"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1215(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_scientific_window.png'; md5=ae492a3567a18668e5f1b8fff3529dbd"
-msgstr "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_scientific_window.png'; md5=ae492a3567a18668e5f1b8fff3529dbd"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:24(title)
-msgid "<application>Calculator</application> Manual"
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren eskuliburua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:27(para)
-msgid "User manual for the gcalctool, the GNOME calculator application."
-msgstr "Gcalctool-en erabiltzailearen eskuliburua; GNOMEren kalkulatzeko aplikazioa da gcalctool."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:33(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr "2003"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:34(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr "2004"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:35(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr "2005"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:36(holder)
-msgid "Sun Microsystems"
-msgstr "Sun Microsystems "
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:47(publishername) C/gcalctool.xml:82(para) C/gcalctool.xml:91(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:99(para) C/gcalctool.xml:108(para) C/gcalctool.xml:117(para) C/gcalctool.xml:126(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:135(para) C/gcalctool.xml:144(para) C/gcalctool.xml:153(para) C/gcalctool.xml:162(para)
-msgid "GNOME Documentation Project"
-msgstr "GNOMEren dokumentazio-proiektua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2(para)
-msgid "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free 
Documentation License (GFDL), Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation with 
no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. You can find a copy of the GFDL at this 
<ulink type=\"help\" url=\"ghelp:fdl\">link</ulink> or in the file COPYING-DOCS distributed with this manual."
-msgstr "Baimena ematen da dokumentu hau kopiatu, banatu eta/edo aldatzeko Free Software Foundation-ek 
argitaratutako GNU Dokumentazio Librearen Lizentziaren 1.1. bertsioan edo berriago batean ezarritako 
baldintzak betetzen badira; Atal Aldaezinik, Aurreko azaleko testurik eta Atzeko azaleko testurik gabe. GFDL 
lizentziaren kopia <ulink type=\"help\" url=\"ghelp:fdl\">esteka honetan</ulink> edo eskuliburu honekin 
batera ematen den COPYING-DOCS fitxategian aurkituko duzu."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:12(para)
-msgid "This manual is part of a collection of GNOME manuals distributed under the GFDL. If you want to 
distribute this manual separately from the collection, you can do so by adding a copy of the license to the 
manual, as described in section 6 of the license."
-msgstr "Eskuliburu hau GFDL lizentziarekin banatzen diren GNOME eskuliburuen bildumakoa da. Eskuliburu hau 
bildumatik bereizita banatu nahi baduzu, bana dezakezu, baina eskuliburuari lizentziaren kopia bat gehitu 
beharko diozu, lizentzian bertan 6. atalean azaltzen den bezala."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:19(para)
-msgid "Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products and services are claimed as 
trademarks. Where those names appear in any GNOME documentation, and the members of the GNOME Documentation 
Project are made aware of those trademarks, then the names are in capital letters or initial capital letters."
-msgstr "Enpresek euren produktu eta zerbitzuak bereizteko erabiltzen dituzten izen asko marka erregistratu 
moduan hartu behar dira. Izen horiek GNOMEren edozein agiritan agertzen direnean, eta GNOMEren Dokumentazio 
Proiektuko kideak marka komertzialak direla konturatu badira, orduan izen horiek maiuskulaz idatzita egongo 
dira, osorik edo hasierako letra maiuskulaz jarrita."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:35(para)
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:55(para)
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:28(para)
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:56(corpauthor)
-msgid "Sun Microsystems Inc."
-msgstr "Sun Microsystems Inc."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:77(revnumber)
-msgid "Calculator Manual V2.9"
-msgstr "Kalkulagailuaren eskuliburua V2.9"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:78(date)
-msgid "March 2005"
-msgstr "2005eko martxoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:80(para) C/gcalctool.xml:89(para)
-msgid "Sun Java Desktop System Documentation Team"
-msgstr "Sun Java Mahaigaineko Sistemaren Dokumentazio-taldea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:86(revnumber)
-msgid "Calculator Manual V2.8"
-msgstr "Kalkulagailuaren eskuliburua V2.8"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:87(date)
-msgid "August 2004"
-msgstr "2004ko abuztua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:95(revnumber)
-msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.7"
-msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.7"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:96(date)
-msgid "February 2004"
-msgstr "2004ko otsaila"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:98(para) C/gcalctool.xml:106(para) C/gcalctool.xml:115(para) C/gcalctool.xml:124(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:133(para) C/gcalctool.xml:142(para) C/gcalctool.xml:151(para) C/gcalctool.xml:160(para)
-msgid "Sun GNOME Documentation Team"
-msgstr "Sun-eko GNOMEren dokumentazio-taldea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:103(revnumber)
-msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.6"
-msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.6"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:104(date)
-msgid "October 2003"
-msgstr "2003ko urria"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:112(revnumber)
-msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.5"
-msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.5"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:113(date)
-msgid "July 2003"
-msgstr "2003ko uztaila"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:121(revnumber)
-msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.4"
-msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.4"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:122(date)
-msgid "June 2003"
-msgstr "2003ko ekaina"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:130(revnumber)
-msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.3"
-msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.3"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:131(date) C/gcalctool.xml:140(date)
-msgid "April 2003"
-msgstr "2003ko apirila"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:139(revnumber)
-msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.2"
-msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.2"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:148(revnumber)
-msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.1"
-msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.1"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:149(date) C/gcalctool.xml:158(date)
-msgid "March 2003"
-msgstr "2003ko martxoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:157(revnumber)
-msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.0"
-msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.0"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:167(releaseinfo)
-msgid "This manual describes version 5.5.37 of Calculator."
-msgstr "Eskuliburu honetan Kalkulagailuaren 5.5.37 bertsioa azaltzen da."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:170(title)
-msgid "Feedback"
-msgstr "Oharrak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:171(para)
-msgid "To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding the <application>Calculator</application> application 
or this manual, follow the directions in the <ulink url=\"ghelp:gnome-feedback\" type=\"help\">GNOME Feedback 
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ri buruzko akatsen berri emateko edo oharrak bidaltzeko, 
<ulink url=\"ghelp:gnome-feedback\" type=\"help\">GNOMEra oharrak bidaltzeko orria</ulink>n aurkituko dituzu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:178(primary)
-msgid "gcalctool"
-msgstr "gcalctool"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:181(primary) C/gcalctool.xml:0(application) C/gcalctool.xml:0(application) 
C/gcalctool.xml:0(application) C/gcalctool.xml:0(application) C/gcalctool.xml:2689(guimenu)
-msgid "Calculator"
-msgstr "Kalkulagailua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:187(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr "Sarrera"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:188(para)
-msgid "The <application>Calculator</application> application provides the following modes for different 
types of mathematical functionality:"
-msgstr "Matematika-funtzionaltasunen arabera erabiltzeko modu hauek ditu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:191(link) C/gcalctool.xml:2652(guimenuitem)
-msgid "Basic"
-msgstr "Oinarrizkoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:192(para)
-msgid "The default mode. Provides standard calculator functions. You can perform standard addition, 
subtraction, division, and multiplication functions in Basic mode and you can use all of the Basic functions 
in each of the other modes."
-msgstr "Modu lehenetsia. Kalkulagailuaren funtzio estandarrak ditu. Batuketa, kenketa, zatiketa eta 
biderketa estandarrak egin daitezke oinarrizko moduan, eta oinarrizko funtzio guztiak erabil daitezke beste 
modu guztietan."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:195(link)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Aurreratua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:196(para)
-msgid "Provides advanced calculator functions. You can store numbers in 10 different memory registers, and 
easily retrieve and replace the numbers in the memory registers. You can use all of the Advanced functions in 
Financial and Scientific modes."
-msgstr "Kalkulagailuaren funtzio aurreratuak ditu. 10 memoria-erregistrotan gorde daitezke zenbakiak, eta 
erraza da memoria-erregistroetako zenbakiak hartzea eta ordeztea. Funtzio aurreratu guztiak erabil daitezke 
modu finantzarioan eta zientifikoan."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:199(link) C/gcalctool.xml:2664(guimenuitem)
-msgid "Financial"
-msgstr "Finantzarioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:200(para)
-msgid "Provides several complex financial functions."
-msgstr "Hainbat finantza-funtzio konplexu ditu."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:203(link) C/gcalctool.xml:2695(guimenuitem)
-msgid "Scientific"
-msgstr "Zientifikoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:204(para)
-msgid "Provides many additional mathematical functions, including trigonometric and bitwise functions. You 
can also store your own functions and constants, when you use Scientific mode."
-msgstr "Matematika-funtzio osagarriak ditu, funtzio trigonometrikoak eta bitetan oinarritutako funtzioak 
barne. Zure funtzioak eta konstanteak ere gorde ditzakezu, modu zientifikoa erabiltzean."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:208(para)
-msgid "You can use <application>Calculator</application> in the following numbering systems:"
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> erabiltzeko zenbaki-sistema hauek dituzu aukeran:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:216(para)
-msgid "Numbering System"
-msgstr "Zenbaki-sistema"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:218(para)
-msgid "Base"
-msgstr "Oinarria"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:223(para)
-msgid "Binary"
-msgstr "Bitarra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:224(para) C/gcalctool.xml:417(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:453(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:616(superscript) C/gcalctool.xml:740(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:744(keycap) 
C/gcalctool.xml:748(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2467(superscript)
-msgid "2"
-msgstr "2"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:227(para)
-msgid "Octal"
-msgstr "Zortzitarra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:228(para)
-msgid "8"
-msgstr "8"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:231(para)
-msgid "Decimal"
-msgstr "Hamartarra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:232(para)
-msgid "10"
-msgstr "10"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:235(para)
-msgid "Hexadecimal"
-msgstr "Hamaseitarra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:236(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2052(para)
-msgid "16"
-msgstr "16"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:247(title)
-msgid "Getting Started"
-msgstr "Erabiltzen hastea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:248(para)
-msgid "You can start <application>Calculator</application> in the following ways:"
-msgstr "Aukera hauek dituzu <application>Kalkulagailua</application> abiarazteko:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:251(term)
-msgid "Menu"
-msgstr "Menua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:253(para)
-msgid "Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Accessories</guimenu><guimenuitem>Calculator</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
-msgstr "Aukeratu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:259(term)
-msgid "Command line"
-msgstr "Komando-lerroa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:261(para)
-msgid "Execute the following command: <userinput>gnome-calculator</userinput>"
-msgstr "Exekutatu komando hau: <userinput>gnome-kalkulagailua</userinput>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:266(para)
-msgid "When you start <application>Calculator</application>, the following window is displayed:"
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> abiarazten duzunean, leiho hau azalduko da:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:270(title)
-msgid "<application>Calculator</application> Basic Mode Window"
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren oinarrizko moduaren leihoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:277(phrase)
-msgid "Shows <placeholder-1/> Basic mode window."
-msgstr "Oinarrizko moduaren leihoa bistaratzen du (<placeholder-1/>)."
-#. ==== End of Figure ====
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:283(para)
-msgid "The <application><application>Calculator</application></application> window contains the following 
-msgstr "<application><application>Kalkulagailua</application></application>ren leihoan elementu hauek daude:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:285(term)
-msgid "Menubar"
-msgstr "Menu-barra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:287(para)
-msgid "The menus on the menubar contain all of the commands that you need to work with 
-msgstr "<application><application>Kalkulagailua</application></application>n dokumentuekin lan egiteko behar 
dituzun komando guztiak dituzte menu-barrako menuek."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:290(term)
-msgid "Display area"
-msgstr "Bistaratze-area"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:292(para)
-msgid "The display area shows the numbers that you enter, and the results of calculations. If you are not 
using arithmetic precedence, you can only enter numbers of up to forty digits."
-msgstr "Sartzen dituzun zenbakiak eta kalkuluen emaitzak ikusten dira bistaratze-arean. Aurrentasun 
aritmetikoa erabiltzen ari ez bazara, berrogei digituko zenbakiak idatz ditzakezu gehienez."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:295(term)
-msgid "Mode area"
-msgstr "Modu-area"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:297(para)
-msgid "The mode area displays the buttons for the current mode. The Basic mode buttons are always displayed. 
Advanced mode buttons are also available in Financial and Scientific modes."
-msgstr "Uneko moduaren botoiak bistaratzen dira modu-arean. Oinarrizko moduaren botoiak beti daude agerian. 
Modu aurreratuaren botoiak erabilgarri daude modu finantzarioan eta modu zientifikoan."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:300(term)
-msgid "Popup Menu"
-msgstr "Laster-menua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:302(phrase)
-msgid "Shows popup-menu symbol."
-msgstr "Laster-menuaren ikurra erakusten du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:302(para)
-msgid "The <placeholder-1/> symbol on a <application>Calculator</application> button indicates that a popup 
menu is displayed when you click on that button."
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailu</application>ko botoi batean <placeholder-1/> ikurra badago, botoi hori 
sakatzean laster-menu bat bistaratzen dela adierazten du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:306(term)
-msgid "Status Bar"
-msgstr "Egoera-barra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:308(para)
-msgid "The status bar displays messages on the status of your calculations."
-msgstr "Kalkuluen egoerari buruzko informazioa bistaratzen du egoera-barrak."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:315(title)
-msgid "Usage"
-msgstr "Erabilera"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:319(title)
-msgid "To Use Calculator Functions"
-msgstr "Kalkulagailuaren funtzioak erabiltzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:320(para)
-msgid "To perform a calculation, use one of the following methods:"
-msgstr "Kalkulu bat egiteko, aukera hauek daude:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:323(para)
-msgid "Click on the <application>Calculator</application> buttons to enter numbers and functions."
-msgstr "Egin klik <application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren botoietan zenbakiak eta funtzioak sartzeko."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:326(para)
-msgid "Give focus to the <application>Calculator</application> window, then use the keyboard or numeric 
keypad to specify the calculation that you want to perform. For a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, see 
<xref linkend=\"gcalctool-keyboard-shortcut\"/>."
-msgstr "Jarri fokua ren leihoan, eta, jarraian, erabili teklatua (arrunta edo zenbakizkoa) egin nahi duzun 
kalkulua zehazteko. Ikus laster-teklen zerrenda osoa hemen: <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-keyboard-shortcut\"/>."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:329(para)
-msgid "The <application>Calculator</application> application automatically displays numbers with more than 
40 digits, and small numbers, as exponential numbers. For example, the following table shows the value that 
is displayed when you use the decimal numeric base with an accuracy of 2 significant places:"
-msgstr "40 zifra baino gehiagoko zenbakiak eta zenbaki txikiak zenbaki esponentzial gisa bistaratzen ditu 
<application>Kalkulagailua</application> aplikazioak automatikoki. Adibidez, taula honetan erakusten da bi 
zifra esanguratsuko sistema hamartarra erabiliz bistaratzen den balioa:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:337(para)
-msgid "Display"
-msgstr "Bistaratzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:339(para)
-msgid "Signifies"
-msgstr "Esan nahi du"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:344(para)
-msgid "1.23e+37"
-msgstr "1.23e+37"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:345(para)
-msgid "1.23 * 10<superscript>37</superscript>"
-msgstr "1,23 * 10<superscript>37</superscript>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:348(para)
-msgid "1e-5"
-msgstr "1e-5"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:349(para)
-msgid "0.00001"
-msgstr "0,00001"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:355(para)
-msgid "For information about how to enter a number in exponential format, see <xref 
-msgstr "Zenbaki bat formatu esponentzialean nola sartu jakiteko, ikus <xref 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:358(title)
-msgid "To Display a Separator in Large Numbers"
-msgstr "Zenbaki handietan bereizlea bistaratzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:359(para)
-msgid "To insert a separator between every three digits to the left of the numeric point in decimal base, 
choose <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Thousands Separator</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
-msgstr "Zenbaki hamartarretan komatik ezkerrera hiru zenbakitik behin bereizle bat jartzeko, aukeratu 
<menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Erakutsi milakoen bereizleak</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:362(para)
-msgid "The separator character is not displayed when you use the C locale."
-msgstr "Karaktere bereizlea ez da bistaratzen C lokala erabiltzean."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:367(title)
-msgid "To Copy and Paste in the Display Area"
-msgstr "Bistaratze-arean kopiatzea eta itsastea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:368(para)
-msgid "To copy the result of a calculation, choose 
<menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. You can paste the value into 
another application."
-msgstr "Kalkulu baten emaitza kopiatzeko, aukeratu 
<menuchoice><guimenu>Editatu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Kopiatu</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Beste aplikazio batean 
itsats dezakezu balioa."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:370(para)
-msgid "To paste a previously copied value into the display area, choose 
-msgstr "Lehendik kopiatutako balio bat bistaratze-arean itsasteko, aukeratu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:377(title)
-msgid "To Perform Basic Calculations"
-msgstr "Oinarrizko kalkuluak egitea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:378(para)
-msgid "Basic mode is displayed by default when you first start <application>Calculator</application>. To 
explicitly invoke Basic mode, choose 
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> lehenengoz abiaraztean, oinarrizko modua bistaratzen da 
Pantaila osoko modua aktibatzeko, aukeratu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:379(para)
-msgid "The calculator memory registers are unavailable in Basic Mode. In other words, 
<menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Memory Registers</guimenuitem></menuchoice> is inactive."
-msgstr "Kalkulagailuaren memoria-erregistroak ez daude erabilgarri oinarrizko moduan. Alegia, inaktibo dago 
<menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Memoria-erregistroak</guimenuitem></menuchoice> aukera."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:381(title)
-msgid "To Perform Simple Calculations"
-msgstr "Kalkulu errazak egitea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:382(para)
-msgid "To perform simple calculations, use the buttons described in <xref 
-msgstr "Kalkulu errazak egiteko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-simple-calc\"/>(e)n deskribatutako 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:384(title)
-msgid "Performing Simple Calculations"
-msgstr "Kalkulu errazak egitea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:394(para) C/gcalctool.xml:481(para) C/gcalctool.xml:580(para) C/gcalctool.xml:682(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:797(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1271(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1315(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1354(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1393(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1431(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1545(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1592(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1891(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1937(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2021(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2159(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:2234(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2549(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2644(para)
-msgid "Function"
-msgstr "Funtzioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:396(para) C/gcalctool.xml:483(para) C/gcalctool.xml:582(para) C/gcalctool.xml:684(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:799(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1273(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1317(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1356(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1395(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1433(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1547(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1594(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1939(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2023(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2157(para)
-msgid "Button"
-msgstr "Botoia"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:398(para) C/gcalctool.xml:485(para) C/gcalctool.xml:584(para) C/gcalctool.xml:686(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:735(para) C/gcalctool.xml:801(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1275(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1319(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1358(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1397(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1435(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1549(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1596(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1790(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1941(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1990(para) 
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Azalpena"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:400(para) C/gcalctool.xml:487(para) C/gcalctool.xml:586(para) C/gcalctool.xml:688(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:803(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1437(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1551(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1598(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1943(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2027(para)
-msgid "Example"
-msgstr "Adibidea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:402(para) C/gcalctool.xml:489(para) C/gcalctool.xml:588(para) C/gcalctool.xml:690(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:805(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1239(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1439(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1553(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1600(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1945(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2029(para)
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "Emaitza"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:407(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2168(para)
-msgid "Numerals"
-msgstr "Zenbakiak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:408(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2167(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>0</guibutton> to <guibutton>9</guibutton> inclusive"
-msgstr "<guibutton>0</guibutton>tik <guibutton>9</guibutton>ra, biak barne"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:409(para)
-msgid "In decimal and hexadecimal base, all numerals are available. In octal base, <guibutton>8</guibutton> 
and <guibutton>9</guibutton> are unavailable. In binary base, only <guibutton>0</guibutton> and 
<guibutton>1</guibutton> are available. The default base is decimal."
-msgstr "Oinarri hamartarrean eta hamaseitarrean, zenbaki guztiak daude erabilgarri. Oinarri zortzitarrean, 
ez daude erabilgarri <guibutton>8</guibutton> eta <guibutton>9</guibutton> botoiak. Oinarri bitarrean, 
berriz, <guibutton>0</guibutton> eta <guibutton>1</guibutton> botoiak soilik daude erabilgarri. Oinarri 
lehenetsia hamartarra da."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:410(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:411(para) C/gcalctool.xml:417(guibutton) 
C/gcalctool.xml:439(para) C/gcalctool.xml:511(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1476(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1504(para) 
-msgid "1"
-msgstr "1"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:414(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2426(para)
-msgid "Numeric point"
-msgstr "Zenbaki-koma"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:415(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:417(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2424(keycap) 
-msgid "."
-msgstr "."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:416(para)
-msgid "Starts the fractional part of a numeric entry."
-msgstr "Zenbakizko sarrera baten zati ez osokoari hasiera ematen dio."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:418(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1245(para)
-msgid "1.2"
-msgstr "1.2"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:421(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2450(para)
-msgid "Calculate a result"
-msgstr "Emaitza kalkulatzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:422(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2449(guibutton)
-msgid "="
-msgstr "="
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:423(para)
-msgid "Displays the result of the current calculation in the current base."
-msgstr "Uneko kalkuluaren emaitza bistaratzen du, uneko oinarrian."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:424(para) C/gcalctool.xml:431(para)
-msgid "1 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-msgstr "1 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:425(para) C/gcalctool.xml:432(para) C/gcalctool.xml:498(para) C/gcalctool.xml:612(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1771(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:1896(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2066(para)
-msgid "3"
-msgstr "3"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:428(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2414(para)
-msgid "Addition"
-msgstr "Batuketa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:429(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2412(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2413(guibutton)
-msgid "+"
-msgstr "+"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:430(para)
-msgid "Adds the current value in the display area to the next number that you enter."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa gehitzen dio sartzen duzun hurrengo zenbakiari."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:435(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2420(para)
-msgid "Subtraction"
-msgstr "Kenketa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:436(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2418(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2419(guibutton)
-msgid "-"
-msgstr "-"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:437(para)
-msgid "Subtracts from the current value in the display area the next number that you enter."
-msgstr "Sartzen duzun hurrengo zenbakia kentzen dio bistaratze-areako uneko balioari."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:438(para)
-msgid "3 <guibutton>-</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-msgstr "3 <guibutton>-</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:442(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2408(para)
-msgid "Multiplication"
-msgstr "Biderketa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:443(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2406(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2407(guibutton)
-msgid "*"
-msgstr "*"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:444(para)
-msgid "Multiplies the current value in the display area by the next number that you enter."
-msgstr "Sartzen duzun hurrengo zenbakiaz biderkatzen du bistaratze-areako uneko balioa."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:445(para)
-msgid "3 <guibutton>*</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-msgstr "3 <guibutton>*</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:446(para) C/gcalctool.xml:886(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1096(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1142(para)
-msgid "6"
-msgstr "6"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:449(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2432(para)
-msgid "Division"
-msgstr "Zatiketa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:450(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2430(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2431(guibutton)
-msgid "/"
-msgstr "/"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:451(para)
-msgid "Divides the current value in the display area by the next number that you enter."
-msgstr "Sartzen duzun hurrengo zenbakiaz zatitzen du bistaratze-areako uneko balioa."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:452(para)
-msgid "6 <guibutton>/</guibutton><guibutton>3</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-msgstr "6 <guibutton>/</guibutton><guibutton>3</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:456(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2198(para)
-msgid "Change the arithmetic sign"
-msgstr "Aldatu zeinu aritmetikoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:457(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2197(guibutton)
-msgid "+/-"
-msgstr "+/-"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:458(para)
-msgid "Changes a positive number to a negative number, or a negative number to a positive number."
-msgstr "Zenbaki positiboak negatibo bihurtzen ditu, eta zenbaki negatiboak, berriz, positibo."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:459(para)
-msgid "8 <guibutton>+/-</guibutton>"
-msgstr "8 <guibutton>+/-</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:460(para)
-msgid "-8"
-msgstr "-8"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:468(title)
-msgid "To Erase Characters"
-msgstr "Karaktereak ezabatzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:469(para)
-msgid "To erase characters, use the buttons described in <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-erase-char\"/>."
-msgstr "Karaktereak ezabatzeko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-erase-char\"/>(e)n deskribatutako 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:471(title)
-msgid "Erasing Characters"
-msgstr "Karaktereak ezabatzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:494(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2514(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2516(para) 
-msgid "Backspace"
-msgstr "Atzera tekla"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:495(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2515(guibutton)
-msgid "Bksp"
-msgstr "Atze"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:496(para)
-msgid "Removes the rightmost character from the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-arean eskuin-eskuinean dagoen karakterea kentzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:497(para)
-msgid "1 
-msgstr "1 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:501(para)
-msgid "Clear Entry"
-msgstr "Garbitu sarrera"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:502(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2522(guibutton)
-msgid "CE"
-msgstr "CE"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:503(para)
-msgid "Removes the current value from the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa kentzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:504(para)
-msgid "This is only really meaningful if the Calculator is not in Arithmetic Precedence mode."
-msgstr "Horrek zentzua du soilik Kalkulagailua aurrentasun aritmetikoaren moduan ez dagoenean."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:505(para)
-msgid "In Arithmetic Precedence mode, this operation is the same as <guibutton>Clr</guibutton>"
-msgstr "Aurrentasun aritmetikoaren moduan, berdinak dira eragiketa hori eta hau: <guibutton>Clr</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:506(para) C/gcalctool.xml:510(para)
-msgid "If the calculator is not in Arithmetic Precedence mode:"
-msgstr "Kalkulagailua aurrentasun aritmetikoaren moduan ez badago:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:507(para) C/gcalctool.xml:509(para)
-msgid "1 
-msgstr "1 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:508(para) C/gcalctool.xml:512(para)
-msgid "If the calculator is in Arithmetic Precedence mode:"
-msgstr "Kalkulagailua aurrentasun aritmetikoaren moduan badago:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:513(para) C/gcalctool.xml:520(para)
-msgid "0"
-msgstr "0"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:516(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2529(para)
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Garbitu"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:517(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2528(guibutton)
-msgid "Clr"
-msgstr "Clr"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:518(para)
-msgid "Resets the current value in the display area to zero and removes any previous calculation results. 
<guibutton>Clr</guibutton> also deselects the <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> and <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> options 
in Scientific."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa kendu eta zero berrezartzen du, eta aurreko kalkuluen emaitzak 
kentzen ditu. Modu zientifikoan, gainera, <guilabel>Hip</guilabel> eta <guilabel>Ald</guilabel> aukerak 
desautatzen ditu."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:519(para)
-msgid "1 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>Clr</guibutton>"
-msgstr "1 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>Clr</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:534(title)
-msgid "To Display ASCII Values"
-msgstr "ASCII balioak bistaratzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:535(para)
-msgid "To display the ASCII value of a character, choose 
<menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Insert ASCII Value</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
-msgstr "Karaktere baten ASCII balioa bistaratzeko, aukeratu 
<menuchoice><guimenu>Editatu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Txertatu ASCII balioa</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:540(para)
-msgid "The Insert ASCII Value dialog is displayed."
-msgstr "ASCII balioa txertatzeko elkarrizketa-koadroa bistaratzen da."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:541(para)
-msgid "Enter the required character in the <guilabel>Character</guilabel> field, then click 
<guibutton>Insert</guibutton>. The ASCII value of that character, in the current numeric base, appears in the 
display area. For example, the ASCII value of B in decimal base is 66."
-msgstr "Sartu nahi duzun karakterea <guilabel>Karakterea</guilabel> eremuan, eta, ondoren, egin klik 
<guibutton>Txertatu</guibutton> botoian. Karaktere horren ASCII balioa agertzen da bistaratze-arean, uneko 
oinarrian. Adibidez, B-ren ASCII balioa 66 da oinarri hamartarrean."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:546(title)
-msgid "To Perform Advanced Calculations"
-msgstr "Kalkulu aurreratuak egitea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:547(para)
-msgid "To change to Advanced mode, choose 
-msgstr "Modu aurreratua aktibatzeko, aukeratu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:553(para)
-msgid "When you change to Advanced mode, the following buttons are displayed to the right of the Basic mode 
-msgstr "Modu aurreratua aktibatzean, botoi hauek bistaratzen dira oinarrizko moduko botoien eskuinaldean:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:556(title)
-msgid "<application>Calculator</application> Advanced Mode Buttons"
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren modu aurreratuaren botoiak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:563(phrase)
-msgid "Shows <placeholder-1/> Advanced mode buttons."
-msgstr "Modu aurreratuaren <placeholder-1/> botoi bistaratzen ditu."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:570(title)
-msgid "Performing Advanced Calculations"
-msgstr "Kalkulu aurreratuak egitea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:593(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2390(para)
-msgid "Percentage"
-msgstr "Ehunekoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:594(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2388(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2389(guibutton)
-msgid "%"
-msgstr "%"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:595(para)
-msgid "Divides the current value by 100."
-msgstr "Uneko balioa 100ez zatitzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:596(para)
-msgid "560 <guibutton>%</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-msgstr "560 <guibutton>%</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:597(para)
-msgid "5.60"
-msgstr "5.60"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:600(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2318(para)
-msgid "Reciprocal"
-msgstr "Alderantzizkoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:601(replaceable) C/gcalctool.xml:616(replaceable) C/gcalctool.xml:2049(replaceable) 
C/gcalctool.xml:2056(replaceable) C/gcalctool.xml:2317(replaceable) C/gcalctool.xml:2371(replaceable) 
C/gcalctool.xml:2377(replaceable) C/gcalctool.xml:2467(replaceable) C/gcalctool.xml:2484(keycap) 
-msgid "x"
-msgstr "x"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:601(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2317(guibutton)
-msgid "1/<placeholder-1/>"
-msgstr "1/<placeholder-1/>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:602(para)
-msgid "Divides 1 by the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako balioaz zatitzen du 1."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:603(para)
-msgid "4 <guibutton>1/<replaceable>x</replaceable></guibutton>"
-msgstr "4 <guibutton>1/<replaceable>x</replaceable></guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:604(para)
-msgid "0.25"
-msgstr "0.25"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:608(para)
-msgid "Square Root"
-msgstr "Erro karratua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:609(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2329(guibutton)
-msgid "Sqrt"
-msgstr "Sqrt"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:610(para)
-msgid "Calculates the square root of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren erro karratua kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:611(para)
-msgid "9 <guibutton>Sqrt</guibutton>"
-msgstr "9 <guibutton>Sqrt</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:615(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2468(para)
-msgid "Square"
-msgstr "Karratua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:617(para)
-msgid "Calculates the square of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren karratua kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:618(para)
-msgid "3 <replaceable>x</replaceable><superscript>2</superscript>"
-msgstr "3 <replaceable>x</replaceable><superscript>2</superscript>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:619(para)
-msgid "9"
-msgstr "9"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:622(para)
-msgid "Integer Portion"
-msgstr "Osoko zatia"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:623(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2245(guibutton)
-msgid "Int"
-msgstr "Int"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:624(para)
-msgid "Calculates the integer portion of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren osoko zatia kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:625(para)
-msgid "-23.45 <guibutton>Int</guibutton>"
-msgstr "-23.45 <guibutton>Int</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:626(para)
-msgid "-23"
-msgstr "-23"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:629(para)
-msgid "Fractional Portion"
-msgstr "Ez-osoko zatia"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:630(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2437(guibutton)
-msgid "Frac"
-msgstr "Frac"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:631(para)
-msgid "Calculates the fractional portion of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren ez-osoko zatia kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:632(para)
-msgid "-23.45 <guibutton>Frac</guibutton>"
-msgstr "-23.45 <guibutton>Frac</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:633(para)
-msgid "-0.45"
-msgstr "-0.45"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:636(para)
-msgid "Absolute Value"
-msgstr "Balio absolutua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:637(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2347(guibutton)
-msgid "Abs"
-msgstr "Abs"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:638(para)
-msgid "Calculates the absolute value of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren balio absolutua kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:639(para)
-msgid "-23.45 <guibutton>Abs</guibutton>"
-msgstr "-23.45 <guibutton>Abs</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:640(para)
-msgid "23.45"
-msgstr "23.45"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:643(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2402(para)
-msgid "Parentheses"
-msgstr "Parentesiak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:644(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2401(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>(</guibutton> and <guibutton>)</guibutton>"
-msgstr "<guibutton>(</guibutton> eta <guibutton>)</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:645(para)
-msgid "Provide precedence in arithmetic calculations if you are not using Arithmetic Precedence. See also 
<xref linkend=\"gcalctool-manage-order\"/>. Calculations within parentheses are performed first. You can nest 
parentheses to any level. When the last parenthesis is matched, the display area is updated."
-msgstr "Aurrentasuna ematen du kalkulu aritmetikoetan, aurrentasun aritmetikoa erabiltzen ari ez zarenean. 
Ikus <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-manage-order\"/>. Parentesien barruko eragiketak egiten dira lehendabizi. 
Parentesien barruan parentesiak jar daitezke (nahi bezainbeste). Azken parentesi-bikotea ixtean eguneratzen 
da bistaratze-area."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:647(para)
-msgid "2 
-msgstr "2 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:648(para)
-msgid "2 
-msgstr "2 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:650(para) C/gcalctool.xml:931(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1013(para)
-msgid "20"
-msgstr "20"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:651(para)
-msgid "14"
-msgstr "14"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:660(title)
-msgid "To Use the Calculator Memory Registers"
-msgstr "Kalkulagailuaren memoria-erregistroak erabiltzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:661(para)
-msgid "You can store values in any of the ten <application>Calculator</application> memory registers 
<guilabel>R0</guilabel> to <guilabel>R9</guilabel>. To display the memory registers, choose 
<menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Memory Registers</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
-msgstr "Hamar memoria-erregistro (<guilabel>R0</guilabel>-<guilabel>R9</guilabel>) ditu 
<application>Kalkulagailua</application>k, eta horietako edozeinetan gorde ditzakezu balioak. 
Memoria-erregistroak bistaratzeko, aukeratu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:667(para)
-msgid "The memory registers can be dismissed by either choosing 
<menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Memory Registers</guimenuitem></menuchoice> again, or by 
clicking on the <guibutton>Close</guibutton> button in the memory register window."
-msgstr "Memoria-erregistroak ezkutatzeko, aukeratu berriz 
<menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Memoria-erregistroak</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, edo egin 
klik memoria-erregistroen leihoko <guibutton>Itxi</guibutton> botoian."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:670(para)
-msgid "<xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-mem-reg\"/> describes the memory functions that you can use."
-msgstr "Memoria-funtzio erabilgarriak deskribatzen dira hemen: <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-mem-reg\"/>."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:672(title)
-msgid "Memory Functions"
-msgstr "Memoria-funtzioak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:695(para)
-msgid "Store Value in Memory Register"
-msgstr "Gorde balioa memoria-erregistroan"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:696(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2323(guibutton)
-msgid "Sto"
-msgstr "Sto"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:697(para)
-msgid "Stores the current contents of the display area in the specified memory register. Click 
<guibutton>Sto</guibutton>, then select a memory register from the popup menu."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa gordetzen du zehaztutako memoria-erregistroan. Egin klik 
<guibutton>Sto</guibutton> botoian, eta, ondoren, hautatu memoria-erregistro bat leiho gainerakorrean."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:698(para)
-msgid "To clear a memory register during a <application>Calculator</application> session:"
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailu</application>-saio batean memoria-erregistro bat garbitzeko:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:700(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Clr</guibutton>."
-msgstr "Egin klik <guibutton>Clr</guibutton> botoian."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:701(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Sto</guibutton>."
-msgstr "Egin klik <guibutton>Sto</guibutton> botoian."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:702(para)
-msgid "Select the memory register from the popup menu."
-msgstr "Hautatu memoria-erregistroa leiho gainerakorrean."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:705(para)
-msgid "22 <guibutton>Sto</guibutton><guilabel>R2</guilabel>"
-msgstr "22 <guibutton>Sto</guibutton><guilabel>R2</guilabel>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:706(para)
-msgid "The value 22 is stored in memory register <guilabel>R2</guilabel>."
-msgstr "<guilabel>R2</guilabel> memoria-erregistroan gorde da 22 balioa."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:709(para)
-msgid "Retrieve Value From Memory Register"
-msgstr "Eskuratu memoria-erregistroko balio bat"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:710(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2311(guibutton)
-msgid "Rcl"
-msgstr "Rcl"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:711(para)
-msgid "Retrieves the contents of the specified memory register. Click <guibutton>Rcl</guibutton>, then 
select the memory register from the popup menu."
-msgstr "Zehaztutako memoria-erregistroaren edukia eskuratzen du. Egin klik <guibutton>Rcl</guibutton> 
botoian, eta, ondoren, hautatu memoria-erregistroa leiho gainerakorrean."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:712(para)
-msgid "0 <guibutton>Rcl</guibutton><guilabel>R2</guilabel>"
-msgstr "0 <guibutton>Rcl</guibutton><guilabel>R2</guilabel>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:713(para)
-msgid "The value in the display area is 22."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako balioa 22 da."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:716(para)
-msgid "Exchange Memory Register Value and Displayed Value"
-msgstr "Trukatu memoria-erregistroko balioa eta bistaratutako balioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:717(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2359(guibutton)
-msgid "Exch"
-msgstr "Exch"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:718(para)
-msgid "Exchanges the contents of the specified memory register and the current value in the display area. 
Click <guibutton>Exch</guibutton>, then select the memory register from the popup menu."
-msgstr "Memoria-erregistro jakin baten edukia eta bistaratze-areako uneko balioa trukatzen ditu. Egin klik 
<guibutton>Exch</guibutton> botoian, eta, ondoren, hautatu memoria-erregistroa leiho gainerakorrean."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:719(para)
-msgid "44 <guibutton>Exch</guibutton><guilabel>R2</guilabel>"
-msgstr "44 <guibutton>Exch</guibutton><guilabel>R2</guilabel>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:720(para)
-msgid "The value in the display area changes from 44 to 22, the value in R2 changes from 22 to 44."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako balioa 44tik 22ra aldatzen da, eta R2ko balioa, berriz, 22tik 44ra."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:725(para)
-msgid "If you use keyboard shortcuts, you can use the keyboard to specify the memory register, as shown in 
the following examples:"
-msgstr "Laster-teklak erabiltzen badituzu, teklatua erabil dezakezu memoria-erregistroa zehazteko. Hemen 
dituzu adibide batzuk:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:733(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1764(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1889(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1988(para)
-msgid "Keyboard Entry"
-msgstr "Teklatu bidezko sarrera"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:740(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2322(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2610(keycap) 
-msgid "S"
-msgstr "S"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:741(para)
-msgid "Stores the current contents of the display area in memory register <guilabel>R2</guilabel>."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa gordetzen du <guilabel>R2</guilabel> memoria-erregistroan."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:744(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2310(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2604(keycap)
-msgid "R"
-msgstr "R"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:745(para)
-msgid "Retrieves the current contents of memory register <guilabel>R2</guilabel> into the display area."
-msgstr "<guilabel>R2</guilabel> memoria-erregistroaren uneko edukia eskuratzen du, eta bistaratze-arean 
jartzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:748(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2358(keycap)
-msgid "X"
-msgstr "X"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:749(para)
-msgid "Exchanges the current value of the display area with the contents of memory register 
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa eta <guilabel>R2</guilabel> memoria-erregistroaren edukia trukatzen 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:760(title)
-msgid "To Perform Financial Calculations"
-msgstr "Finantza-kalkuluak egitea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:761(para)
-msgid "To change to Financial mode, choose 
-msgstr "Modu finantzarioa aktibatzeko, aukeratu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:767(para)
-msgid "When you change to Financial mode, the following buttons are displayed above the Basic and Advanced 
mode buttons:"
-msgstr "Modu finantzarioa aktibatzean, botoi hauek bistaratzen dira oinarrizko moduko eta modu aurreratuko 
botoien gainaldean:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:771(title)
-msgid "<application>Calculator</application> Financial Mode Buttons"
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren modu finantzarioaren botoiak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:778(phrase)
-msgid "Shows <placeholder-1/> Financial mode buttons."
-msgstr "Modu finantzarioaren <placeholder-1/> botoi bistaratzen ditu."
-#. ==== End of Figure ====
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:784(para)
-msgid "To perform financial calculations, use the buttons described in <xref 
-msgstr "Kalkulu finantzarioak egiteko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-financial-calc\"/>(e)n 
deskribatutako botoiak."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:787(title)
-msgid "Performing Financial Calculations"
-msgstr "Finantza-kalkuluak egitea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:810(para)
-msgid "Compounding Term"
-msgstr "Interes konposatuko epea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:811(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2281(guibutton)
-msgid "Ctrm"
-msgstr "Ctrm"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:812(para)
-msgid "Calculates the number of compounding periods necessary to increase an investment of present value 
<replaceable>pv</replaceable> to a future value of <replaceable>fv</replaceable>, at a fixed interest rate of 
<replaceable>int</replaceable> per compounding period."
-msgstr "Uneko balioa <replaceable>pv</replaceable> duen inbertsio bat <replaceable>fv</replaceable> 
etorkizuneko balioraino handitzeko interes konposatuko zenbat aldi behar diren kalkulatzen du, 
<replaceable>int</replaceable> aldien interes-tasa finkoa izanik."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:813(para) C/gcalctool.xml:853(para) C/gcalctool.xml:902(para) C/gcalctool.xml:943(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:983(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1025(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1067(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1109(para) 
-msgid "This function uses the following memory registers:"
-msgstr "Funtzio horrek memoria-erregistro hauek erabiltzen ditu:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:816(term) C/gcalctool.xml:832(term) C/gcalctool.xml:856(term) C/gcalctool.xml:877(term) 
C/gcalctool.xml:905(term) C/gcalctool.xml:922(term) C/gcalctool.xml:946(term) C/gcalctool.xml:962(term) 
C/gcalctool.xml:986(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1004(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1028(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1045(term) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1070(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1087(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1112(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1133(term) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1161(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1178(term)
-msgid "Register 0"
-msgstr "0 erregistroa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:817(para) C/gcalctool.xml:910(para) C/gcalctool.xml:951(para) C/gcalctool.xml:991(para) 
-msgid "<replaceable>int</replaceable>, the periodic interest rate"
-msgstr "<replaceable>int</replaceable>, aldiaren interes-tasa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:820(term) C/gcalctool.xml:836(term) C/gcalctool.xml:860(term) C/gcalctool.xml:881(term) 
C/gcalctool.xml:909(term) C/gcalctool.xml:926(term) C/gcalctool.xml:950(term) C/gcalctool.xml:966(term) 
C/gcalctool.xml:990(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1008(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1032(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1049(term) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1074(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1091(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1116(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1137(term) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1165(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1182(term)
-msgid "Register 1"
-msgstr "1 erregistroa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:821(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1029(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1166(para)
-msgid "<replaceable>fv</replaceable>, the future value"
-msgstr "<replaceable>fv</replaceable>, etorkizuneko balioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:824(term) C/gcalctool.xml:840(term) C/gcalctool.xml:864(term) C/gcalctool.xml:885(term) 
C/gcalctool.xml:913(term) C/gcalctool.xml:930(term) C/gcalctool.xml:954(term) C/gcalctool.xml:970(term) 
C/gcalctool.xml:994(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1012(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1036(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1053(term) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1078(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1095(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1120(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1141(term) 
C/gcalctool.xml:1169(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1186(term)
-msgid "Register 2"
-msgstr "2 erregistroa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:825(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1033(para)
-msgid "<replaceable>pv</replaceable>, the present value"
-msgstr "<replaceable>pv</replaceable>, uneko balioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:829(para)
-msgid "You have just deposited $8000 in an account that pays an annual interest rate of 9%, compounded 
monthly. Given the annual interest rate, you determine that the monthly interest rate is 0.09 / 12 = 0.0075. 
To calculate the time period necessary to double your investment, put the following values into the first 
three memory registers:"
-msgstr "8000 € sartu berriak dituzu kontu batean. Kontu horrek urtean % 9ko interesa ematen du, hilero 
konposatuta. Urteko interes-tasa kontuan hartuta, hileko interes-tasa hau izango da: 0,09 / 12 = 0,0075. 
Inbertsioa bikoizteko beharrezko epea kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen hiru memoria-erregistroetan:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:833(para)
-msgid "0.0075"
-msgstr "0,0075"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:837(para)
-msgid "16000"
-msgstr "16000"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:841(para) C/gcalctool.xml:878(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1088(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1134(para)
-msgid "8000"
-msgstr "8000"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:844(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Ctrm</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Ctrm</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:845(para)
-msgid "92.77"
-msgstr "92,77"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:846(para)
-msgid "The investment doubles in value in 92.77 months."
-msgstr "Inbertsioa bikoizteko 92,77 hilabete behar dira."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:849(para)
-msgid "Double-Declining Depreciation"
-msgstr "Faktore bikoitzeko amortizazio beherakorra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:850(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2209(guibutton)
-msgid "Ddb"
-msgstr "Ddb"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:851(para)
-msgid "Calculates the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of time, using the 
double-declining balance method."
-msgstr "Ondasun baten denboraldi jakin bateko amortizazioa kalkulatzen du, faktore bikoitzeko amortizazio 
beherakorraren metodoa erabiliz."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:857(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1071(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1113(para)
-msgid "<replaceable>cost</replaceable>, the amount paid for the asset"
-msgstr "<replaceable>cost</replaceable>, ondasunaren truke ordaindutako kopurua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:861(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1075(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1117(para)
-msgid "<replaceable>salvage</replaceable>, the value of the asset at the end of its life"
-msgstr "<replaceable>salvage</replaceable>, ondasunaren hondar-balioa bere balio-bizitzaren amaieran."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:865(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1079(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1121(para)
-msgid "<replaceable>life</replaceable>, the useful life of the asset"
-msgstr "<replaceable>life</replaceable>, ondasunaren balio-bizitza"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:868(term) C/gcalctool.xml:889(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1124(term) C/gcalctool.xml:1145(term)
-msgid "Register 3"
-msgstr "3 erregistroa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:869(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1125(para)
-msgid "<replaceable>period</replaceable>, the time period for depreciation allowance"
-msgstr "<replaceable>period</replaceable>, amortizazio-epea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:873(para)
-msgid "You have just purchased an office machine for $8000. The useful life of this machine is six years. 
The salvage value after six years is $900. To calculate the depreciation expense for the fourth year, using 
the double-declining balance method, put the following values into the first four memory registers:"
-msgstr "8000 €-ko ordenagailu bat erosi berria duzu, bulegorako. Ordenagailu horren balio-bizitza sei urte 
dira. Hondar-balioa, sei urteren buruan, 900 € da. Faktore bikoitzeko amortizazio beherakorraren metodoa 
erabiliz laugarren urteko amortizazio-gastua kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen lau 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:882(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1092(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1138(para)
-msgid "900"
-msgstr "900"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:890(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1146(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1995(keycap) 
-msgid "4"
-msgstr "4"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:893(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Ddb</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Ddb</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:894(para)
-msgid "790.12"
-msgstr "790,12"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:895(para)
-msgid "The depreciation expense for the fourth year is $790.12."
-msgstr "Laugarren urteko amortizazio-gastua 790,12 € da."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:898(para)
-msgid "Future Value"
-msgstr "Etorkizuneko balioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:899(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2353(guibutton)
-msgid "Fv"
-msgstr "Fv"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:900(para)
-msgid "Calculates the future value of an investment based on a series of equal payments, each of amount 
<replaceable>pmt</replaceable>, at a periodic interest rate of <replaceable>int</replaceable>, over the 
number of payment periods in the term."
-msgstr "Inbertsio baten etorkizuneko balioa kalkulatzen du; inbertsio hori 
<replaceable>pmt</replaceable>(e)ko ordainketa sail batek osatzen du, eta <replaceable>int</replaceable>(e) 
aldiaren interes-tasa du ordainketa-aldi bakoitzak."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:906(para) C/gcalctool.xml:987(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1162(para)
-msgid "<replaceable>pmt</replaceable>, the periodic payment"
-msgstr "<replaceable>pmt</replaceable>, ordainketa periodikoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:914(para) C/gcalctool.xml:995(para)
-msgid "<replaceable>n</replaceable>, the number of periods"
-msgstr "<replaceable>n</replaceable>, aldi kopurua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:918(para)
-msgid "You plan to deposit $4000 in a bank account on the last day of each year for the next 20 years. The 
account pays 8% interest, compounded annually. Interest is paid on the last day of each year. To calculate 
the value of your account in 20 years, put the following values into the first three memory registers:"
-msgstr "Bankuko kontu batean urtean 4000 € sartzeko asmoa duzu, datozen 20 urteetan, urte bakoitzaren azken 
egunean. Kontuak % 8ko interesa ematen du, urtero konposatuta. Urteko azken egunean ordaintzen da interesa, 
urtero. 20 urteren buruan kontuak izango duen balioa kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen hiru 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:923(para)
-msgid "4000"
-msgstr "4000"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:927(para)
-msgid "0.08"
-msgstr "0,08"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:934(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Fv</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Fv</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:935(para)
-msgid "183047.86"
-msgstr "183047,86"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:936(para)
-msgid "At the end of 20 years, the value of the account is $183,047.86."
-msgstr "20 urteren buruan 183.047,86 € izango dira kontuan."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:939(para)
-msgid "Periodic Payment"
-msgstr "Ordainketa periodikoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:940(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2299(guibutton)
-msgid "Pmt"
-msgstr "Pmt"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:941(para)
-msgid "Calculates the amount of the periodic payment of a loan, where payments are made at the end of each 
payment period."
-msgstr "Mailegu baten ordainketa periodikoaren zenbatekoa kalkulatzen du, ordainketak ordain-aldi 
bakoitzaren amaieran eginik."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:947(para)
-msgid "<replaceable>prin</replaceable>, the principal"
-msgstr "<replaceable>prin</replaceable>, maileguaren printzipala"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:955(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1037(para)
-msgid "<replaceable>n</replaceable>, the term"
-msgstr "<replaceable>n</replaceable>, terminoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:959(para)
-msgid "You are considering a $120,000 mortgage for 30 years at an annual interest rate of 11.0%. Given the 
annual interest rate, you determine that the monthly interest rate is 0.11 / 12 = 0.00917. The term is 30 * 
12 = 360 months. To calculate the monthly repayment for this mortgage, put the following values into the 
first three memory registers:"
-msgstr "120.000 €-ko mailegua hartzeko asmoa duzu, urtean % 11ko interes-tasakoa, 30 urtera. Urteko 
interes-tasa kontuan hartuta, hileko interes-tasa hau izango da: 0,11 / 12 = 0,00917. Epea: 30 * 12 = 360 
hilabete. Mailegu horren hileroko amortizazioa kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen hiru 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:963(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1183(para)
-msgid "120000"
-msgstr "120000"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:967(para)
-msgid "0.00917"
-msgstr "0,00917"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:971(para)
-msgid "360"
-msgstr "360"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:974(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Pmt</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Pmt</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:975(para)
-msgid "1143.15"
-msgstr "1143,15"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:976(para)
-msgid "The monthly repayment is $1143.15."
-msgstr "Hileroko amortizazioa 1143,15 € da."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:979(para)
-msgid "Present Value"
-msgstr "Uneko balioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:980(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2305(guibutton)
-msgid "Pv"
-msgstr "Pv"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:981(para)
-msgid "Calculates the present value of an investment based on a series of equal payments, each of amount 
<replaceable>pmt</replaceable>, discounted at a periodic interest rate of <replaceable>int</replaceable>, 
over the number of payment periods in the term."
-msgstr "Inbertsio baten uneko balioa kalkulatzen du; inbertsio hori <replaceable>pmt</replaceable>(e)ko 
ordainketa sail batek osatzen du, eta <replaceable>int</replaceable>(e) aldiaren interes-tasa kendu behar da 
ordainketa-aldi bakoitzean."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:999(para)
-msgid "You have just won a million dollars. The prize is awarded in 20 annual payments of $50,000 each. 
Annual payments are received at the end of each year. If you were to accept the annual payments of $50,000, 
you would invest the money at a rate of 9%, compounded annually."
-msgstr "Milioi bat euro irabazi berriak dituzu. Saria ordaintzeko era hau da: urtean 50.000 €-ko ordainketa 
bat, 20 urtean. Urteroko ordainketak urte-bukaeran jasotzen dira. Urtean 50.000 € jasotzea onartuz gero, 
dirua % 9ko interes-tasan inbertitzeko asmoa duzu, urtero konposatuta."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1000(para)
-msgid "However, you are given the option of receiving a single lump-sum payment of $400,000 instead of the 
million dollars annuity. To calculate which option is worth more in today's dollars, put the following values 
into the first three memory registers:"
-msgstr "Dena den, milioi bat euroren urtesariak beharrean 400.000 €-ko ordainketa bakarra jasotzeko aukera 
eman dizute. Gaurko euroetan aukerarik onena zein den kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen hiru 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1005(para)
-msgid "50000"
-msgstr "50000"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1009(para)
-msgid "0.09"
-msgstr "0,09"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1016(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Pv</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Pv</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1017(para)
-msgid "456427.28"
-msgstr "456427,28"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1018(para)
-msgid "The $1,000,000 paid over 20 years is worth $456,427.28 in present dollars."
-msgstr "20 urteetan zehar ordaindutako 1.000.000 euroek 456.427,25 € balio dituzte orain."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1021(para)
-msgid "Periodic Interest Rate"
-msgstr "Aldiaren interes-tasa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1022(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2335(guibutton)
-msgid "Rate"
-msgstr "Tasa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1023(para)
-msgid "Calculates the periodic interest necessary to increase an investment of present value 
<replaceable>pv</replaceable> to a future value of <replaceable>fv</replaceable>, over the number of 
compounding periods in <replaceable>term</replaceable>."
-msgstr "<replaceable>pv</replaceable> uneko balioa duen inbertsio bat, interes konposatuko aldi kopuru 
jakinez osatutako <replaceable>term</replaceable> epean, <replaceable>fv</replaceable> etorkizuneko 
balioraino handitzeko behar den interes-tasa kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1041(para)
-msgid "You have invested $20,000 in a bond. The bond matures in five years, and has a maturity value of 
$30,000. Interest is compounded monthly. The term is 5 * 12 = 60 months. To calculate the periodic interest 
rate for this investment, put the following values into the first three memory registers:"
-msgstr "20.000 € inbertitu dituzu bonu batean. Bost urteko epemuga du bonuak, eta, mugaegunean, 30.000 €-ko 
balioa. Interesa hilero konposatzen da. Epea: 5 * 12 = 60 hilabete. Inbertsio horren interes-tasa 
kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen hiru memoria-erregistroetan:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1046(para)
-msgid "30000"
-msgstr "30000"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1050(para)
-msgid "20000"
-msgstr "20000"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1054(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1455(para)
-msgid "60"
-msgstr "60"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1057(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Rate</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Rate</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1058(para)
-msgid ".00678"
-msgstr ",00678"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1059(para)
-msgid "The monthly interest rate is 0.678%. The annual interest rate is 0.678% * 12 = 8.14%."
-msgstr "Hileko interes-tasa % 0,678 da. Urteko interes-tasa hau da: % 0,678 * 12 = % 8,14."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1063(para)
-msgid "Straight-Line Depreciation"
-msgstr "Amortizazio lineala"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1064(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2269(guibutton)
-msgid "Sln"
-msgstr "Sln"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1065(para)
-msgid "Calculates the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period. The depreciable cost is 
<replaceable>cost</replaceable> - <replaceable>salvage</replaceable>. The straight-line method of 
depreciation divides the depreciable cost evenly over the useful life of an asset. The useful life is the 
number of periods, typically years, over which an asset is depreciated."
-msgstr "Ondasun baten denboraldi jakin bateko amortizazio lineala kalkulatzen du. Hau da kostu 
amortizagarria: <replaceable>kostua</replaceable> - <replaceable>hondar-balioa</replaceable>. 
Amortizazio-metodo linealaren bidez uniformeki banatzen da ondasun baten kostu amortizagarria ondasunaren 
balio-bizitzan. Ondasun baten amortizazio-aldia da balio-bizitza; urtetan adierazten da normalean."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1083(para)
-msgid "You have just purchased an office machine for $8000. The useful life of this machine is six years. 
The salvage value after six years is $900. To calculate the yearly depreciation expense, using the 
straight-line method, put the following values into the first three memory registers:"
-msgstr "8000 €-ko ordenagailu bat erosi berria duzu, bulegorako. Ordenagailu horren balio-bizitza sei urte 
dira. Hondar-balioa, sei urteren buruan, 900 € da. Amortizazio linealaren bidez urteko amortizazio-gastua 
kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen hiru memoria-erregistroetan:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1099(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Sln</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Sln</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1100(para)
-msgid "1183.33"
-msgstr "1183,33"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1101(para)
-msgid "The yearly depreciation expense is $1183.33."
-msgstr "Urteko amortizazio-gastua 1183,33 € dira."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1104(para)
-msgid "Sum-Of-The-Years'-Digits Depreciation"
-msgstr "Urteen zenbaki-ordenarekiko alderantziz proportzionala den amortizazioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1105(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2365(guibutton)
-msgid "Syd"
-msgstr "Syd"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1106(para)
-msgid "Calculates the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of time, using the 
Sum-Of-The-Years'-Digits method. This method of depreciation accelerates the rate of depreciation, so that 
more depreciation expense occurs in earlier periods than in later ones. The depreciable cost is 
<replaceable>cost</replaceable> - <replaceable>salvage</replaceable>. The useful life is the number of 
periods, typically years, over which an asset is depreciated."
-msgstr "Ondasun baten denboraldi jakin bateko amortizazioa kalkulatzen du, amortizazio beherakor urteen 
zenbaki-ordenarekiko alderantziz proportzionalaren metodoa erabiliz. Amortizazio-metodo horren arabera, 
amortizazio-tasa azeleratu egiten da amortizazio-gastu handienak hasieran egiteko, eta ez amaieran. Hau da 
kostu amortizagarria: <replaceable>kostua</replaceable> - <replaceable>hondar-balioa</replaceable>. Ondasun 
baten amortizazio-aldia da balio-bizitza; urtetan adierazten da normalean."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1129(para)
-msgid "You have just purchased an office machine for $8000. The useful life of this machine is six years. 
The salvage value after six years is $900. To calculate the depreciation expense for the fourth year, using 
the sum-of-the-years'-digits method, put the following values into the first four memory registers:"
-msgstr "8000 €-ko ordenagailu bat erosi berria duzu, bulegorako. Ordenagailu horren balio-bizitza sei urte 
dira. Hondar-balioa, sei urteren buruan, 900 € da. Amortizazio beherakor urteen zenbaki-ordenarekiko 
alderantziz proportzionalaren metodoa erabiliz laugarren urteko amortizazio-gastua kalkulatzeko, sartu balio 
hauek lehen lau memoria-erregistroetan:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1149(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Syd</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Syd</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1150(para)
-msgid "1014.29"
-msgstr "1014,29"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1151(para)
-msgid "The depreciation expense for the fourth year is $1014.29."
-msgstr "Laugarren urteko amortizazio-gastua 1014,29 € da."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1154(para)
-msgid "Payment Period"
-msgstr "Ordainketa-aldia"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1155(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2341(guibutton)
-msgid "Term"
-msgstr "Epea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1156(para)
-msgid "Calculates the number of payment periods that are necessary during the term of an ordinary annuity, 
to accumulate a future value of <replaceable>fv</replaceable>, at a periodic interest rate of 
<replaceable>int</replaceable>. Each payment is equal to amount <replaceable>pmt</replaceable>."
-msgstr "<replaceable>fv</replaceable> etorkizuneko balioa lortzeko zenbat ordainketa-aldi behar diren 
kalkulatzen du, aldiaren interes-tasa <replaceable>int</replaceable> izanik. Ordainketa guztiak berdinak 
dira, <replaceable>pmt</replaceable>, eta aldi bakoitzaren amaieran egiten dira."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1174(para)
-msgid "You plan to deposit $1800 in a bank account on the last day of each year. The account pays 11% 
interest, compounded annually. Interest is paid on the last day of each year. To calculate the time period 
necessary to accumulate $120,000, put the following values into the first three memory registers:"
-msgstr "Urtero, urtearen azken egunean, bankuko kontu batean 1800 € jartzeko asmoa duzu. Kontuak % 11ko 
interesa ematen du, urtero konposatuta. Urteko azken egunean ordaintzen da interesa, urtero. 120.000 € 
lortzeko beharrezko epea kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen hiru memoria-erregistroetan:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1179(para)
-msgid "1800"
-msgstr "1800"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1187(para)
-msgid "0.11"
-msgstr "0,11"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1190(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Term</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Term</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1191(para)
-msgid "20.32"
-msgstr "20,32"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1192(para)
-msgid "$120,000 accumulates in the account in 20.32 years."
-msgstr "Kontuan 120.000 € biltzeko 20,32 urte behar dira."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1200(title)
-msgid "To Perform Scientific Calculations"
-msgstr "Kalkulu zientifikoak egitea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1201(para)
-msgid "To change to Scientific mode, choose 
-msgstr "Modu zientifikoa aktibatzeko, aukeratu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1207(para)
-msgid "When you change to Scientific mode, the following buttons are displayed above the Basic and Advanced 
mode buttons:"
-msgstr "Modu zientifikoa aktibatzean, botoi hauek bistaratzen dira oinarrizko moduko eta modu aurreratuko 
botoien gainaldean:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1211(title)
-msgid "<application>Calculator</application> Scientific Mode Buttons"
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren modu zientifikoaren botoiak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1218(phrase)
-msgid "Shows <placeholder-1/> Scientific mode buttons."
-msgstr "Modu zientifikoaren <placeholder-1/> botoi bistaratzen ditu."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1225(title)
-msgid "To Set the Accuracy"
-msgstr "Zehaztasuna ezartzeko"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1226(para)
-msgid "To set the accuracy of the display area and of the memory registers, click 
<guibutton>Acc</guibutton>, then select from the popup menu the accuracy level that you require. The current 
accuracy level is indicated by a preceding black circle in the popup menu. Up to 30 significant places can be 
displayed. The default accuracy is 9 significant places."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-arearen eta memoria-erregistroen zehaztasuna ezartzeko, egin klik 
<guibutton>Acc</guibutton> botoian, eta, ondoren, hautatu zehaztasun-maila leiho gainerakorrean. Uneko 
zehaztasun mailak zirkulu beltz bat du aurrean, leiho gainerakorrean. 30 zifra esanguratsu bistara daitezke 
gehienez. 9 zifra esanguratsuko zehaztasuna lehenesten da."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1227(para)
-msgid "To set the accuracy level above 9, select <guilabel>Other (9) ...</guilabel>, then choose the 
accuracy level you require in the <guilabel>Set Precision</guilabel> popup."
-msgstr "Zehaztasun-maila 9tik gora jartzeko, hautatu <guilabel>Beste (9) ...</guilabel>, eta, ondoren, 
aukeratu zehaztasun-maila <guilabel>Ezarri zehaztasuna</guilabel> laster-leihoan."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1228(para)
-msgid "By default, trailing zeroes are not shown. To display trailing zeroes, click 
<guibutton>Acc</guibutton> then select <guilabel>Show Trailing Zeroes</guilabel> from the popup menu, or 
choose <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Trailing Zeroes</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. A 
preceding check mark in the <guibutton>Acc</guibutton> popup menu or <guimenu>View</guimenu> menu indicates 
that the <guilabel>Show Trailing Zeroes</guilabel> option has been selected. To hide trailing zeroes, choose 
<menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Trailing Zeroes</guimenuitem></menuchoice> again."
-msgstr "Lehenespenez, atzeko zeroak ez dira bistaratzen. Atzeko zeroak bistaratzeko, egin klik 
<guibutton>Acc</guibutton> botoian eta, ondoren, hautatu laster-menuko <guilabel>Erakutsi zero 
guztiak</guilabel>, edo aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Erakutsi zero 
guztiak</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. <guibutton>Acc</guibutton> laster-menuan edo <guimenu>Ikusi</guimenu> 
menuan kontrol-marka baten bidez adierazten da <guilabel>Erakutsi zero guztiak</guilabel> aukera hautatua 
dagoela  Atzeko zeroak ezkutatzeko, aukeratu berriro <menuchoice><guimenu> 
Ikusi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Erakutsi zero guztiak</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1229(para)
-msgid "The examples in the following table show how the accuracy setting affects 
<replaceable>x</replaceable> in the display area, when you use decimal base, with the <guimenuitem>Show 
Trailing Zeroes</guimenuitem> option selected, for the <literal>1 / 8 = 
<replaceable>x</replaceable></literal> calculation:"
-msgstr "<literal>1 / 8 = <replaceable>x</replaceable></literal> eragiketa sistema hamartarrean egitean, 
zehaztasun-ezarpenak bistaratze-areako <replaceable>x</replaceable>(r)i nola eragiten dion ikusten da 
ondorengo taulako adibideetan, <guimenuitem>Erakutsi zero guztiak</guimenuitem> aukera hautatua egonik:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1237(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2098(link) C/gcalctool.xml:2180(para)
-msgid "Accuracy"
-msgstr "Zehaztasuna"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1244(para)
-msgid "1 significant place"
-msgstr "Zifra esanguratsu 1"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1248(para)
-msgid "2 significant places"
-msgstr "2 zifra esanguratsu"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1249(para)
-msgid "1.25"
-msgstr "1,25"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1252(para)
-msgid "3 significant places"
-msgstr "3 zifra esanguratsu"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1253(para)
-msgid "1.250"
-msgstr "1,250"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1260(title)
-msgid "To Set the Numeric Base"
-msgstr "Oinarria ezartzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1261(para)
-msgid "To set the numeric base, select one of the buttons described in <xref 
-msgstr "Oinarria ezartzeko, hautatu <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-num-base\"/>(e)n deskribatutako botoietako 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1263(title)
-msgid "Setting the Numeric Base"
-msgstr "Oinarria ezartzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1280(para)
-msgid "Binary Base"
-msgstr "Oinarri bitarra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1281(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2563(guilabel)
-msgid "Bin"
-msgstr "Bin"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1282(para)
-msgid "Sets the numeric base to binary, that is, base 2."
-msgstr "Oinarri bitarra ezartzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1285(para)
-msgid "Octal Base"
-msgstr "Oinarri zortzitarra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1286(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2599(guilabel)
-msgid "Oct"
-msgstr "Oct"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1287(para)
-msgid "Sets the numeric base to octal, that is, base 8."
-msgstr "Oinarri zortzitarra ezartzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1290(para)
-msgid "Decimal Base"
-msgstr "Oinarri hamartarra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1291(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2569(guilabel)
-msgid "Dec"
-msgstr "Dec"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1292(para)
-msgid "Sets the numeric base to decimal, that is, base 10. Decimal is the default numeric base. If you 
change from Scientific mode to another mode, <application>Calculator</application> automatically sets the 
numeric base to decimal."
-msgstr "Oinarri hamartarra ezartzen du. Hamartarra da oinarri lehenetsia. Modu zientifikotik beste batera 
aldatzean, automatikoki ezartzen du oinarri hamartarra <application>Kalkulagailua</application>k."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1295(para)
-msgid "Hexadecimal Base"
-msgstr "Oinarri hamaseitarra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1296(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2617(guilabel)
-msgid "Hex"
-msgstr "Hex"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1297(para)
-msgid "Sets the numeric base to hexadecimal, that is, base 16."
-msgstr "Oinarri hamaseitarra ezartzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1304(title)
-msgid "To Set the Display Type"
-msgstr "Bistaratze mota ezartzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1305(para)
-msgid "To set the display type, select one of the buttons described in <xref 
-msgstr "Bistaratze mota ezartzeko, hautatu <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-display-type\"/>(e)n deskribatutako 
botoietako bat."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1307(title)
-msgid "Setting the Display Type"
-msgstr "Bistaratze mota ezartzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1324(para)
-msgid "Engineering Display Type"
-msgstr "Ingeniaritzako bistaratze mota"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1325(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2593(guilabel)
-msgid "Eng"
-msgstr "Eng"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1326(para)
-msgid "Sets the display type to engineering format. Results are displayed in scientific notation. The 
exponent is always a multiple of three."
-msgstr "Ingeniaritzako formatuaren bistaratze modua ezartzen du. Emaitzak idazkera zientifikoan bistaratuko 
dira. Hiruren multiploa da beti berretzailea."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1329(para)
-msgid "Fixed-Point Display Type"
-msgstr "Koma finkoko bistaratze mota"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1330(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2575(guilabel)
-msgid "Fix"
-msgstr "Fix"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1331(para)
-msgid "Sets the display type to fixed-point format. Results are not displayed in scientific notation. 
Fixed-point is the default display type. If you change from scientific mode to either basic mode or financial 
mode, <application>Calculator</application> automatically sets the display type to fixed-point format."
-msgstr "Koma finkoko formatuaren bistaratze modua ezartzen du. Emaitzak ez dira idazkera zientifikoan 
bistaratzen. Koma finkokoa da bistaratze mota lehenetsia. Modu zientifikotik oinarrizko modura edo modu 
finantzariora aldatzean, koma finkoko formatua ezartzen du <application>Kalkulagailuak</application>k 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1334(para)
-msgid "Scientific Display Type"
-msgstr "Bistaratze mota zientifikoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1335(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2611(guilabel)
-msgid "Sci"
-msgstr "Sci"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1336(para)
-msgid "Sets the display type to scientific format. Results are displayed in scientific notation, with a 
fixed number of numeric digits."
-msgstr "Formatu zientifikoaren bistaratze modua ezartzen du. Emaitzak idazkera zientifikoan bistaratzen 
dira, zifra kopuru finko batekin."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1343(title)
-msgid "To Set the Trigonometric Type"
-msgstr "Trigonometria mota ezartzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1344(para)
-msgid "To set the trigonometric type, select one of the buttons described in <xref 
-msgstr "Trigonometria mota ezartzeko, hautatu <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-trig-type\"/>(e)n deskribatutako 
botoietako bat."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1346(title)
-msgid "Setting the Trigonometric Type"
-msgstr "Trigonometria mota ezartzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1363(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1364(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2581(guilabel)
-msgid "Degrees"
-msgstr "Graduak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1365(para)
-msgid "Sets the trigonometric type to degrees. Degrees is the default trigonometric type."
-msgstr "Gradutan ezartzen du trigonometria mota. Graduak dira trigonometria mota lehenetsia."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1368(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1369(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2557(guilabel)
-msgid "Gradians"
-msgstr "Gradu ehundarrak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1370(para)
-msgid "Sets the trigonometric type to gradians."
-msgstr "Gradu ehundarretan ezartzen du trigonometria mota."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1373(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1374(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2605(guilabel)
-msgid "Radians"
-msgstr "Radianak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1375(para)
-msgid "Sets the trigonometric type to radians."
-msgstr "Radianetan ezartzen du trigonometria mota."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1382(title)
-msgid "To Set the Trigonometric Options"
-msgstr "Trigonometria motaren aukerak ezartzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1383(para)
-msgid "To set the trigonometric options, use the options described in <xref 
-msgstr "Trigonometria-aukerak ezartzeko, hautatu <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-trig-options\"/>(e)n 
deskribatutako botoietako bat."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1385(title)
-msgid "Setting the Trigonometric Options"
-msgstr "Trigonometria-aukerak ezartzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1402(para)
-msgid "Hyperbolic Option Indicator"
-msgstr "Aukera hiperbolikoaren adierazlea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1403(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2623(guilabel)
-msgid "Hyp"
-msgstr "Hyp"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1404(para)
-msgid "Selects the hyperbolic option for use with the trigonometric functions."
-msgstr "Aukera hiperbolikoa hautatzen du, funtzio trigonometrikoekin erabiltzeko."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1407(para)
-msgid "Inverse Option Indicator"
-msgstr "Alderantzizkoa aukeraren adierazlea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1408(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2587(guilabel)
-msgid "Inv"
-msgstr "Inv"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1409(para)
-msgid "Selects the inverse option for use with the trigonometric functions."
-msgstr "Alderantzizkoa aukera hautatzen du, funtzio trigonometrikoekin erabiltzeko."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1414(para)
-msgid "By default, the options described in <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-trig-options\"/> are not selected. 
Click <guibutton>Clr</guibutton> to deselect these options."
-msgstr "Lehenespenez, <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-trig-options\"/>(e)n azaltzen diren aukerak ez daude 
hautatuak. Sakatu <guibutton>Clr</guibutton> aukera horiek desautatzeko."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1418(title)
-msgid "To Calculate Trigonometric Values"
-msgstr "Balio trigonometrikoak kalkulatzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1419(para)
-msgid "To calculate trigonometric values, use the buttons described in <xref 
-msgstr "Balio trigonometrikoak kalkulatzeko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-trig-calc\"/>(e)n 
deskribatutako botoiak."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1421(title)
-msgid "Calculating Trigonometric Values"
-msgstr "Balio trigonometrikoak kalkulatzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1444(para)
-msgid "Cosine <literal>cos</literal>"
-msgstr "Kosinua <literal>cos</literal>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1445(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option not selected, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> 
option not selected"
-msgstr "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatu gabe, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1446(para)
-msgid "Calculates the cosine of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren kosinua kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1447(para)
-msgid "60 <guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
-msgstr "60 <guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1448(para)
-msgid "0.5"
-msgstr "0,5"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1451(para)
-msgid "Arc Cosine <literal>acos</literal>"
-msgstr "Arku kosinua <literal>acos</literal>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1452(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option not selected, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> 
option selected"
-msgstr "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatu gabe, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1453(para)
-msgid "Calculates the arc cosine of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren arku kosinua kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1454(para)
-msgid "0.5 <guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
-msgstr "0,5 <guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1458(para)
-msgid "Hyperbolic Cosine <literal>cosh</literal>"
-msgstr "Kosinu hiperbolikoa <literal>cosh</literal>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1459(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option selected, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option 
not selected"
-msgstr "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatuta, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1460(para)
-msgid "Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren kosinu hiperbolikoa kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1461(para)
-msgid "0.4 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
-msgstr "0,4 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1462(para)
-msgid "1.081072372"
-msgstr "1,081072372"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1465(para)
-msgid "Arc Hyperbolic Cosine <literal>acosh</literal>"
-msgstr "Arku kosinu hiperbolikoa <literal>acosh</literal>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1466(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option selected, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option 
-msgstr "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatuta, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatuta"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1467(para)
-msgid "Calculates the arc hyperbolic cosine of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren arku kosinu hiperbolikoa kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1468(para)
-msgid "1.6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
-msgstr "1,6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1469(para)
-msgid "1.046967915"
-msgstr "1,046967915"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1472(para)
-msgid "Sine <literal>sin</literal>"
-msgstr "Sinua <literal>sin</literal>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1473(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option not selected, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> 
option not selected"
-msgstr "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatu gabe, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1474(para)
-msgid "Calculates the sine of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren sinua kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1475(para)
-msgid "90 <guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
-msgstr "90 <guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1479(para)
-msgid "Arc Sine <literal>asin</literal>"
-msgstr "Arku sinua <literal>asin</literal>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1480(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option not selected, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> 
option selected"
-msgstr "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatu gabe, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1481(para)
-msgid "Calculates the arc sine of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren arku sinua kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1482(para)
-msgid "1 <guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
-msgstr "1 <guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1483(para)
-msgid "90"
-msgstr "90"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1486(para)
-msgid "Hyperbolic Sine <literal>sinh</literal>"
-msgstr "Sinu hiperbolikoa <literal>sinh</literal>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1487(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option selected, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option 
not selected"
-msgstr "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatuta, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1488(para)
-msgid "Calculates the hyperbolic sine of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren sinu hiperbolikoa kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1489(para)
-msgid "0.4 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
-msgstr "0,4 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1490(para)
-msgid "0.410752326"
-msgstr "0,410752326"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1493(para)
-msgid "Arc Hyperbolic Sine <literal>asinh</literal>"
-msgstr "Arku sinu hiperbolikoa <literal>asinh</literal>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1494(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option selected, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option 
-msgstr "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatuta, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatuta"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1495(para)
-msgid "Calculates the arc hyperbolic sine of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren arku sinu hiperbolikoa kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1496(para)
-msgid "1.6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
-msgstr "1,6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1497(para)
-msgid "1.248983328"
-msgstr "1,248983328"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1500(para)
-msgid "Tangent <literal>tan</literal>"
-msgstr "Tangentea <literal>tan</literal>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1501(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option not selected, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> 
option not selected"
-msgstr "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatu gabe, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1502(para)
-msgid "Calculates the tangent of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren tangentea kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1503(para)
-msgid "45 <guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
-msgstr "45 <guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1507(para)
-msgid "Arc Tangent <literal>atan</literal>"
-msgstr "Arku tangentea <literal>atan</literal>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1508(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option not selected, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> 
option selected"
-msgstr "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatu gabe, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1509(para)
-msgid "Calculates the arc tangent of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren arku tangentea kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1510(para)
-msgid "1 <guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
-msgstr "1 <guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1511(para)
-msgid "45"
-msgstr "45"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1514(para)
-msgid "Hyperbolic Tangent <literal>tanh</literal>"
-msgstr "Tangente hiperbolikoa <literal>tanh</literal>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1515(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option selected, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option 
not selected"
-msgstr "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatuta, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatu 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1516(para)
-msgid "Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren tangente hiperbolikoa kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1517(para)
-msgid "0.6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
-msgstr "0,6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
+#. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
+msgctxt "_"
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "translator-credits"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1518(para)
-msgid "0.537049567"
-msgstr "0,537049567"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/absolute.page:9
+msgid "Absolute Values"
+msgstr "Balio absolutuak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1521(para)
-msgid "Arc Hyperbolic Tangent <literal>atanh</literal>"
-msgstr "Arku tangente hiperbolikoa <literal>atanh</literal>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/absolute.page:11
+msgid ""
+"Absolute values are calculated using the | symbol or abs <link xref="
+msgstr "Balio absolutuak kalkultzeko, | ikurra edo abs <link xref=\"function\">funtzioa</link> erabiltzen 
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/absolute.page:15
+msgid "|−1|"
+msgstr "|−1|"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/absolute.page:18
+msgid "abs (−1)"
+msgstr "abs (−1)"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/base.page:9 C/conv-base.page:9
+msgid "Number Bases"
+msgstr "Zenbaki-oinarriak"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/base.page:11
+msgid ""
+"To enter numbers in a particular number base use <link xref=\"superscript"
+"\">subscript numbers</link>. The following numbers are equivalent."
+msgstr "Zenbaki-oinarri jakin bat edukiko duten zenbakiak sartzeko, erabili <link 
xref=\"superscript\">azpiindizeak diren zenbakiak</link>. Hurrengo zenbakiak baliokideak dira."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/base.page:16
+msgid "1001011â‚‚"
+msgstr "1001011â‚‚"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/base.page:19
+msgid "113₈"
+msgstr "113₈"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/base.page:22
+msgid "75"
+msgstr "75"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/base.page:25
+msgid "4B₁₆"
+msgstr "4B₁₆"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/base.page:29
+msgid ""
+"When in <link xref=\"mouse\">programming mode</link>, use the drop-down menu "
+"to change the base of the calculation."
+msgstr "<link xref=\"mouse\">Programazio moduan</link>, erabili goitibeherako menua kalkuluaren oinarria 
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1522(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option selected, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option 
-msgstr "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatuta, <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatuta"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/base.page:32
+msgid ""
+"Keyboard shortcuts can be used to switch to <gui>Binary</gui> "
+"(<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>B</key></keyseq>), <gui>Octal</gui> "
+"(<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>O</key></keyseq>), <gui>Decimal</gui> "
+"(<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>D</key></keyseq>) and <gui>Hexadecimal</gui> "
+"(<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>) modes."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1523(para)
-msgid "Calculates the arc hyperbolic tangent of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren arku tangente hiperbolikoa kalkulatzen du."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/base.page:35
+msgid ""
+"To convert numbers to other base on the fly, <link xref=\"conv-base\">Number "
+"Base conversion</link> can be used."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1524(para)
-msgid "0.6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
-msgstr "0,6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/boolean.page:9
+msgid "Boolean Algebra"
+msgstr "Aljebra boolearra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1525(para)
-msgid "0.693147181"
-msgstr "0,693147181"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/boolean.page:11
+msgid "Boolean algebra can be calculated using the AND, OR and XOR operators."
+msgstr "Aljebra boolearra kalkulatzeko, erabili AND, OR eta XOR eragileak."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1532(title)
-msgid "To Calculate Logarithms"
-msgstr "Logaritmoak kalkulatzea"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/boolean.page:15
+msgid "010011â‚‚ AND 110101â‚‚"
+msgstr "010011â‚‚ AND 110101â‚‚"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1533(para)
-msgid "To calculate logarithms, use the buttons described in <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-logs-calc\"/>."
-msgstr "Logaritmoak kalkulatzeko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-logs-calc\"/>(e)n deskribatutako 
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/boolean.page:19
+msgid ""
+"Buttons for these symbols are available in <link xref=\"mouse\">programming "
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1535(title)
-msgid "Calculating Logarithms"
-msgstr "Logaritmoak kalkulatzea"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/boolean.page:22
+msgid ""
+"The NOT <link xref=\"function\">function</link> inverts the bits in a "
+"number. To set the word size, press the menu button in the top-right corner "
+"of the window and select <gui style=\"menuitem\">Preferences</gui>."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1558(para)
-msgid "Common Logarithm Base 10"
-msgstr "Logaritmo hamartar arrunta"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/boolean.page:28
+msgid "NOT 010011â‚‚"
+msgstr "NOT 010011â‚‚"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1559(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2239(guibutton)
-msgid "Log"
-msgstr "Log"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/complex.page:9
+msgid "Complex Numbers"
+msgstr "Zenbaki konplexuak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1560(para)
-msgid "Calculates the common logarithm of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren logaritmo hamartarra kalkulatzen du."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/complex.page:11
+msgid ""
+"<app>Calculator</app> supports complex numbers, as well as the following "
+"functions while in <link xref=\"mouse\">Advanced mode</link>."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1561(para)
-msgid "10 <guibutton>Log</guibutton>"
-msgstr "10 <guibutton>Log</guibutton>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/complex.page:18
+msgid "Re"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1565(para)
-msgid "Natural Logarithm"
-msgstr "Logaritmo nepertarra"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/complex.page:19
+msgid "Returns the real part of a complex number. For example:"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1566(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2287(guibutton)
-msgid "Ln"
-msgstr "Ln"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/complex.page:21
+msgid "Re (2-5i) = 2"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1567(para)
-msgid "Calculates the natural logarithm of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren logaritmo nepertarra kalkulatzen du."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/complex.page:29
+msgid "Im"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1568(para)
-msgid "10 <guibutton>Ln</guibutton>"
-msgstr "10 <guibutton>Ln</guibutton>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/complex.page:30
+msgid "Returns the imaginary part of a complex number. For example:"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1569(para)
-msgid "2.30"
-msgstr "2,30"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/complex.page:32
+msgid "Im (2-5i) = -5"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1575(para)
-msgid "Common antilogarithm and natural antilogarithm are not supported in this version of 
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren bertsio honek ez ditu kalkulatzen antilogaritmo 
hamartarrak eta antilogaritmo nepertarrak."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/complex.page:40
+msgid "conj"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1579(title)
-msgid "To Perform Bitwise Calculations"
-msgstr "Bitetan oinarritutako kalkuluak egitea"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/complex.page:41
+msgid "Returns the conjugate of a complex number. For example:"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1580(para)
-msgid "To perform bitwise calculations, use the buttons described in <xref 
-msgstr "Bitetan oinarritutako kalkuluak egiteko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-logic-calc\"/>(e)n 
deskribatutako botoiak."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/complex.page:43
+msgid "conj (2-5i) = 2+5i"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1582(title)
-msgid "Performing Bitwise Calculations"
-msgstr "Bitetan oinarritutako kalkuluak egitea"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/complex.page:51
+msgid "Arg"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1605(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2498(para)
-msgid "Bitwise OR"
-msgstr "Bitez biteko OR"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/complex.page:52
+msgid "Returns the argument of a complex number. For example:"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1606(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2497(guibutton)
-msgid "Or"
-msgstr "Or"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/complex.page:54
+msgid "Arg (2-5i) = -68.1986"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1607(para)
-msgid "Performs a bitwise OR operation on the current value in the display area and the next number that you 
enter, treating both numbers as unsigned long integers."
-msgstr "Bitez biteko EDO eragiketa egiten die bistaratze-areako uneko balioari eta idazten den hurrengo 
balioari, eta, horretarako, zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki luzetzat hartzen ditu bi balioak."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/conv-base.page:11
+msgid ""
+"To convert the number to a different base representation use the <em>in</em> "
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1608(para)
-msgid "10001000 <guibutton>Or</guibutton> 00010001"
-msgstr "10001000 <guibutton>Or</guibutton> 00010001"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/conv-base.page:15
+msgid "12 in hex"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1609(para)
-msgid "10011001"
-msgstr "10011001"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/conv-base.page:18
+msgid "5 in binary"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1612(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2396(para)
-msgid "Bitwise AND"
-msgstr "Bitez biteko AND"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/conv-base.page:21
+msgid "1A₁₆ in dec"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1613(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2395(guibutton)
-msgid "And"
-msgstr "And"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/conv-base.page:24
+msgid "1010â‚‚ in octal"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1614(para)
-msgid "Performs a bitwise AND operation on the current value in the display area and the next number that 
you enter, treating both numbers as unsigned long integers."
-msgstr "Bitez biteko ETA eragiketa egiten die bistaratze-areako uneko balioari eta idazten den hurrengo 
balioari, eta, horretarako, zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki luzetzat hartzen ditu bi balioak."
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/conv-base.page:29
+msgid "Number Base conversions must be performed using the keyboard."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1615(para)
-msgid "10101010 <guibutton>And</guibutton> 00110011"
-msgstr "10101010 <guibutton>And</guibutton> 00110011"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/conv-character.page:9
+msgid "Character Codes"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1616(para)
-msgid "00110011"
-msgstr "00110011"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/conv-character.page:11
+msgid ""
+"When in <link xref=\"mouse\">programming mode</link> the <gui>á</gui> button "
+"opens a dialog to convert characters to character codes."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1619(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2510(para)
-msgid "Bitwise NOT"
-msgstr "Bitez biteko NOT"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/conv-character.page:15
+msgid "Characters cannot be converted using the keyboard."
+msgstr "Karaktereak ezin dira bihurtu teklatua erabilita."
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/conv-currency.page:10 C/index.page:8
+msgid "Robert Ancell"
+msgstr "Robert Ancell"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/years
+#: C/conv-currency.page:12 C/conv-currency.page:17
+msgid "2010"
+msgstr "2010"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/conv-currency.page:15
+msgid "Robin Sonefors"
+msgstr "Robin Sonefors"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/conv-currency.page:20 C/power.page:11
+msgid "Ekaterina Gerasimova"
+msgstr "Ekaterina Gerasimova"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/years
+#: C/conv-currency.page:22
+msgid "2014"
+msgstr "2014"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/conv-currency.page:27
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr "Moneta"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/conv-currency.page:29
+msgid ""
+"To convert currencies, enter the <link xref=\"financial\">financial mode</"
+"link>, and use the currency controls."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1620(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2509(guibutton)
-msgid "Not"
-msgstr "Not"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/conv-currency.page:34
+msgid "Enter the amount which you want to convert."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1621(para)
-msgid "Performs a bitwise NOT operation on the current value in the display area, treating the number as an 
unsigned long integer."
-msgstr "Bitez biteko EZ eragiketa egiten dio bistaratze-areako uneko balioari, eta, horretarako, zeinurik 
gabeko osoko zenbaki luzetzat hartzen du."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/conv-currency.page:37
+msgid ""
+"Select the currency that you want to convert from and the currency that you "
+"want to convert to from the drop down below."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1622(para)
-msgid "1357ACE <guibutton>Not</guibutton>"
-msgstr "1357ACE <guibutton>Not</guibutton>"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/conv-currency.page:43
+msgid ""
+"Currency information is approximate and should not be used for making "
+"financial decisions."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1623(para)
-msgid "FECA8531"
-msgstr "FECA8531"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/conv-length.page:9
+msgid "Length/Area/Volume"
+msgstr "Luzera/Area/Bolumena"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1626(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2486(para)
-msgid "Bitwise XOR"
-msgstr "Bitez biteko XOR"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/conv-length.page:11
+msgid ""
+"To convert between length, area and volume units use the <em>in</em> "
+msgstr "Luzerako, areako eta bolumeneko unitateak bihurtzeko, erabili <em>in</em> eragilea."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1627(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2485(guibutton)
-msgid "Xor"
-msgstr "Xor"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/conv-length.page:15
+msgid "6 meters in inches"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1628(para)
-msgid "Performs a bitwise XOR operation on the current value in the display area and the next number that 
you enter, treating both numbers as unsigned long integers."
-msgstr "Bitez biteko ALA eragiketa egiten die bistaratze-areako uneko balioari eta idazten den hurrengo 
balioari, eta, horretarako, zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki luzetzat hartzen ditu bi balioak."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/conv-length.page:18
+msgid "1 acre in cm²"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1629(para)
-msgid "1100 <guibutton>Xor</guibutton> 1010"
-msgstr "1100 <guibutton>Xor</guibutton> 1010"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/conv-length.page:21
+msgid "1 pint in mL"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1630(para)
-msgid "110"
-msgstr "110"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/conv-length.page:26
+msgid "Length/Area/Volume conversions must be performed using the keyboard."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1633(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2294(para)
-msgid "Bitwise XNOR"
-msgstr "Bitez biteko XNOR"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/conv-time.page:9
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1634(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2293(guibutton)
-msgid "Xnor"
-msgstr "Xnor"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/conv-time.page:11
+msgid "To convert between time use the <em>in</em> operator."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1635(para)
-msgid "Performs a bitwise XNOR operation on the current value in the display area and the next number that 
you enter, treating both numbers as unsigned long integers."
-msgstr "Bitez biteko EZ-ALA eragiketa egiten die bistaratze-areako uneko balioari eta idazten den hurrengo 
balioari, eta, horretarako, zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki luzetzat hartzen ditu bi balioak."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/conv-time.page:15
+msgid "3 years in hours"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1636(para)
-msgid "1100 <guibutton>Xnor</guibutton> 1010"
-msgstr "1100 <guibutton>Xnor</guibutton> 1010"
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/conv-time.page:20
+msgid "Time conversions must be performed using the keyboard."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1637(para)
-msgid "11111111111111111111111111111001"
-msgstr "11111111111111111111111111111001"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/conv-weight.page:9
+msgid "Mass"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1644(title)
-msgid "To Enter Exponential Numbers"
-msgstr "Zenbaki esponentzialak idaztea"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/conv-weight.page:11
+msgid "To convert between mass use the <em>in</em> operator."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1645(para)
-msgid "To enter exponential numbers, use the <guibutton>Exp</guibutton> button."
-msgstr "Zenbaki esponentzialak idazteko, erabili <guibutton>Exp</guibutton> botoia."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/conv-weight.page:15
+msgid "1kg in pounds"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1646(para)
-msgid "The <guibutton>Exp</guibutton> button enables you to enter numbers in scientific notation, that is, 
<replaceable>mantissa</replaceable> * 
-msgstr "Zenbakiak idazkera zientifikoz idazteko aukera ematen du <guibutton>Exp</guibutton> botoiak, alegia, 
<replaceable>mantisa</replaceable> * 
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/conv-weight.page:20
+msgid "Mass conversions must be performed using the keyboard."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1650(replaceable)
-msgid "mantissa"
-msgstr "mantisa"
+#. (itstool) path: info/title
+#: C/equation.page:7
+msgctxt "sort"
+msgid "0"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1651(para)
-msgid "Current non-zero value in the display area. If the current value in the display area is zero, the 
mantissa is 1.0."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako ez-zero balioa. Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa zero bada, mantisa 1,0 da."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/equation.page:11
+msgid "Basic Equations"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1654(replaceable)
-msgid "base"
-msgstr "oinarria"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/equation.page:13
+msgid ""
+"Equations are entered in standard mathematical form. For example to add 7 "
+"and 2 enter the following:"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1655(para)
-msgid "2, 8, 10, or 16 for binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal numeric base respectively."
-msgstr "2, 8, 10 edo 16, oinarri bitarra, zortzitarra, hamartarra edo hamaseitarra adierazteko, hurrenez 
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/equation.page:18
+msgid "7+2"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1658(replaceable)
-msgid "exponent"
-msgstr "berretzailea"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/equation.page:22
+msgid ""
+"To solve, press the <gui>=</gui> button with your mouse or the <key>Enter</"
+"key> key on your keyboard."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1659(para)
-msgid "Next number that you enter."
-msgstr "Sartzen duzun hurrengo zenbakia."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/equation.page:25
+msgid ""
+"Calculations are performed in mathematical order - multiplication and "
+"division are performed before addition and subtraction. The following "
+"equation solves to 1 (3×2 = 6, 7−6 = 1)."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1664(para)
-msgid "When you click <guibutton>Exp</guibutton>, the calculator displays <literal>. +</literal> to 
represent <replaceable>base</replaceable> to the power of the next number that you enter."
-msgstr "<guibutton>Exp</guibutton> botoia sakatzean, <literal>. +</literal> bistaratzen du kalkulagailuak, 
berretzailearen (sartuko den hurrengo zenbakiaren) <replaceable>oinarria</replaceable> adierazteko."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/equation.page:30
+msgid "7−3×2"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1666(para)
-msgid "To change the sign of the number, use the <guibutton>+/-</guibutton> button before the 
<guibutton>Exp</guibutton> button. How you change the sign of the exponent (the power to which the number is 
raised) depends on whether you are in arithmetic precedence mode or not. In arithmetic precedence mode, use 
<guibutton>-</guibutton> after the <guibutton>Exp</guibutton> button, otherwise use the 
<guibutton>+/-</guibutton> button after entering the exponent."
-msgstr "Zenbakiaren zeinua aldatzeko, erabili <guibutton>+/-</guibutton> botoia, <guibutton>Exp</guibutton> 
botoia sakatu aurretik. Berretzailearen zeinua aldatzeko era ez da berdina aurrentasun aritmetikoa 
erabiltzean eta ez erabiltzean. Aurrentasun aritmetikoaren moduan, erabili <guibutton>-</guibutton> botoia 
<guibutton>Exp</guibutton> botoia sakatu ondoren, edo, bestela, erabili <guibutton>+/-</guibutton> botoia 
berretzailea sartu ondoren."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/equation.page:34
+msgid ""
+"To change the order of calculation use parenthesis. The following equation "
+"solves to 8 (7−3 = 4, 4×2 = 8)."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1672(para)
-msgid "To enter a decimal number in exponential format, in arithmetic precedence mode, use the guidelines in 
the following table:"
-msgstr "Zenbaki hamartar bat formatu esponentzialean idazteko, aurrentasun aritmetikoaren moduan, erabili 
taula honetako gidalerroak:"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/equation.page:39
+msgid "(7−3)×2"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1680(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1720(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1786(para)
-msgid "Number"
-msgstr "Zenbakia"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/equation.page:43
+msgid ""
+"To clear the display press the <gui>C</gui> button or <key>Escape</key>."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1682(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1722(para)
-msgid "Enter"
-msgstr "Sartu"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/factorial.page:9
+msgid "Factorials"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1684(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1724(para)
-msgid "Number Displayed"
-msgstr "Bistaratutako zenbakia"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/factorial.page:11
+msgid ""
+"Factorials are entered using the ! symbol. To calculate the factorial of 6 "
+"enter the following."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1689(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1691(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1729(para) 
-msgid "1200000000"
-msgstr "1200000000"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/factorial.page:16
+msgid "6!"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1690(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1730(para)
-msgid "12 <guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>8</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-msgstr "12 <guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>8</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/factorize.page:9
+msgid "Factorization"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1694(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1696(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1734(para) 
-msgid "-1200000000"
-msgstr "-1200000000"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/factorize.page:11
+msgid ""
+"You can factorize the number currently displayed by pressing the <gui>fact</"
+"gui> button. This button is visible in <link xref=\"mouse\">programming "
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1695(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1735(para)
-msgid "12 
-msgstr "12 
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/financial.page:9
+msgid "Financial Functions"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1699(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1739(para)
-msgid "0.00000012"
-msgstr "0,00000012"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/financial.page:10
+msgid "When in financial mode the following buttons are available."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1700(para)
-msgid "12 <guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>-</guibutton><guibutton>8</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-msgstr "12 
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:15
+msgid "Ctrm"
+msgstr "Ctrm"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1701(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1741(para)
-msgid "1.2e-7"
-msgstr "1,2e-7"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:16
+msgid ""
+"Calculate the number of compounding periods necessary to increase an "
+"investment of present value to a future value, at a fixed interest rate per "
+"compounding period."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1704(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1744(para)
-msgid "-0.00000012"
-msgstr "-0,00000012"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:19
+msgid "Ddb"
+msgstr "Ddb"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1705(para)
-msgid "12 
-msgstr "12 
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:20
+msgid ""
+"Calculate the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of "
+"time, using the double-declining balance method."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1706(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1746(para)
-msgid "-1.2e-7"
-msgstr "-1,2e-7"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:23
+msgid "Fv"
+msgstr "Fv"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1712(para)
-msgid "To enter a decimal number in exponential format, in non-arithmetic precedence mode, use the 
guidelines in the following table:"
-msgstr "Zenbaki hamartar bat formatu esponentzialean idazteko, aurrentasun aritmetikoaren moduan ez 
dagoenean, erabili taula honetako gidalerroak:"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:24
+msgid ""
+"Calculate the future value of an investment based on a series of equal "
+"payments at a periodic interest rate over the number of payment periods in "
+"the term."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1740(para)
-msgid "12 <guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>8</guibutton><guibutton>+/-</guibutton>"
-msgstr "12 <guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>8</guibutton><guibutton>+/-</guibutton>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:27
+msgid "Gpm"
+msgstr "Gpm"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1745(para)
-msgid "12 
-msgstr "12 
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:28
+msgid ""
+"Calculate the resale price of a product, based on the product cost and the "
+"wanted gross profit margin."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1754(title)
-msgid "To Use Constant Values"
-msgstr "Balio konstanteak erabiltzea"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:31
+msgid "Pmt"
+msgstr "Pmt"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1755(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Con</guibutton> to display the list of defined constant values. All constant values 
are specified in decimal numeric base, even if the current numeric base is not decimal."
-msgstr "Egin klik <guibutton>Con</guibutton> botoian, definitutako balio konstanteen zerrenda bistaratzeko. 
Balio konstante guztiak oinarri hamartarrean daude, nahiz eta uneko oinarria ez hamartarra izan."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:32
+msgid ""
+"Calculate the amount of the periodic payment of a loan, where payments are "
+"made at the end of each payment period."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1756(para)
-msgid "Select a constant from the menu to enter its value in the display area. If you use the keyboard 
shortcut <keycap>#</keycap>, you can use the keyboard to specify the constant, as shown in the following 
-msgstr "Hautatu menuko konstante bat, balio hori bistaratze-arean jartzeko. <keycap>#</keycap> laster-tekla 
erabiltzen baduzu, teklatua erabil dezakezu konstantea zehazteko; ikus adibide hau:"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:35
+msgid "Pv"
+msgstr "Pv"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1766(para)
-msgid "Constant"
-msgstr "Konstantea"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:36
+msgid ""
+"Calculate the present value of an investment based on a series of equal "
+"payments discounted at a periodic interest rate over the number of payment "
+"periods in the term."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1771(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2382(keycap)
-msgid "#"
-msgstr "#"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:39
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Tasa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1772(para) C/gcalctool.xml:1812(para)
-msgid "C3"
-msgstr "C3"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:40
+msgid ""
+"Calculate the periodic interest necessary to increase an investment to a "
+"future value, over the number of compounding periods."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1777(para)
-msgid "The <application>Calculator</application> application provides ten default constant values, as 
described in the following table:"
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> aplikazioak hamar balio konstante lehenetsi ditu. Hauek 
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:43
+msgid "Sln"
+msgstr "Sln"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1788(para)
-msgid "Value"
-msgstr "Balioa"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:44
+msgid ""
+"Calculate the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period. The "
+"straight-line method of depreciation divides the depreciable cost evenly "
+"over the useful life of an asset. The useful life is the number of periods, "
+"typically years, over which an asset is depreciated."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1795(para)
-msgid "C0"
-msgstr "C0"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:47
+msgid "Syd"
+msgstr "Syd"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1796(para)
-msgid "0.621"
-msgstr "0,621"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:48
+msgid ""
+"Calculate the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of "
+"time, using the Sum-of-the-Years'-Digits method. This method of depreciation "
+"accelerates the rate of depreciation, so that more depreciation expense "
+"occurs in earlier periods than in later ones. The useful life is the number "
+"of periods, typically years, over which an asset is depreciated."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1797(para)
-msgid "Kilometer-to-mile conversion factor"
-msgstr "Kilometroak -> miliak bihurketa-faktorea"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:51
+msgid "Term"
+msgstr "Epea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1798(para)
-msgid "Multiply the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert from kilometers per hour 
to miles per hour. For example, 8 * <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C0</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 5."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrekin biderkatuta, kilometroak (kilometro orduko) milia 
(milia orduko) bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 8 * 
<guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C0</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 5."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/financial.page:52
+msgid ""
+"Calculate the number of payment periods that are necessary during the term "
+"of an ordinary annuity, to accumulate a future value, at a periodic interest "
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1799(para)
-msgid "Divide the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert from miles per hour to 
kilometers per hour. For example, 5 / <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C0</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 8."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrez zatituta, miliak (milia orduko) kilometro (kilometro 
orduko) bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 5 / <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C0</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 8."
+#. (itstool) path: note/p
+#: C/financial.page:56
+msgid "Financial functions cannot be performed using the keyboard."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1802(para)
-msgid "C1"
-msgstr "C1"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/functions.page:9
+msgid "Functions"
+msgstr "Funtzioak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1803(para)
-msgid "1.414213562"
-msgstr "1,414213562"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/functions.page:11
+msgid ""
+"Functions can be used by inserting the name of the function followed by "
+"function arguments. <app>Calculator</app> also support user-defined "
+"functions. If the argument is not a number or <link xref=\"variable\">a "
+"single variable</link> then write each argument separated by semicolon and "
+"use parenthesis around the argument list."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1804(para)
-msgid "Square root of 2"
-msgstr "2ren erro karratua"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#. Translators: Do not translate the word 'sin'!
+#: C/functions.page:16
+msgid "sin 30"
+msgstr "sin 30"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#. Translators: Do not translate the word 'abs'!
+#: C/functions.page:19
+msgid "abs (5−9)"
+msgstr "abs (5−9)"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#. Translators: Do not translate the word 'fun'!
+#: C/functions.page:22
+msgid "fun (9;10)"
+msgstr "fun (9;10)"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/functions.page:26
+msgid ""
+"To add a new function type the function in the format as given below. A "
+"function name and arguments must only contain upper or lower case "
+"characters. The part after @ is the function description which is optional."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1807(para)
-msgid "C2"
-msgstr "C2"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/functions.page:30
+msgid ""
+"SimpleInterest (principal; rate; time) = principal * rate * time @ Simple "
+"Interest formula"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1808(para)
-msgid "2.718281828"
-msgstr "2,718281828"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/functions.page:34
+msgid "Functions can also be added and inserted using the f(x) button."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1809(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2220(keycap)
-msgid "e"
-msgstr "e"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/functions.page:38
+msgid ""
+"Click on f(x). Type the function name in the box, choose the number of "
+"arguments and click on the plus sign button next to it. On the calculator "
+"screen type the function expression and press <key>Enter</key>."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1813(para)
-msgid "3.141592653"
-msgstr "3,141592653"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/functions.page:43
+msgid "Click on f(x). Choose the function and click on it."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1814(para)
-msgid "pi"
-msgstr "pi"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/functions.page:47
+msgid "The following functions are defined."
+msgstr "Hurrengo funtzioak definitu dira."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:53
+msgid "<link xref=\"absolute\">Absolute Value</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"absolute\">Balio absolutua</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:57
+msgid "Ceiling"
+msgstr "Sabaia"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:61
+msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Cosine</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Kosinua</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:65
+msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Hyperbolic Cosine</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Kosinu hiperbolikoa</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:69
+msgid "Floor"
+msgstr "Zorua"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:73
+msgid "Fractional Component"
+msgstr "Zati frakzionala"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:77
+msgid "Integer Component"
+msgstr "Osoko zatia"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1817(para)
-msgid "C4"
-msgstr "C4"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:81
+msgid "<link xref=\"logarithm\">Natural Logarithm</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"logarithm\">Logaritmo naturala</link>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1818(para)
-msgid "0.3937007"
-msgstr "0,3937007"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:85
+msgid "<link xref=\"logarithm\">Logarithm</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"logarithm\">Logaritmoa</link>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1819(para)
-msgid "Centimeter-to-inch conversion factor"
-msgstr "Zentimetroak -> hazbeteak bihurketa-faktorea"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:89
+msgid "<link xref=\"boolean\">Boolean NOT</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"boolean\">NOT boolearra</link>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1820(para)
-msgid "Multiply the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert from centimeters to 
inches. For example, 30 * <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C4</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 12."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrekin biderkatuta zentimetroak hazbete bihurtzen dira. 
Adibidez, 30 * <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C4</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 12."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:93
+msgid "Ones complement"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1821(para)
-msgid "Divide the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert from inches to centimeters. 
For example, 12 / <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C4</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 30."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrez zatituta hazbeteak zentimetro bihurtzen dira. 
Adibidez, 12 / <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C4</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 30."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:97
+msgid "Round"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1824(para)
-msgid "C5"
-msgstr "C5"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:101
+msgid "Signum"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1825(para)
-msgid "57.295779513"
-msgstr "57,295779513"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:105
+msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Sine</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Sinua</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:109
+msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Hyperbolic Sine</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Sinu hiperbolikoa</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:113
+msgid "<link xref=\"power\">Square Root</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"power\">Erro karratua</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:117
+msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Tangent</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Tangentea</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:121
+msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Hyperbolic Tangent</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Tangente hiperbolikoa</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/functions.page:125
+msgid "Twos complement"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1826(para)
-msgid "Degrees in a radian"
-msgstr "Radian -> gradu bihurketa-faktorea"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/history.page:12
+msgid "Gopal Krishnan"
+msgstr "Gopal Krishnan"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/years
+#: C/history.page:14
+msgid "2012, 2013"
+msgstr "2012, 2013"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/history.page:18
+msgid "Sanket Dasgupta"
+msgstr "Sanket Dasgupta"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/years
+#: C/history.page:20
+msgid "2016, 2017"
+msgstr "2016, 2017"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/history.page:24 C/keyboard.page:9 C/superscript.page:9
+msgid "Pranali Deshmukh"
+msgstr "Pranali Deshmukh"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/years
+#: C/history.page:26 C/keyboard.page:11 C/superscript.page:11
+msgid "2020"
+msgstr "2020"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/history.page:30
+msgid "Using the History View"
+msgstr "Historiaren bista erabiltzea"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/history.page:32
+msgid ""
+"The History View is located above the entry box and is designed to show your "
+"previous calculations in the form of a scrollable list that can be clicked "
+"and scrolled through using a mouse."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1829(para)
-msgid "C6"
-msgstr "C6"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/history.page:37
+msgid ""
+"Once an entry has been selected, it will immediately show up in the entry "
+"box for you to manipulate and use."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1830(para)
-msgid "1048576"
-msgstr "1048576"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/history.page:40
+msgid ""
+"Finally, there is no upper limit on the number of calculations that can show "
+"up in the list for you to use."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1831(para)
-msgid "2 ^ 20"
-msgstr "2 ^ 20"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/index.page:14
+msgid "<_:media-1/> Calculator Help"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1834(para)
-msgid "C7"
-msgstr "C7"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/index.page:17
+msgid "User Interface"
+msgstr "Erabiltzaile-interfazea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1835(para)
-msgid "0.0353"
-msgstr "0,0353"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/index.page:21
+msgid "Equations"
+msgstr "Ekuazioak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1836(para)
-msgid "Gram-to-ounce conversion factor"
-msgstr "Gramoak -> ontzak bihurketa-faktorea"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/index.page:25
+msgid "Numbers"
+msgstr "Zenbakiak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1837(para)
-msgid "Multiply the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert from grams to ounces. For 
example, 500 * <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C7</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 18."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrekin biderkatuta gramoak ontza bihurtzen dira. 
Adibidez, 500 * <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C7</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 18."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/index.page:29
+msgid "Conversions"
+msgstr "Bihurketak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1838(para)
-msgid "Divide the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert from ounces to grams. For 
example, 18 / <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C7</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 500."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrez zatituta ontzak gramo bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 18 / 
<guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C7</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 500."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/index.page:33
+msgid "Financial Calculations"
+msgstr "Finantza-kalkuluak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1841(para)
-msgid "C8"
-msgstr "C8"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/keyboard.page:15
+msgid "Using the Keyboard"
+msgstr "Teklatua erabiltzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1842(para)
-msgid "0.948"
-msgstr "0,948"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/keyboard.page:17
+msgid "All mathematical equations can be entered using the keyboard."
+msgstr "Ekuazio matematiko guztiak teklatuaren bidez sartu daitezke."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1843(para)
-msgid "Kilojoule-to-British-thermal-unit conversion factor"
-msgstr "Kilojoule -> BTU (British Thermal Unit) bihurketa-faktorea"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/keyboard.page:20
+msgid ""
+"The following key combinations can be used to enter keys that may not be "
+"available on your keyboard."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1844(para)
-msgid "Multiply the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert from kilojoules to 
British thermal units. For example, 10 * <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C8</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrekin biderkatuta kilojouleak BTU (British Thermal Unit) 
bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 10 * <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C8</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 9,48."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/keyboard.page:25
+msgid "×"
+msgstr "×"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1845(para)
-msgid "Divide the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert from British thermal units 
to kilojoules. For example, 9.48 / <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C8</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 10."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrez zatituta BTUak (British Thermal Unit) kilojoule 
bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 9,48 / <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C8</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 10."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/keyboard.page:26
+msgid "<key>*</key>"
+msgstr "<key>*</key>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1848(para)
-msgid "C9"
-msgstr "C9"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/keyboard.page:29
+msgid "÷"
+msgstr "÷"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1849(para)
-msgid "0.061"
-msgstr "0,061"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/keyboard.page:30
+msgid "<key>/</key>"
+msgstr "<key>/</key>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1850(para)
-msgid "Cubic-centimeter-to-cubic-inch conversion factor"
-msgstr "Zentimetro kubiko -> hazbete kubiko bihurketa-faktorea"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/keyboard.page:33
+msgid "^"
+msgstr "^"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1851(para)
-msgid "Multiply the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert from cubic centimeters to 
cubic inches. For example, 100 * <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C9</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 6.10."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrekin biderkatuta zentimetro kubikoak hazbete kubiko 
bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 100 * <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C9</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 6,10."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/keyboard.page:34
+msgid "<key>*</key> twice"
+msgstr "<key>*</key> twice"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/keyboard.page:37
+msgid "√"
+msgstr "√"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/keyboard.page:38
+msgid "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>R</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>R</key></keyseq>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/keyboard.page:41 C/variables.page:48
+msgid "Ï€"
+msgstr "Ï€"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/keyboard.page:42
+msgid "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>P</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>P</key></keyseq>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/keyboard.page:45
+msgid ""
+"To enter <link xref=\"superscript\">superscript numbers</link> use "
+"<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key>number</keyseq>, for <link xref=\"superscript"
+"\">subscript numbers</link> use <keyseq><key>Alt</key>number</keyseq>."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1852(para)
-msgid "Divide the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert from cubic inches to cubic 
centimeters. For example, 6.10 / <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C9</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 100."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrez zatituta hazbete kubikoak zentimetro kubiko 
bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 6,10 / <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C9</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 100."
+#. (itstool) path: p/link
+#: C/legal.xml:4
+msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License"
+msgstr "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported lizentzia"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1857(para)
-msgid "You can overwrite the default constants to store your own constants."
-msgstr "Zure konstanteak gorde ditzakezu konstante lehenetsiak gainidatzita."
+#. (itstool) path: license/p
+#: C/legal.xml:3
+msgid "This work is licensed under a <_:link-1/>."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1858(para)
-msgid "To store a new constant or edit an existing constant, perform the following steps:"
-msgstr "Beste konstante bat gordetzeko edo lehendik dagoen konstante bat editatzeko, jarraitu urrats hauei:"
+#. (itstool) path: license/p
+#: C/legal.xml:6
+msgid ""
+"As a special exception, the copyright holders give you permission to copy, "
+"modify, and distribute the example code contained in this document under the "
+"terms of your choosing, without restriction."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1861(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Con</guibutton>, then select <guilabel>Edit Constants</guilabel> from the popup 
-msgstr "Egin klik <guibutton>Con</guibutton> botoian, eta hautatu menu gainerakorreko <guilabel>Editatu 
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/logarithm.page:9
+msgid "Logarithms"
+msgstr "Logaritmoak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1864(para)
-msgid "In the <guilabel>Edit Constants</guilabel> dialog, select the constant that you want to overwrite or 
-msgstr "<guilabel>Editatu konstanteak</guilabel> elkarrizketa-koadroan, hautatu gainidatzi edo editatu nahi 
duzun konstantea."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/logarithm.page:11
+msgid ""
+"Logarithms can be calculated using the log <link xref=\"function\">function</"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1867(para)
-msgid "Click on the Value field, then enter the new value."
-msgstr "Egin klik Balioa eremuan, eta, ondoren, idatzi balio berria."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/logarithm.page:15
+msgid "log 100"
+msgstr "log 100"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1870(para)
-msgid "Click on the Description field, then enter the new description."
-msgstr "Egin klik Azalpena eremuan, eta, ondoren, idatzi azalpen berria."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/logarithm.page:19
+msgid ""
+"To calculate a logarithm in a different base use a <link xref=\"superscript"
+"\">subscript number</link> after the function."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1873(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save your changes and close the <guilabel>Edit 
Constants</guilabel> dialog."
-msgstr "Egin klik <guibutton>Ados</guibutton> botoian aldaketak gordetzeko, eta itxi <guilabel>Editatu 
konstanteak</guilabel> elkarrizketa-koadroa."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/logarithm.page:23
+msgid "logâ‚‚ 32"
+msgstr "logâ‚‚ 32"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1878(title)
-msgid "To Use Functions"
-msgstr "Funtzioak erabiltzea"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/logarithm.page:27
+msgid "To calculate a natural logarithm use the ln function."
+msgstr "Logaritmo naturalak kalkulatzeko, erabili ln funtzioa."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1879(para)
-msgid "To show the available functions, click <guibutton>Fun</guibutton>. A popup menu displays the list of 
defined functions. Select a function from the menu to run that function. If the function is not defined, the 
value zero is returned."
-msgstr "Funtzio erabilgarriak ikusteko, egin klik <guibutton>Fun</guibutton> botoian. Menu gainerakor batean 
bistaratzen da definitutako funtzioen zerrenda. Hautatu menuko funtzio bat funtzio hori exekutatzeko. 
Funtzioa definitua ez badago, zero balioa itzultzen du."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/logarithm.page:31
+msgid "ln 1.32"
+msgstr "ln 1.32"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1880(para)
-msgid "If you use the keyboard shortcut <keycap>F</keycap>, you can use the keyboard to specify the 
function, as shown in the following example:"
-msgstr "<keycap>F</keycap> laster-tekla erabiltzen baduzu, teklatua erabil dezakezu funtzioa zehazteko; ikus 
adibide hau:"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/logarithm.page:35
+msgid ""
+"Euler's number can be entered by using the <link xref=\"variable\">variable</"
+"link> e."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1896(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2226(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2227(guibutton) 
C/gcalctool.xml:2574(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2663(keycap)
-msgid "F"
-msgstr "F"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/logarithm.page:39
+msgid "e^1.32"
+msgstr "e^1.32"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1897(para)
-msgid "F3"
-msgstr "F3"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/modulus.page:9
+msgid "Modulus Division"
+msgstr "Zatiketa modularra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1903(para)
-msgid "The <application>Calculator</application> application does not provide any default functions. You can 
store up to ten functions."
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> aplikazioak ez du funtzio lehenetsirik. Hamar funtzio gorde 
ditzakezu gehienez."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/modulus.page:11
+msgid "Modulus division is performed using the mod operator."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1904(para)
-msgid "To store a new function or edit an existing function, perform the following steps:"
-msgstr "Funtzio bat gordetzeko edo lehendik dagoen funtzio bat editatzeko, jarraitu urrats hauei:"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/modulus.page:15
+msgid "9 mod 5"
+msgstr "9 mod 5"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1907(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>Fun</guibutton>, then select <guilabel>Edit Functions</guilabel> from the popup 
-msgstr "Egin klik <guibutton>Fun</guibutton> botoian, eta hautatu menu gainerakorreko <guilabel>Editatu 
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/mouse.page:9
+msgid "Using the Mouse"
+msgstr "Sagua erabiltzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1910(para)
-msgid "In the <guilabel>Edit Functions</guilabel> dialog, select a blank entry, or the function that you 
want to overwrite."
-msgstr "<guilabel>Editatu funtzioak</guilabel> elkarrizketa-koadroan, hautatu sarrera huts bat edo 
gainidatzi nahi duzun funtzioa."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/mouse.page:11
+msgid ""
+"All equations can be entered using the mouse. To access all buttons there "
+"are a number of modes that can be selected from the <gui>Mode</gui> menu."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1913(para)
-msgid "Click on the Value field, then enter the new value. Use the keyboard shortcuts to invoke a 
<application>Calculator</application> button. For example, enter <literal>90K</literal> to calculate 
-msgstr "Egin klik Balioa eremuan, eta, ondoren, idatzi balio berria. 
<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren botoiak sakatu beharrean, erabili laster-teklak. Adibidez, idatzi 
<literal>90K</literal> sin(90) kalkulatzeko."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/mouse.page:17
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr "Oinarrizkoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1916(para)
-msgid "Click on the Description field, then enter the new description. For example, <literal>Sine 
-msgstr "Egin klik Azalpena eremuan, eta, ondoren, idatzi azalpen berria. Adibidez, 
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/mouse.page:18
+msgid ""
+"Provides buttons suitable for <link xref=\"equation\">basic equations</link>"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1919(para)
-msgid "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save your changes and close the <guilabel>Edit 
Functions</guilabel> dialog."
-msgstr "Egin klik <guibutton>Ados</guibutton> botoian aldaketak gordetzeko, eta itxi <guilabel>Editatu 
funtzioak</guilabel> elkarrizketa-koadroa."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/mouse.page:21
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr "Aurreratua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1924(title)
-msgid "To Manipulate Binary Numbers"
-msgstr "Zenbaki bitarrekin lan egitea"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/mouse.page:22
+msgid ""
+"Provides buttons suitable for advanced mathematics such as <link xref="
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1925(para)
-msgid "To manipulate binary numbers, use the buttons described in <xref 
-msgstr "Zenbaki bitarrekin lan egiteko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-num-manip\"/>(e)n 
deskribatutako botoiak."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/mouse.page:25
+msgid "Financial"
+msgstr "Finantzarioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1927(title)
-msgid "Manipulating Binary Numbers"
-msgstr "Zenbaki bitarrekin lan egitea"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/mouse.page:26
+msgid ""
+"Provides buttons suitable for <link xref=\"financial\">financial equations</"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1950(para)
-msgid "Left Shift <replaceable>n</replaceable>"
-msgstr "<replaceable>n</replaceable> posizio ezkerrera desplazatzea"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/mouse.page:29
+msgid "Programming"
+msgstr "Programazioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1951(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:1995(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2442(keycap) 
-msgid "&lt;"
-msgstr "&lt;"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/mouse.page:30
+msgid "Provides buttons suitable for computer programmers"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1952(para)
-msgid "Shifts the current unsigned 32-bit binary value in the display area, the specified number of places 
to the left. Click <guibutton>&lt;</guibutton>, then select the number of shift places from the popup menu. 
The number can be shifted up to 15 places left."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko 32 biteko balio bitar zeinurik gabea ezkerrera desplazatzen du zehaztutako 
posizio kopurua. Egin klik <guibutton>&lt;</guibutton> botoian, eta, ondoren, hautatu desplazatzeko posizio 
kopurua leiho gainerakorrean. Ezkerrera 15 posizio desplaza daiteke zenbakia, gehienez."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/number-display.page:9
+msgid "Result Format"
+msgstr "Emaitzaren formatua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1953(para)
-msgid "111 <guibutton>&lt;</guibutton><guilabel>1 place</guilabel>"
-msgstr "111 <guibutton>&lt;</guibutton><guilabel>digitu 1</guilabel>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/number-display.page:11
+msgid ""
+"To change the format used to display results, press the menu button in the "
+"top-right corner of the window and select <gui style=\"menuitem"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1954(para)
-msgid "1110"
-msgstr "1110"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/number-display.page:18
+msgid "<gui>Automatic</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>Automatikoa</gui>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1957(para)
-msgid "Right Shift <replaceable>n</replaceable>"
-msgstr "<replaceable>n</replaceable> posizio eskuinera desplazatzea"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/number-display.page:19
+msgid ""
+"Small results are displayed as <gui>Fixed</gui> notation while long results "
+"are displayed as <gui>Scientific</gui> notation"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1958(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:1999(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2454(keycap) 
-msgid "&gt;"
-msgstr "&gt;"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/number-display.page:22
+msgid "<gui>Fixed</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>Finkoa</gui>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1959(para)
-msgid "Shifts the current unsigned 32-bit binary value in the display area, the specified number of places 
to the right. Click <guibutton>&gt;</guibutton>, then select the number of shift places from the popup menu. 
The number can be shifted up to 15 places right."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko 32 biteko balio bitar zeinurik gabea eskuinera desplazatzen du zehaztutako 
posizio kopurua. Egin klik <guibutton>&gt;</guibutton> botoian, eta, ondoren, hautatu desplazatzeko posizio 
kopurua leiho gainerakorrean. Eskuinera 15 posizio desplaza daiteke zenbakia, gehienez."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/number-display.page:23
+msgid "Results are always displayed as decimal numbers"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1960(para)
-msgid "1011 <guibutton>&gt;</guibutton><guilabel>1 place</guilabel>"
-msgstr "1011 <guibutton>&gt;</guibutton><guilabel>digitu 1</guilabel>"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/number-display.page:26
+msgid "<gui>Scientific</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>Zientifikoa</gui>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1961(para)
-msgid "101"
-msgstr "101"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/number-display.page:27
+msgid ""
+"Results are displayed in <link xref=\"scientific\">scientific notation</link>"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1964(para)
-msgid "Get a 16-Bit Unsigned Integer"
-msgstr "16 biteko zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki bihurtzea"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/number-display.page:30
+msgid "<gui>Engineering</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>Ingeniaritza</gui>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1965(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2479(guibutton)
-msgid "&amp;16"
-msgstr "&amp;16"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/number-display.page:31
+msgid ""
+"Results are displayed in scientific notation except the exponent is always a "
+"multiple of three"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1966(para)
-msgid "Truncates the current value in the display area and returns a 16-bit unsigned integer."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa 16 biteko zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki bihurtzen du."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/number-display.page:34
+msgid ""
+"The number of decimal places, if trailing zeroes and if thousands separators "
+"are shown can also be configured."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1967(para)
-msgid "FFFFF <guibutton>&amp;16</guibutton>"
-msgstr "FFFFF <guibutton>&amp;16</guibutton>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/percentage.page:9
+msgid "Percentages"
+msgstr "Ehunekoak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1968(para)
-msgid "FFFF"
-msgstr "FFFF"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/percentage.page:11
+msgid "Percentages are calculated using the % symbol."
+msgstr "Ehunekoak % ikurra erabilita kalkulatzen dira."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1971(para)
-msgid "Get a 32-Bit Unsigned Integer"
-msgstr "32 biteko zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki bihurtzea"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/percentage.page:14
+msgid ""
+"When added or subtracted the percentage symbol resolves to one percent of "
+"the value being added or subtracted from. The following equation calculates "
+"the price of a $140 item with 15% tax (140 + (15÷100)×140)."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1972(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2473(guibutton)
-msgid "&amp;32"
-msgstr "&amp;32"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/percentage.page:19
+msgid "140+15%"
+msgstr "140+15%"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1973(para)
-msgid "Truncates the current value in the display area and returns a 32-bit unsigned integer."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa 32 biteko zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki bihurtzen du."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/percentage.page:23
+msgid ""
+"In all other cases the percentage symbol resolves to a fraction out of 100. "
+"The following equation calculates one quarter of 80 apples ((25÷100)×80)."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1974(para)
-msgid "FFFFFFFFFF <guibutton>&amp;32</guibutton>"
-msgstr "FFFFFFFFFF <guibutton>&amp;32</guibutton>"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/percentage.page:28
+msgid "25%×80"
+msgstr "25%×80"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1975(para)
-msgid "FFFFFFFF"
-msgstr "FFFFFFFF"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/years
+#: C/power.page:13 C/power.page:18
+msgid "2015"
+msgstr "2015"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1980(para)
-msgid "If you use keyboard shortcuts, you can use the keyboard to specify the number of places to shift, as 
shown in the following examples:"
-msgstr "Laster-teklak erabiltzen badituzu, teklatua erabil dezakezu desplazatzeko posizio kopurua zehazteko. 
Hemen dituzu adibide batzuk:"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/power.page:16
+msgid "Sebastian Rasmussen"
+msgstr "Sebastian Rasmussen"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:1996(para)
-msgid "Shifts the current binary value in the display area 4 places to the left."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balio bitarra 4 posizio desplazatzen du ezkerrera."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/power.page:21
+msgid "Learn to enter roots and powers into the calculator."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2000(para)
-msgid "Shifts the current binary value in the display area 4 places to the right."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balio bitarra 4 posizio desplazatzen du eskuinera."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/power.page:24
+msgid "Powers and Roots"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2008(title)
-msgid "To Perform Miscellaneous Scientific Calculations"
-msgstr "Beste zenbait kalkulu zientifiko egitea"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/power.page:26
+msgid ""
+"Powers are entered by putting a <link xref=\"superscript\">superscript "
+"number</link> after the value."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2009(para)
-msgid "To perform miscellaneous scientific calculations, use the buttons described in <xref 
-msgstr "Beste zenbait kalkulu zientifiko egiteko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-misc-calc\"/>(e)n 
deskribatutako botoiak."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/power.page:30
+msgid "5²"
+msgstr "5²"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2011(title)
-msgid "Performing Miscellaneous Scientific Calculations"
-msgstr "Beste zenbait kalkulu zientifiko egitea"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/power.page:33
+msgid ""
+"The inverse of a number can be entered using the inverse symbol ⁻¹ "
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2034(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2492(para)
-msgid "e to the <replaceable>x</replaceable> power"
-msgstr "e ber <replaceable>x</replaceable>"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/power.page:37
+msgid "3⁻¹"
+msgstr "3⁻¹"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2035(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2491(para)
-msgid "e<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
-msgstr "e<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/power.page:40
+msgid ""
+"Powers can also be calculated using the ^ symbol. This allows the power to "
+"be an equation."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2036(para)
-msgid "Calculates the value of <literal>e</literal> raised to the power of the current value in the display 
-msgstr "<literal>e</literal> ber bistaratze-areako uneko balioa kalkulatzen du."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/power.page:44
+msgid "5^(6−2)"
+msgstr "5^(6−2)"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2037(para)
-msgid "2 e<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
-msgstr "2 e<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/power.page:47
+msgid ""
+"If your keyboard does not have a <key>^</key> key you can use <key>*</key> "
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2038(para)
-msgid "7.39"
-msgstr "7,39"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/power.page:50
+msgid ""
+"Square roots can be calculated using the √ symbol (<keyseq><key>Ctrl</"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2041(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2504(para)
-msgid "10 to the <replaceable>x</replaceable> power"
-msgstr "10 ber <replaceable>x</replaceable>"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/power.page:54
+msgid "√2"
+msgstr "√2"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2042(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2503(para)
-msgid "10<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
-msgstr "10<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/power.page:57
+msgid ""
+"n-th roots can be calculated by putting a <link xref=\"superscript"
+"\">subscript number</link> before the root sign."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2043(para)
-msgid "Calculates the value of 10 raised to the power of the current value in the display area."
-msgstr "10 ber bistaratze-areako uneko balioa kalkulatzen du."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/power.page:61
+msgid "₃√2"
+msgstr "₃√2"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2044(para)
-msgid "2 10<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
-msgstr "2 10<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/scientific.page:9
+msgid "Scientific Notation"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2045(para)
-msgid "100"
-msgstr "100"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/scientific.page:11
+msgid ""
+"To enter numbers in scientific format use the <gui>×10y</gui> button "
+"(<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>E</key></keyseq>). The <link xref=\"superscript"
+"\">number mode</link> automatically changes to superscript. To enter "
+"2×10¹⁰⁰, start by entering the mantissa (2):"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2048(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2372(para)
-msgid "x to the <replaceable>y</replaceable> power"
-msgstr "x ber <replaceable>y</replaceable>"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/scientific.page:17
+msgid "2"
+msgstr "2"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2049(replaceable) C/gcalctool.xml:2371(replaceable) C/gcalctool.xml:2622(keycap)
-msgid "y"
-msgstr "y"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/scientific.page:21
+msgid ""
+"Then press the scientific notation button (or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2050(para)
-msgid "Raises the current value in the display area to the power of the next value that you enter."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa ber sartzen duzun hurrengo balioa egiten du."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/scientific.page:25
+msgid "2×10"
+msgstr "2×10"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2051(para)
-msgid "2 
-msgstr "2 
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/scientific.page:29
+msgid "Then enter the exponent (100):"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2055(para)
-msgid "<replaceable>x</replaceable> Factorial"
-msgstr "<replaceable>x</replaceable> faktoriala"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/scientific.page:33
+msgid "2×10¹⁰⁰"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2056(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2377(guibutton)
-msgid "<placeholder-1/>!"
-msgstr "<placeholder-1/>!"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/scientific.page:37
+msgid ""
+"To show results in scientific form change the <link xref=\"number-display"
+"\">result format</link>."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2057(para)
-msgid "Calculates the factorial of the current value in the display area. <replaceable>x</replaceable> 
factorial is 
<replaceable>x</replaceable>*(<replaceable>x</replaceable>-1)*(<replaceable>x</replaceable>-2)...*1. This 
function applies only to positive integers."
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren faktoriala kalkulatzen du. <replaceable>x</replaceable> faktoriala 
hau da: <replaceable>x</replaceable>*(<replaceable>x</replaceable>-1)*(<replaceable>x</replaceable>-2)...*1. 
Osoko zenbaki positiboei soilik aplikatzen zaie funtzio hori."
+#. (itstool) path: info/title
+#: C/superscript.page:15
+msgctxt "sort"
+msgid "_"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2058(para)
-msgid "4 <guibutton><replaceable>x</replaceable>!</guibutton>"
-msgstr "4 <guibutton><replaceable>x</replaceable>!</guibutton>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/superscript.page:19
+msgid "Superscript and Subscript"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2059(para)
-msgid "24"
-msgstr "24"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/superscript.page:21
+msgid ""
+"Some equations may require numbers to be entered in superscript or subscript "
+"form, such as:"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2062(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2276(para)
-msgid "Modulus Division"
-msgstr "Zatiketa modularra"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/superscript.page:25
+msgid "x³+2x²−5"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2063(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2275(guibutton)
-msgid "Mod"
-msgstr "Mod"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/superscript.page:29
+msgid ""
+"To enter superscript numbers with the mouse select the number mode using the "
+"<gui>↑n</gui> and <gui>↓n</gui> buttons (available in the <gui>Advanced "
+"Mode</gui> and the <gui>Programming Mode</gui>). When one of these modes is "
+"active clicking the number buttons will enter numbers in superscript or "
+"subscript. To return to normal number mode click the active number button."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2064(para)
-msgid "Divides the current integer value in the display area by the next integer number that you enter, 
displaying the remainder."
-msgstr "Sartzen duzun hurrengo osoko zenbakiaz zatitzen du bistaratze-areako uneko osoko balioa, eta 
hondarra bistaratzen du."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/superscript.page:34
+msgid ""
+"To enter superscript numbers use <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key>number</keyseq>, for "
+"subscript numbers use <keyseq><key>Alt</key>number</keyseq>."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2065(para)
-msgid "15 <guibutton>Mod</guibutton><guibutton>4</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-msgstr "15 <guibutton>Mod</guibutton><guibutton>4</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/superscript.page:37
+msgid ""
+"The number mode returns to normal when entering the next non-number "
+"character, such as \"+\" or \"-\"."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2069(para)
-msgid "Random Number Generator"
-msgstr "Ausazko zenbakien sortzailea"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/trigonometry.page:9
+msgid "Trigonometry"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2070(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2072(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2461(guibutton)
-msgid "Rand"
-msgstr "Rand"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/trigonometry.page:11
+msgid ""
+"Trigonometry can be performed using the sin, cos, and tan <link xref="
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2071(para)
-msgid "Generates a random number in the range 0.0 to 1.0 then displays the random number in the display 
-msgstr "0,0tik 1,0ra bitarteko ausazko zenbaki bat sortzen du, eta bistaratze-arean bistaratzen du ausazko 
zenbaki hori."
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/trigonometry.page:15
+msgid "sin 45"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2073(para)
-msgid "0.14"
-msgstr "0,14"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/trigonometry.page:19
+msgid ""
+"To change the angle units used, press the menu button in the top-right "
+"corner of the window and select <gui style=\"menuitem\">Preferences</gui>. "
+"Trigonometry buttons are visible when in <link xref=\"mouse\">Advanced mode</"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2076(para)
-msgid "Hexadecimal Numerals"
-msgstr "Zifra hamaseitarrak"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/trigonometry.page:24
+msgid ""
+"Hyperbolic functions are available by adding \"h\" to the end of a function."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2077(para)
-msgid "<guibutton>A</guibutton> to <guibutton>F</guibutton> inclusive"
-msgstr "<guibutton>A</guibutton>tik <guibutton>F</guibutton>ra biak barne"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/trigonometry.page:28
+msgid "sinh 0.34"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2078(para)
-msgid "These numerals are available in hexadecimal base only."
-msgstr "Zifra horiek erabilgarri daude soilik oinarri hamaseitarrean."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/trigonometry.page:32
+msgid ""
+"Inverse functions are entered either using the inverse symbol ⁻¹ "
+"(<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>I</key></keyseq>) or the \"a\" form of the "
+"function. The following two equations are equivalent."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2079(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2080(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2184(keycap) 
C/gcalctool.xml:2185(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2562(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2651(keycap)
-msgid "B"
-msgstr "B"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/trigonometry.page:37
+msgid "sin⁻¹ 0.5"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2089(title)
-msgid "To Quit"
-msgstr "Irtetea"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/trigonometry.page:40
+msgid "asin 0.5"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2090(para)
-msgid "To quit <application>Calculator</application>, choose 
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> aplikaziotik irteteko, aukeratu 
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/trigonometry.page:44
+msgid ""
+"To enter <link xref=\"variable\">Ï€</link> with the keyboard use "
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2095(para)
-msgid "When you quit <application>Calculator</application>, the current values of the following settings are 
stored and automatically applied the next time you start <application>Calculator</application>:"
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> aplikaziotik irtetean, ezarpen hauen balioak gorde egiten 
dira eta automatikoki aplikatzen dira hurrengoan <application>Kalkulagailua</application> abiaraztean:"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/variables.page:9
+msgid "Variables"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2097(para)
-msgid "Mode: <link linkend=\"gcalctool-basic-mode\">Basic</link>, <link 
linkend=\"gcalctool-advanced-mode\">Advanced</link>, <link 
linkend=\"gcalctool-financial-mode\">Financial</link>, or <link 
-msgstr "Modua: <link linkend=\"gcalctool-basic-mode\">Oinarrizkoa</link>, <link 
linkend=\"gcalctool-advanced-mode\">Aurreratua</link>, <link 
linkend=\"gcalctool-financial-mode\">Finantzarioa</link>, edo <link 
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/variables.page:11
+msgid ""
+"To assign a value to a variable use the = symbol or choose the variable to "
+"assign to with the <gui>x</gui> button in <link xref=\"mouse\">advanced "
+"mode</link>. A variable name must only contain upper or lower case "
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2099(para)
-msgid "<link linkend=\"gcalctool-mem-reg\">Memory Registers window</link> displayed or not displayed, plus 
the contents of each memory register"
-msgstr "<link linkend=\"gcalctool-mem-reg\">Memoria-erregistroen leihoa</link> bistaratua ala bistaratu 
gabea, eta memoria-erregistro guztien edukia"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/variables.page:16
+msgid "x=5"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2100(link)
-msgid "Numeric base"
-msgstr "Oinarria"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/variables.page:19
+msgid "example=82"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2101(link)
-msgid "Display type"
-msgstr "Bistaratze-mota"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/variables.page:23
+msgid ""
+"Variables can be used in any equation and are substituted for their assigned "
+"value. Variables can be inserted using the <gui>x</gui> button."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2102(link)
-msgid "Trigonometric type"
-msgstr "Trigonometria mota"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/variables.page:28
+msgid "6x+3"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2103(link) C/gcalctool.xml:2701(guimenuitem)
-msgid "Show Trailing Zeroes"
-msgstr "Zero guztiak erakustea"
+#. (itstool) path: example/p
+#: C/variables.page:31
+msgid "xy−3x+7y−21"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2104(link) C/gcalctool.xml:2676(guimenuitem)
-msgid "Show Thousands Separator"
-msgstr "Milakoen bereizlea erakustea"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/variables.page:35
+msgid "The following variables are always defined."
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2110(title)
-msgid "Technical Information"
-msgstr "Informazio teknikoa"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/variables.page:40
+msgid "_"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2113(title)
-msgid "Order of Operations"
-msgstr "Eragiketen ordena"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/variables.page:41
+msgid "Result of previous calculation"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2114(para)
-msgid "By default, calculations are performed using arithmetic precedence. That is, the precedence of the 
arithmetic operators is taken into consideration and the result is only calculated when you click 
-msgstr "Lehenespenez, aurrentasun aritmetikoa erabiliz egiten dira eragiketak. Alegia, aurrentasun 
aritmetikoaren eragileak kontuan hartzen dira, eta <guibutton>Sartu</guibutton> sakatu ondoren kalkulatzen da 
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/variables.page:44
+msgid "e"
+msgstr "e"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2115(para)
-msgid "In the following example, the result of the calculation is 22 because the multiplication operator, 
<literal>*</literal>, has precedence over the addition operator, <literal>+</literal>."
-msgstr "Adibide honetan kalkuluaren emaitza 22 da, biderketak (<literal>*</literal>) aurrentasuna duelako 
batuketarekiko (<literal>+</literal>)."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/variables.page:45
+msgid "<link xref=\"logarithm\">Euler's Number</link>"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2117(literal)
-msgid "4 + 3 * 6 = 22"
-msgstr "4 + 3 * 6 = 22"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/variables.page:49
+msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Pi</link>"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2119(para)
-msgid "If you do not wish to apply arithmetic precedence to your calculations, choose 
<menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Use Arithmetic Precedence</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and 
ensure that this option is deselected."
-msgstr "Kalkuluak aurrentasun aritmetikorik gabe egiteko, aukeratu 
<menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Erabili aurrentasun matematikoa</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, 
eta egiaztatu aukera hori desautatua dagoela."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/variables.page:52
+msgid "Ï„"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2120(para)
-msgid "If you choose not to apply arithmetic precedence, then the result the calculation in the example is 
42 because the calculation is performed from left to right."
-msgstr "Aurrentasun matematikoa ez erabiltzea aukeratzen baduzu, aurreko adibideko eragiketaren emaitza 42 
da, kalkuluak ezkerretik eskuinera egiten direlako."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/variables.page:53
+msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Tau</link>"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2124(title)
-msgid "Error Conditions"
-msgstr "Errore-baldintzak"
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/variables.page:56
+msgid "rand"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2127(para)
-msgid "Displays the word <literal>Error</literal> in the display area."
-msgstr "<literal>Errorea</literal> hitza bistaratzen du bistaratze-arean."
+#. (itstool) path: td/p
+#: C/variables.page:57
+msgid "Random value in the range [0,1] (changes on each read)"
+msgstr ""
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2128(para)
-msgid "Displays an error message in the status bar."
-msgstr "Errore-mezua bistaratzen du egoera-barran."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_basic_window.png'; "
+#~ "md5=3fa42f2372279ca1e08b02f00e83425f"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_basic_window.png'; "
+#~ "md5=3fa42f2372279ca1e08b02f00e83425f"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_menu_symbol.png'; "
+#~ "md5=98c0e167a3b10b26bfae58102b3d9efa"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_menu_symbol.png'; "
+#~ "md5=98c0e167a3b10b26bfae58102b3d9efa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_advanced_window.png'; "
+#~ "md5=65dad780d95ae119dcfb093e042dc559"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_advanced_window.png'; "
+#~ "md5=65dad780d95ae119dcfb093e042dc559"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_financial_window.png'; "
+#~ "md5=19be3cfdfc74c90278126a2b28dffd81"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_financial_window.png'; "
+#~ "md5=19be3cfdfc74c90278126a2b28dffd81"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_scientific_window.png'; "
+#~ "md5=ae492a3567a18668e5f1b8fff3529dbd"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "@@image: 'figures/gcalctool_scientific_window.png'; "
+#~ "md5=ae492a3567a18668e5f1b8fff3529dbd"
+#~ msgid "<application>Calculator</application> Manual"
+#~ msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren eskuliburua"
+#~ msgid "User manual for the gcalctool, the GNOME calculator application."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Gcalctool-en erabiltzailearen eskuliburua; GNOMEren kalkulatzeko "
+#~ "aplikazioa da gcalctool."
+#~ msgid "2003"
+#~ msgstr "2003"
+#~ msgid "2004"
+#~ msgstr "2004"
+#~ msgid "2005"
+#~ msgstr "2005"
+#~ msgid "Sun Microsystems"
+#~ msgstr "Sun Microsystems "
+#~ msgid "GNOME Documentation Project"
+#~ msgstr "GNOMEren dokumentazio-proiektua"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document "
+#~ "under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL), Version 1.1 "
+#~ "or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation with no "
+#~ "Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. You "
+#~ "can find a copy of the GFDL at this <ulink type=\"help\" url=\"ghelp:fdl"
+#~ "\">link</ulink> or in the file COPYING-DOCS distributed with this manual."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Baimena ematen da dokumentu hau kopiatu, banatu eta/edo aldatzeko Free "
+#~ "Software Foundation-ek argitaratutako GNU Dokumentazio Librearen "
+#~ "Lizentziaren 1.1. bertsioan edo berriago batean ezarritako baldintzak "
+#~ "betetzen badira; Atal Aldaezinik, Aurreko azaleko testurik eta Atzeko "
+#~ "azaleko testurik gabe. GFDL lizentziaren kopia <ulink type=\"help\" url="
+#~ "\"ghelp:fdl\">esteka honetan</ulink> edo eskuliburu honekin batera ematen "
+#~ "den COPYING-DOCS fitxategian aurkituko duzu."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This manual is part of a collection of GNOME manuals distributed under "
+#~ "the GFDL. If you want to distribute this manual separately from the "
+#~ "collection, you can do so by adding a copy of the license to the manual, "
+#~ "as described in section 6 of the license."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Eskuliburu hau GFDL lizentziarekin banatzen diren GNOME eskuliburuen "
+#~ "bildumakoa da. Eskuliburu hau bildumatik bereizita banatu nahi baduzu, "
+#~ "bana dezakezu, baina eskuliburuari lizentziaren kopia bat gehitu beharko "
+#~ "diozu, lizentzian bertan 6. atalean azaltzen den bezala."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products and "
+#~ "services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear in any GNOME "
+#~ "documentation, and the members of the GNOME Documentation Project are "
+#~ "made aware of those trademarks, then the names are in capital letters or "
+#~ "initial capital letters."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Enpresek euren produktu eta zerbitzuak bereizteko erabiltzen dituzten "
+#~ "izen asko marka erregistratu moduan hartu behar dira. Izen horiek "
+#~ "GNOMEren edozein agiritan agertzen direnean, eta GNOMEren Dokumentazio "
+#~ "Proiektuko kideak marka komertzialak direla konturatu badira, orduan izen "
+#~ "horiek maiuskulaz idatzita egongo dira, osorik edo hasierako letra "
+#~ "maiuskulaz jarrita."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "DAMAGES."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "UNDERSTANDING THAT: <placeholder-1/>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ONARTZERA BEHARTZEN DUTE: <placeholder-1/>"
+#~ msgid "Sun Microsystems Inc."
+#~ msgstr "Sun Microsystems Inc."
+#~ msgid "Calculator Manual V2.9"
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulagailuaren eskuliburua V2.9"
+#~ msgid "March 2005"
+#~ msgstr "2005eko martxoa"
+#~ msgid "Sun Java Desktop System Documentation Team"
+#~ msgstr "Sun Java Mahaigaineko Sistemaren Dokumentazio-taldea"
+#~ msgid "Calculator Manual V2.8"
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulagailuaren eskuliburua V2.8"
+#~ msgid "August 2004"
+#~ msgstr "2004ko abuztua"
+#~ msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.7"
+#~ msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.7"
+#~ msgid "February 2004"
+#~ msgstr "2004ko otsaila"
+#~ msgid "Sun GNOME Documentation Team"
+#~ msgstr "Sun-eko GNOMEren dokumentazio-taldea"
+#~ msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.6"
+#~ msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.6"
+#~ msgid "October 2003"
+#~ msgstr "2003ko urria"
+#~ msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.5"
+#~ msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.5"
+#~ msgid "July 2003"
+#~ msgstr "2003ko uztaila"
+#~ msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.4"
+#~ msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.4"
+#~ msgid "June 2003"
+#~ msgstr "2003ko ekaina"
+#~ msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.3"
+#~ msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.3"
+#~ msgid "April 2003"
+#~ msgstr "2003ko apirila"
+#~ msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.2"
+#~ msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.2"
+#~ msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.1"
+#~ msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.1"
+#~ msgid "March 2003"
+#~ msgstr "2003ko martxoa"
+#~ msgid "gcalctool Manual V2.0"
+#~ msgstr "Gcalctool-en eskuliburua V2.0"
+#~ msgid "This manual describes version 5.5.37 of Calculator."
+#~ msgstr "Eskuliburu honetan Kalkulagailuaren 5.5.37 bertsioa azaltzen da."
+#~ msgid "Feedback"
+#~ msgstr "Oharrak"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding the "
+#~ "<application>Calculator</application> application or this manual, follow "
+#~ "the directions in the <ulink url=\"ghelp:gnome-feedback\" type=\"help"
+#~ "\">GNOME Feedback Page</ulink>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ri buruzko akatsen berri emateko "
+#~ "edo oharrak bidaltzeko, <ulink url=\"ghelp:gnome-feedback\" type=\"help"
+#~ "\">GNOMEra oharrak bidaltzeko orria</ulink>n aurkituko dituzu argibideak."
+#~ msgid "gcalctool"
+#~ msgstr "gcalctool"
+#~ msgid "Calculator"
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulagailua"
+#~ msgid "Introduction"
+#~ msgstr "Sarrera"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2129(para)
-msgid "Makes all calculator buttons unavailable, except <guibutton>Clr</guibutton>."
-msgstr "Kalkulu-botoi guztiak ez-erabilgarri bihurtzen ditu, <guibutton>Clr</guibutton> izan ezik."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The <application>Calculator</application> application provides the "
+#~ "following modes for different types of mathematical functionality:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Matematika-funtzionaltasunen arabera erabiltzeko modu hauek ditu "
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>k:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2130(para)
-msgid "Makes all calculator options unavailable."
-msgstr "Kalkulagailuaren aukera guztiak ez-erabilgarri bihurtzen ditu."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The default mode. Provides standard calculator functions. You can perform "
+#~ "standard addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication functions in "
+#~ "Basic mode and you can use all of the Basic functions in each of the "
+#~ "other modes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Modu lehenetsia. Kalkulagailuaren funtzio estandarrak ditu. Batuketa, "
+#~ "kenketa, zatiketa eta biderketa estandarrak egin daitezke oinarrizko "
+#~ "moduan, eta oinarrizko funtzio guztiak erabil daitezke beste modu "
+#~ "guztietan."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2131(para)
-msgid "Makes all calculator menu items unavailable, except 
<menuchoice><guimenu>Calculator</guimenu><guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and 
-msgstr "Kalkulagailuaren menu-elementu guztiak ez-erabilgarri bihurtzen ditu hauek izan ezik: 
<menuchoice><guimenu>Kalkulagailua</guimenu><guimenuitem>Irten</guimenuitem></menuchoice> eta 
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Provides advanced calculator functions. You can store numbers in 10 "
+#~ "different memory registers, and easily retrieve and replace the numbers "
+#~ "in the memory registers. You can use all of the Advanced functions in "
+#~ "Financial and Scientific modes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kalkulagailuaren funtzio aurreratuak ditu. 10 memoria-erregistrotan gorde "
+#~ "daitezke zenbakiak, eta erraza da memoria-erregistroetako zenbakiak "
+#~ "hartzea eta ordeztea. Funtzio aurreratu guztiak erabil daitezke modu "
+#~ "finantzarioan eta zientifikoan."
+#~ msgid "Provides several complex financial functions."
+#~ msgstr "Hainbat finantza-funtzio konplexu ditu."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Provides many additional mathematical functions, including trigonometric "
+#~ "and bitwise functions. You can also store your own functions and "
+#~ "constants, when you use Scientific mode."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Matematika-funtzio osagarriak ditu, funtzio trigonometrikoak eta bitetan "
+#~ "oinarritutako funtzioak barne. Zure funtzioak eta konstanteak ere gorde "
+#~ "ditzakezu, modu zientifikoa erabiltzean."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You can use <application>Calculator</application> in the following "
+#~ "numbering systems:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> erabiltzeko zenbaki-sistema "
+#~ "hauek dituzu aukeran:"
+#~ msgid "Numbering System"
+#~ msgstr "Zenbaki-sistema"
+#~ msgid "Base"
+#~ msgstr "Oinarria"
+#~ msgid "Binary"
+#~ msgstr "Bitarra"
+#~ msgid "Octal"
+#~ msgstr "Zortzitarra"
+#~ msgid "8"
+#~ msgstr "8"
+#~ msgid "Decimal"
+#~ msgstr "Hamartarra"
+#~ msgid "10"
+#~ msgstr "10"
+#~ msgid "Hexadecimal"
+#~ msgstr "Hamaseitarra"
+#~ msgid "16"
+#~ msgstr "16"
+#~ msgid "Getting Started"
+#~ msgstr "Erabiltzen hastea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You can start <application>Calculator</application> in the following ways:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Aukera hauek dituzu <application>Kalkulagailua</application> abiarazteko:"
+#~ msgid "Menu"
+#~ msgstr "Menua"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Accessories</guimenu><guimenuitem>Calculator</"
+#~ "guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Gehigarriak</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Kalkulagailua</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgid "Command line"
+#~ msgstr "Komando-lerroa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Execute the following command: <userinput>gnome-calculator</userinput>"
+#~ msgstr "Exekutatu komando hau: <userinput>gnome-kalkulagailua</userinput>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When you start <application>Calculator</application>, the following "
+#~ "window is displayed:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> abiarazten duzunean, leiho hau "
+#~ "azalduko da:"
+#~ msgid "<application>Calculator</application> Basic Mode Window"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren oinarrizko moduaren leihoa"
+#~ msgid "Shows <placeholder-1/> Basic mode window."
+#~ msgstr "Oinarrizko moduaren leihoa bistaratzen du (<placeholder-1/>)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The <application><application>Calculator</application></application> "
+#~ "window contains the following elements:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application><application>Kalkulagailua</application></application>ren "
+#~ "leihoan elementu hauek daude:"
+#~ msgid "Menubar"
+#~ msgstr "Menu-barra"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The menus on the menubar contain all of the commands that you need to "
+#~ "work with <application><application>Calculator</application></"
+#~ "application>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application><application>Kalkulagailua</application></application>n "
+#~ "dokumentuekin lan egiteko behar dituzun komando guztiak dituzte menu-"
+#~ "barrako menuek."
+#~ msgid "Display area"
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-area"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The display area shows the numbers that you enter, and the results of "
+#~ "calculations. If you are not using arithmetic precedence, you can only "
+#~ "enter numbers of up to forty digits."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sartzen dituzun zenbakiak eta kalkuluen emaitzak ikusten dira bistaratze-"
+#~ "arean. Aurrentasun aritmetikoa erabiltzen ari ez bazara, berrogei "
+#~ "digituko zenbakiak idatz ditzakezu gehienez."
+#~ msgid "Mode area"
+#~ msgstr "Modu-area"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The mode area displays the buttons for the current mode. The Basic mode "
+#~ "buttons are always displayed. Advanced mode buttons are also available in "
+#~ "Financial and Scientific modes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Uneko moduaren botoiak bistaratzen dira modu-arean. Oinarrizko moduaren "
+#~ "botoiak beti daude agerian. Modu aurreratuaren botoiak erabilgarri daude "
+#~ "modu finantzarioan eta modu zientifikoan."
+#~ msgid "Popup Menu"
+#~ msgstr "Laster-menua"
+#~ msgid "Shows popup-menu symbol."
+#~ msgstr "Laster-menuaren ikurra erakusten du."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The <placeholder-1/> symbol on a <application>Calculator</application> "
+#~ "button indicates that a popup menu is displayed when you click on that "
+#~ "button."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailu</application>ko botoi batean <placeholder-1/> "
+#~ "ikurra badago, botoi hori sakatzean laster-menu bat bistaratzen dela "
+#~ "adierazten du."
+#~ msgid "Status Bar"
+#~ msgstr "Egoera-barra"
+#~ msgid "The status bar displays messages on the status of your calculations."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kalkuluen egoerari buruzko informazioa bistaratzen du egoera-barrak."
+#~ msgid "Usage"
+#~ msgstr "Erabilera"
+#~ msgid "To Use Calculator Functions"
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulagailuaren funtzioak erabiltzea"
+#~ msgid "To perform a calculation, use one of the following methods:"
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulu bat egiteko, aukera hauek daude:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Click on the <application>Calculator</application> buttons to enter "
+#~ "numbers and functions."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Egin klik <application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren botoietan zenbakiak "
+#~ "eta funtzioak sartzeko."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Give focus to the <application>Calculator</application> window, then use "
+#~ "the keyboard or numeric keypad to specify the calculation that you want "
+#~ "to perform. For a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, see <xref linkend="
+#~ "\"gcalctool-keyboard-shortcut\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Jarri fokua ren leihoan, eta, jarraian, erabili teklatua (arrunta edo "
+#~ "zenbakizkoa) egin nahi duzun kalkulua zehazteko. Ikus laster-teklen "
+#~ "zerrenda osoa hemen: <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-keyboard-shortcut\"/>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The <application>Calculator</application> application automatically "
+#~ "displays numbers with more than 40 digits, and small numbers, as "
+#~ "exponential numbers. For example, the following table shows the value "
+#~ "that is displayed when you use the decimal numeric base with an accuracy "
+#~ "of 2 significant places:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "40 zifra baino gehiagoko zenbakiak eta zenbaki txikiak zenbaki "
+#~ "esponentzial gisa bistaratzen ditu <application>Kalkulagailua</"
+#~ "application> aplikazioak automatikoki. Adibidez, taula honetan erakusten "
+#~ "da bi zifra esanguratsuko sistema hamartarra erabiliz bistaratzen den "
+#~ "balioa:"
+#~ msgid "Display"
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratzea"
+#~ msgid "Signifies"
+#~ msgstr "Esan nahi du"
+#~ msgid "1.23e+37"
+#~ msgstr "1.23e+37"
+#~ msgid "1.23 * 10<superscript>37</superscript>"
+#~ msgstr "1,23 * 10<superscript>37</superscript>"
+#~ msgid "1e-5"
+#~ msgstr "1e-5"
+#~ msgid "0.00001"
+#~ msgstr "0,00001"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For information about how to enter a number in exponential format, see "
+#~ "<xref linkend=\"gcalctool-enter-exp\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zenbaki bat formatu esponentzialean nola sartu jakiteko, ikus <xref "
+#~ "linkend=\"gcalctool-enter-exp\"/>."
+#~ msgid "To Display a Separator in Large Numbers"
+#~ msgstr "Zenbaki handietan bereizlea bistaratzea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To insert a separator between every three digits to the left of the "
+#~ "numeric point in decimal base, choose <menuchoice><guimenu>View</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Thousands Separator</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zenbaki hamartarretan komatik ezkerrera hiru zenbakitik behin bereizle "
+#~ "bat jartzeko, aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Erakutsi milakoen bereizleak</guimenuitem></"
+#~ "menuchoice>."
+#~ msgid "The separator character is not displayed when you use the C locale."
+#~ msgstr "Karaktere bereizlea ez da bistaratzen C lokala erabiltzean."
+#~ msgid "To Copy and Paste in the Display Area"
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-arean kopiatzea eta itsastea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To copy the result of a calculation, choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. You can paste the "
+#~ "value into another application."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kalkulu baten emaitza kopiatzeko, aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Editatu</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Kopiatu</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Beste aplikazio "
+#~ "batean itsats dezakezu balioa."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To paste a previously copied value into the display area, choose "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem></"
+#~ "menuchoice>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Lehendik kopiatutako balio bat bistaratze-arean itsasteko, aukeratu "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu>Editatu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Itsatsi</guimenuitem></"
+#~ "menuchoice>."
+#~ msgid "To Perform Basic Calculations"
+#~ msgstr "Oinarrizko kalkuluak egitea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Basic mode is displayed by default when you first start "
+#~ "<application>Calculator</application>. To explicitly invoke Basic mode, "
+#~ "choose <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Basic</"
+#~ "guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> lehenengoz abiaraztean, "
+#~ "oinarrizko modua bistaratzen da Pantaila osoko modua aktibatzeko, "
+#~ "aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Oinarrizkoa</"
+#~ "guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The calculator memory registers are unavailable in Basic Mode. In other "
+#~ "words, <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Memory Registers</"
+#~ "guimenuitem></menuchoice> is inactive."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kalkulagailuaren memoria-erregistroak ez daude erabilgarri oinarrizko "
+#~ "moduan. Alegia, inaktibo dago <menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Memoria-erregistroak</guimenuitem></menuchoice> "
+#~ "aukera."
+#~ msgid "To Perform Simple Calculations"
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulu errazak egitea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To perform simple calculations, use the buttons described in <xref "
+#~ "linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-simple-calc\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kalkulu errazak egiteko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-simple-calc"
+#~ "\"/>(e)n deskribatutako botoiak."
+#~ msgid "Performing Simple Calculations"
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulu errazak egitea"
+#~ msgid "Button"
+#~ msgstr "Botoia"
+#~ msgid "Description"
+#~ msgstr "Azalpena"
+#~ msgid "Numerals"
+#~ msgstr "Zenbakiak"
+#~ msgid "<guibutton>0</guibutton> to <guibutton>9</guibutton> inclusive"
+#~ msgstr "<guibutton>0</guibutton>tik <guibutton>9</guibutton>ra, biak barne"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In decimal and hexadecimal base, all numerals are available. In octal "
+#~ "base, <guibutton>8</guibutton> and <guibutton>9</guibutton> are "
+#~ "unavailable. In binary base, only <guibutton>0</guibutton> and "
+#~ "<guibutton>1</guibutton> are available. The default base is decimal."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Oinarri hamartarrean eta hamaseitarrean, zenbaki guztiak daude "
+#~ "erabilgarri. Oinarri zortzitarrean, ez daude erabilgarri <guibutton>8</"
+#~ "guibutton> eta <guibutton>9</guibutton> botoiak. Oinarri bitarrean, "
+#~ "berriz, <guibutton>0</guibutton> eta <guibutton>1</guibutton> botoiak "
+#~ "soilik daude erabilgarri. Oinarri lehenetsia hamartarra da."
+#~ msgid "1"
+#~ msgstr "1"
+#~ msgid "Numeric point"
+#~ msgstr "Zenbaki-koma"
+#~ msgid "."
+#~ msgstr "."
+#~ msgid "Starts the fractional part of a numeric entry."
+#~ msgstr "Zenbakizko sarrera baten zati ez osokoari hasiera ematen dio."
+#~ msgid "1.2"
+#~ msgstr "1.2"
+#~ msgid "Calculate a result"
+#~ msgstr "Emaitza kalkulatzea"
+#~ msgid "="
+#~ msgstr "="
+#~ msgid "Displays the result of the current calculation in the current base."
+#~ msgstr "Uneko kalkuluaren emaitza bistaratzen du, uneko oinarrian."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "1 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "1 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "3"
+#~ msgstr "3"
+#~ msgid "Addition"
+#~ msgstr "Batuketa"
+#~ msgid "+"
+#~ msgstr "+"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Adds the current value in the display area to the next number that you "
+#~ "enter."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa gehitzen dio sartzen duzun hurrengo "
+#~ "zenbakiari."
+#~ msgid "-"
+#~ msgstr "-"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Subtracts from the current value in the display area the next number that "
+#~ "you enter."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sartzen duzun hurrengo zenbakia kentzen dio bistaratze-areako uneko "
+#~ "balioari."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "3 <guibutton>-</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "3 <guibutton>-</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "Multiplication"
+#~ msgstr "Biderketa"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Multiplies the current value in the display area by the next number that "
+#~ "you enter."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sartzen duzun hurrengo zenbakiaz biderkatzen du bistaratze-areako uneko "
+#~ "balioa."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "3 <guibutton>*</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "3 <guibutton>*</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "Division"
+#~ msgstr "Zatiketa"
+#~ msgid "/"
+#~ msgstr "/"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Divides the current value in the display area by the next number that you "
+#~ "enter."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sartzen duzun hurrengo zenbakiaz zatitzen du bistaratze-areako uneko "
+#~ "balioa."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "6 <guibutton>/</guibutton><guibutton>3</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "6 <guibutton>/</guibutton><guibutton>3</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "Change the arithmetic sign"
+#~ msgstr "Aldatu zeinu aritmetikoa"
+#~ msgid "+/-"
+#~ msgstr "+/-"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Changes a positive number to a negative number, or a negative number to a "
+#~ "positive number."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zenbaki positiboak negatibo bihurtzen ditu, eta zenbaki negatiboak, "
+#~ "berriz, positibo."
+#~ msgid "8 <guibutton>+/-</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "8 <guibutton>+/-</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "-8"
+#~ msgstr "-8"
+#~ msgid "To Erase Characters"
+#~ msgstr "Karaktereak ezabatzea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To erase characters, use the buttons described in <xref linkend="
+#~ "\"gcalctool-TBL-erase-char\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Karaktereak ezabatzeko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-erase-char"
+#~ "\"/>(e)n deskribatutako botoiak."
+#~ msgid "Backspace"
+#~ msgstr "Atzera tekla"
+#~ msgid "Bksp"
+#~ msgstr "Atze"
+#~ msgid "Removes the rightmost character from the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-arean eskuin-eskuinean dagoen karakterea kentzen du."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "1 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>2</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>Bksp</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "1 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>2</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>Bksp</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "Clear Entry"
+#~ msgstr "Garbitu sarrera"
+#~ msgid "CE"
+#~ msgstr "CE"
+#~ msgid "Removes the current value from the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa kentzen du."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This is only really meaningful if the Calculator is not in Arithmetic "
+#~ "Precedence mode."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Horrek zentzua du soilik Kalkulagailua aurrentasun aritmetikoaren moduan "
+#~ "ez dagoenean."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In Arithmetic Precedence mode, this operation is the same as "
+#~ "<guibutton>Clr</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Aurrentasun aritmetikoaren moduan, berdinak dira eragiketa hori eta hau: "
+#~ "<guibutton>Clr</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "If the calculator is not in Arithmetic Precedence mode:"
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulagailua aurrentasun aritmetikoaren moduan ez badago:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "1 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>2</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>CE</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "1 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>2</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>CE</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "If the calculator is in Arithmetic Precedence mode:"
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulagailua aurrentasun aritmetikoaren moduan badago:"
+#~ msgid "Clear"
+#~ msgstr "Garbitu"
+#~ msgid "Clr"
+#~ msgstr "Clr"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Resets the current value in the display area to zero and removes any "
+#~ "previous calculation results. <guibutton>Clr</guibutton> also deselects "
+#~ "the <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> and <guilabel>Inv</guilabel> options in "
+#~ "Scientific."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa kendu eta zero berrezartzen du, eta "
+#~ "aurreko kalkuluen emaitzak kentzen ditu. Modu zientifikoan, gainera, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Hip</guilabel> eta <guilabel>Ald</guilabel> aukerak desautatzen "
+#~ "ditu."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "1 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>2</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>Clr</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "1 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>2</guibutton><guibutton>2</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>Clr</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "To Display ASCII Values"
+#~ msgstr "ASCII balioak bistaratzea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To display the ASCII value of a character, choose "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Insert ASCII Value</"
+#~ "guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Karaktere baten ASCII balioa bistaratzeko, aukeratu "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu>Editatu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Txertatu ASCII balioa</"
+#~ "guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgid "The Insert ASCII Value dialog is displayed."
+#~ msgstr "ASCII balioa txertatzeko elkarrizketa-koadroa bistaratzen da."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Enter the required character in the <guilabel>Character</guilabel> field, "
+#~ "then click <guibutton>Insert</guibutton>. The ASCII value of that "
+#~ "character, in the current numeric base, appears in the display area. For "
+#~ "example, the ASCII value of B in decimal base is 66."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sartu nahi duzun karakterea <guilabel>Karakterea</guilabel> eremuan, eta, "
+#~ "ondoren, egin klik <guibutton>Txertatu</guibutton> botoian. Karaktere "
+#~ "horren ASCII balioa agertzen da bistaratze-arean, uneko oinarrian. "
+#~ "Adibidez, B-ren ASCII balioa 66 da oinarri hamartarrean."
+#~ msgid "To Perform Advanced Calculations"
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulu aurreratuak egitea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To change to Advanced mode, choose <menuchoice><guimenu>View</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Advanced</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Modu aurreratua aktibatzeko, aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Aurreratua</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When you change to Advanced mode, the following buttons are displayed to "
+#~ "the right of the Basic mode buttons:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Modu aurreratua aktibatzean, botoi hauek bistaratzen dira oinarrizko "
+#~ "moduko botoien eskuinaldean:"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2125(para)
-msgid "If you perform an invalid calculation, <application>Calculator</application> indicates the error 
condition as follows: <placeholder-1/>"
-msgstr "Eragiketa baliogabe bat egiten baduzu, honela adierazten du errore-baldintza 
<application>Kalkulagailua</application>k: <placeholder-1/>"
+#~ msgid "<application>Calculator</application> Advanced Mode Buttons"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren modu aurreratuaren botoiak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2134(para)
-msgid "To clear the error condition, click <guibutton>Clr</guibutton> or press <keycap>Delete</keycap>."
-msgstr "Errore-baldintza garbitzeko, egin klik <guibutton>Clr</guibutton> botoian edo sakatu 
+#~ msgid "Shows <placeholder-1/> Advanced mode buttons."
+#~ msgstr "Modu aurreratuaren <placeholder-1/> botoi bistaratzen ditu."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2140(title)
-msgid "Quick Reference: Keyboard Shortcuts"
-msgstr "Erreferentzia bizkorra: laster-teklak"
+#~ msgid "Performing Advanced Calculations"
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulu aurreratuak egitea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2141(para)
-msgid "<xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-keyboard-shortcut-button\"/>, <xref 
linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-keyboard-shortcut-sci-options\"/>, and <xref 
linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-keyboard-shortcut-menu\"/> provide a quick reference for all of the 
<application>Calculator</application> keyboard shortcuts."
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren laster-tekla guztiei buruzko erreferentzia bizkorra dago 
hemen: <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-keyboard-shortcut-button\"/>, <xref 
linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-keyboard-shortcut-sci-options\"/>, eta <xref 
+#~ msgid "%"
+#~ msgstr "%"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2142(para)
-msgid "When the user uses the keyboard shortcut for any of the calculator buttons that have a menu 
associated with them, that menu is displayed. The user can then use the arrow keys to select a menu item or 
the menu items shortcut."
-msgstr "Menu bat irekiarazten duen botoi bati dagokion laster-tekla erabiltzean, menu hori bistaratu egiten 
da. Menu-elementua hautatzeko, geziak edo menu-elementuaren lastet-teklak erabil ditzake erabiltzaileak."
+#~ msgid "Divides the current value by 100."
+#~ msgstr "Uneko balioa 100ez zatitzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2146(title)
-msgid "Quick Reference for Keyboard Shortcuts of <application>Calculator</application> Buttons"
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren botoien laster-teklen erreferentzia bizkorra."
+#~ msgid "560 <guibutton>%</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "560 <guibutton>%</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2155(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2545(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2640(para)
-msgid "Keyboard Shortcut"
-msgstr "Laster-tekla"
+#~ msgid "5.60"
+#~ msgstr "5.60"
+#~ msgid "Reciprocal"
+#~ msgstr "Alderantzizkoa"
+#~ msgid "x"
+#~ msgstr "x"
+#~ msgid "1/<placeholder-1/>"
+#~ msgstr "1/<placeholder-1/>"
+#~ msgid "Divides 1 by the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako balioaz zatitzen du 1."
+#~ msgid "4 <guibutton>1/<replaceable>x</replaceable></guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "4 <guibutton>1/<replaceable>x</replaceable></guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "0.25"
+#~ msgstr "0.25"
+#~ msgid "Square Root"
+#~ msgstr "Erro karratua"
+#~ msgid "Sqrt"
+#~ msgstr "Sqrt"
+#~ msgid "Calculates the square root of the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren erro karratua kalkulatzen du."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2161(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2551(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2646(para)
-msgid "See"
-msgstr "Ikus"
+#~ msgid "9 <guibutton>Sqrt</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "9 <guibutton>Sqrt</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "Square"
+#~ msgstr "Karratua"
+#~ msgid "Calculates the square of the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren karratua kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "3 <replaceable>x</replaceable><superscript>2</superscript>"
+#~ msgstr "3 <replaceable>x</replaceable><superscript>2</superscript>"
+#~ msgid "9"
+#~ msgstr "9"
+#~ msgid "Int"
+#~ msgstr "Int"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Calculates the integer portion of the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren osoko zatia kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "-23.45 <guibutton>Int</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "-23.45 <guibutton>Int</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "-23"
+#~ msgstr "-23"
+#~ msgid "Frac"
+#~ msgstr "Frac"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Calculates the fractional portion of the current value in the display "
+#~ "area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren ez-osoko zatia kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "-23.45 <guibutton>Frac</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "-23.45 <guibutton>Frac</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "-0.45"
+#~ msgstr "-0.45"
+#~ msgid "Abs"
+#~ msgstr "Abs"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Calculates the absolute value of the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren balio absolutua kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "-23.45 <guibutton>Abs</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "-23.45 <guibutton>Abs</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "23.45"
+#~ msgstr "23.45"
+#~ msgid "Parentheses"
+#~ msgstr "Parentesiak"
+#~ msgid "<guibutton>(</guibutton> and <guibutton>)</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "<guibutton>(</guibutton> eta <guibutton>)</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Provide precedence in arithmetic calculations if you are not using "
+#~ "Arithmetic Precedence. See also <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-manage-order\"/"
+#~ ">. Calculations within parentheses are performed first. You can nest "
+#~ "parentheses to any level. When the last parenthesis is matched, the "
+#~ "display area is updated."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Aurrentasuna ematen du kalkulu aritmetikoetan, aurrentasun aritmetikoa "
+#~ "erabiltzen ari ez zarenean. Ikus <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-manage-order\"/"
+#~ ">. Parentesien barruko eragiketak egiten dira lehendabizi. Parentesien "
+#~ "barruan parentesiak jar daitezke (nahi bezainbeste). Azken parentesi-"
+#~ "bikotea ixtean eguneratzen da bistaratze-area."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "2 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>3</guibutton><guibutton>*</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>4</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "2 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>3</guibutton><guibutton>*</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>4</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "2 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>(</guibutton><guibutton>3</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>*</guibutton><guibutton>4</guibutton><guibutton>)</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "2 <guibutton>+</guibutton><guibutton>(</guibutton><guibutton>3</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>*</guibutton><guibutton>4</guibutton><guibutton>)</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "20"
+#~ msgstr "20"
+#~ msgid "14"
+#~ msgstr "14"
+#~ msgid "To Use the Calculator Memory Registers"
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulagailuaren memoria-erregistroak erabiltzea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You can store values in any of the ten <application>Calculator</"
+#~ "application> memory registers <guilabel>R0</guilabel> to <guilabel>R9</"
+#~ "guilabel>. To display the memory registers, choose "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Memory Registers</"
+#~ "guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hamar memoria-erregistro (<guilabel>R0</guilabel>-<guilabel>R9</"
+#~ "guilabel>) ditu <application>Kalkulagailua</application>k, eta horietako "
+#~ "edozeinetan gorde ditzakezu balioak. Memoria-erregistroak bistaratzeko, "
+#~ "aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Memoria-"
+#~ "erregistroak</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The memory registers can be dismissed by either choosing "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Memory Registers</"
+#~ "guimenuitem></menuchoice> again, or by clicking on the <guibutton>Close</"
+#~ "guibutton> button in the memory register window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Memoria-erregistroak ezkutatzeko, aukeratu berriz "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Memoria-erregistroak</"
+#~ "guimenuitem></menuchoice>, edo egin klik memoria-erregistroen leihoko "
+#~ "<guibutton>Itxi</guibutton> botoian."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-mem-reg\"/> describes the memory functions "
+#~ "that you can use."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Memoria-funtzio erabilgarriak deskribatzen dira hemen: <xref linkend="
+#~ "\"gcalctool-TBL-mem-reg\"/>."
+#~ msgid "Memory Functions"
+#~ msgstr "Memoria-funtzioak"
+#~ msgid "Store Value in Memory Register"
+#~ msgstr "Gorde balioa memoria-erregistroan"
+#~ msgid "Sto"
+#~ msgstr "Sto"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Stores the current contents of the display area in the specified memory "
+#~ "register. Click <guibutton>Sto</guibutton>, then select a memory register "
+#~ "from the popup menu."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa gordetzen du zehaztutako memoria-"
+#~ "erregistroan. Egin klik <guibutton>Sto</guibutton> botoian, eta, ondoren, "
+#~ "hautatu memoria-erregistro bat leiho gainerakorrean."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To clear a memory register during a <application>Calculator</application> "
+#~ "session:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailu</application>-saio batean memoria-erregistro "
+#~ "bat garbitzeko:"
+#~ msgid "Click <guibutton>Clr</guibutton>."
+#~ msgstr "Egin klik <guibutton>Clr</guibutton> botoian."
+#~ msgid "Click <guibutton>Sto</guibutton>."
+#~ msgstr "Egin klik <guibutton>Sto</guibutton> botoian."
+#~ msgid "Select the memory register from the popup menu."
+#~ msgstr "Hautatu memoria-erregistroa leiho gainerakorrean."
+#~ msgid "22 <guibutton>Sto</guibutton><guilabel>R2</guilabel>"
+#~ msgstr "22 <guibutton>Sto</guibutton><guilabel>R2</guilabel>"
+#~ msgid "The value 22 is stored in memory register <guilabel>R2</guilabel>."
+#~ msgstr "<guilabel>R2</guilabel> memoria-erregistroan gorde da 22 balioa."
+#~ msgid "Retrieve Value From Memory Register"
+#~ msgstr "Eskuratu memoria-erregistroko balio bat"
+#~ msgid "Rcl"
+#~ msgstr "Rcl"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Retrieves the contents of the specified memory register. Click "
+#~ "<guibutton>Rcl</guibutton>, then select the memory register from the "
+#~ "popup menu."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zehaztutako memoria-erregistroaren edukia eskuratzen du. Egin klik "
+#~ "<guibutton>Rcl</guibutton> botoian, eta, ondoren, hautatu memoria-"
+#~ "erregistroa leiho gainerakorrean."
+#~ msgid "0 <guibutton>Rcl</guibutton><guilabel>R2</guilabel>"
+#~ msgstr "0 <guibutton>Rcl</guibutton><guilabel>R2</guilabel>"
+#~ msgid "The value in the display area is 22."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako balioa 22 da."
+#~ msgid "Exchange Memory Register Value and Displayed Value"
+#~ msgstr "Trukatu memoria-erregistroko balioa eta bistaratutako balioa"
+#~ msgid "Exch"
+#~ msgstr "Exch"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Exchanges the contents of the specified memory register and the current "
+#~ "value in the display area. Click <guibutton>Exch</guibutton>, then select "
+#~ "the memory register from the popup menu."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Memoria-erregistro jakin baten edukia eta bistaratze-areako uneko balioa "
+#~ "trukatzen ditu. Egin klik <guibutton>Exch</guibutton> botoian, eta, "
+#~ "ondoren, hautatu memoria-erregistroa leiho gainerakorrean."
+#~ msgid "44 <guibutton>Exch</guibutton><guilabel>R2</guilabel>"
+#~ msgstr "44 <guibutton>Exch</guibutton><guilabel>R2</guilabel>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The value in the display area changes from 44 to 22, the value in R2 "
+#~ "changes from 22 to 44."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako balioa 44tik 22ra aldatzen da, eta R2ko balioa, berriz, "
+#~ "22tik 44ra."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you use keyboard shortcuts, you can use the keyboard to specify the "
+#~ "memory register, as shown in the following examples:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Laster-teklak erabiltzen badituzu, teklatua erabil dezakezu memoria-"
+#~ "erregistroa zehazteko. Hemen dituzu adibide batzuk:"
+#~ msgid "Keyboard Entry"
+#~ msgstr "Teklatu bidezko sarrera"
+#~ msgid "S"
+#~ msgstr "S"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Stores the current contents of the display area in memory register "
+#~ "<guilabel>R2</guilabel>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa gordetzen du <guilabel>R2</guilabel> "
+#~ "memoria-erregistroan."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Retrieves the current contents of memory register <guilabel>R2</guilabel> "
+#~ "into the display area."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guilabel>R2</guilabel> memoria-erregistroaren uneko edukia eskuratzen "
+#~ "du, eta bistaratze-arean jartzen du."
+#~ msgid "X"
+#~ msgstr "X"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Exchanges the current value of the display area with the contents of "
+#~ "memory register <guilabel>R2</guilabel>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa eta <guilabel>R2</guilabel> memoria-"
+#~ "erregistroaren edukia trukatzen ditu."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To change to Financial mode, choose <menuchoice><guimenu>View</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Financial</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Modu finantzarioa aktibatzeko, aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Finantzarioa</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgid "<application>Calculator</application> Financial Mode Buttons"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren modu finantzarioaren botoiak"
+#~ msgid "Shows <placeholder-1/> Financial mode buttons."
+#~ msgstr "Modu finantzarioaren <placeholder-1/> botoi bistaratzen ditu."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To perform financial calculations, use the buttons described in <xref "
+#~ "linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-financial-calc\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kalkulu finantzarioak egiteko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-"
+#~ "financial-calc\"/>(e)n deskribatutako botoiak."
+#~ msgid "Performing Financial Calculations"
+#~ msgstr "Finantza-kalkuluak egitea"
+#~ msgid "Compounding Term"
+#~ msgstr "Interes konposatuko epea"
+#~ msgid "This function uses the following memory registers:"
+#~ msgstr "Funtzio horrek memoria-erregistro hauek erabiltzen ditu:"
+#~ msgid "Register 0"
+#~ msgstr "0 erregistroa"
+#~ msgid "<replaceable>int</replaceable>, the periodic interest rate"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>int</replaceable>, aldiaren interes-tasa"
+#~ msgid "Register 1"
+#~ msgstr "1 erregistroa"
+#~ msgid "<replaceable>fv</replaceable>, the future value"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>fv</replaceable>, etorkizuneko balioa"
+#~ msgid "Register 2"
+#~ msgstr "2 erregistroa"
+#~ msgid "<replaceable>pv</replaceable>, the present value"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>pv</replaceable>, uneko balioa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You have just deposited $8000 in an account that pays an annual interest "
+#~ "rate of 9%, compounded monthly. Given the annual interest rate, you "
+#~ "determine that the monthly interest rate is 0.09 / 12 = 0.0075. To "
+#~ "calculate the time period necessary to double your investment, put the "
+#~ "following values into the first three memory registers:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "8000 € sartu berriak dituzu kontu batean. Kontu horrek urtean % 9ko "
+#~ "interesa ematen du, hilero konposatuta. Urteko interes-tasa kontuan "
+#~ "hartuta, hileko interes-tasa hau izango da: 0,09 / 12 = 0,0075. "
+#~ "Inbertsioa bikoizteko beharrezko epea kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek "
+#~ "lehen hiru memoria-erregistroetan:"
+#~ msgid "0.0075"
+#~ msgstr "0,0075"
+#~ msgid "16000"
+#~ msgstr "16000"
+#~ msgid "8000"
+#~ msgstr "8000"
+#~ msgid "Click <guibutton>Ctrm</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Ctrm</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "92.77"
+#~ msgstr "92,77"
+#~ msgid "The investment doubles in value in 92.77 months."
+#~ msgstr "Inbertsioa bikoizteko 92,77 hilabete behar dira."
+#~ msgid "Double-Declining Depreciation"
+#~ msgstr "Faktore bikoitzeko amortizazio beherakorra"
+#~ msgid "<replaceable>cost</replaceable>, the amount paid for the asset"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<replaceable>cost</replaceable>, ondasunaren truke ordaindutako kopurua"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<replaceable>salvage</replaceable>, the value of the asset at the end of "
+#~ "its life"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<replaceable>salvage</replaceable>, ondasunaren hondar-balioa bere balio-"
+#~ "bizitzaren amaieran."
+#~ msgid "<replaceable>life</replaceable>, the useful life of the asset"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>life</replaceable>, ondasunaren balio-bizitza"
+#~ msgid "Register 3"
+#~ msgstr "3 erregistroa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<replaceable>period</replaceable>, the time period for depreciation "
+#~ "allowance"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>period</replaceable>, amortizazio-epea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You have just purchased an office machine for $8000. The useful life of "
+#~ "this machine is six years. The salvage value after six years is $900. To "
+#~ "calculate the depreciation expense for the fourth year, using the double-"
+#~ "declining balance method, put the following values into the first four "
+#~ "memory registers:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "8000 €-ko ordenagailu bat erosi berria duzu, bulegorako. Ordenagailu "
+#~ "horren balio-bizitza sei urte dira. Hondar-balioa, sei urteren buruan, "
+#~ "900 € da. Faktore bikoitzeko amortizazio beherakorraren metodoa erabiliz "
+#~ "laugarren urteko amortizazio-gastua kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen "
+#~ "lau memoria-erregistroetan:"
+#~ msgid "900"
+#~ msgstr "900"
+#~ msgid "4"
+#~ msgstr "4"
+#~ msgid "Click <guibutton>Ddb</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Ddb</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "790.12"
+#~ msgstr "790,12"
+#~ msgid "The depreciation expense for the fourth year is $790.12."
+#~ msgstr "Laugarren urteko amortizazio-gastua 790,12 € da."
+#~ msgid "Future Value"
+#~ msgstr "Etorkizuneko balioa"
+#~ msgid "<replaceable>pmt</replaceable>, the periodic payment"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>pmt</replaceable>, ordainketa periodikoa"
+#~ msgid "<replaceable>n</replaceable>, the number of periods"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>n</replaceable>, aldi kopurua"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You plan to deposit $4000 in a bank account on the last day of each year "
+#~ "for the next 20 years. The account pays 8% interest, compounded annually. "
+#~ "Interest is paid on the last day of each year. To calculate the value of "
+#~ "your account in 20 years, put the following values into the first three "
+#~ "memory registers:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bankuko kontu batean urtean 4000 € sartzeko asmoa duzu, datozen 20 "
+#~ "urteetan, urte bakoitzaren azken egunean. Kontuak % 8ko interesa ematen "
+#~ "du, urtero konposatuta. Urteko azken egunean ordaintzen da interesa, "
+#~ "urtero. 20 urteren buruan kontuak izango duen balioa kalkulatzeko, sartu "
+#~ "balio hauek lehen hiru memoria-erregistroetan:"
+#~ msgid "4000"
+#~ msgstr "4000"
+#~ msgid "0.08"
+#~ msgstr "0,08"
+#~ msgid "Click <guibutton>Fv</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Fv</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "183047.86"
+#~ msgstr "183047,86"
+#~ msgid "At the end of 20 years, the value of the account is $183,047.86."
+#~ msgstr "20 urteren buruan 183.047,86 € izango dira kontuan."
+#~ msgid "Periodic Payment"
+#~ msgstr "Ordainketa periodikoa"
+#~ msgid "<replaceable>prin</replaceable>, the principal"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>prin</replaceable>, maileguaren printzipala"
+#~ msgid "<replaceable>n</replaceable>, the term"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>n</replaceable>, terminoa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are considering a $120,000 mortgage for 30 years at an annual "
+#~ "interest rate of 11.0%. Given the annual interest rate, you determine "
+#~ "that the monthly interest rate is 0.11 / 12 = 0.00917. The term is 30 * "
+#~ "12 = 360 months. To calculate the monthly repayment for this mortgage, "
+#~ "put the following values into the first three memory registers:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "120.000 €-ko mailegua hartzeko asmoa duzu, urtean % 11ko interes-tasakoa, "
+#~ "30 urtera. Urteko interes-tasa kontuan hartuta, hileko interes-tasa hau "
+#~ "izango da: 0,11 / 12 = 0,00917. Epea: 30 * 12 = 360 hilabete. Mailegu "
+#~ "horren hileroko amortizazioa kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen hiru "
+#~ "memoria-erregistroetan:"
+#~ msgid "120000"
+#~ msgstr "120000"
+#~ msgid "0.00917"
+#~ msgstr "0,00917"
+#~ msgid "360"
+#~ msgstr "360"
+#~ msgid "Click <guibutton>Pmt</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Pmt</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "1143.15"
+#~ msgstr "1143,15"
+#~ msgid "The monthly repayment is $1143.15."
+#~ msgstr "Hileroko amortizazioa 1143,15 € da."
+#~ msgid "Present Value"
+#~ msgstr "Uneko balioa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You have just won a million dollars. The prize is awarded in 20 annual "
+#~ "payments of $50,000 each. Annual payments are received at the end of each "
+#~ "year. If you were to accept the annual payments of $50,000, you would "
+#~ "invest the money at a rate of 9%, compounded annually."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Milioi bat euro irabazi berriak dituzu. Saria ordaintzeko era hau da: "
+#~ "urtean 50.000 €-ko ordainketa bat, 20 urtean. Urteroko ordainketak urte-"
+#~ "bukaeran jasotzen dira. Urtean 50.000 € jasotzea onartuz gero, dirua % "
+#~ "9ko interes-tasan inbertitzeko asmoa duzu, urtero konposatuta."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "However, you are given the option of receiving a single lump-sum payment "
+#~ "of $400,000 instead of the million dollars annuity. To calculate which "
+#~ "option is worth more in today's dollars, put the following values into "
+#~ "the first three memory registers:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Dena den, milioi bat euroren urtesariak beharrean 400.000 €-ko ordainketa "
+#~ "bakarra jasotzeko aukera eman dizute. Gaurko euroetan aukerarik onena "
+#~ "zein den kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen hiru memoria-"
+#~ "erregistroetan:"
+#~ msgid "50000"
+#~ msgstr "50000"
+#~ msgid "0.09"
+#~ msgstr "0,09"
+#~ msgid "Click <guibutton>Pv</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Pv</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "456427.28"
+#~ msgstr "456427,28"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The $1,000,000 paid over 20 years is worth $456,427.28 in present dollars."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "20 urteetan zehar ordaindutako 1.000.000 euroek 456.427,25 € balio "
+#~ "dituzte orain."
+#~ msgid "Periodic Interest Rate"
+#~ msgstr "Aldiaren interes-tasa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You have invested $20,000 in a bond. The bond matures in five years, and "
+#~ "has a maturity value of $30,000. Interest is compounded monthly. The term "
+#~ "is 5 * 12 = 60 months. To calculate the periodic interest rate for this "
+#~ "investment, put the following values into the first three memory "
+#~ "registers:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "20.000 € inbertitu dituzu bonu batean. Bost urteko epemuga du bonuak, "
+#~ "eta, mugaegunean, 30.000 €-ko balioa. Interesa hilero konposatzen da. "
+#~ "Epea: 5 * 12 = 60 hilabete. Inbertsio horren interes-tasa kalkulatzeko, "
+#~ "sartu balio hauek lehen hiru memoria-erregistroetan:"
+#~ msgid "30000"
+#~ msgstr "30000"
+#~ msgid "20000"
+#~ msgstr "20000"
+#~ msgid "60"
+#~ msgstr "60"
+#~ msgid "Click <guibutton>Rate</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Rate</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid ".00678"
+#~ msgstr ",00678"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The monthly interest rate is 0.678%. The annual interest rate is 0.678% * "
+#~ "12 = 8.14%."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hileko interes-tasa % 0,678 da. Urteko interes-tasa hau da: % 0,678 * 12 "
+#~ "= % 8,14."
+#~ msgid "Straight-Line Depreciation"
+#~ msgstr "Amortizazio lineala"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You have just purchased an office machine for $8000. The useful life of "
+#~ "this machine is six years. The salvage value after six years is $900. To "
+#~ "calculate the yearly depreciation expense, using the straight-line "
+#~ "method, put the following values into the first three memory registers:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "8000 €-ko ordenagailu bat erosi berria duzu, bulegorako. Ordenagailu "
+#~ "horren balio-bizitza sei urte dira. Hondar-balioa, sei urteren buruan, "
+#~ "900 € da. Amortizazio linealaren bidez urteko amortizazio-gastua "
+#~ "kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen hiru memoria-erregistroetan:"
+#~ msgid "Click <guibutton>Sln</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Sln</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "1183.33"
+#~ msgstr "1183,33"
+#~ msgid "The yearly depreciation expense is $1183.33."
+#~ msgstr "Urteko amortizazio-gastua 1183,33 € dira."
+#~ msgid "Sum-Of-The-Years'-Digits Depreciation"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Urteen zenbaki-ordenarekiko alderantziz proportzionala den amortizazioa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You have just purchased an office machine for $8000. The useful life of "
+#~ "this machine is six years. The salvage value after six years is $900. To "
+#~ "calculate the depreciation expense for the fourth year, using the sum-of-"
+#~ "the-years'-digits method, put the following values into the first four "
+#~ "memory registers:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "8000 €-ko ordenagailu bat erosi berria duzu, bulegorako. Ordenagailu "
+#~ "horren balio-bizitza sei urte dira. Hondar-balioa, sei urteren buruan, "
+#~ "900 € da. Amortizazio beherakor urteen zenbaki-ordenarekiko alderantziz "
+#~ "proportzionalaren metodoa erabiliz laugarren urteko amortizazio-gastua "
+#~ "kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen lau memoria-erregistroetan:"
+#~ msgid "Click <guibutton>Syd</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Syd</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "1014.29"
+#~ msgstr "1014,29"
+#~ msgid "The depreciation expense for the fourth year is $1014.29."
+#~ msgstr "Laugarren urteko amortizazio-gastua 1014,29 € da."
+#~ msgid "Payment Period"
+#~ msgstr "Ordainketa-aldia"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You plan to deposit $1800 in a bank account on the last day of each year. "
+#~ "The account pays 11% interest, compounded annually. Interest is paid on "
+#~ "the last day of each year. To calculate the time period necessary to "
+#~ "accumulate $120,000, put the following values into the first three memory "
+#~ "registers:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Urtero, urtearen azken egunean, bankuko kontu batean 1800 € jartzeko "
+#~ "asmoa duzu. Kontuak % 11ko interesa ematen du, urtero konposatuta. Urteko "
+#~ "azken egunean ordaintzen da interesa, urtero. 120.000 € lortzeko "
+#~ "beharrezko epea kalkulatzeko, sartu balio hauek lehen hiru memoria-"
+#~ "erregistroetan:"
+#~ msgid "1800"
+#~ msgstr "1800"
+#~ msgid "0.11"
+#~ msgstr "0,11"
+#~ msgid "Click <guibutton>Term</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Term</guibutton><guibutton> =</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "20.32"
+#~ msgstr "20,32"
+#~ msgid "$120,000 accumulates in the account in 20.32 years."
+#~ msgstr "Kontuan 120.000 € biltzeko 20,32 urte behar dira."
+#~ msgid "To Perform Scientific Calculations"
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulu zientifikoak egitea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To change to Scientific mode, choose <menuchoice><guimenu>View</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Scientific</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Modu zientifikoa aktibatzeko, aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Zientifikoa</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When you change to Scientific mode, the following buttons are displayed "
+#~ "above the Basic and Advanced mode buttons:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Modu zientifikoa aktibatzean, botoi hauek bistaratzen dira oinarrizko "
+#~ "moduko eta modu aurreratuko botoien gainaldean:"
+#~ msgid "<application>Calculator</application> Scientific Mode Buttons"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren modu zientifikoaren botoiak"
+#~ msgid "Shows <placeholder-1/> Scientific mode buttons."
+#~ msgstr "Modu zientifikoaren <placeholder-1/> botoi bistaratzen ditu."
+#~ msgid "To Set the Accuracy"
+#~ msgstr "Zehaztasuna ezartzeko"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To set the accuracy of the display area and of the memory registers, "
+#~ "click <guibutton>Acc</guibutton>, then select from the popup menu the "
+#~ "accuracy level that you require. The current accuracy level is indicated "
+#~ "by a preceding black circle in the popup menu. Up to 30 significant "
+#~ "places can be displayed. The default accuracy is 9 significant places."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-arearen eta memoria-erregistroen zehaztasuna ezartzeko, egin "
+#~ "klik <guibutton>Acc</guibutton> botoian, eta, ondoren, hautatu zehaztasun-"
+#~ "maila leiho gainerakorrean. Uneko zehaztasun mailak zirkulu beltz bat du "
+#~ "aurrean, leiho gainerakorrean. 30 zifra esanguratsu bistara daitezke "
+#~ "gehienez. 9 zifra esanguratsuko zehaztasuna lehenesten da."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To set the accuracy level above 9, select <guilabel>Other (9) ...</"
+#~ "guilabel>, then choose the accuracy level you require in the "
+#~ "<guilabel>Set Precision</guilabel> popup."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zehaztasun-maila 9tik gora jartzeko, hautatu <guilabel>Beste (9) ...</"
+#~ "guilabel>, eta, ondoren, aukeratu zehaztasun-maila <guilabel>Ezarri "
+#~ "zehaztasuna</guilabel> laster-leihoan."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "By default, trailing zeroes are not shown. To display trailing zeroes, "
+#~ "click <guibutton>Acc</guibutton> then select <guilabel>Show Trailing "
+#~ "Zeroes</guilabel> from the popup menu, or choose "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Trailing Zeroes</"
+#~ "guimenuitem></menuchoice>. A preceding check mark in the <guibutton>Acc</"
+#~ "guibutton> popup menu or <guimenu>View</guimenu> menu indicates that the "
+#~ "<guilabel>Show Trailing Zeroes</guilabel> option has been selected. To "
+#~ "hide trailing zeroes, choose <menuchoice><guimenu>View</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Trailing Zeroes</guimenuitem></menuchoice> "
+#~ "again."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Lehenespenez, atzeko zeroak ez dira bistaratzen. Atzeko zeroak "
+#~ "bistaratzeko, egin klik <guibutton>Acc</guibutton> botoian eta, ondoren, "
+#~ "hautatu laster-menuko <guilabel>Erakutsi zero guztiak</guilabel>, edo "
+#~ "aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Erakutsi zero "
+#~ "guztiak</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. <guibutton>Acc</guibutton> laster-"
+#~ "menuan edo <guimenu>Ikusi</guimenu> menuan kontrol-marka baten bidez "
+#~ "adierazten da <guilabel>Erakutsi zero guztiak</guilabel> aukera hautatua "
+#~ "dagoela  Atzeko zeroak ezkutatzeko, aukeratu berriro "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu> Ikusi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Erakutsi zero guztiak</"
+#~ "guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The examples in the following table show how the accuracy setting affects "
+#~ "<replaceable>x</replaceable> in the display area, when you use decimal "
+#~ "base, with the <guimenuitem>Show Trailing Zeroes</guimenuitem> option "
+#~ "selected, for the <literal>1 / 8 = <replaceable>x</replaceable></literal> "
+#~ "calculation:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<literal>1 / 8 = <replaceable>x</replaceable></literal> eragiketa sistema "
+#~ "hamartarrean egitean, zehaztasun-ezarpenak bistaratze-areako "
+#~ "<replaceable>x</replaceable>(r)i nola eragiten dion ikusten da ondorengo "
+#~ "taulako adibideetan, <guimenuitem>Erakutsi zero guztiak</guimenuitem> "
+#~ "aukera hautatua egonik:"
+#~ msgid "Accuracy"
+#~ msgstr "Zehaztasuna"
+#~ msgid "1 significant place"
+#~ msgstr "Zifra esanguratsu 1"
+#~ msgid "2 significant places"
+#~ msgstr "2 zifra esanguratsu"
+#~ msgid "1.25"
+#~ msgstr "1,25"
+#~ msgid "3 significant places"
+#~ msgstr "3 zifra esanguratsu"
+#~ msgid "1.250"
+#~ msgstr "1,250"
+#~ msgid "To Set the Numeric Base"
+#~ msgstr "Oinarria ezartzea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To set the numeric base, select one of the buttons described in <xref "
+#~ "linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-num-base\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Oinarria ezartzeko, hautatu <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-num-base\"/"
+#~ ">(e)n deskribatutako botoietako bat."
+#~ msgid "Setting the Numeric Base"
+#~ msgstr "Oinarria ezartzea"
+#~ msgid "Binary Base"
+#~ msgstr "Oinarri bitarra"
+#~ msgid "Bin"
+#~ msgstr "Bin"
+#~ msgid "Sets the numeric base to binary, that is, base 2."
+#~ msgstr "Oinarri bitarra ezartzen du."
+#~ msgid "Octal Base"
+#~ msgstr "Oinarri zortzitarra"
+#~ msgid "Oct"
+#~ msgstr "Oct"
+#~ msgid "Sets the numeric base to octal, that is, base 8."
+#~ msgstr "Oinarri zortzitarra ezartzen du."
+#~ msgid "Decimal Base"
+#~ msgstr "Oinarri hamartarra"
+#~ msgid "Dec"
+#~ msgstr "Dec"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Sets the numeric base to decimal, that is, base 10. Decimal is the "
+#~ "default numeric base. If you change from Scientific mode to another mode, "
+#~ "<application>Calculator</application> automatically sets the numeric base "
+#~ "to decimal."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Oinarri hamartarra ezartzen du. Hamartarra da oinarri lehenetsia. Modu "
+#~ "zientifikotik beste batera aldatzean, automatikoki ezartzen du oinarri "
+#~ "hamartarra <application>Kalkulagailua</application>k."
+#~ msgid "Hexadecimal Base"
+#~ msgstr "Oinarri hamaseitarra"
+#~ msgid "Hex"
+#~ msgstr "Hex"
+#~ msgid "Sets the numeric base to hexadecimal, that is, base 16."
+#~ msgstr "Oinarri hamaseitarra ezartzen du."
+#~ msgid "To Set the Display Type"
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze mota ezartzea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To set the display type, select one of the buttons described in <xref "
+#~ "linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-display-type\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze mota ezartzeko, hautatu <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-display-"
+#~ "type\"/>(e)n deskribatutako botoietako bat."
+#~ msgid "Setting the Display Type"
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze mota ezartzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2166(para)
-msgid "<keycap>0</keycap> to <keycap>9</keycap> inclusive"
-msgstr "<keycap>0</keycap>tik <keycap>9</keycap>ra, biak barne"
+#~ msgid "Engineering Display Type"
+#~ msgstr "Ingeniaritzako bistaratze mota"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2172(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2173(guibutton)
-msgid "A"
-msgstr "A"
+#~ msgid "Eng"
+#~ msgstr "Eng"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2174(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2186(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2192(para) 
C/gcalctool.xml:2204(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2216(para) C/gcalctool.xml:2228(para)
-msgid "Hexadecimal numerals"
-msgstr "Zifra hamaseitarrak"
+#~ msgid "Fixed-Point Display Type"
+#~ msgstr "Koma finkoko bistaratze mota"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2178(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2556(keycap)
-msgid "a"
-msgstr "a"
+#~ msgid "Fix"
+#~ msgstr "Fix"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2179(guibutton)
-msgid "Acc"
-msgstr "Acc"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Sets the display type to fixed-point format. Results are not displayed in "
+#~ "scientific notation. Fixed-point is the default display type. If you "
+#~ "change from scientific mode to either basic mode or financial mode, "
+#~ "<application>Calculator</application> automatically sets the display type "
+#~ "to fixed-point format."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Koma finkoko formatuaren bistaratze modua ezartzen du. Emaitzak ez dira "
+#~ "idazkera zientifikoan bistaratzen. Koma finkokoa da bistaratze mota "
+#~ "lehenetsia. Modu zientifikotik oinarrizko modura edo modu finantzariora "
+#~ "aldatzean, koma finkoko formatua ezartzen du <application>Kalkulagailuak</"
+#~ "application>k automatikoki."
+#~ msgid "Scientific Display Type"
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze mota zientifikoa"
+#~ msgid "Sci"
+#~ msgstr "Sci"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Sets the display type to scientific format. Results are displayed in "
+#~ "scientific notation, with a fixed number of numeric digits."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Formatu zientifikoaren bistaratze modua ezartzen du. Emaitzak idazkera "
+#~ "zientifikoan bistaratzen dira, zifra kopuru finko batekin."
+#~ msgid "To Set the Trigonometric Type"
+#~ msgstr "Trigonometria mota ezartzea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To set the trigonometric type, select one of the buttons described in "
+#~ "<xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-trig-type\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Trigonometria mota ezartzeko, hautatu <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-trig-"
+#~ "type\"/>(e)n deskribatutako botoietako bat."
+#~ msgid "Setting the Trigonometric Type"
+#~ msgstr "Trigonometria mota ezartzea"
+#~ msgid "Degrees"
+#~ msgstr "Graduak"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Sets the trigonometric type to degrees. Degrees is the default "
+#~ "trigonometric type."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Gradutan ezartzen du trigonometria mota. Graduak dira trigonometria mota "
+#~ "lehenetsia."
+#~ msgid "Gradians"
+#~ msgstr "Gradu ehundarrak"
+#~ msgid "Sets the trigonometric type to gradians."
+#~ msgstr "Gradu ehundarretan ezartzen du trigonometria mota."
+#~ msgid "Radians"
+#~ msgstr "Radianak"
+#~ msgid "Sets the trigonometric type to radians."
+#~ msgstr "Radianetan ezartzen du trigonometria mota."
+#~ msgid "To Set the Trigonometric Options"
+#~ msgstr "Trigonometria motaren aukerak ezartzea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To set the trigonometric options, use the options described in <xref "
+#~ "linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-trig-options\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Trigonometria-aukerak ezartzeko, hautatu <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-"
+#~ "trig-options\"/>(e)n deskribatutako botoietako bat."
+#~ msgid "Setting the Trigonometric Options"
+#~ msgstr "Trigonometria-aukerak ezartzea"
+#~ msgid "Hyperbolic Option Indicator"
+#~ msgstr "Aukera hiperbolikoaren adierazlea"
+#~ msgid "Hyp"
+#~ msgstr "Hyp"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Selects the hyperbolic option for use with the trigonometric functions."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Aukera hiperbolikoa hautatzen du, funtzio trigonometrikoekin erabiltzeko."
+#~ msgid "Inverse Option Indicator"
+#~ msgstr "Alderantzizkoa aukeraren adierazlea"
+#~ msgid "Inv"
+#~ msgstr "Inv"
+#~ msgid "Selects the inverse option for use with the trigonometric functions."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Alderantzizkoa aukera hautatzen du, funtzio trigonometrikoekin "
+#~ "erabiltzeko."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "By default, the options described in <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-trig-"
+#~ "options\"/> are not selected. Click <guibutton>Clr</guibutton> to "
+#~ "deselect these options."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Lehenespenez, <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-trig-options\"/>(e)n azaltzen "
+#~ "diren aukerak ez daude hautatuak. Sakatu <guibutton>Clr</guibutton> "
+#~ "aukera horiek desautatzeko."
+#~ msgid "To Calculate Trigonometric Values"
+#~ msgstr "Balio trigonometrikoak kalkulatzea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To calculate trigonometric values, use the buttons described in <xref "
+#~ "linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-trig-calc\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Balio trigonometrikoak kalkulatzeko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-"
+#~ "TBL-trig-calc\"/>(e)n deskribatutako botoiak."
+#~ msgid "Calculating Trigonometric Values"
+#~ msgstr "Balio trigonometrikoak kalkulatzea"
+#~ msgid "Cosine <literal>cos</literal>"
+#~ msgstr "Kosinua <literal>cos</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option not selected, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option not selected"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatu gabe, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatu gabe"
+#~ msgid "Calculates the cosine of the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren kosinua kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "60 <guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "60 <guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "0.5"
+#~ msgstr "0,5"
+#~ msgid "Arc Cosine <literal>acos</literal>"
+#~ msgstr "Arku kosinua <literal>acos</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option not selected, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option selected"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatu gabe, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatuta"
+#~ msgid "Calculates the arc cosine of the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren arku kosinua kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "0.5 <guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "0,5 <guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "Hyperbolic Cosine <literal>cosh</literal>"
+#~ msgstr "Kosinu hiperbolikoa <literal>cosh</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option selected, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option not selected"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatuta, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatu gabe"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren kosinu hiperbolikoa kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "0.4 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "0,4 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guibutton>Cos</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "1.081072372"
+#~ msgstr "1,081072372"
+#~ msgid "Arc Hyperbolic Cosine <literal>acosh</literal>"
+#~ msgstr "Arku kosinu hiperbolikoa <literal>acosh</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option selected, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option selected"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Cos</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatuta, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatuta"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Calculates the arc hyperbolic cosine of the current value in the display "
+#~ "area."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren arku kosinu hiperbolikoa kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "1.6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Cos</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "1,6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Cos</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "1.046967915"
+#~ msgstr "1,046967915"
+#~ msgid "Sine <literal>sin</literal>"
+#~ msgstr "Sinua <literal>sin</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option not selected, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option not selected"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatu gabe, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatu gabe"
+#~ msgid "Calculates the sine of the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren sinua kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "90 <guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "90 <guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "Arc Sine <literal>asin</literal>"
+#~ msgstr "Arku sinua <literal>asin</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option not selected, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option selected"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatu gabe, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatuta"
+#~ msgid "Calculates the arc sine of the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren arku sinua kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "1 <guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "1 <guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "90"
+#~ msgstr "90"
+#~ msgid "Hyperbolic Sine <literal>sinh</literal>"
+#~ msgstr "Sinu hiperbolikoa <literal>sinh</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option selected, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option not selected"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatuta, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatu gabe"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Calculates the hyperbolic sine of the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren sinu hiperbolikoa kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "0.4 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "0,4 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guibutton>Sin</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "0.410752326"
+#~ msgstr "0,410752326"
+#~ msgid "Arc Hyperbolic Sine <literal>asinh</literal>"
+#~ msgstr "Arku sinu hiperbolikoa <literal>asinh</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option selected, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option selected"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Sin</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatuta, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatuta"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Calculates the arc hyperbolic sine of the current value in the display "
+#~ "area."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren arku sinu hiperbolikoa kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "1.6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Sin</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "1,6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Sin</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "1.248983328"
+#~ msgstr "1,248983328"
+#~ msgid "Tangent <literal>tan</literal>"
+#~ msgstr "Tangentea <literal>tan</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option not selected, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option not selected"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatu gabe, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatu gabe"
+#~ msgid "Calculates the tangent of the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren tangentea kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "45 <guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "45 <guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "Arc Tangent <literal>atan</literal>"
+#~ msgstr "Arku tangentea <literal>atan</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option not selected, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option selected"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatu gabe, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatuta"
+#~ msgid "Calculates the arc tangent of the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren arku tangentea kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "1 <guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "1 <guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "45"
+#~ msgstr "45"
+#~ msgid "Hyperbolic Tangent <literal>tanh</literal>"
+#~ msgstr "Tangente hiperbolikoa <literal>tanh</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option selected, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option not selected"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatuta, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatu gabe"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of the current value in the display "
+#~ "area."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren tangente hiperbolikoa kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "0.6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "0,6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guibutton>Tan</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "0.537049567"
+#~ msgstr "0,537049567"
+#~ msgid "Arc Hyperbolic Tangent <literal>atanh</literal>"
+#~ msgstr "Arku tangente hiperbolikoa <literal>atanh</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> option selected, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> option selected"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Tan</guibutton>, <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel> hautatuta, "
+#~ "<guilabel>Inv</guilabel> hautatuta"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Calculates the arc hyperbolic tangent of the current value in the display "
+#~ "area."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren arku tangente hiperbolikoa kalkulatzen "
+#~ "du."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "0.6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Tan</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "0,6 <guilabel>Hyp</guilabel><guilabel>Inv</guilabel><guibutton>Tan</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "0.693147181"
+#~ msgstr "0,693147181"
+#~ msgid "To Calculate Logarithms"
+#~ msgstr "Logaritmoak kalkulatzea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To calculate logarithms, use the buttons described in <xref linkend="
+#~ "\"gcalctool-TBL-logs-calc\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Logaritmoak kalkulatzeko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-logs-calc"
+#~ "\"/>(e)n deskribatutako botoiak."
+#~ msgid "Calculating Logarithms"
+#~ msgstr "Logaritmoak kalkulatzea"
+#~ msgid "Common Logarithm Base 10"
+#~ msgstr "Logaritmo hamartar arrunta"
+#~ msgid "Log"
+#~ msgstr "Log"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Calculates the common logarithm of the current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren logaritmo hamartarra kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "10 <guibutton>Log</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "10 <guibutton>Log</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "Ln"
+#~ msgstr "Ln"
+#~ msgid "10 <guibutton>Ln</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "10 <guibutton>Ln</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "2.30"
+#~ msgstr "2,30"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Common antilogarithm and natural antilogarithm are not supported in this "
+#~ "version of <application>Calculator</application>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren bertsio honek ez ditu "
+#~ "kalkulatzen antilogaritmo hamartarrak eta antilogaritmo nepertarrak."
+#~ msgid "To Perform Bitwise Calculations"
+#~ msgstr "Bitetan oinarritutako kalkuluak egitea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To perform bitwise calculations, use the buttons described in <xref "
+#~ "linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-logic-calc\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bitetan oinarritutako kalkuluak egiteko, erabili <xref linkend="
+#~ "\"gcalctool-TBL-logic-calc\"/>(e)n deskribatutako botoiak."
+#~ msgid "Performing Bitwise Calculations"
+#~ msgstr "Bitetan oinarritutako kalkuluak egitea"
+#~ msgid "Bitwise OR"
+#~ msgstr "Bitez biteko OR"
+#~ msgid "Or"
+#~ msgstr "Or"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Performs a bitwise OR operation on the current value in the display area "
+#~ "and the next number that you enter, treating both numbers as unsigned "
+#~ "long integers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bitez biteko EDO eragiketa egiten die bistaratze-areako uneko balioari "
+#~ "eta idazten den hurrengo balioari, eta, horretarako, zeinurik gabeko "
+#~ "osoko zenbaki luzetzat hartzen ditu bi balioak."
+#~ msgid "10001000 <guibutton>Or</guibutton> 00010001"
+#~ msgstr "10001000 <guibutton>Or</guibutton> 00010001"
+#~ msgid "Bitwise AND"
+#~ msgstr "Bitez biteko AND"
+#~ msgid "And"
+#~ msgstr "And"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Performs a bitwise AND operation on the current value in the display area "
+#~ "and the next number that you enter, treating both numbers as unsigned "
+#~ "long integers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bitez biteko ETA eragiketa egiten die bistaratze-areako uneko balioari "
+#~ "eta idazten den hurrengo balioari, eta, horretarako, zeinurik gabeko "
+#~ "osoko zenbaki luzetzat hartzen ditu bi balioak."
+#~ msgid "10101010 <guibutton>And</guibutton> 00110011"
+#~ msgstr "10101010 <guibutton>And</guibutton> 00110011"
+#~ msgid "00110011"
+#~ msgstr "00110011"
+#~ msgid "Bitwise NOT"
+#~ msgstr "Bitez biteko NOT"
+#~ msgid "Not"
+#~ msgstr "Not"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Performs a bitwise NOT operation on the current value in the display "
+#~ "area, treating the number as an unsigned long integer."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bitez biteko EZ eragiketa egiten dio bistaratze-areako uneko balioari, "
+#~ "eta, horretarako, zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki luzetzat hartzen du."
+#~ msgid "1357ACE <guibutton>Not</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "1357ACE <guibutton>Not</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "FECA8531"
+#~ msgstr "FECA8531"
+#~ msgid "Bitwise XOR"
+#~ msgstr "Bitez biteko XOR"
+#~ msgid "Xor"
+#~ msgstr "Xor"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Performs a bitwise XOR operation on the current value in the display area "
+#~ "and the next number that you enter, treating both numbers as unsigned "
+#~ "long integers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bitez biteko ALA eragiketa egiten die bistaratze-areako uneko balioari "
+#~ "eta idazten den hurrengo balioari, eta, horretarako, zeinurik gabeko "
+#~ "osoko zenbaki luzetzat hartzen ditu bi balioak."
+#~ msgid "1100 <guibutton>Xor</guibutton> 1010"
+#~ msgstr "1100 <guibutton>Xor</guibutton> 1010"
+#~ msgid "110"
+#~ msgstr "110"
+#~ msgid "Bitwise XNOR"
+#~ msgstr "Bitez biteko XNOR"
+#~ msgid "Xnor"
+#~ msgstr "Xnor"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Performs a bitwise XNOR operation on the current value in the display "
+#~ "area and the next number that you enter, treating both numbers as "
+#~ "unsigned long integers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bitez biteko EZ-ALA eragiketa egiten die bistaratze-areako uneko balioari "
+#~ "eta idazten den hurrengo balioari, eta, horretarako, zeinurik gabeko "
+#~ "osoko zenbaki luzetzat hartzen ditu bi balioak."
+#~ msgid "1100 <guibutton>Xnor</guibutton> 1010"
+#~ msgstr "1100 <guibutton>Xnor</guibutton> 1010"
+#~ msgid "11111111111111111111111111111001"
+#~ msgstr "11111111111111111111111111111001"
+#~ msgid "To Enter Exponential Numbers"
+#~ msgstr "Zenbaki esponentzialak idaztea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To enter exponential numbers, use the <guibutton>Exp</guibutton> button."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zenbaki esponentzialak idazteko, erabili <guibutton>Exp</guibutton> "
+#~ "botoia."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The <guibutton>Exp</guibutton> button enables you to enter numbers in "
+#~ "scientific notation, that is, <replaceable>mantissa</replaceable> * "
+#~ "<replaceable>base</replaceable><superscript><replaceable>exponent</"
+#~ "replaceable></superscript>:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zenbakiak idazkera zientifikoz idazteko aukera ematen du <guibutton>Exp</"
+#~ "guibutton> botoiak, alegia, <replaceable>mantisa</replaceable> * "
+#~ "<replaceable>oinarria</"
+#~ "replaceable><superscript><replaceable>berretzailea</replaceable></"
+#~ "superscript>:"
+#~ msgid "mantissa"
+#~ msgstr "mantisa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Current non-zero value in the display area. If the current value in the "
+#~ "display area is zero, the mantissa is 1.0."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako ez-zero balioa. Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa zero "
+#~ "bada, mantisa 1,0 da."
+#~ msgid "base"
+#~ msgstr "oinarria"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "2, 8, 10, or 16 for binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal numeric base "
+#~ "respectively."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "2, 8, 10 edo 16, oinarri bitarra, zortzitarra, hamartarra edo "
+#~ "hamaseitarra adierazteko, hurrenez hurren."
+#~ msgid "exponent"
+#~ msgstr "berretzailea"
+#~ msgid "Next number that you enter."
+#~ msgstr "Sartzen duzun hurrengo zenbakia."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When you click <guibutton>Exp</guibutton>, the calculator displays "
+#~ "<literal>. +</literal> to represent <replaceable>base</replaceable> to "
+#~ "the power of the next number that you enter."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guibutton>Exp</guibutton> botoia sakatzean, <literal>. +</literal> "
+#~ "bistaratzen du kalkulagailuak, berretzailearen (sartuko den hurrengo "
+#~ "zenbakiaren) <replaceable>oinarria</replaceable> adierazteko."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To change the sign of the number, use the <guibutton>+/-</guibutton> "
+#~ "button before the <guibutton>Exp</guibutton> button. How you change the "
+#~ "sign of the exponent (the power to which the number is raised) depends on "
+#~ "whether you are in arithmetic precedence mode or not. In arithmetic "
+#~ "precedence mode, use <guibutton>-</guibutton> after the <guibutton>Exp</"
+#~ "guibutton> button, otherwise use the <guibutton>+/-</guibutton> button "
+#~ "after entering the exponent."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zenbakiaren zeinua aldatzeko, erabili <guibutton>+/-</guibutton> botoia, "
+#~ "<guibutton>Exp</guibutton> botoia sakatu aurretik. Berretzailearen zeinua "
+#~ "aldatzeko era ez da berdina aurrentasun aritmetikoa erabiltzean eta ez "
+#~ "erabiltzean. Aurrentasun aritmetikoaren moduan, erabili <guibutton>-</"
+#~ "guibutton> botoia <guibutton>Exp</guibutton> botoia sakatu ondoren, edo, "
+#~ "bestela, erabili <guibutton>+/-</guibutton> botoia berretzailea sartu "
+#~ "ondoren."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To enter a decimal number in exponential format, in arithmetic precedence "
+#~ "mode, use the guidelines in the following table:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zenbaki hamartar bat formatu esponentzialean idazteko, aurrentasun "
+#~ "aritmetikoaren moduan, erabili taula honetako gidalerroak:"
+#~ msgid "Enter"
+#~ msgstr "Sartu"
+#~ msgid "Number Displayed"
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratutako zenbakia"
+#~ msgid "1200000000"
+#~ msgstr "1200000000"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "12 <guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>8</guibutton><guibutton>=</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "12 <guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>8</guibutton><guibutton>=</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "-1200000000"
+#~ msgstr "-1200000000"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "12 <guibutton>+/-</guibutton><guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>8</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "12 <guibutton>+/-</guibutton><guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>8</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "0.00000012"
+#~ msgstr "0,00000012"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "12 <guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>-</guibutton><guibutton>8</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "12 <guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>-</guibutton><guibutton>8</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "1.2e-7"
+#~ msgstr "1,2e-7"
+#~ msgid "-0.00000012"
+#~ msgstr "-0,00000012"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "12 <guibutton>+/-</guibutton><guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>-</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>8</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "12 <guibutton>+/-</guibutton><guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>-</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>8</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "-1.2e-7"
+#~ msgstr "-1,2e-7"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To enter a decimal number in exponential format, in non-arithmetic "
+#~ "precedence mode, use the guidelines in the following table:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zenbaki hamartar bat formatu esponentzialean idazteko, aurrentasun "
+#~ "aritmetikoaren moduan ez dagoenean, erabili taula honetako gidalerroak:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "12 <guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>8</guibutton><guibutton>+/-</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "12 <guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>8</guibutton><guibutton>+/-</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "12 <guibutton>+/-</guibutton><guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>8</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>+/-</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "12 <guibutton>+/-</guibutton><guibutton>Exp</guibutton><guibutton>8</"
+#~ "guibutton><guibutton>+/-</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "To Use Constant Values"
+#~ msgstr "Balio konstanteak erabiltzea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Click <guibutton>Con</guibutton> to display the list of defined constant "
+#~ "values. All constant values are specified in decimal numeric base, even "
+#~ "if the current numeric base is not decimal."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Egin klik <guibutton>Con</guibutton> botoian, definitutako balio "
+#~ "konstanteen zerrenda bistaratzeko. Balio konstante guztiak oinarri "
+#~ "hamartarrean daude, nahiz eta uneko oinarria ez hamartarra izan."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select a constant from the menu to enter its value in the display area. "
+#~ "If you use the keyboard shortcut <keycap>#</keycap>, you can use the "
+#~ "keyboard to specify the constant, as shown in the following example:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hautatu menuko konstante bat, balio hori bistaratze-arean jartzeko. "
+#~ "<keycap>#</keycap> laster-tekla erabiltzen baduzu, teklatua erabil "
+#~ "dezakezu konstantea zehazteko; ikus adibide hau:"
+#~ msgid "Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Konstantea"
+#~ msgid "#"
+#~ msgstr "#"
+#~ msgid "C3"
+#~ msgstr "C3"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The <application>Calculator</application> application provides ten "
+#~ "default constant values, as described in the following table:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> aplikazioak hamar balio "
+#~ "konstante lehenetsi ditu. Hauek dira:"
+#~ msgid "Value"
+#~ msgstr "Balioa"
+#~ msgid "C0"
+#~ msgstr "C0"
+#~ msgid "0.621"
+#~ msgstr "0,621"
+#~ msgid "Kilometer-to-mile conversion factor"
+#~ msgstr "Kilometroak -> miliak bihurketa-faktorea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Multiply the current value in the display area by this constant, to "
+#~ "convert from kilometers per hour to miles per hour. For example, 8 * "
+#~ "<guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C0</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 5."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrekin biderkatuta, "
+#~ "kilometroak (kilometro orduko) milia (milia orduko) bihurtzen dira. "
+#~ "Adibidez, 8 * <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C0</guilabel><keycap>=</"
+#~ "keycap> 5."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Divide the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert "
+#~ "from miles per hour to kilometers per hour. For example, 5 / "
+#~ "<guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C0</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 8."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrez zatituta, miliak (milia "
+#~ "orduko) kilometro (kilometro orduko) bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 5 / "
+#~ "<guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C0</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 8."
+#~ msgid "C1"
+#~ msgstr "C1"
+#~ msgid "1.414213562"
+#~ msgstr "1,414213562"
+#~ msgid "Square root of 2"
+#~ msgstr "2ren erro karratua"
+#~ msgid "C2"
+#~ msgstr "C2"
+#~ msgid "2.718281828"
+#~ msgstr "2,718281828"
+#~ msgid "3.141592653"
+#~ msgstr "3,141592653"
+#~ msgid "pi"
+#~ msgstr "pi"
+#~ msgid "C4"
+#~ msgstr "C4"
+#~ msgid "0.3937007"
+#~ msgstr "0,3937007"
+#~ msgid "Centimeter-to-inch conversion factor"
+#~ msgstr "Zentimetroak -> hazbeteak bihurketa-faktorea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Multiply the current value in the display area by this constant, to "
+#~ "convert from centimeters to inches. For example, 30 * <guibutton>Con</"
+#~ "guibutton><guilabel>C4</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 12."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrekin biderkatuta "
+#~ "zentimetroak hazbete bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 30 * <guibutton>Con</"
+#~ "guibutton><guilabel>C4</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 12."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Divide the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert "
+#~ "from inches to centimeters. For example, 12 / <guibutton>Con</"
+#~ "guibutton><guilabel>C4</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 30."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrez zatituta hazbeteak "
+#~ "zentimetro bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 12 / <guibutton>Con</"
+#~ "guibutton><guilabel>C4</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 30."
+#~ msgid "C5"
+#~ msgstr "C5"
+#~ msgid "57.295779513"
+#~ msgstr "57,295779513"
+#~ msgid "Degrees in a radian"
+#~ msgstr "Radian -> gradu bihurketa-faktorea"
+#~ msgid "C6"
+#~ msgstr "C6"
+#~ msgid "1048576"
+#~ msgstr "1048576"
+#~ msgid "2 ^ 20"
+#~ msgstr "2 ^ 20"
+#~ msgid "C7"
+#~ msgstr "C7"
+#~ msgid "0.0353"
+#~ msgstr "0,0353"
+#~ msgid "Gram-to-ounce conversion factor"
+#~ msgstr "Gramoak -> ontzak bihurketa-faktorea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Multiply the current value in the display area by this constant, to "
+#~ "convert from grams to ounces. For example, 500 * <guibutton>Con</"
+#~ "guibutton><guilabel>C7</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 18."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrekin biderkatuta gramoak "
+#~ "ontza bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 500 * <guibutton>Con</"
+#~ "guibutton><guilabel>C7</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 18."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Divide the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert "
+#~ "from ounces to grams. For example, 18 / <guibutton>Con</"
+#~ "guibutton><guilabel>C7</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 500."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrez zatituta ontzak gramo "
+#~ "bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 18 / <guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C7</"
+#~ "guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 500."
+#~ msgid "C8"
+#~ msgstr "C8"
+#~ msgid "0.948"
+#~ msgstr "0,948"
+#~ msgid "Kilojoule-to-British-thermal-unit conversion factor"
+#~ msgstr "Kilojoule -> BTU (British Thermal Unit) bihurketa-faktorea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Multiply the current value in the display area by this constant, to "
+#~ "convert from kilojoules to British thermal units. For example, 10 * "
+#~ "<guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C8</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 9.48."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrekin biderkatuta kilojouleak "
+#~ "BTU (British Thermal Unit) bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 10 * <guibutton>Con</"
+#~ "guibutton><guilabel>C8</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 9,48."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Divide the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert "
+#~ "from British thermal units to kilojoules. For example, 9.48 / "
+#~ "<guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C8</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 10."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrez zatituta BTUak (British "
+#~ "Thermal Unit) kilojoule bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 9,48 / <guibutton>Con</"
+#~ "guibutton><guilabel>C8</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 10."
+#~ msgid "C9"
+#~ msgstr "C9"
+#~ msgid "0.061"
+#~ msgstr "0,061"
+#~ msgid "Cubic-centimeter-to-cubic-inch conversion factor"
+#~ msgstr "Zentimetro kubiko -> hazbete kubiko bihurketa-faktorea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Multiply the current value in the display area by this constant, to "
+#~ "convert from cubic centimeters to cubic inches. For example, 100 * "
+#~ "<guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C9</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 6.10."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrekin biderkatuta zentimetro "
+#~ "kubikoak hazbete kubiko bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 100 * <guibutton>Con</"
+#~ "guibutton><guilabel>C9</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 6,10."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Divide the current value in the display area by this constant, to convert "
+#~ "from cubic inches to cubic centimeters. For example, 6.10 / "
+#~ "<guibutton>Con</guibutton><guilabel>C9</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 100."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa konstante horrez zatituta hazbete kubikoak "
+#~ "zentimetro kubiko bihurtzen dira. Adibidez, 6,10 / <guibutton>Con</"
+#~ "guibutton><guilabel>C9</guilabel><keycap>=</keycap> 100."
+#~ msgid "You can overwrite the default constants to store your own constants."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zure konstanteak gorde ditzakezu konstante lehenetsiak gainidatzita."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To store a new constant or edit an existing constant, perform the "
+#~ "following steps:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Beste konstante bat gordetzeko edo lehendik dagoen konstante bat "
+#~ "editatzeko, jarraitu urrats hauei:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Click <guibutton>Con</guibutton>, then select <guilabel>Edit Constants</"
+#~ "guilabel> from the popup menu."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Egin klik <guibutton>Con</guibutton> botoian, eta hautatu menu "
+#~ "gainerakorreko <guilabel>Editatu konstanteak</guilabel>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In the <guilabel>Edit Constants</guilabel> dialog, select the constant "
+#~ "that you want to overwrite or edit."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guilabel>Editatu konstanteak</guilabel> elkarrizketa-koadroan, hautatu "
+#~ "gainidatzi edo editatu nahi duzun konstantea."
+#~ msgid "Click on the Value field, then enter the new value."
+#~ msgstr "Egin klik Balioa eremuan, eta, ondoren, idatzi balio berria."
+#~ msgid "Click on the Description field, then enter the new description."
+#~ msgstr "Egin klik Azalpena eremuan, eta, ondoren, idatzi azalpen berria."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save your changes and close the "
+#~ "<guilabel>Edit Constants</guilabel> dialog."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Egin klik <guibutton>Ados</guibutton> botoian aldaketak gordetzeko, eta "
+#~ "itxi <guilabel>Editatu konstanteak</guilabel> elkarrizketa-koadroa."
+#~ msgid "To Use Functions"
+#~ msgstr "Funtzioak erabiltzea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To show the available functions, click <guibutton>Fun</guibutton>. A "
+#~ "popup menu displays the list of defined functions. Select a function from "
+#~ "the menu to run that function. If the function is not defined, the value "
+#~ "zero is returned."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Funtzio erabilgarriak ikusteko, egin klik <guibutton>Fun</guibutton> "
+#~ "botoian. Menu gainerakor batean bistaratzen da definitutako funtzioen "
+#~ "zerrenda. Hautatu menuko funtzio bat funtzio hori exekutatzeko. Funtzioa "
+#~ "definitua ez badago, zero balioa itzultzen du."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you use the keyboard shortcut <keycap>F</keycap>, you can use the "
+#~ "keyboard to specify the function, as shown in the following example:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<keycap>F</keycap> laster-tekla erabiltzen baduzu, teklatua erabil "
+#~ "dezakezu funtzioa zehazteko; ikus adibide hau:"
+#~ msgid "F"
+#~ msgstr "F"
+#~ msgid "F3"
+#~ msgstr "F3"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The <application>Calculator</application> application does not provide "
+#~ "any default functions. You can store up to ten functions."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> aplikazioak ez du funtzio "
+#~ "lehenetsirik. Hamar funtzio gorde ditzakezu gehienez."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To store a new function or edit an existing function, perform the "
+#~ "following steps:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Funtzio bat gordetzeko edo lehendik dagoen funtzio bat editatzeko, "
+#~ "jarraitu urrats hauei:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Click <guibutton>Fun</guibutton>, then select <guilabel>Edit Functions</"
+#~ "guilabel> from the popup menu."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Egin klik <guibutton>Fun</guibutton> botoian, eta hautatu menu "
+#~ "gainerakorreko <guilabel>Editatu funtzioak</guilabel>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In the <guilabel>Edit Functions</guilabel> dialog, select a blank entry, "
+#~ "or the function that you want to overwrite."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<guilabel>Editatu funtzioak</guilabel> elkarrizketa-koadroan, hautatu "
+#~ "sarrera huts bat edo gainidatzi nahi duzun funtzioa."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Click on the Value field, then enter the new value. Use the keyboard "
+#~ "shortcuts to invoke a <application>Calculator</application> button. For "
+#~ "example, enter <literal>90K</literal> to calculate sine(90)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Egin klik Balioa eremuan, eta, ondoren, idatzi balio berria. "
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren botoiak sakatu beharrean, "
+#~ "erabili laster-teklak. Adibidez, idatzi <literal>90K</literal> sin(90) "
+#~ "kalkulatzeko."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Click on the Description field, then enter the new description. For "
+#~ "example, <literal>Sine 90</literal>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Egin klik Azalpena eremuan, eta, ondoren, idatzi azalpen berria. "
+#~ "Adibidez, <literal>Sin(90)</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save your changes and close the "
+#~ "<guilabel>Edit Functions</guilabel> dialog."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Egin klik <guibutton>Ados</guibutton> botoian aldaketak gordetzeko, eta "
+#~ "itxi <guilabel>Editatu funtzioak</guilabel> elkarrizketa-koadroa."
+#~ msgid "To Manipulate Binary Numbers"
+#~ msgstr "Zenbaki bitarrekin lan egitea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To manipulate binary numbers, use the buttons described in <xref linkend="
+#~ "\"gcalctool-TBL-num-manip\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zenbaki bitarrekin lan egiteko, erabili <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-num-"
+#~ "manip\"/>(e)n deskribatutako botoiak."
+#~ msgid "Manipulating Binary Numbers"
+#~ msgstr "Zenbaki bitarrekin lan egitea"
+#~ msgid "Left Shift <replaceable>n</replaceable>"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>n</replaceable> posizio ezkerrera desplazatzea"
+#~ msgid "&lt;"
+#~ msgstr "&lt;"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Shifts the current unsigned 32-bit binary value in the display area, the "
+#~ "specified number of places to the left. Click <guibutton>&lt;</"
+#~ "guibutton>, then select the number of shift places from the popup menu. "
+#~ "The number can be shifted up to 15 places left."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko 32 biteko balio bitar zeinurik gabea ezkerrera "
+#~ "desplazatzen du zehaztutako posizio kopurua. Egin klik <guibutton>&lt;</"
+#~ "guibutton> botoian, eta, ondoren, hautatu desplazatzeko posizio kopurua "
+#~ "leiho gainerakorrean. Ezkerrera 15 posizio desplaza daiteke zenbakia, "
+#~ "gehienez."
+#~ msgid "111 <guibutton>&lt;</guibutton><guilabel>1 place</guilabel>"
+#~ msgstr "111 <guibutton>&lt;</guibutton><guilabel>digitu 1</guilabel>"
+#~ msgid "1110"
+#~ msgstr "1110"
+#~ msgid "Right Shift <replaceable>n</replaceable>"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>n</replaceable> posizio eskuinera desplazatzea"
+#~ msgid "&gt;"
+#~ msgstr "&gt;"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Shifts the current unsigned 32-bit binary value in the display area, the "
+#~ "specified number of places to the right. Click <guibutton>&gt;</"
+#~ "guibutton>, then select the number of shift places from the popup menu. "
+#~ "The number can be shifted up to 15 places right."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko 32 biteko balio bitar zeinurik gabea eskuinera "
+#~ "desplazatzen du zehaztutako posizio kopurua. Egin klik <guibutton>&gt;</"
+#~ "guibutton> botoian, eta, ondoren, hautatu desplazatzeko posizio kopurua "
+#~ "leiho gainerakorrean. Eskuinera 15 posizio desplaza daiteke zenbakia, "
+#~ "gehienez."
+#~ msgid "1011 <guibutton>&gt;</guibutton><guilabel>1 place</guilabel>"
+#~ msgstr "1011 <guibutton>&gt;</guibutton><guilabel>digitu 1</guilabel>"
+#~ msgid "101"
+#~ msgstr "101"
+#~ msgid "Get a 16-Bit Unsigned Integer"
+#~ msgstr "16 biteko zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki bihurtzea"
+#~ msgid "&amp;16"
+#~ msgstr "&amp;16"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Truncates the current value in the display area and returns a 16-bit "
+#~ "unsigned integer."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa 16 biteko zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki "
+#~ "bihurtzen du."
+#~ msgid "FFFFF <guibutton>&amp;16</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "FFFFF <guibutton>&amp;16</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "FFFF"
+#~ msgstr "FFFF"
+#~ msgid "Get a 32-Bit Unsigned Integer"
+#~ msgstr "32 biteko zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki bihurtzea"
+#~ msgid "&amp;32"
+#~ msgstr "&amp;32"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Truncates the current value in the display area and returns a 32-bit "
+#~ "unsigned integer."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa 32 biteko zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki "
+#~ "bihurtzen du."
+#~ msgid "FFFFFFFFFF <guibutton>&amp;32</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "FFFFFFFFFF <guibutton>&amp;32</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "FFFFFFFF"
+#~ msgstr "FFFFFFFF"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you use keyboard shortcuts, you can use the keyboard to specify the "
+#~ "number of places to shift, as shown in the following examples:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Laster-teklak erabiltzen badituzu, teklatua erabil dezakezu desplazatzeko "
+#~ "posizio kopurua zehazteko. Hemen dituzu adibide batzuk:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Shifts the current binary value in the display area 4 places to the left."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balio bitarra 4 posizio desplazatzen du ezkerrera."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Shifts the current binary value in the display area 4 places to the right."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balio bitarra 4 posizio desplazatzen du eskuinera."
+#~ msgid "To Perform Miscellaneous Scientific Calculations"
+#~ msgstr "Beste zenbait kalkulu zientifiko egitea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To perform miscellaneous scientific calculations, use the buttons "
+#~ "described in <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-misc-calc\"/>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Beste zenbait kalkulu zientifiko egiteko, erabili <xref linkend="
+#~ "\"gcalctool-TBL-misc-calc\"/>(e)n deskribatutako botoiak."
+#~ msgid "Performing Miscellaneous Scientific Calculations"
+#~ msgstr "Beste zenbait kalkulu zientifiko egitea"
+#~ msgid "e to the <replaceable>x</replaceable> power"
+#~ msgstr "e ber <replaceable>x</replaceable>"
+#~ msgid "e<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
+#~ msgstr "e<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Calculates the value of <literal>e</literal> raised to the power of the "
+#~ "current value in the display area."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<literal>e</literal> ber bistaratze-areako uneko balioa kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "2 e<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
+#~ msgstr "2 e<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
+#~ msgid "7.39"
+#~ msgstr "7,39"
+#~ msgid "10 to the <replaceable>x</replaceable> power"
+#~ msgstr "10 ber <replaceable>x</replaceable>"
+#~ msgid "10<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
+#~ msgstr "10<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Calculates the value of 10 raised to the power of the current value in "
+#~ "the display area."
+#~ msgstr "10 ber bistaratze-areako uneko balioa kalkulatzen du."
+#~ msgid "2 10<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
+#~ msgstr "2 10<superscript><replaceable>x</replaceable></superscript>"
+#~ msgid "100"
+#~ msgstr "100"
+#~ msgid "x to the <replaceable>y</replaceable> power"
+#~ msgstr "x ber <replaceable>y</replaceable>"
+#~ msgid "y"
+#~ msgstr "y"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Raises the current value in the display area to the power of the next "
+#~ "value that you enter."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa ber sartzen duzun hurrengo balioa egiten "
+#~ "du."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "2 <replaceable>x</replaceable><superscript><replaceable>y</replaceable></"
+#~ "superscript><guibutton>4</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "2 <replaceable>x</replaceable><superscript><replaceable>y</replaceable></"
+#~ "superscript><guibutton>4</guibutton><guibutton>=</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "<replaceable>x</replaceable> Factorial"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>x</replaceable> faktoriala"
+#~ msgid "<placeholder-1/>!"
+#~ msgstr "<placeholder-1/>!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Calculates the factorial of the current value in the display area. "
+#~ "<replaceable>x</replaceable> factorial is <replaceable>x</"
+#~ "replaceable>*(<replaceable>x</replaceable>-1)*(<replaceable>x</"
+#~ "replaceable>-2)...*1. This function applies only to positive integers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioaren faktoriala kalkulatzen du. "
+#~ "<replaceable>x</replaceable> faktoriala hau da: <replaceable>x</"
+#~ "replaceable>*(<replaceable>x</replaceable>-1)*(<replaceable>x</"
+#~ "replaceable>-2)...*1. Osoko zenbaki positiboei soilik aplikatzen zaie "
+#~ "funtzio hori."
+#~ msgid "4 <guibutton><replaceable>x</replaceable>!</guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr "4 <guibutton><replaceable>x</replaceable>!</guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "24"
+#~ msgstr "24"
+#~ msgid "Mod"
+#~ msgstr "Mod"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Divides the current integer value in the display area by the next integer "
+#~ "number that you enter, displaying the remainder."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sartzen duzun hurrengo osoko zenbakiaz zatitzen du bistaratze-areako "
+#~ "uneko osoko balioa, eta hondarra bistaratzen du."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "15 <guibutton>Mod</guibutton><guibutton>4</guibutton><guibutton>=</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "15 <guibutton>Mod</guibutton><guibutton>4</guibutton><guibutton>=</"
+#~ "guibutton>"
+#~ msgid "Random Number Generator"
+#~ msgstr "Ausazko zenbakien sortzailea"
+#~ msgid "Rand"
+#~ msgstr "Rand"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Generates a random number in the range 0.0 to 1.0 then displays the "
+#~ "random number in the display area."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "0,0tik 1,0ra bitarteko ausazko zenbaki bat sortzen du, eta bistaratze-"
+#~ "arean bistaratzen du ausazko zenbaki hori."
+#~ msgid "0.14"
+#~ msgstr "0,14"
+#~ msgid "Hexadecimal Numerals"
+#~ msgstr "Zifra hamaseitarrak"
+#~ msgid "<guibutton>A</guibutton> to <guibutton>F</guibutton> inclusive"
+#~ msgstr "<guibutton>A</guibutton>tik <guibutton>F</guibutton>ra biak barne"
+#~ msgid "These numerals are available in hexadecimal base only."
+#~ msgstr "Zifra horiek erabilgarri daude soilik oinarri hamaseitarrean."
+#~ msgid "B"
+#~ msgstr "B"
+#~ msgid "To Quit"
+#~ msgstr "Irtetea"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To quit <application>Calculator</application>, choose "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu>Calculator</guimenu><guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem></"
+#~ "menuchoice>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> aplikaziotik irteteko, aukeratu "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu>Kalkulagailua</guimenu><guimenuitem>Irten</"
+#~ "guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When you quit <application>Calculator</application>, the current values "
+#~ "of the following settings are stored and automatically applied the next "
+#~ "time you start <application>Calculator</application>:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application> aplikaziotik irtetean, ezarpen "
+#~ "hauen balioak gorde egiten dira eta automatikoki aplikatzen dira "
+#~ "hurrengoan <application>Kalkulagailua</application> abiaraztean:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Mode: <link linkend=\"gcalctool-basic-mode\">Basic</link>, <link linkend="
+#~ "\"gcalctool-advanced-mode\">Advanced</link>, <link linkend=\"gcalctool-"
+#~ "financial-mode\">Financial</link>, or <link linkend=\"gcalctool-"
+#~ "scientific-mode\">Scientific</link>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Modua: <link linkend=\"gcalctool-basic-mode\">Oinarrizkoa</link>, <link "
+#~ "linkend=\"gcalctool-advanced-mode\">Aurreratua</link>, <link linkend="
+#~ "\"gcalctool-financial-mode\">Finantzarioa</link>, edo <link linkend="
+#~ "\"gcalctool-scientific-mode\">Zientifikoa</link>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<link linkend=\"gcalctool-mem-reg\">Memory Registers window</link> "
+#~ "displayed or not displayed, plus the contents of each memory register"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<link linkend=\"gcalctool-mem-reg\">Memoria-erregistroen leihoa</link> "
+#~ "bistaratua ala bistaratu gabea, eta memoria-erregistro guztien edukia"
+#~ msgid "Numeric base"
+#~ msgstr "Oinarria"
+#~ msgid "Display type"
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-mota"
+#~ msgid "Show Trailing Zeroes"
+#~ msgstr "Zero guztiak erakustea"
+#~ msgid "Show Thousands Separator"
+#~ msgstr "Milakoen bereizlea erakustea"
+#~ msgid "Technical Information"
+#~ msgstr "Informazio teknikoa"
+#~ msgid "Order of Operations"
+#~ msgstr "Eragiketen ordena"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "By default, calculations are performed using arithmetic precedence. That "
+#~ "is, the precedence of the arithmetic operators is taken into "
+#~ "consideration and the result is only calculated when you click "
+#~ "<guibutton>Return</guibutton>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Lehenespenez, aurrentasun aritmetikoa erabiliz egiten dira eragiketak. "
+#~ "Alegia, aurrentasun aritmetikoaren eragileak kontuan hartzen dira, eta "
+#~ "<guibutton>Sartu</guibutton> sakatu ondoren kalkulatzen da emaitza."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In the following example, the result of the calculation is 22 because the "
+#~ "multiplication operator, <literal>*</literal>, has precedence over the "
+#~ "addition operator, <literal>+</literal>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Adibide honetan kalkuluaren emaitza 22 da, biderketak (<literal>*</"
+#~ "literal>) aurrentasuna duelako batuketarekiko (<literal>+</literal>)."
+#~ msgid "4 + 3 * 6 = 22"
+#~ msgstr "4 + 3 * 6 = 22"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you do not wish to apply arithmetic precedence to your calculations, "
+#~ "choose <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Use Arithmetic "
+#~ "Precedence</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and ensure that this option is "
+#~ "deselected."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kalkuluak aurrentasun aritmetikorik gabe egiteko, aukeratu "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu>Ikusi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Erabili aurrentasun "
+#~ "matematikoa</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, eta egiaztatu aukera hori "
+#~ "desautatua dagoela."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you choose not to apply arithmetic precedence, then the result the "
+#~ "calculation in the example is 42 because the calculation is performed "
+#~ "from left to right."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Aurrentasun matematikoa ez erabiltzea aukeratzen baduzu, aurreko "
+#~ "adibideko eragiketaren emaitza 42 da, kalkuluak ezkerretik eskuinera "
+#~ "egiten direlako."
+#~ msgid "Error Conditions"
+#~ msgstr "Errore-baldintzak"
+#~ msgid "Displays the word <literal>Error</literal> in the display area."
+#~ msgstr "<literal>Errorea</literal> hitza bistaratzen du bistaratze-arean."
+#~ msgid "Displays an error message in the status bar."
+#~ msgstr "Errore-mezua bistaratzen du egoera-barran."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Makes all calculator buttons unavailable, except <guibutton>Clr</"
+#~ "guibutton>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kalkulu-botoi guztiak ez-erabilgarri bihurtzen ditu, <guibutton>Clr</"
+#~ "guibutton> izan ezik."
+#~ msgid "Makes all calculator options unavailable."
+#~ msgstr "Kalkulagailuaren aukera guztiak ez-erabilgarri bihurtzen ditu."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Makes all calculator menu items unavailable, except "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu>Calculator</guimenu><guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem></"
+#~ "menuchoice> and <menuchoice><guimenu>Help</guimenu><guimenuitem>Contents</"
+#~ "guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kalkulagailuaren menu-elementu guztiak ez-erabilgarri bihurtzen ditu "
+#~ "hauek izan ezik: <menuchoice><guimenu>Kalkulagailua</"
+#~ "guimenu><guimenuitem>Irten</guimenuitem></menuchoice> eta "
+#~ "<menuchoice><guimenu>Laguntza</guimenu><guimenuitem>Edukia</guimenuitem></"
+#~ "menuchoice>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you perform an invalid calculation, <application>Calculator</"
+#~ "application> indicates the error condition as follows: <placeholder-1/>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Eragiketa baliogabe bat egiten baduzu, honela adierazten du errore-"
+#~ "baldintza <application>Kalkulagailua</application>k: <placeholder-1/>"
+#~ msgid "Quick Reference: Keyboard Shortcuts"
+#~ msgstr "Erreferentzia bizkorra: laster-teklak"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-keyboard-shortcut-button\"/>, <xref linkend="
+#~ "\"gcalctool-TBL-keyboard-shortcut-sci-options\"/>, and <xref linkend="
+#~ "\"gcalctool-TBL-keyboard-shortcut-menu\"/> provide a quick reference for "
+#~ "all of the <application>Calculator</application> keyboard shortcuts."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren laster-tekla guztiei buruzko "
+#~ "erreferentzia bizkorra dago hemen: <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-keyboard-"
+#~ "shortcut-button\"/>, <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-keyboard-shortcut-sci-"
+#~ "options\"/>, eta <xref linkend=\"gcalctool-TBL-keyboard-shortcut-menu\"/>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When the user uses the keyboard shortcut for any of the calculator "
+#~ "buttons that have a menu associated with them, that menu is displayed. "
+#~ "The user can then use the arrow keys to select a menu item or the menu "
+#~ "items shortcut."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Menu bat irekiarazten duen botoi bati dagokion laster-tekla erabiltzean, "
+#~ "menu hori bistaratu egiten da. Menu-elementua hautatzeko, geziak edo menu-"
+#~ "elementuaren lastet-teklak erabil ditzake erabiltzaileak."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Quick Reference for Keyboard Shortcuts of <application>Calculator</"
+#~ "application> Buttons"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren botoien laster-teklen "
+#~ "erreferentzia bizkorra."
+#~ msgid "Keyboard Shortcut"
+#~ msgstr "Laster-tekla"
+#~ msgid "See"
+#~ msgstr "Ikus"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2190(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2191(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2657(keycap)
-msgid "C"
-msgstr "C"
+#~ msgid "<keycap>0</keycap> to <keycap>9</keycap> inclusive"
+#~ msgstr "<keycap>0</keycap>tik <keycap>9</keycap>ra, biak barne"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2196(keycap)
-msgid "c"
-msgstr "c"
+#~ msgid "A"
+#~ msgstr "A"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2202(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2203(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2568(keycap)
-msgid "D"
-msgstr "D"
+#~ msgid "Hexadecimal numerals"
+#~ msgstr "Zifra hamaseitarrak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2208(keycap)
-msgid "d"
-msgstr "d"
+#~ msgid "a"
+#~ msgstr "a"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2210(para)
-msgid "Double-declining depreciation"
-msgstr "Faktore bikoitzeko amortizazio beherakorra"
+#~ msgid "Acc"
+#~ msgstr "Acc"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2214(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2215(guibutton)
-msgid "E"
-msgstr "E"
+#~ msgid "C"
+#~ msgstr "C"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2221(guibutton)
-msgid "Exp"
-msgstr "Exp"
+#~ msgid "c"
+#~ msgstr "c"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2222(para)
-msgid "Exponential"
-msgstr "Esponentziala"
+#~ msgid "D"
+#~ msgstr "D"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2232(keycap)
-msgid "f"
-msgstr "f"
+#~ msgid "d"
+#~ msgstr "d"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2233(guibutton)
-msgid "Fun"
-msgstr "Fun"
+#~ msgid "Double-declining depreciation"
+#~ msgstr "Faktore bikoitzeko amortizazio beherakorra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2238(keycap)
-msgid "G"
-msgstr "G"
+#~ msgid "E"
+#~ msgstr "E"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2240(para)
-msgid "Common logarithm"
-msgstr "Logaritmo hamartarra"
+#~ msgid "Exp"
+#~ msgstr "Exp"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2244(keycap)
-msgid "i"
-msgstr "i"
+#~ msgid "Exponential"
+#~ msgstr "Esponentziala"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2246(para)
-msgid "Integer portion"
-msgstr "Osoko zatia"
+#~ msgid "f"
+#~ msgstr "f"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2250(keycap)
-msgid "J"
-msgstr "J"
+#~ msgid "Fun"
+#~ msgstr "Fun"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2251(guibutton)
-msgid "Cos"
-msgstr "Cos"
+#~ msgid "G"
+#~ msgstr "G"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2252(para)
-msgid "Cosine"
-msgstr "Kosinua"
+#~ msgid "Common logarithm"
+#~ msgstr "Logaritmo hamartarra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2256(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2675(keycap)
-msgid "K"
-msgstr "K"
+#~ msgid "i"
+#~ msgstr "i"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2257(guibutton)
-msgid "Sin"
-msgstr "Sin"
+#~ msgid "Integer portion"
+#~ msgstr "Osoko zatia"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2258(para)
-msgid "Sine"
-msgstr "Sinua"
+#~ msgid "J"
+#~ msgstr "J"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2262(keycap)
-msgid "L"
-msgstr "L"
+#~ msgid "Cos"
+#~ msgstr "Cos"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2263(guibutton) C/gcalctool.xml:2264(para)
-msgid "Tan"
-msgstr "Tan"
+#~ msgid "Cosine"
+#~ msgstr "Kosinua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2268(keycap)
-msgid "l"
-msgstr "l"
+#~ msgid "K"
+#~ msgstr "K"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2270(para)
-msgid "Straight-line depreciation"
-msgstr "Amortizazio lineala"
+#~ msgid "Sin"
+#~ msgstr "Sin"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2274(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2682(keycap)
-msgid "M"
-msgstr "M"
+#~ msgid "Sine"
+#~ msgstr "Sinua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2280(keycap)
-msgid "m"
-msgstr "m"
+#~ msgid "L"
+#~ msgstr "L"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2282(para)
-msgid "Compounding term"
-msgstr "Interes konposatuko epea"
+#~ msgid "Tan"
+#~ msgstr "Tan"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2286(keycap)
-msgid "N"
-msgstr "N"
+#~ msgid "l"
+#~ msgstr "l"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2288(para)
-msgid "Natural logarithm"
-msgstr "Logaritmo nepertarra"
+#~ msgid "Straight-line depreciation"
+#~ msgstr "Amortizazio lineala"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2292(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2592(keycap)
-msgid "n"
-msgstr "n"
+#~ msgid "M"
+#~ msgstr "M"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2298(keycap)
-msgid "P"
-msgstr "P"
+#~ msgid "Compounding term"
+#~ msgstr "Interes konposatuko epea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2300(para)
-msgid "Periodic payment"
-msgstr "Ordainketa periodikoa"
+#~ msgid "N"
+#~ msgstr "N"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2304(keycap)
-msgid "p"
-msgstr "p"
+#~ msgid "Natural logarithm"
+#~ msgstr "Logaritmo nepertarra"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2306(para)
-msgid "Present value"
-msgstr "Uneko balioa"
+#~ msgid "n"
+#~ msgstr "n"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2312(para)
-msgid "Retrieve value from memory register"
-msgstr "Eskuratu memoria-erregistroko balio bat"
+#~ msgid "P"
+#~ msgstr "P"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2316(keycap)
-msgid "r"
-msgstr "r"
+#~ msgid "Periodic payment"
+#~ msgstr "Ordainketa periodikoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2324(para)
-msgid "Store value in memory register"
-msgstr "Gorde balioa memoria-erregistroan"
+#~ msgid "p"
+#~ msgstr "p"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2328(keycap)
-msgid "s"
-msgstr "s"
+#~ msgid "Present value"
+#~ msgstr "Uneko balioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2330(para)
-msgid "Square root"
-msgstr "Erro karratua"
+#~ msgid "Retrieve value from memory register"
+#~ msgstr "Eskuratu memoria-erregistroko balio bat"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2334(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2700(keycap)
-msgid "T"
-msgstr "T"
+#~ msgid "r"
+#~ msgstr "r"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2336(para)
-msgid "Periodic interest rate"
-msgstr "Aldiaren interes-tasa"
+#~ msgid "Store value in memory register"
+#~ msgstr "Gorde balioa memoria-erregistroan"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2340(keycap)
-msgid "t"
-msgstr "t"
+#~ msgid "s"
+#~ msgstr "s"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2342(para)
-msgid "Payment period"
-msgstr "Ordainketa-aldia"
+#~ msgid "Square root"
+#~ msgstr "Erro karratua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2346(keycap)
-msgid "u"
-msgstr "u"
+#~ msgid "T"
+#~ msgstr "T"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2348(para)
-msgid "Absolute value"
-msgstr "Balio absolutua"
+#~ msgid "Periodic interest rate"
+#~ msgstr "Aldiaren interes-tasa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2352(keycap)
-msgid "v"
-msgstr "v"
+#~ msgid "t"
+#~ msgstr "t"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2354(para)
-msgid "Future value"
-msgstr "Etorkizuneko balioa"
+#~ msgid "Payment period"
+#~ msgstr "Ordainketa-aldia"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2360(para)
-msgid "Exchange memory register value and displayed value"
-msgstr "Trukatu memoria-erregistroko balioa eta bistaratutako balioa"
+#~ msgid "u"
+#~ msgstr "u"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2364(keycap)
-msgid "Y"
-msgstr "Y"
+#~ msgid "Absolute value"
+#~ msgstr "Balio absolutua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2366(para)
-msgid "Sum-of-the-years'-digits depreciation"
-msgstr "Urteen zenbaki-ordenarekiko alderantziz proportzionala den amortizazioa"
+#~ msgid "v"
+#~ msgstr "v"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2370(keycap)
-msgid "^"
-msgstr "^"
+#~ msgid "Future value"
+#~ msgstr "Etorkizuneko balioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2376(keycap)
-msgid "!"
-msgstr "!"
+#~ msgid "Exchange memory register value and displayed value"
+#~ msgstr "Trukatu memoria-erregistroko balioa eta bistaratutako balioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2378(para)
-msgid "<replaceable>x</replaceable> factorial"
-msgstr "<replaceable>x</replaceable> faktoriala"
+#~ msgid "Y"
+#~ msgstr "Y"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2383(guibutton)
-msgid "Con"
-msgstr "Con"
+#~ msgid "Sum-of-the-years'-digits depreciation"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Urteen zenbaki-ordenarekiko alderantziz proportzionala den amortizazioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2384(para)
-msgid "Constant value"
-msgstr "Balio konstantea"
+#~ msgid "!"
+#~ msgstr "!"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2394(keycap)
-msgid "&amp;"
-msgstr "&amp;"
+#~ msgid "<replaceable>x</replaceable> factorial"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>x</replaceable> faktoriala"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2400(para)
-msgid "<keycap>(</keycap> and <keycap>)</keycap>"
-msgstr "<keycap>(</keycap> eta <keycap>)</keycap>"
+#~ msgid "Con"
+#~ msgstr "Con"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2436(keycap)
-msgid ":"
-msgstr ":"
+#~ msgid "Constant value"
+#~ msgstr "Balio konstantea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2438(para)
-msgid "Fractional portion"
-msgstr "Ez-osoko zatia"
+#~ msgid "&amp;"
+#~ msgstr "&amp;"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2444(para)
-msgid "Left shift <replaceable>n</replaceable>"
-msgstr "<replaceable>n</replaceable> posizio ezkerrera desplazatzea"
+#~ msgid "<keycap>(</keycap> and <keycap>)</keycap>"
+#~ msgstr "<keycap>(</keycap> eta <keycap>)</keycap>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2448(para)
-msgid "<keycap>=</keycap> or <keycap>Return</keycap>"
-msgstr "<keycap>=</keycap> edo <keycap>Sartu</keycap>"
+#~ msgid ":"
+#~ msgstr ":"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2456(para)
-msgid "Right shift <replaceable>n</replaceable>"
-msgstr "<replaceable>n</replaceable> posizio eskuinera desplazatzea"
+#~ msgid "Fractional portion"
+#~ msgstr "Ez-osoko zatia"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2460(keycap)
-msgid "?"
-msgstr "?"
+#~ msgid "Left shift <replaceable>n</replaceable>"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>n</replaceable> posizio ezkerrera desplazatzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2462(para)
-msgid "Random number generator"
-msgstr "Ausazko zenbakien sortzailea"
+#~ msgid "<keycap>=</keycap> or <keycap>Return</keycap>"
+#~ msgstr "<keycap>=</keycap> edo <keycap>Sartu</keycap>"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2466(keycap)
-msgid "@"
-msgstr "@"
+#~ msgid "Right shift <replaceable>n</replaceable>"
+#~ msgstr "<replaceable>n</replaceable> posizio eskuinera desplazatzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2472(keycap)
-msgid "["
-msgstr "["
+#~ msgid "?"
+#~ msgstr "?"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2474(para)
-msgid "Get a 32-bit unsigned integer"
-msgstr "32 biteko zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki bihurtzea"
+#~ msgid "Random number generator"
+#~ msgstr "Ausazko zenbakien sortzailea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2478(keycap)
-msgid "]"
-msgstr "]"
+#~ msgid "@"
+#~ msgstr "@"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2480(para)
-msgid "Get a 16-bit unsigned integer"
-msgstr "16 biteko zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki bihurtzea"
+#~ msgid "["
+#~ msgstr "["
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2490(keycap)
-msgid "{"
-msgstr "{"
+#~ msgid "Get a 32-bit unsigned integer"
+#~ msgstr "32 biteko zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki bihurtzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2496(keycap)
-msgid "|"
-msgstr "|"
+#~ msgid "]"
+#~ msgstr "]"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2502(keycap)
-msgid "}"
-msgstr "}"
+#~ msgid "Get a 16-bit unsigned integer"
+#~ msgstr "16 biteko zeinurik gabeko osoko zenbaki bihurtzea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2508(keycap)
-msgid "~"
-msgstr "~"
+#~ msgid "{"
+#~ msgstr "{"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2520(para)
-msgid "<keycap>Esc</keycap> or"
-msgstr "<keycap>Ihes</keycap> edo"
+#~ msgid "|"
+#~ msgstr "|"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2521(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2651(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2657(keycap) 
C/gcalctool.xml:2663(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2669(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2675(keycap) 
C/gcalctool.xml:2682(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2688(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2694(keycap) 
C/gcalctool.xml:2700(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2706(keycap)
-msgid "Ctrl"
-msgstr "Ktrl"
+#~ msgid "}"
+#~ msgstr "}"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2523(para)
-msgid "Clear entry"
-msgstr "Garbitu sarrera"
+#~ msgid "~"
+#~ msgstr "~"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2527(keycap)
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Ezabatu"
+#~ msgid "Ctrl"
+#~ msgstr "Ktrl"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2536(title)
-msgid "Quick Reference for Keyboard Shortcuts of <application>Calculator</application> Scientific Mode 
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren modu zientifikoaren botoien laster-teklen erreferentzia 
+#~ msgid "Clear entry"
+#~ msgstr "Garbitu sarrera"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2547(para)
-msgid "Option"
-msgstr "Aukera"
+#~ msgid "Delete"
+#~ msgstr "Ezabatu"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2556(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2562(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2568(keycap) 
C/gcalctool.xml:2574(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2580(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2586(keycap) 
C/gcalctool.xml:2592(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2598(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2604(keycap) 
C/gcalctool.xml:2610(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2616(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2622(keycap)
-msgid "Alt"
-msgstr "Alt"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Quick Reference for Keyboard Shortcuts of <application>Calculator</"
+#~ "application> Scientific Mode Options"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren modu zientifikoaren botoien "
+#~ "laster-teklen erreferentzia bizkorra."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2558(para)
-msgid "Set the trigonometric type to gradians."
-msgstr "Ezarri trigonometria mota gradu ehundarretan."
+#~ msgid "Option"
+#~ msgstr "Aukera"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2564(para)
-msgid "Set the numeric base to binary."
-msgstr "Ezarri oinarri bitarra."
+#~ msgid "Alt"
+#~ msgstr "Alt"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2570(para)
-msgid "Set the numeric base to decimal."
-msgstr "Ezarri oinarri hamartarra."
+#~ msgid "Set the trigonometric type to gradians."
+#~ msgstr "Ezarri trigonometria mota gradu ehundarretan."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2576(para)
-msgid "Set the display type to fixed-point format."
-msgstr "Ezarri koma finkoko formatuaren bistaratze modua."
+#~ msgid "Set the numeric base to binary."
+#~ msgstr "Ezarri oinarri bitarra."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2580(keycap)
-msgid "g"
-msgstr "g"
+#~ msgid "Set the numeric base to decimal."
+#~ msgstr "Ezarri oinarri hamartarra."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2582(para)
-msgid "Set the trigonometric type to degrees."
-msgstr "Ezarri trigonometria mota gradutan."
+#~ msgid "Set the display type to fixed-point format."
+#~ msgstr "Ezarri koma finkoko formatuaren bistaratze modua."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2586(keycap) C/gcalctool.xml:2669(keycap)
-msgid "I"
-msgstr "I"
+#~ msgid "g"
+#~ msgstr "g"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2588(para)
-msgid "Select the inverse option for use with the trigonometric functions."
-msgstr "Hautatu alderantzizkoa, funtzio trigonometrikoekin erabiltzeko."
+#~ msgid "Set the trigonometric type to degrees."
+#~ msgstr "Ezarri trigonometria mota gradutan."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2594(para)
-msgid "Set the display type to engineering format."
-msgstr "Ezarri ingeniaritzako formatuaren bistaratze modua."
+#~ msgid "I"
+#~ msgstr "I"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2598(keycap)
-msgid "O"
-msgstr "O"
+#~ msgid "Select the inverse option for use with the trigonometric functions."
+#~ msgstr "Hautatu alderantzizkoa, funtzio trigonometrikoekin erabiltzeko."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2600(para)
-msgid "Set the numeric base to octal."
-msgstr "Ezarri oinarri zortzitarra."
+#~ msgid "Set the display type to engineering format."
+#~ msgstr "Ezarri ingeniaritzako formatuaren bistaratze modua."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2606(para)
-msgid "Set the trigonometric type to radians."
-msgstr "Ezarri trigonometria mota radianetan."
+#~ msgid "O"
+#~ msgstr "O"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2612(para)
-msgid "Set the display type to scientific format."
-msgstr "Ezarri formatu zientifikoaren bistaratze modua."
+#~ msgid "Set the numeric base to octal."
+#~ msgstr "Ezarri oinarri zortzitarra."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2618(para)
-msgid "Set the numeric base to hexadecimal."
-msgstr "Ezarri oinarri hamaseitarra."
+#~ msgid "Set the trigonometric type to radians."
+#~ msgstr "Ezarri trigonometria mota radianetan."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2624(para)
-msgid "Select the hyperbolic option for use with the trigonometric functions."
-msgstr "Hautatu aukera hiperbolikoa, funtzio trigonometrikoekin erabiltzeko."
+#~ msgid "Set the display type to scientific format."
+#~ msgstr "Ezarri formatu zientifikoaren bistaratze modua."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2631(title)
-msgid "Quick Reference for Keyboard Shortcuts of <application>Calculator</application> Menu Items"
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren menu-elementuen laster-teklen erreferentzia bizkorra."
+#~ msgid "Set the numeric base to hexadecimal."
+#~ msgstr "Ezarri oinarri hamaseitarra."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2642(para)
-msgid "Menu Item"
-msgstr "Menu-elementua"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select the hyperbolic option for use with the trigonometric functions."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hautatu aukera hiperbolikoa, funtzio trigonometrikoekin erabiltzeko."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2652(guimenu) C/gcalctool.xml:2664(guimenu) C/gcalctool.xml:2676(guimenu) 
C/gcalctool.xml:2683(guimenu) C/gcalctool.xml:2695(guimenu) C/gcalctool.xml:2701(guimenu)
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "Ikusi"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Quick Reference for Keyboard Shortcuts of <application>Calculator</"
+#~ "application> Menu Items"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren menu-elementuen laster-teklen "
+#~ "erreferentzia bizkorra."
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2653(para)
-msgid "Change to Basic mode"
-msgstr "Aktibatu oinarrizko modua"
+#~ msgid "Menu Item"
+#~ msgstr "Menu-elementua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2658(guimenu) C/gcalctool.xml:2670(guimenu) C/gcalctool.xml:2707(guimenu)
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Editatu"
+#~ msgid "View"
+#~ msgstr "Ikusi"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2658(guimenuitem)
-msgid "Copy"
-msgstr "Kopiatu"
+#~ msgid "Change to Basic mode"
+#~ msgstr "Aktibatu oinarrizko modua"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2659(para)
-msgid "Copy the current value in the display area to the clipboard"
-msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa arbelean kopiatzen du"
+#~ msgid "Edit"
+#~ msgstr "Editatu"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2665(para)
-msgid "Change to Financial mode"
-msgstr "Aktibatu modu finantzarioa"
+#~ msgid "Copy"
+#~ msgstr "Kopiatu"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2670(guimenuitem)
-msgid "Insert ASCII Value"
-msgstr "Txertatu ASCII balioa"
+#~ msgid "Copy the current value in the display area to the clipboard"
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratze-areako uneko balioa arbelean kopiatzen du"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2671(para)
-msgid "Display the <guilabel>Insert ASCII Value</guilabel> dialog"
-msgstr "Bistaratu <guilabel>Txertatu ASCII balioa</guilabel> elkarrizketa-koadroa"
+#~ msgid "Change to Financial mode"
+#~ msgstr "Aktibatu modu finantzarioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2677(para)
-msgid "Display the thousands separator"
-msgstr "Bistaratu milakoen bereizlea"
+#~ msgid "Insert ASCII Value"
+#~ msgstr "Txertatu ASCII balioa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2683(guimenuitem)
-msgid "Memory Registers"
-msgstr "Memoria-erregistroak"
+#~ msgid "Display the <guilabel>Insert ASCII Value</guilabel> dialog"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bistaratu <guilabel>Txertatu ASCII balioa</guilabel> elkarrizketa-koadroa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2684(para)
-msgid "Display the <guilabel>Memory Registers</guilabel> window"
-msgstr "Bistaratu <guilabel>Memoria erregistro</guilabel>en leihoa"
+#~ msgid "Display the thousands separator"
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratu milakoen bereizlea"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2688(keycap)
-msgid "Q"
-msgstr "Q"
+#~ msgid "Memory Registers"
+#~ msgstr "Memoria-erregistroak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2689(guimenuitem)
-msgid "Quit"
-msgstr "Irten"
+#~ msgid "Display the <guilabel>Memory Registers</guilabel> window"
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratu <guilabel>Memoria erregistro</guilabel>en leihoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2690(para)
-msgid "Quit the <application>Calculator</application> application"
-msgstr "Irten <application>Kalkulagailua</application> aplikaziotik"
+#~ msgid "Q"
+#~ msgstr "Q"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2696(para)
-msgid "Change to Scientific mode"
-msgstr "Aktibatu modu zientifikoa"
+#~ msgid "Quit"
+#~ msgstr "Irten"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2702(para)
-msgid "Show trailing zeroes"
-msgstr "Erakutsi zero guztiak"
+#~ msgid "Quit the <application>Calculator</application> application"
+#~ msgstr "Irten <application>Kalkulagailua</application> aplikaziotik"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2706(keycap)
-msgid "V"
-msgstr "V"
+#~ msgid "Change to Scientific mode"
+#~ msgstr "Aktibatu modu zientifikoa"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2707(guimenuitem)
-msgid "Paste"
-msgstr "Itsatsi"
+#~ msgid "Show trailing zeroes"
+#~ msgstr "Erakutsi zero guztiak"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2708(para)
-msgid "Paste the current value in the clipboard to the display area"
-msgstr "Arbeleko uneko balioa bistaratze-arean kopiatzen du"
+#~ msgid "V"
+#~ msgstr "V"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2712(keycap)
-msgid "F1"
-msgstr "F1"
+#~ msgid "Paste"
+#~ msgstr "Itsatsi"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2713(guimenu)
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Laguntza"
+#~ msgid "Paste the current value in the clipboard to the display area"
+#~ msgstr "Arbeleko uneko balioa bistaratze-arean kopiatzen du"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2713(guimenuitem)
-msgid "Contents"
-msgstr "Edukia"
+#~ msgid "F1"
+#~ msgstr "F1"
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:2714(para)
-msgid "Display the <application>Calculator</application> online help"
-msgstr "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren lineako laguntza bistaratzen du"
+#~ msgid "Help"
+#~ msgstr "Laguntza"
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
-#: C/gcalctool.xml:0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr "Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetza <hizpol ej-gv es>"
+#~ msgid "Contents"
+#~ msgstr "Edukia"
+#~ msgid "Display the <application>Calculator</application> online help"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<application>Kalkulagailua</application>ren lineako laguntza bistaratzen "
+#~ "du"

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