[gjs] (192 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch esm/dynamic-imports

The branch 'esm/dynamic-imports' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  e567af4... lint: Switch to eslint-plugin-jsdoc and remove lint-condo.
  8f1f6f5... Add native registry for GI modules.
  5b50b01... console: Add --module evaluation option.
  b8611d3... esm: Enable static module imports.
  2684dae... esm: Add basic static import tests.
  7205046... Add additional library bindings.
  71ff942... Finish adding additional libraries/bindings.
  3d4b652... Implement dynamic imports

Commits added to the branch:

  1b68e2e... gobject: Handle CONSTRUCT_ONLY flag (*)
  8334783... jsapi-util: Rewrite GjsAutoPointer to only use template dat (*)
  84d1fc4... jsapi-util: Add back support for C++ objects and arrays to  (*)
  d251072... jsapi-util: Add copy function to GjsAutoStrv (and test it) (*)
  6f73ae9... jsapi-util: Inherit constructors for GjsAutoBaseInfo and fr (*)
  55fa159... jsapi-util: Add copy and equality operator to GjsAutoPointe (*)
  c443c65... jsapi-util: Use constexpr based checks on GjsAutoPointer fu (*)
  232aeed... jsapi-util: Make SFINAE on constructor to work with clang++ (*)
  f0ecb36... boxed: Use an unique_ptr to store the FieldMap (*)
  4800710... jsapi-util: Add GjsSmartPointer template to create an auto- (*)
  8689229... gi: Use more GjsAutoPointer's in wrapper classes (*)
  76563ef... gi: Use GjsSmartPointer to handle destruction of Wrapped ob (*)
  f7d36e7... jsapi-util: Add out operator to get the double pointer (*)
  be527e7... arg: Use early-return in JS to GIArgument conversion functi (*)
  91c1839... jsapi-util: Add SmartPointer for G(S)List and use it (*)
  f4af2e5... repo: Use an autopointer to free the versions list, don't l (*)
  fc68688... arg: Use GjsSmartPointer to get the right auto pointer on a (*)
  19c5038... arg: Use smart pointers and early-return on functions (*)
  999e4f9... gi/object: Check property before access (*)
  8bdbc17... gi/fundamental: Check property before access (*)
  a079f02... testGIMArshalling: Actually run the GPtrArray utf8 tests (*)
  1c5c7fd... Add more documents for "imports" and "imports.gi" (*)
  77767d4... Merge branch 'imports-documents' into 'master' (*)
  bf64057... overrides/Gtk: Set BuilderScope in class init (*)
  3ca6720... gi/arg-cache: Only skip array length parameter once (*)
  220ad36... Fix CI by removing Docker service (*)
  be43edb... Merge branch 'constructor-warnings' into 'master' (*)
  2ec012e... Merge branch 'run-gptrarray-tests' into 'master' (*)
  6681d5d... Merge branch 'gtk4-hang' into 'master' (*)
  695cb11... Merge branch 'multi-len' into 'master' (*)
  869e41e... Merge branch 'templated-gjs-autopointer' into 'master' (*)
  156cbb8... lint: Switch to eslint-plugin-jsdoc and remove lint-condo. (*)
  3d288f9... Add .gitignore file (*)
  ecdfcbf... Add script for running eslint (*)
  50f4030... Merge branch 'ewlsh/fix-eslint' into 'master' (*)
  bbf6ef7... repo: Remove JSClass macros (*)
  a65dc53... Merge branch 'construct-only' into 'master' (*)
  1d6c70a... Merge branch 'remove-jsclass-macros-from-repo' into 'master (*)
  f73427e... CI: Avoid cppcheck false positive (*)
  4c02d47... CI: Activate GNOME-specific rules in cppcheck (*)
  95a48ca... Merge branch 'cppcheck' into 'master' (*)
  f89e058... maint: Move expressions with side-effects out of assert sta (*)
  ac0b11a... function: Don't use alloca for CallState values (*)
  a6c9432... function: Allocate ffi_arg_pointers using an unique_ptr arr (*)
  7f7c1ed... maint: Replace use of g_newa() and g_alloca() (*)
  e3494eb... dbus: Avoid null dereference in error message (*)
  85516f9... util: Fix wrong format specifiers (*)
  092157e... module: Delete GjsScriptModule copy constructor and assignm (*)
  0682069... tests: Use GObject weak pointer to track test object refcou (*)
  2fde9dd... CI: Avoid cppcheck false positives (*)
  1074a57... CI: Add cppcheck config file (*)
  a5de7e2... CI: Replace jobs that pull from DockerHub with CI templates (*)
  cf05a5a... CI: Replace cpplint image build and CI job with CI template (*)
  7842fec... CI: Use Fedora project registry images instead of DockerHub (*)
  4edf8ce... Dockerfile: Allow to pass the mozjs base to use for build-d (*)
  e5e202f... CI: Use images with buildah and runc preinstalled for image (*)
  5aa26ab... Merge branch 'bye-dockerhub' into 'master' (*)
  abe439d... CI: Stop building mozjs68 images (*)
  1b61043... CI: Upgrade mozjs78 images to Fedora 33 (*)
  f944630... Merge branch 'fedora33-ci-images' into 'master' (*)
  5a86389... param: Remove JSClass macros (*)
  811432b... importer: Remove JSClass macros (*)
  0b73755... *: Fix spelling mistakes found by codespell (*)
  bdd3e81... testRegress: Fix misspelled call in GBoxed regression tests (*)
  388a63c... Merge branch 'codespell-fixes' into 'master' (*)
  48dad69... .gitlab-ci.yml: add codespell job (*)
  8880c98... Merge branch 'codespell-ci' into 'master' (*)
  78bb511... maint: Add copyright notices based on major file contributo (*)
  f0c5203... maint: Make project compatible with Reuse Software spec (*)
  6bfca93... CI: Add license-check job (*)
  c69620a... Correct contributor copyright email. (*)
  70f42c5... maint: Add copyright notices to debugger tests (*)
  37a1c19... Merge branch 'copyright-conformance' into 'master' (*)
  792a9d9... CI: Fix bug in IWYU mapping file (*)
  be9bb2c... CI: Remove false positive includes (*)
  b7e3cb5... test: Avoid including stddef.h for NULL (*)
  3c1fad9... CI: Don't ignore fatal errors in IWYU postprocess script (*)
  7922fe8... profiler: Fix mistake in HAVE_SIGNAL_H preprocessor guard (*)
  87b96d8... CI: Fix bug in IWYU postprocess script (*)
  c8b4914... CI: Remove workarounds no longer needed for IWYU 0.14 (*)
  eeb7e38... CI: Add standalone header files to IWYU script (*)
  7fc69d9... CI: Make necessary changes to includes for IWYU 0.15 (*)
  7f1fc02... CI: Bump pinned job to a Fedora 33 image (*)
  51b8059... js: Remove IWYU pragma from includes (*)
  81d7dc9... Merge branch 'fix-iwyu-bugs' into 'master' (*)
  9284e0e... CI: Limit bandwidth usage for git clones during CI (*)
  d677230... CI: Compare cpplint and IWYU against the pull request's bas (*)
  16a9043... Merge branch 'reduce-bandwidth-and-diff-checks' into 'maste (*)
  e76f9ae... test: Fix debugger test script to print diff properly (*)
  f85940f... debugger: Make '$$' mean the last value (*)
  6cb8335... ci: When finding common ancestors use source branch or comm (*)
  6ce45bb... Merge branch 'ewlsh/fix-ci' into 'master' (*)
  6fb72fd... Revert "Merge branch 'ewlsh/fix-ci' into 'master'" (*)
  0306acb... Merge branch 'revert-6ce45bb3' into 'master' (*)
  50d7546... fix readline build on certain systems (*)
  4c92e1f... Merge branch 'readline-link' into 'master' (*)
  c07f084... Fix label formatting. (*)
  1e1333b... Use explicit types instead of auto (*)
  3c3592f... Assert when trying to define properties on wrong global typ (*)
  88f7a54... Add native registry for GI modules. (*)
  b8a85a2... Merge branch 'native-registry' into 'master' (*)
  fecbffd... CI: Generate compile database without running Meson (*)
  f2776af... arg: Only accept object in gjs_object_to_g_hash() (*)
  564f977... arg: Remove unnecessary forward declaration (*)
  9267ab4... CI: Ignore subprojects in coverage reports (*)
  864f1fe... CI: Remove unnecessary ninja invocation from coverage (*)
  8c24c0c... CI: Install sysprof from package instead of building it (*)
  4749b6b... CI: Remove JHBuild line from CI script (*)
  ead13b0... test: Use g_assert_{true,false} in unit tests instead of g_ (*)
  1193cab... jsapi-util: Remove const T* get() overload of GjsAutoPointe (*)
  d1f2807... test: Silence self-assignment clang warning in a more idiom (*)
  c5401b8... wrapperutils: Make static constexpr members uppercase (*)
  6d64102... gi: Remove unused destructors (*)
  ed3958a... wrapperutils: Remove to_string_kind() (*)
  c176057... jsapi-util: Change CallArgs parameter to const reference (*)
  f30f4b7... doc: Update style guide to include SPDX comments (*)
  516d0ea... gtype: Remove gjs_typecheck_gtype() (*)
  5ac6195... doc: Update style guide with advice about g_assert() (*)
  fd162a4... Merge branch 'november-maintenance' into 'master' (*)
  1dd64f4... build: Require gobject-introspection 1.66.0 (*)
  df593c3... NEWS: Fix issues found by codespell (*)
  08b753f... .gitlab-ci.yml: Also check NEWS file (*)
  0dd8957... Merge branch 'bump-gi-1.66' into 'master' (*)
  15bc165... Merge branch 'codespell-ci' into 'master' (*)
  9768f3f... Merge branch 'debugger-$$' into 'master' (*)
  870387b... wrapperutils: Really make debug methods no-ops if compiled  (*)
  4816b29... docs: Avoid confusing term "checkout directory" (*)
  ea4ecac... CI: Fix stdint.h IWYU workaround (*)
  2593b3a... context: Remove JSAPI annotation from GjsContextPrivate::ev (*)
  deb8fbe... CI: Fix getting the upstream base (*)
  ae6f5e5... CI: Fix cut off stack traces in sanitizer jobs (*)
  c5b07de... function: Use std::string for building the function string (*)
  fee940c... js: Use strings and stringstreams instead of GString (*)
  5001358... Merge branch 'december-maintenance' into 'master' (*)
  30d8f59... Merge branch 'remove-jsclass-macros-from-param' into 'maste (*)
  8e65333... Merge branch 'remove-jsclass-macros-from-importer' into 'ma (*)
  31b92fb... testGIMarshalling: Expand test coverage for flags (*)
  29737b5... build: Require g-i 1.66.1 for tests (*)
  54d9459... Merge branch 'wip/smcv/test-more-flags' into 'master' (*)
  f998090... Add backtrace full command to debugger (*)
  6a6f3db... Merge branch 'add-backtrace-full-command-to-debugger' into  (*)
  59df14c... release: Prepare for 1.67.1 (*)
  e9db484... build: Post-release version bump (*)
  db37c42... various documentation improvements (*)
  b2f2b34... Merge branch 'doc-update' into 'master' (*)
  b48b24e... Replace remaining mentions of window with globalThis (*)
  fbb0db7... Merge branch 'kill-window' into 'master' (*)
  2f67bcd... add .editorconfig file (*)
  7217929... Merge branch 'editorconfig' into 'master' (*)
  01f713b... doc: add Clapper and Flatseal to thirty party applications  (*)
  7e34aae... Merge branch 'sonny-master-patch-63289' into 'master' (*)
  0ca8997... Display current line of source code when displaying current (*)
  b19e750... Merge branch 'display-current-line-of-source-code-when-disp (*)
  a96213c... console: fix multiline template literals (*)
  f461532... Merge branch 'console_fix_multiline_literals' into 'master' (*)
  30e89a8... js: Add new system for creating wrapper objects for native  (*)
  5171a90... ns: Remove JSClass macros (*)
  a5e7875... ns: Move code into class body (*)
  561df94... gtype: Remove JSClass macros (*)
  bfea3eb... gtype: Move code into class body (*)
  e15f239... cairo: Remove JSClass macros from Cairo context (*)
  ada5b4d... cairo: Remove JSClass macros from CairoPattern and subclass (*)
  5211006... cairo: Remove JSClass macros from CairoPath (*)
  aa77cf2... cairo: Remove JSClass macros from CairoSurface and subclass (*)
  bb490ad... cairo: Remove JSClass macros from CairoRegion (*)
  64f9ae1... js: Rename GJS_GET_WRAPPER_PRIV to GJS_CHECK_WRAPPER_PRIV (*)
  d3ac045... Merge branch 'remove-jsclass-macros-from-ns-gtype-cairo' in (*)
  8e51ae0... function: Remove JSClass macros (*)
  f5d659f... Merge branch 'remove-jsclass-macros-from-function' into 'ma (*)
  1f4268f... function: Store more call-state data in GjsFunctionCallStat (*)
  93b7240... function: Split finishing function invocation phase to anot (*)
  056a2df... function: Cleanup function call GError on failures (*)
  81e0c86... importer: Add backwards-compatible GjsFileImporter global o (*)
  fada859... Merge branch 'cpp-function' into 'master' (*)
  47bbecd... Merge branch '372-missing-global-class' into 'master' (*)
  e910f2d... maint: Work around bug in clang-format (*)
  4ce9cd7... maint: Work around bug in address sanitizer (*)
  58cf7cb... GLib: Use native byte array function for override. (*)
  927165c... console: Add --module evaluation option. (*)
  ea9a5c7... tests: Add -m flag to minijasmine for module execution (*)
  89ff027... context: Refactor eval start and end code (*)
  d53233a... esm: Enable static module imports. (*)
  88eb9ce... esm: Add additional builtin ES modules (*)
  db76e8f... SQUASH: control compileModule/compileInternalModule with a  (*)
  a457f6e... SQUASH: Move module metadata hook into C++ (*)
  88405d7... SQUASH: store module loader instead of hook functions (*)
  653ec55... Implement dynamic imports
  1df340e... WIP - implement loadResourceOrFileAsync in C++
  c9750bf... WIP - dynamic imports tests
  a2cb614... Refactor for static changes.
  b4c62ce... Update to Jasmine 2.9.1
  6d95355... WIP - add dynamic import support to scripts

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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