[gimp] build: do not build GTK3 for our MSYS2 dependency job anymore.

commit c59c93cd19dbe07624dc34c55a9d1d4f9ad9603d
Author: Jehan <jehan girinstud io>
Date:   Mon Dec 20 21:22:14 2021 +0100

    build: do not build GTK3 for our MSYS2 dependency job anymore.
    The patch we needed to test needs completion, so it's of no use to
    continue building it until this happens.
    Also for some reason, the x86_64 build of GTK3 takes forever and times
    out (the same build for 32-bit x86 is done quickly as expected) on
    repeated occasions. Since this is unneeded right now, rather than
    wasting time on this, I just delete this dep build to use the pre-built
    MSYS2 package.

 build/windows/gitlab-ci/build-deps-msys2.sh | 36 -----------------------------
 1 file changed, 36 deletions(-)
diff --git a/build/windows/gitlab-ci/build-deps-msys2.sh b/build/windows/gitlab-ci/build-deps-msys2.sh
index 6796856e5c..45c4fbdf07 100644
--- a/build/windows/gitlab-ci/build-deps-msys2.sh
+++ b/build/windows/gitlab-ci/build-deps-msys2.sh
@@ -71,42 +71,6 @@ make
 make install
 cd ../..
-## GTK (patched from MSYS2) ##
-pacman --noconfirm -S --needed \
-    mingw-w64-$MSYS2_ARCH-adwaita-icon-theme \
-    mingw-w64-$MSYS2_ARCH-atk \
-    mingw-w64-$MSYS2_ARCH-gdk-pixbuf2 \
-    mingw-w64-$MSYS2_ARCH-libepoxy \
-    mingw-w64-$MSYS2_ARCH-libxslt \
-    mingw-w64-$MSYS2_ARCH-sassc \
-    mingw-w64-$MSYS2_ARCH-shared-mime-info
-git clone --branch 3.24.30 --depth=${GIT_DEPTH} https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk.git _gtk
-cd _gtk/
-patch -p1 < 0002-Revert-Quartz-Set-the-popup-menu-type-hint-before-re.patch
-patch -p1 < 0003-gtkwindow-Don-t-force-enable-CSD-under-Windows.patch
-patch -p1 < 0004-Disable-low-level-keyboard-hook.patch
-patch -p1 < 0005-gdkkeys-win32.c-fix-initialisation-of-key_state-in-u.patch
-patch -p1 < 0006-avoid-diagnostics-for-gcc-11-false-positive-out-of-bounds.patch
-# Patches not in MSYS2 build.
-patch -p1 < ../build/windows/patches/gtk3-24-mr3661-gimp-issue-5475.patch
-mkdir _build
-cd _build
-meson -Dprefix="${GIMP_PREFIX}" \
-      --wrap-mode=nodownload --auto-features=enabled \
-      --buildtype=release
-ninja install
-cd ../..
 ## babl and GEGL (follow master branch) ##
 git clone --depth=${GIT_DEPTH} https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/babl.git _babl

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