[yelp-tools] Initial work on converting yelp-check to python

commit 79067c7a2f194d4524e093698bb03a608c2ab8dc
Author: Shaun McCance <shaunm redhat com>
Date:   Sat Jun 13 13:32:12 2020 -0400

    Initial work on converting yelp-check to python

 tools/yelp-check.py | 1042 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1042 insertions(+)
diff --git a/tools/yelp-check.py b/tools/yelp-check.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9754bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/yelp-check.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1042 @@
+# yelp-check
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Shaun McCance <shaunm gnome org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+import lxml.etree
+import os
+import sys
+import urllib.request
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+# FIXME: don't hardcode this
+DATADIR = '/usr/share/yelp-tools'
+XML_ID = '{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}id'
+    'mal':   'http://projectmallard.org/1.0/',
+    'cache': 'http://projectmallard.org/cache/1.0/',
+    'db':    'http://docbook.org/ns/docbook',
+    'e':     'http://projectmallard.org/experimental/',
+    'ui':    'http://projectmallard.org/ui/1.0/',
+    'uix':   'http://projectmallard.org/experimental/ui/',
+    'xlink': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'
+    }
+def _stringify(el):
+    ret = el.text or ''
+    for ch in el:
+        ret = ret + _stringify(ch)
+    if el.tail is not None:
+        ret = ret + el.tail
+    return ret
+def get_format(node):
+    ns = lxml.etree.QName(node).namespace
+    if ns in (NAMESPACES['mal'], NAMESPACES['cache']):
+        return 'mallard'
+    elif ns == NAMESPACES['db']:
+        return 'docbook5'
+    elif ns is None:
+        # For now, just assume no ns means docbook4
+        return 'docbook4'
+    else:
+        return None
+class InputFile:
+    def __init__(self, filepath, filename, sitedir=None):
+        self.filepath = filepath
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.absfile = os.path.join(filepath, filename)
+        self.absdir = os.path.dirname(self.absfile)
+        self.sitedir = sitedir or ''
+        self.sitefilename = self.sitedir + self.filename
+class Checker:
+    name = None
+    desc = None
+    blurb = None
+    formats = []
+    arguments = []
+    postblurb = None
+    xinclude = True
+    def __init__(self, yelpcheck):
+        self.yelpcheck = yelpcheck
+        self.options = {}
+        self.fileargs = []
+        self.tmpdir = None
+    def __del__(self):
+        if self.tmpdir is not None:
+            shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)
+            self.tmpdir = None
+    def parse_args(self, args):
+        while len(args) > 0:
+            isopt = False
+            for arg in self.arguments:
+                if arg[0] == args[0]:
+                    if arg[1] is not None:
+                        if len(args) < 2:
+                            self.print_help()
+                            return 1
+                        if args[0] == '--allow':
+                            # FIXME we shouldn't just special-case --allow
+                            self.options.setdefault(args[0], [])
+                            self.options[args[0]].append(args[1])
+                        else:
+                            self.options[args[0]] = args[1]
+                        args = args[2:]
+                    else:
+                        self.options[args[0]] = True
+                        args = args[1:]
+                    isopt = True
+                    break
+            if not isopt:
+                self.fileargs.append(args[0])
+                args = args[1:]
+        return 0
+    def iter_files(self, sitedir=None):
+        issite = self.options.get('-s', False)
+        for filearg in self.fileargs:
+            if os.path.isdir(filearg):
+                if issite:
+                    for infile in self.iter_site(filearg, '/'):
+                        yield infile
+                else:
+                    for fname in os.listdir(filearg):
+                        if fname.endswith('.page'):
+                            yield InputFile(filearg, fname)
+            else:
+                yield InputFile(os.getcwd(), filearg)
+    def iter_site(self, filepath, sitedir):
+        for fname in os.listdir(filepath):
+            newpath = os.path.join(filepath, fname)
+            if os.path.isdir(newpath):
+                if fname == '__pintail__':
+                    continue
+                for infile in self.iter_site(newpath, sitedir + fname + '/'):
+                    yield infile
+            elif fname.endswith('.page'):
+                yield InputFile(filepath, fname, sitedir)
+    def get_xml(self, xmlfile):
+        # FIXME: we can cache these if we add a feature to run multiple
+        # checkers at once
+        tree = lxml.etree.parse(xmlfile.absfile)
+        if self.xinclude:
+            lxml.etree.XInclude()(tree.getroot())
+        return tree
+    def create_tmpdir(self):
+        if self.tmpdir is None:
+            self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    def print_help(self):
+        print('Usage:   yelp-check ' + self.name + ' [OPTIONS] [FILES]')
+        print('Formats: ' + ' '.join(self.formats) + '\n')
+        #FIXME: prettify names of formats
+        print(self.blurb)
+        print('\nOptions:')
+        maxarglen = 2
+        for arg in self.arguments:
+            if arg[1] is not None:
+                maxarglen = max(len(arg[1]) + len(arg[0]) + 1, maxarglen)
+        for arg in self.arguments:
+            arg1 = (' ' + arg[1]) if arg[1] is not None else ''
+            print('  ' + (arg[0] + arg1).ljust(maxarglen) + '  ' + arg[2])
+        if self.postblurb is not None:
+            print(self.postblurb)
+    def main(self, args):
+        pass
+class HrefsChecker (Checker):
+    name = 'hrefs'
+    desc = 'Find broken external links in a document'
+    blurb = ('Find broken href links in FILES in a Mallard document, or\n' +
+             'broken ulink or XLink links in FILES in a DocBook document.')
+    formats = ['docbook4', 'docbook5', 'mallard']
+    arguments = [
+        ('-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'),
+        ('-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site')]
+    def main(self, args):
+        if self.parse_args(args) != 0:
+            return 1
+        if '-h' in self.options:
+            self.print_help()
+            return 0
+        # safelisting URLs that we use as identifiers
+        hrefs = {
+            'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/': True,
+            'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/': True
+        }
+        retcode = 0
+        for infile in self.iter_files():
+            xml = self.get_xml(infile)
+            for el in xml.xpath('//*[@href | @xlink:href | self::ulink/@url]',
+                                namespaces=NAMESPACES):
+                href = el.get('href', None)
+                if href is None:
+                    href = el.get('{www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href')
+                if href is None:
+                    href = el.get('url')
+                if href is None:
+                    continue
+                if href.startswith('mailto:'):
+                    continue
+                if href not in hrefs:
+                    try:
+                        req = urllib.request.urlopen(href)
+                        hrefs[href] = (req.status == 200)
+                    except Exception as e:
+                        hrefs[href] = False
+                if not hrefs[href]:
+                    retcode = 1
+                    print(infile.sitefilename + ': ' + href)
+        return retcode
+class IdsChecker (Checker):
+    name = 'ids'
+    desc = 'Find Mallard page IDs that do not match file names'
+    blurb = ('Find pages in a Mallard document whose page ID does not match\n' +
+             'the base file name of the page file.')
+    formats = ['mallard']
+    arguments = [
+        ('-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'),
+        ('-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site')]
+    def main(self, args):
+        if self.parse_args(args) != 0:
+            return 1
+        if '-h' in self.options:
+            self.print_help()
+            return 0
+        retcode = 0
+        for infile in self.iter_files():
+            xml = self.get_xml(infile)
+            isok = False
+            pageid = None
+            if infile.filename.endswith('.page'):
+                try:
+                    pageid = xml.getroot().get('id')
+                    isok = (pageid == os.path.basename(infile.filename)[:-5])
+                except:
+                    isok = False
+            if not isok:
+                retcode = 1
+                print(infile.sitefilename + ': ' + (pageid or ''))
+        return retcode
+class LinksChecker (Checker):
+    name = 'links'
+    desc = 'Find broken xref or linkend links in a document'
+    blurb = ('Find broken xref links in FILES in a Mallard document,\n' +
+             'or broken linkend links in FILES in a DocBook document.')
+    formats = ['docbook4', 'docbook5', 'mallard']
+    arguments = [
+        ('-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'),
+        ('-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site'),
+        ('-c', 'CACHE', 'Use the existing Mallard cache CACHE'),
+        ('-i', None, 'Ignore xrefs where href is present')]
+    def __init__(self, yelpcheck):
+        super().__init__(yelpcheck)
+        self.idstoxrefs = {}
+        self.idstolinkends = {}
+    def _accumulate_mal(self, node, pageid, sectid, xrefs, sitedir=None):
+        thisid = node.get('id')
+        if thisid is not None:
+            if node.tag == '{' + NAMESPACES['mal'] + '}page':
+                pageid = thisid
+            else:
+                sectid = thisid
+        curid = pageid
+        if curid is not None:
+            if sectid is not None:
+                # id attrs in cache files are already fully formed
+                if '#' in sectid:
+                    curid = sectid
+                else:
+                    curid = curid + '#' + sectid
+            if sitedir is not None:
+                # id attrs in cache files already have sitedir prefixed
+                if curid[0] != '/':
+                    curid = sitedir + curid
+            self.idstoxrefs.setdefault(curid, [])
+            if xrefs:
+                xref = node.get('xref')
+                if xref is not None:
+                    self.idstoxrefs[curid].append(xref)
+        for child in node:
+            self._accumulate_mal(child, pageid, sectid, xrefs, sitedir)
+    def _accumulate_db(self, node, nodeid):
+        thisid = node.get('id')
+        if thisid is None:
+            thisid = node.get(XML_ID)
+        if thisid is not None:
+            nodeid = thisid
+            self.idstolinkends.setdefault(nodeid, [])
+        if nodeid is not None:
+            linkend = node.get('linkend')
+            if linkend is not None:
+                self.idstolinkends[nodeid].append(linkend)
+        for child in node:
+            self._accumulate_db(child, nodeid)
+    def main(self, args):
+        if self.parse_args(args) != 0:
+            return 1
+        if '-h' in self.options:
+            self.print_help()
+            return 0
+        retcode = 0
+        if '-c' in self.options:
+            xml = self.get_xml(InputFile(os.getcwd(), self.options['-c']))
+            self._accumulate_mal(xml.getroot(), None, None, False)
+        for infile in self.iter_files():
+            xml = self.get_xml(infile)
+            format = get_format(xml.getroot())
+            if format == 'mallard':
+                self._accumulate_mal(xml.getroot(), None, None, True, infile.sitedir)
+            elif format in ('docbook4', 'docbook5'):
+                # For DocBook, we assume each filearg is its own document, so
+                # we reset the dict each time and only check within the file.
+                # Note that XInclude and SYSTEM includes DO happen first.
+                self.idstolinkends = {}
+                self._accumulate_db(xml.getroot(), None)
+                for curid in self.idstolinkends:
+                    for linkend in self.idstolinkends[curid]:
+                        if linkend not in self.idstolinkends:
+                            print(curid + ': ' + linkend)
+                            retcode = 1
+        for curid in self.idstoxrefs:
+            for xref in self.idstoxrefs[curid]:
+                checkref = xref
+                if checkref[0] == '#':
+                    checkref = curid.split('#')[0] + checkref
+                if curid[0] == '/' and checkref[0] != '/':
+                    checkref = curid[:curid.rfind('/')+1] + checkref
+                if checkref not in self.idstoxrefs:
+                    print(curid + ': ' + xref)
+                    retcode = 1
+        return retcode
+class MediaChecker (Checker):
+    name = 'media'
+    desc = 'Find broken references to media files'
+    blurb = ('Find broken references to media files. In Mallard, this\n' +
+             'checks media and thumb elements. In DocBook, this checks\n' +
+             'audiodata, imagedata, and videodata elements.')
+    formats = ['docbook4', 'docbook5', 'mallard']
+    arguments = [
+        ('-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'),
+        ('-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site')]
+    def main(self, args):
+        if self.parse_args(args) != 0:
+            return 1
+        if '-h' in self.options:
+            self.print_help()
+            return 0
+        retcode = 0
+        for infile in self.iter_files():
+            xml = self.get_xml(infile)
+            format = get_format(xml.getroot())
+            srcs = []
+            if format == 'mallard':
+                for el in xml.xpath('//mal:media[@src] | //uix:thumb | //ui:thumb | //e:mouseover',
+                                    namespaces=NAMESPACES):
+                    srcs.append(el.get('src'))
+            elif format == 'docbook5':
+                # FIXME: do we care about entityref?
+                for el in xml.xpath('//db:audiodata | //db:imagedata | //db:videodata',
+                                    namespaces=NAMESPACES):
+                    srcs.append(el.get('fileref'))
+            elif format == 'docbook4':
+                for el in xml.xpath('//audiodata | //imagedata | //videodata'):
+                    srcs.append(el.get('fileref'))
+            for src in srcs:
+                fsrc = os.path.join(infile.absdir, src)
+                if not os.path.exists(fsrc):
+                    print(infile.sitefilename + ': ' + src)
+                    retcode = 1
+        return retcode
+class OrphansChecker (Checker):
+    name = 'orphans'
+    desc = 'Find orphaned pages in a Mallard document'
+    blurb = ('Locate orphaned pages among FILES in a Mallard document.\n' +
+             'Orphaned pages are any pages that cannot be reached by\n' +
+             'topic links alone from the index page.')
+    formats = ['mallard']
+    arguments = [
+        ('-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'),
+        ('-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site'),
+        ('-c', 'CACHE', 'Use the existing Mallard cache CACHE')]
+    def __init__(self, yelpcheck):
+        super().__init__(yelpcheck)
+        self.guidelinks = {}
+        self.sitesubdirs = set()
+    def _collect_links(self, node, sitedir):
+        pageid = node.get('id')
+        if pageid[0] != '/':
+            # id attrs in cache files already have sitedir prefixed
+            pageid = sitedir + pageid
+        else:
+            sitedir = pageid[:pageid.rfind('/')+1]
+        self.guidelinks.setdefault(pageid, set())
+        # For the purposes of finding orphans, we'll just pretend that
+        # all links to or from sections are just to or from pages.
+        for el in node.xpath('//mal:info/mal:link[@type="guide"]',
+                             namespaces=NAMESPACES):
+            xref = el.get('xref')
+            if xref is None or xref == '':
+                continue
+            if xref[0] == '#':
+                continue
+            if '#' in xref:
+                xref = xref[:xref.find('#')]
+            if sitedir is not None and sitedir != '':
+                if xref[0] != '/':
+                    xref = sitedir + xref
+            self.guidelinks[pageid].add(xref)
+        for el in node.xpath('//mal:info/mal:link[@type="topic"]',
+                             namespaces=NAMESPACES):
+            xref = el.get('xref')
+            if xref is None or xref == '':
+                continue
+            if xref[0] == '#':
+                continue
+            if '#' in xref:
+                xref = xref[:xref.find('#')]
+            if sitedir is not None and sitedir != '':
+                if xref[0] != '/':
+                    xref = sitedir + xref
+            self.guidelinks.setdefault(xref, set())
+            self.guidelinks[xref].add(pageid)
+        for el in node.xpath('//mal:links[@type="site-subdirs" or @type="site:subdirs"]',
+                             namespaces=NAMESPACES):
+            self.sitesubdirs.add(pageid)
+    def main(self, args):
+        if self.parse_args(args) != 0:
+            return 1
+        if '-h' in self.options:
+            self.print_help()
+            return 0
+        retcode = 0
+        if '-c' in self.options:
+            xml = self.get_xml(InputFile(os.getcwd(), self.options['-c']))
+            for page in xml.getroot():
+                if page.tag == '{' + NAMESPACES['mal'] + '}page':
+                    pageid = page.get('id')
+                    if pageid is None or pageid == '':
+                        continue
+                    self._collect_links(page)
+        pageids = set()
+        for infile in self.iter_files():
+            xml = self.get_xml(infile)
+            pageid = xml.getroot().get('id')
+            if pageid is None:
+                continue
+            pageids.add(infile.sitedir + pageid)
+            self._collect_links(xml.getroot(), infile.sitedir)
+        siteupdirs = {}
+        for pageid in self.sitesubdirs:
+            dirname = pageid[:pageid.rfind('/')+1]
+            for subid in self.guidelinks:
+                if subid.startswith(dirname):
+                    if subid.endswith('/index'):
+                        mid = subid[len(dirname):-6]
+                        if mid != '' and '/' not in mid:
+                            siteupdirs[subid] = pageid
+        if '-s' in self.options:
+            okpages = set(['/index'])
+        else:
+            okpages = set(['index'])
+        for pageid in sorted(pageids):
+            if pageid in okpages:
+                isok = True
+            else:
+                isok = False
+                guides = [g for g in self.guidelinks[pageid]]
+                if pageid in siteupdirs:
+                    updir = siteupdirs[pageid]
+                    if updir not in guides:
+                        guides.append(updir)
+                cur = 0
+                while cur < len(guides):
+                    if guides[cur] in okpages:
+                        isok = True
+                        break
+                    if guides[cur] in self.guidelinks:
+                        for guide in self.guidelinks[guides[cur]]:
+                            if guide not in guides:
+                                guides.append(guide)
+                    cur += 1
+            if isok:
+                okpages.add(pageid)
+            else:
+                print(pageid)
+                retcode = 1
+        return retcode
+class ValidateChecker (Checker):
+    name = 'validate'
+    desc = 'Validate files against a DTD or RNG'
+    blurb = ('Validate FILES against the appropriate DTD or RNG.\n' +
+             'For Mallard pages, perform automatic RNG merging\n' +
+             'based on the version attribute.')
+    formats = ['docbook4', 'docbook5', 'mallard']
+    arguments = [
+        ('-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'),
+        ('-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site'),
+        ('--strict', None, 'Disallow unknown namespaces'),
+        ('--allow', 'NS', 'Explicitly allow namespace NS in strict mode'),
+        ('--jing', None, 'Use jing instead of xmllint for RNG validation')]
+    def main(self, args):
+        if self.parse_args(args) != 0:
+            return 1
+        if '-h' in self.options:
+            self.print_help()
+            return 0
+        retcode = 0
+        for infile in self.iter_files():
+            xml = self.get_xml(infile)
+            format = get_format(xml.getroot())
+            command = None
+            if format == 'mallard':
+                version = xml.getroot().get('version')
+                if version is None or version == '':
+                    tag = xml.getroot().tag
+                    if tag == '{' + NAMESPACES['mal'] + '}stack':
+                        # 1.2 isn't final yet as of 2020-01-09. Stacks will
+                        # likely be in 1.2, so we can assume at least that.
+                        version = '1.2'
+                    elif tag == '{' + NAMESPACES['cache'] + '}cache':
+                        version = 'cache/1.0'
+                    else:
+                        version = '1.0'
+                self.create_tmpdir()
+                rng = os.path.join(self.tmpdir,
+                                   version.replace('/', '__').replace(' ', '__'))
+                if not os.path.exists(rng):
+                    strict = 'true()' if ('--strict' in self.options) else 'false()'
+                    if '--allow' in self.options:
+                        allow = ' '.join(self.options['--allow'])
+                    else:
+                        allow = ' '
+                    subprocess.call(['xsltproc', '-o', rng,
+                                    '--param', 'rng.strict', strict,
+                                    '--stringparam', 'rng.strict.allow', allow,
+                                    os.path.join(DATADIR, 'xslt', 'mal-rng.xsl'),
+                                    infile.absfile])
+                if '--jing' in self.options:
+                    command = ['jing', '-i', rng, infile.filename]
+                else:
+                    command = ['xmllint', '--noout', '--xinclude', '--noent',
+                               '--relaxng', rng, infile.filename]
+            elif format == 'docbook4':
+                if xml.docinfo.doctype.startswith('<!DOCTYPE'):
+                    command = ['xmllint', '--noout', '--xinclude', '--noent',
+                               '--postvalid', infile.filename]
+                else:
+                    command = ['xmllint', '--noout', '--xinclude', '--noent',
+                               '--dtdvalid',
+                               'http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd',
+                               infile.filename]
+            elif format == 'docbook5':
+                version = xml.getroot().get('version')
+                if version is None or version == '':
+                    version = '5.0'
+                # Canonical URIs are http, but they 301 redirect to https. jing
+                # can handle https fine, but not the redirect. And jing doesn't
+                # look at catalogs. So just always feed jing an https URI.
+                rnghttp = 'http://docbook.org/xml/' + version + '/rng/docbook.rng'
+                rnghttps = 'https://docbook.org/xml/' + version + '/rng/docbook.rng'
+                if '--jing' in self.options:
+                    command = ['jing', '-i', rnghttps, infile.filename]
+                else:
+                    # xmllint, on the other hand, does support catalogs. It also
+                    # doesn't do the redirect, but it wouldn't matter if it did
+                    # because it doesn't do https. So if the schema is available
+                    # locally in the catalog, hand xmllint the http URI so it
+                    # can use the local copy. Otherwise, we have to get curl
+                    # involved to do https.
+                    try:
+                        catfile = subprocess.check_output(['xmlcatalog',
+                                                           '/etc/xml/catalog',
+                                                           rnghttp],
+                                                          stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+                                                          text=True)
+                        for catline in catfile.split('\n'):
+                            if catline.startswith('file://'):
+                                command = ['xmllint', '--noout', '--xinclude',  '--noent',
+                                           '--relaxng', rnghttp, infile.filename]
+                    except:
+                        pass
+                    if command is None:
+                        self.create_tmpdir()
+                        rngfile = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'docbook-' + version + '.rng')
+                        if not os.path.exists(rngfile):
+                            urllib.request.urlretrieve(rnghttps, rngfile)
+                        command = ['xmllint', '--noout', '--xinclude',  '--noent',
+                                   '--relaxng', rngfile, infile.filename]
+            if command is not None:
+                try:
+                    subprocess.check_output(command,
+                                            cwd=infile.filepath,
+                                            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+                                            text=True)
+                except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+                    retcode = e.returncode
+                    print(e.output)
+            else:
+                retcode = 1
+        return retcode
+class CommentsChecker (Checker):
+    name = 'comments'
+    desc = 'Print the editorial comments in a document'
+    blurb = ('Print the editorial comments in the files FILES, using the\n' +
+             'comment element in Mallard and the remark element in DocBook.')
+    formats = ['docbook4', 'docbook5', 'mallard']
+    arguments = [
+        ('-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'),
+        ('-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site')]
+    def main(self, args):
+        if self.parse_args(args) != 0:
+            return 1
+        if '-h' in self.options:
+            self.print_help()
+            return 0
+        for infile in self.iter_files():
+            xml = self.get_xml(infile)
+            format = get_format(xml.getroot())
+            if format == 'mallard':
+                for el in xml.xpath('//mal:comment', namespaces=NAMESPACES):
+                    thisid = xml.getroot().get('id')
+                    par = el
+                    while par is not None:
+                        if par.tag == '{' + NAMESPACES['mal'] + '}section':
+                            sectid = par.get('id')
+                            if sectid is not None:
+                                thisid = thisid + '#' + sectid
+                                break
+                        par = par.getparent()
+                    print('Page:  ' + infile.sitedir + thisid)
+                    for ch in el.xpath('mal:cite[1]', namespaces=NAMESPACES):
+                        name = _stringify(ch).strip()
+                        href = ch.get('href')
+                        if href is not None and href.startswith('mailto:'):
+                            name = name + ' <' + href[7:] + '>'
+                        print('From:  ' + name)
+                        date = ch.get('date')
+                        if date is not None:
+                            print('Date:  ' + date)
+                    print('')
+                    for ch in el:
+                        if isinstance(ch, lxml.etree._ProcessingInstruction):
+                            continue
+                        elif ch.tag == '{' + NAMESPACES['mal'] + '}cite':
+                            continue
+                        elif ch.tag in ('{' + NAMESPACES['mal'] + '}p',
+                                        '{' + NAMESPACES['mal'] + '}title'):
+                            for s in _stringify(ch).strip().split('\n'):
+                                print('  ' + s.strip())
+                            print('')
+                        else:
+                            name = lxml.etree.QName(ch).localname
+                            print('  <' + name + '>...</' + name + '>\n')
+            elif format in ('docbook4', 'docbook5'):
+                if format == 'docbook4':
+                    dbxpath = '//remark'
+                else:
+                    dbxpath = '//db:remark'
+                for el in xml.xpath(dbxpath, namespaces=NAMESPACES):
+                    thisid = infile.filename
+                    par = el
+                    while par is not None:
+                        sectid = par.get('id')
+                        if sectid is None:
+                            sectid = par.get(XML_ID)
+                        if sectid is not None:
+                            thisid = thisid + '#' + sectid
+                            break
+                        par = par.getparent()
+                    print('Page:  ' + thisid)
+                    flag = el.get('revisionflag')
+                    if flag is not None:
+                        print('Flag:  ' + flag)
+                    print('')
+                    for s in _stringify(el).strip().split('\n'):
+                        print('  ' + s.strip())
+                    print('')
+        return 0
+class LicenseChecker (Checker):
+    name = 'license'
+    desc = 'Report the license of Mallard pages'
+    blurb = ('Report the license of the Mallard page files FILES. Each\n' +
+             'matching page is reporting along with its license, reported\n' +
+             'based on the href attribute of the license element. Common\n' +
+             'licenses use a shortened identifier. Pages with multiple\n' +
+             'licenses have the identifiers separated by spaces. Pages\n' +
+             'with no license element report \'none\'. Licenses with no\n' +
+             'href attribute are reported as \'unknown\'')
+    formats = ['mallard']
+    arguments = [
+        ('-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'),
+        ('-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site'),
+        ('--only', 'LICENSES', 'Only show pages whose license is in LICENSES'),
+        ('--except', 'LICENSES', 'Exclude pages whose license is in LICENSES'),
+        ('--totals', None, 'Show total counts for each license')]
+    postblurb = 'LICENSES may be a comma- and/or space-separated list.'
+    def get_license(self, href):
+        if href is None:
+            return 'unknown'
+        elif (href.startswith('http://creativecommons.org/licenses/') or
+              href.startswith('https://creativecommons.org/licenses/')):
+            return 'cc-' + '-'.join([x for x in href.split('/') if x][3:])
+        elif (href.startswith('http://www.gnu.org/licenses/') or
+              href.startswith('https://www.gnu.org/licenses/')):
+            return href.split('/')[-1].replace('.html', '')
+        else:
+            return 'unknown'
+    def main(self, args):
+        if self.parse_args(args) != 0:
+            return 1
+        if '-h' in self.options:
+            self.print_help()
+            return 0
+        totals = {}
+        for infile in self.iter_files():
+            xml = self.get_xml(infile)
+            thisid = xml.getroot().get('id') or infile.filename
+            licenses = []
+            for el in xml.xpath('/mal:page/mal:info/mal:license',
+                                namespaces=NAMESPACES):
+                licenses.append(self.get_license(el.get('href')))
+            if len(licenses) == 0:
+                licenses.append('none')
+            if '--only' in self.options:
+                only = self.options['--only'].replace(',', ' ').split()
+                skip = True
+                for lic in licenses:
+                    if lic in only:
+                        skip = False
+                if skip:
+                    continue
+            if '--except' in self.options:
+                cept = self.options['--except'].replace(',', ' ').split()
+                skip = False
+                for lic in licenses:
+                    if lic in cept:
+                        skip = True
+                if skip:
+                    continue
+            if '--totals' in self.options:
+                for lic in licenses:
+                    totals.setdefault(lic, 0)
+                    totals[lic] += 1
+            else:
+                print(infile.sitedir + thisid + ': ' + ' '.join(licenses))
+        if '--totals' in self.options:
+            for lic in sorted(totals):
+                print(lic + ': ' + str(totals[lic]))
+        return 0
+class StatusChecker (Checker):
+    name = 'status'
+    desc = 'Report the status of Mallard pages'
+    blurb = ('Report the status of the Mallard page files FILES. Each\n' +
+             'matching page is reporting along with its status.')
+    formats = ['mallard']
+    arguments = [
+        ('-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'),
+        ('-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site'),
+        ('--version', 'VER', 'Select revisions with the version attribute VER'),
+        ('--docversion', 'VER', 'Select revisions with the docversion attribute VER'),
+        ('--pkgversion', 'VER', 'Select revisions with the pkgversion attribute VER'),
+        ('--older', 'DATE', 'Only show pages older than DATE'),
+        ('--newer', 'DATE', 'Only show pages newer than DATE'),
+        ('--only', 'STATUSES', 'Only show pages whose status is in STATUSES'),
+        ('--except', 'STATUSES', 'Exclude pages whose status is in STATUSES'),
+        ('--totals', None, 'Show total counts for each status')]
+    postblurb = 'VER and STATUSES may be comma- and/or space-separated lists.'
+    def main(self, args):
+        if self.parse_args(args) != 0:
+            return 1
+        if '-h' in self.options:
+            self.print_help()
+            return 0
+        totals = {}
+        for infile in self.iter_files():
+            xml = self.get_xml(infile)
+            pageid = xml.getroot().get('id')
+            bestrev = None
+            for rev in xml.xpath('/mal:page/mal:info/mal:revision', namespaces=NAMESPACES):
+                revversion = (rev.get('version') or '').split()
+                docversion = rev.get('docversion')
+                if docversion is not None:
+                    revversion.append('doc:' + docversion)
+                pkgversion = rev.get('pkgversion')
+                if pkgversion is not None:
+                    revversion.append('pkg:' + pkgversion)
+                checks = []
+                if '--version' in self.options:
+                    checks.append(self.options['--version'].replace(',', ' ').split())
+                if '--docversion' in self.options:
+                    checks.append(['doc:' + s for s in self.options['--docversion'].replace(',', ' 
+                if '--pkgversion' in self.options:
+                    checks.append(['pkg:' + s for s in self.options['--pkgversion'].replace(',', ' 
+                revok = True
+                for check in checks:
+                    checkok = False
+                    for v in check:
+                        if v in revversion:
+                            checkok = True
+                            break
+                    if not checkok:
+                        revok = False
+                        break
+                if revok:
+                    if bestrev is None:
+                        bestrev = rev
+                        continue
+                    bestdate = bestrev.get('date')
+                    thisdate = rev.get('date')
+                    if bestdate is None:
+                        bestrev = rev
+                    elif thisdate is None:
+                        pass
+                    elif thisdate >= bestdate:
+                        bestrev = rev
+            if bestrev is not None:
+                status = bestrev.get('status') or 'none'
+                date = bestrev.get('date') or None
+            else:
+                status = 'none'
+                date = None
+            if '--older' in self.options:
+                if date is None or date >= self.options['--older']:
+                    continue
+            if '--newer' in self.options:
+                if date is None or date <= self.options['--newer']:
+                    continue
+            if '--only' in self.options:
+                if not status in self.options['--only'].replace(',', ' ').split():
+                    continue
+            if '--except' in self.options:
+                if status in self.options['--except'].replace(',', ' ').split():
+                    continue
+            if '--totals' not in self.options:
+                print(infile.sitedir + pageid + ': ' + status)
+            else:
+                totals.setdefault(status, 0)
+                totals[status] += 1
+        if '--totals' in self.options:
+            for st in sorted(totals):
+                print(st + ': ' + str(totals[st]))
+        return 0
+class StyleChecker (Checker):
+    name = 'style'
+    desc = 'Report the style attribute of Mallard pages'
+    blurb = ('Report the page style attribute of the Mallard page files\n' +
+             'FILES. Each matching page is reporting along with its status.')
+    formats = ['mallard']
+    arguments = [
+        ('-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'),
+        ('-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site'),
+        ('--only', 'STYLES', 'Only show pages whose style is in STATUSES'),
+        ('--except', 'STYLES', 'Exclude pages whose style is in STATUSES'),
+        ('--totals', None, 'Show total counts for each style')]
+    postblurb = 'STYLES may be comma- and/or space-separated lists.'
+    def main(self, args):
+        if self.parse_args(args) != 0:
+            return 1
+        if '-h' in self.options:
+            self.print_help()
+            return 0
+        totals = {}
+        for infile in self.iter_files():
+            xml = self.get_xml(infile)
+            thisid = xml.getroot().get('id')
+            style = xml.getroot().get('style')
+            if style is None:
+                style = 'none'
+            styles = style.split()
+            # We'll set style to None if it doesn't meat the criteria
+            if '--only' in self.options:
+                only = self.options['--only'].replace(',', ' ').split()
+                if len(only) == 0:
+                    # We treat a blank --only as requesting pages with no style
+                    if style != 'none':
+                        style = None
+                else:
+                    allow = False
+                    for st in styles:
+                        if st in only:
+                            allow = True
+                            break
+                    if not allow:
+                        style = None
+            if '--except' in self.options:
+                cept = self.options['--except'].replace(',', ' ').split()
+                for st in styles:
+                    if st in cept:
+                        style = None
+                        break
+            if '--totals' not in self.options:
+                if style is not None:
+                    print(infile.sitedir + thisid + ': ' + style)
+            else:
+                if style is not None:
+                    for st in styles:
+                        totals.setdefault(st, 0)
+                        totals[st] += 1
+        if '--totals' in self.options:
+            for st in sorted(totals):
+                print(st + ': ' + str(totals[st]))
+        return 0
+class YelpCheck:
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def main(self):
+        if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+            self.print_usage()
+            return 1
+        checker = None
+        for cls in Checker.__subclasses__():
+            if sys.argv[1] == cls.name:
+                checker = cls
+        if checker is None:
+            self.print_usage()
+            return 1
+        return checker(self).main(sys.argv[2:])
+    def print_usage(self):
+        print('Usage: yelp-check <COMMAND> [OPTIONS] [FILES]')
+        namelen = 2
+        checks = []
+        reports = []
+        others = []
+        for cls in sorted(Checker.__subclasses__(), key=(lambda cls: cls.name)):
+            namelen = max(namelen, len(cls.name) + 2)
+            if cls in (HrefsChecker, IdsChecker, LinksChecker,
+                       MediaChecker, OrphansChecker, ValidateChecker):
+                checks.append(cls)
+            elif cls in (CommentsChecker, LicenseChecker, StatusChecker,
+                         StyleChecker):
+                reports.append(cls)
+            else:
+                others.append(cls)
+        if len(checks) > 0:
+            print('\nCheck commands:')
+            for cls in checks:
+                print('  ' + cls.name.ljust(namelen) + cls.desc)
+        if len(reports) > 0:
+            print('\nReport commands:')
+            for cls in reports:
+                print('  ' + cls.name.ljust(namelen) + cls.desc)
+        if len(others) > 0:
+            print('\nOther commands:')
+            for cls in others:
+                print('  ' + cls.name.ljust(namelen) + cls.desc)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    try:
+        sys.exit(YelpCheck().main())
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        sys.exit(1)

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