[gjs] Created tag 1.63.90

The unsigned tag '1.63.90' was created.

Tagger: Philip Chimento <philip chimento gmail com>
Date: 1580556502 +0100

    Version 1.63.90
    - New JS API: The GObject module has gained new overrides:
      GObject.signal_handler_find(), GObject.signal_handlers_block_matched(),
      GObject.signal_handlers_unblock_matched(), and
      GObject.signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(). These overrides replace the
      corresponding C API, which was not idiomatic for JavaScript and was not fully
      functional because it used bare C pointers for some of its functionality.
      See modules/overrides/GObject.js for API documentation.
    - New JavaScript features! This version of GJS is based on SpiderMonkey 68, an
      upgrade from the previous ESR (Extended Support Release) of SpiderMonkey 60.
      Here are the highlights of the new JavaScript features.
      For more information, look them up on MDN or devdocs.io.
      * New language features
        + The BigInt type, currently a stage 3 proposal in the ES standard, is now
      * New syntax
        + `globalThis` is now the ES-standard supported way to get the global
          object, no matter what kind of JS environment. The old way, `window`, will
          still work, but is no longer preferred.
        + BigInt literals are expressed by a number with "n" appended to it: for
          example, `1n`, `9007199254740992n`.
      * New APIs
        + String.prototype.trimStart() and String.prototype.trimEnd() now exist and
          are preferred instead of trimLeft() and trimRight() which are nonstandard.
        + String.prototype.matchAll() allows easier access to regex capture groups.
        + Array.prototype.flat() flattens nested arrays, well-known from lodash and
          similar libraries.
        + Array.prototype.flatMap() acts like a reverse filter(), allowing adding
          elements to an array while iterating functional-style.
        + Object.fromEntries() creates an object from iterable key-value pairs.
        + Intl.RelativeTimeFormat is useful for formatting time differences into
          human-readable strings such as "1 day ago".
        + BigInt64Array and BigUint64Array are two new typed array types.
      * New behaviour
        + There are a lot of minor behaviour changes as SpiderMonkey's JS
          implementation conforms ever closer to existing ECMAScript standards and
          adopts new ones. For complete information, read the Firefox developer
          release notes:
      * Backwards-incompatible changes
        + The nonstandard String generics were removed. These had only ever been
          implemented by Mozilla and never made it into a standard. (An example of a
          String generic is calling a string method on something that might not be a
          string like this: `String.endsWith(foo, 5)`. The proper way is
          `String.prototype.endsWith.call(foo, 5)` or converting `foo` to a string.)
          This should not pose much of a problem for existing code, since in the
          previous version these would already print a deprecation warning whenever
          they were used.
          You can use `moz68tool` from mozjs-deprecation-tools
          (https://gitlab.gnome.org/ptomato/moz60tool) to scan your code for this
          nonstandard usage.
    - Closed bugs and merge requests:
      * invalid import on signal.h [#295, !382, Philip Chimento]
      * SpiderMonkey 68 [#270, !386, Philip Chimento]
      * GObject: Add override for GObject.handler_block_by_func [#290, !371, Philip

Changes since the last tag '1.63.3':

Philip Chimento (31):
      build: Post-release version bump
      build: Prefer signal.h to sys/signal.h
      Merge branch '295-signal-h' into 'master'
      build: Change CI to run on mozjs68 images
      build: Build with mozjs68
      js: Remove requests
      js: Rename "compartments" to "realms"
      js: Rename JS::AutoFooVector
      js: Various API renames
      js: Remove hashtable init() calls
      js: Use new warnings API
      js: Remove handling of shebang line
      js: Use JS::SourceText to store source code
      js: Change gjs_string_to_utf8() to return JS::UniqueChars
      gerror: Pass null JSPrincipals to saved frame API calls
      object: Use "associated memory" API instead of malloc counter
      byteArray: Use new ArrayBuffer API
      global: Use default global ClassOps
      engine: Remove locale callbacks
      engine: Add missing headers
      context: Rewrite promise job queue
      jsapi-util-string: Remove no-copy optimization in gjs_string_from_ucs4()
      tests: Minor changes in debugger and coverage expected output
      docs: Update documentation for SpiderMonkey 68
      js: Remove jsapi-wrapper.h
      tests: Add weak pointer callback in tests with untraced weak pointer
      gtype: Don't use lookupForAdd() when adding GType to table
      Merge branch 'mozjs68' into 'master'
      object: Add overrides for signal matching methods
      Merge branch '290-signal-handlers-block-by-func' into 'master'
      release: Prepare for 1.63.90

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