[gnome-music] (388 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/jfelder/album-cover-draw

The branch 'wip/jfelder/album-cover-draw' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  670d9e1... albumwidget: Album art cover background

Commits added to the branch:

  584fa9b... playlistview: Simplify _remove_song_from_playlist (*)
  8b3962c... Update Chinese (Taiwan) translation (*)
  c173f06... Update Romanian translation (*)
  bf1a238... discbox: Use Gtk.Template (*)
  56df3e5... artistalbumwidget: Use Gtk.Template (*)
  24443f4... artistalbumswidget: Use Gtk.Template (*)
  5ffccd0... artistalbumwidget: Remove unused liststore object from UI f (*)
  85066a1... artistalbumswidget: Make artist variable private (*)
  9cf6674... artistalbumswidget: Fix variable rename fallout (*)
  fd255fe... artistalbumswidget: Make selection-mode a property (*)
  0d38c63... artistalbumwidget: Add select_{all,none} (*)
  6af5634... artistalbumwidget: Mark create_disc_box private (*)
  f913a0a... selectiontoolbar: Add items-selected property (*)
  adbc3ab... selectiontoolbar: Add add-to-playlist signal (*)
  d6e82de... artistalbumswidget: Remove unused argument (*)
  dc34129... disclistboxwidget: DiscBox minor cleanups (*)
  0924388... baseview: Set selection-mode prop on state request (*)
  6456eee... headerbar: Bind selection-mode prop directly to button (*)
  5c1c512... baseview: Connect to class selection-mode property (*)
  e5ad6cc... headerbar: Handle cancel button in class (*)
  8903fbc... albumwidget: Add selection-mode property (*)
  8dbbfcb... disclistboxwidget: Remove selection-toggle signal (*)
  7c9674f... headerbar: Add selection-mode-allowed prop (*)
  6b8344d... player: Remove set_playing method (*)
  eda141e... player: Remove state-changed signal (*)
  180b60e... player: Rename running_playlist to playing_playlist (*)
  5b12030... player: Rename RepeatType to RepeatMode (*)
  1cfc01e... artistalbumswidget: Fix selection-mode regression (*)
  5e0d2a6... Update Friulian translation (*)
  1afaf56... Update Catalan translation (*)
  da809ed... window: Pressing ESC disables only the selection mode (*)
  6d20d46... artistalbumswidget: Create artist GObject property (*)
  a8e75b5... albumwidget: Fix selection-mode regression (*)
  66c2099... albumwidget: Move selection_toolbar to the constructor (*)
  5b0fb6e... gnome-music.doap: Update maintainers (*)
  43c71ae... gnome-music.doap: Update urls (*)
  a357688... gnome-music.doap: Update maintainers (*)
  5253df9... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  f55d4d5... Update German translation (*)
  0552365... Remove @log decorator from properties (*)
  31c01c2... Update French translation (*)
  20baf24... ci: Add newline at end of file (*)
  f499618... meson: Fix indentation and whitespaces in build files (*)
  09921f3... app: Generate stable and devel versions (*)
  6bf14b2... ci: Generate development version (*)
  2a000cc... app: Add a visual hint for the development version (*)
  645ae4b... Update POTFILES.in (*)
  ffadcaa... flatpak: Replace tabs with spaces in the manifest file (*)
  c24cc0f... flatpak: Reorder grilo-plugins configuration options (*)
  b04adc4... flatpak: Disable grilo-plugins podcasts support (*)
  4b62dc2... CI: Improve the review apps setup (*)
  0fbc4b7... CI: Use up to date image. (*)
  6e1f355... data: Tabs to spaces in CSS (*)
  a0231ec... Update Greek translation (*)
  dfac722... Update Greek translation (*)
  5cb6f5c... flatpak: Switch Grilo to meson buildsystem (*)
  cf34619... playlistview: Use Gtk.Template (*)
  ab46e6f... playlistcontrols: Add songs-count property (*)
  3772ded... widgets: Implement get_selected_songs method (*)
  8ea89db... searchview: Port view to GtkTreeView (*)
  39904f7... songsview: Port view to GtkTreeView (*)
  6027587... artistsview: Port sidebar to GtkListBox (*)
  e89a781... views: Enter selection mode via ctrl+click (*)
  6160822... playlistview: Use Gdk BUTTON_SECONDARY constant (*)
  219d96f... albumsview: Remove _add_list_renderers call (*)
  b47c304... baseview: Remove _setup_view logic (*)
  b9933e6... baseview: Make update_header_from_selection private (*)
  0833204... views: Style sidebars with the theme colors (*)
  ad6cc8f... playertoolbar: Always hide the bar in selection-mode (*)
  f7026b9... headerbar: Smooth selection-mode transition (*)
  eaecc5e... albumartcache: Modernize DefaultIcon (*)
  8d748a1... Release 3.29.90 (*)
  e079963... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  9e1cb4a... artistalbumswidget: Wait for last album to load (*)
  93d1a92... appdate: Add OARS tag (*)
  3390ce4... appdata: Whitespace fix (*)
  0fc9bee... appdata: Reword description (*)
  3db2000... baseview: Disable sidebar stack transition (*)
  e851832... disclistboxwidget: Stop removed signal emission (*)
  f2869b3... CI: don't spin up environments for tags (*)
  eb444a2... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  4bdc5ac... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  f41b77b... Update German translation (*)
  422d20a... playlistview: Add translator context to Play context menu i (*)
  0348cb3... Update German translation (*)
  c742e6b... meson: Add GOA dependency (*)
  6741144... albumsview: Use Gtk.Template for AlbumCover (*)
  ffd8df1... artistalbumswidget: Remove duplicate size grouping (*)
  0a70747... coverstack: Derive from Gtk.Stack (*)
  71f6e71... coverstack: Use properties where possible (*)
  1a1bdb3... meson: Check git program presence (*)
  97862e3... application: Drop libnotification (*)
  d8883d1... Update Polish translation (*)
  f591746... Update Turkish translation (*)
  6d36809... Updated Czech translation (*)
  6b348a4... data: Stop using deprecated Gtk.Arrow (*)
  b95c4cc... data: Remove duplicate property (*)
  dac41a7... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  2c9c3f1... application: Use Gtk.Template for about dialog (*)
  284d74f... Update French translation (*)
  3f66f0a... playlistview: Use proper check for context menu event (*)
  40e464d... Stop using deprecated properties (*)
  8da5ed5... data: Fix devel headerbar selection-mode style (*)
  e3ef3f5... window: Use is-maximized property (*)
  390f4b7... Updated Lithuanian translation (*)
  f6f2c82... songwidget: Use accessor for event button (*)
  3c226be... playlistcontrols: Use accessor for event keyval (*)
  d8f30c3... Use accessor for event state (*)
  67f9551... Use accessor for event coordinates (*)
  b00e2be... window: Use event accessors (*)
  f7b3653... window: Group keybindings by modifier (*)
  f3f1ed7... disclistboxwidget: Use event accessors (*)
  a3ea4d0... Add SidebarRow widget (*)
  6ecd7c3... sidebarrow: Add selection mode transition (*)
  2bd3263... artistview: Activate first sidebar item (*)
  e0c6790... Update Chinese (Taiwan) translation (*)
  b1cf441... Update Turkish translation (*)
  a9f1e14... window: Split out media keys handling (*)
  794e622... data: SidebarRow fix Gtk.Box deprecations (*)
  81d3466... artistsview: Fix initial row selection (*)
  d994dfd... searchbar: Add gtype (*)
  816d276... searchbar: Move HeaderBar button state internally (*)
  6e89f5e... headerbar: Move Dropdown creation to Searchbar (*)
  649e85d... searchbar: Add docstrings (*)
  2ccce59... searchbar: Use a template for Searchbar (*)
  d606435... searchbar: Move to widgets (*)
  91e9db9... Update Greek translation (*)
  b8f0c5d... Release 3.29.91 (*)
  76e15e8... meson: Do not add a version suffix on a default build (*)
  91d8867... playlistview: Hide songs_count label on loading (*)
  91eb3c5... Update Swedish translation (*)
  7a07474... playlistview: Reset star_handler on static-playlist-update (*)
  f483bd6... playlists: Correctly emit the update signal at the end (*)
  f7ad2b2... playlistview: Fix star_handler reset on playlist update (*)
  1ea4561... playertoolbar: Use GObject property syntax (*)
  d83b7de... player: Refactor player playlist (*)
  8a3c7af... player: Order signals by alphabetical order (*)
  c2970c4... views: Fix now-playing icon display (*)
  555da3e... albumwidget: Refactor add_item method (*)
  a7634b8... albumwidget: Restore currently played album (*)
  907119a... playertoolbar: Use player play_pause method (*)
  f73f79e... Update Friulian translation (*)
  84bcbdb... grilo: Remove redundant idle_add's (*)
  0faaeea... Populate views when opened (*)
  823e9c3... grilo: Remove unneeded tracker source check (*)
  7fd9091... artistsview: Remove unneeded idle_add's (*)
  ae7f3aa... searchbar: Make FilterView inherit TreeView (*)
  507f1cc... searchbar: Add a ui file for DropDown (*)
  f8ddb36... searchbar: Make DropDown callback internal (*)
  c1eaa76... searchbar: Make manager a property of FilterView (*)
  b75d5a5... searchbar: Move FilterView to the ui file (*)
  2d6de61... searchbar: Move FilterView row-activated to ui (*)
  2fb623f... searchbar: FilterView disable selection mode in ui (*)
  f15ed5a... searchbar: FilterView show() to ui (*)
  71a28e1... searchbar: Add function for tracker source check (*)
  743cf31... searchbar: Add FilterView.ui (*)
  6bad758... grilo: Fix search crash when Tracker is not loaded (*)
  acb447a... grilo: Let Grilo find sources (*)
  2ac3592... Update Brazilian Portuguese translation (*)
  68af533... smoothscale: Single use write property (*)
  acc8fcd... Update Finnish translation (*)
  c1eff64... playertoolbar: Fix order of song/artist label (*)
  603f644... Update Icelandic translation (*)
  af3de37... Update Romanian translation (*)
  b3664cd... Update Kazakh translation (*)
  a7c0180... gstplayer: Introduce loading state (*)
  bdeaed0... window: Change navigation shortcuts to <Alt> (*)
  65d3023... window: Do not allow view switching in all modes (*)
  8f5fa35... Update Korean translation (*)
  43d0ad7... Update Indonesian translation (*)
  6e7c30b... starhandlerwidget: Style treeview stars with CSS (*)
  94c39f0... starhandlerwidget: Bring in line with code style (*)
  4a86d03... starhandlerwidget: Rename cell renderer (*)
  8ff8e6d... Add tooltips for media info (*)
  9286a44... Fix Flatpak delayed loading (*)
  3ff7aab... Update Italian translation (*)
  1268f5c... Release 3.29.92 (*)
  f739103... Update Galician translation (*)
  39c9d6f... Update Hungarian translation (*)
  2898475... Updated Vietnamese translation (*)
  7ea0c58... Update Latvian translation (*)
  36a7ef7... Update Croatian translation (*)
  2f8781c... Updated Danish translation (*)
  f5eb3ca... Release 3.30.0 (*)
  6d87fd1... albumwidget: Fix checkbox selection (*)
  49c865e... application: Set the application id correctly (*)
  f899aa5... grilo: Add theaudiodb support (*)
  4d73de8... query: Make coverart queries more lenient (*)
  0abfb22... Remove slidebar machinery (*)
  4486567... baseview: Shorten init arguments (*)
  a84ecdd... albumartcache: Minimize Gdk.Pixbuf usage (*)
  3fa4c46... data: Remove unused libgd CSS (*)
  e25343a... flatpak: Remove telepathy option from GOA build (*)
  cff15c3... window: Add selection-mode property (*)
  517013c... baseview: Remove duplicated functionality (*)
  bc12e7b... window: Make headerbar private (*)
  61b2cd0... Add selected-items-count property (*)
  495d099... albumwidget: Remove unused init arguments (*)
  45eb5d1... baseview: Remove unneeded functionality (*)
  6646315... headerbar: Do not switch view in selection mode (*)
  ae1fc1c... Name HeaderBar variable consistently (*)
  1fbd4db... Rename items-selected property (*)
  6b1a710... albumsview: Use own selection-mode property (*)
  e18e03c... artistalbumswidget: Use selected-items-count property (*)
  46b293f... searchview: Bind child selection-mode (*)
  da53fb5... artistalbumswidget: Remove unused init arguments (*)
  1cd6ae5... headerbar: Move Searchbar to Window (*)
  3e6f9a2... window: Fix back button crash (*)
  699ae05... window: Fix search dissapearing on returning from child (*)
  4c6972b... window: Make settings variable internal (*)
  c5ed52f... window: Add seperate class to handle placement (*)
  a05e0aa... window: Mark variables private (*)
  fb3faef... window: Centralize overlay addition (*)
  d90af7b... window: Minor style fix (*)
  1cb143d... data: Move ui files to ui/ subdir (*)
  3a6cc1d... data: Rename application.css to org.gnome.Music.css (*)
  2696f98... data: Move initial-state.png to icons/ subdir (*)
  f568801... mpris: Prevent a cash from play call with no playlist (*)
  5c9959c... mediakeys: Remove print debug messages (*)
  b94576f... application: Load css provider from resource (*)
  5dd56c9... application: Remove unused variable (*)
  69a8b41... po: Order the list alphabetically (*)
  2ae1c09... flatpak: Tracker switched to meson (*)
  604fefd... albumwidget: Rename update method parameter to album (*)
  2e9f6a4... albumwidget: Populate the widget on each update (*)
  3f79766... albumwidget: Remove redundant idle_add (*)
  782d51c... albumwidget: Define widgets visibility in the ui file (*)
  d371c60... icon: Update app icon (*)
  ecad5bb... application: Fix crash on opening help (*)
  bf2b01d... README: Add bit about merge requests (*)
  4011eb9... data: Fix dark mode album tiles (*)
  268b6db... data: Fix treeview darkmode CSS (*)
  6de5d66... data: Fix dark mode star color CSS (*)
  9fe59c2... player: Remove redundant playback-status-changed emission (*)
  0d474cb... player: Synchronize Player and PlayerPlaylist repeat_mode (*)
  366c309... player: Remove repeat-mode-changed signal (*)
  f949341... window: Make repeat keys set state (*)
  f2a3962... gitignore: Add _build (*)
  082056f... build: Add grilo-plugins 0.3.8 dependency (*)
  f1aab98... flatpak: Fix grilo-plugins unknown compilation options (*)
  521587a... albumwidget: Use CoverStack for art (*)
  8f9469e... Update Serbian translation (*)
  372da10... gitignore: Ignore all subprojects (*)
  e1d0dc2... flatpak: Add lua support for grilo-plugins (*)
  dceb383... Restart remote cover lookup on source availability (*)
  4d030c4... albumartcache: Remote thumb uri can also be an empty string (*)
  9aa739a... Replace AppMenu with Primary Menu (*)
  67c6617... artistalbumwidget: Fix cover padding (*)
  e429af3... ui: Change opening menus button icon (*)
  6e980d4... window: Restore keyboard shortcut to quit (*)
  d1cb93f... Release 3.31.1 (*)
  41381bc... albumwidget: Limit composer name length (*)
  16d7818... test (*)
  8ada2d2... revert "test" commit (*)
  609e8dc... Updated Czech translation (*)
  9a0ea3c... gstplayer: Fix loading state partial handling (*)
  9f002ea... player: Remove empty line (*)
  6956756... player: Remove unused url property (*)
  a3d9dad... smoothScale: Do not start the player after a seek operation (*)
  ab64880... gstplayer: Filter duplicate state changes (*)
  9e910e9... player: Define state GObject property (*)
  450cbbb... player: Define duration GObject property (*)
  15e921f... player: Use second unit to set position (*)
  5d46407... smoothscale: Do not interact with GstPlayer (*)
  9f049df... smoothscale: Use GObject property syntax (*)
  13aef83... gstplayer: Use GObject property syntax (*)
  75f3695... window: Fix keyboard shortcuts (*)
  fec49f4... mpris: Correctly handle position unit (*)
  c895525... player: Remove redundant state change (*)
  ec6b98c... player: Fix seek signal emission (*)
  81d21d4... player: Rename _player variable to _gst_player (*)
  ba00f09... player: Use GObject property syntax (*)
  aaece57... smoothscale: Use GObject property syntax for duration (*)
  53e5a69... mpris: Fix player play call in GoTo method (*)
  85da55d... player: Fix song_index check in play method (*)
  42d9fec... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  8ea4772... Update Esperanto translation (*)
  fdf9b11... Rework search state handling (*)
  920878a... searchbar: Set error style when no match is found (*)
  c855efb... Fix warnings with new Flake8 (*)
  c828eef... query: Replace incorrect artists order statement (*)
  fa4c437... headerbar: Correctly reset subtitle (*)
  c3e6d14... window: Simplify notify_mode method (*)
  3fccf51... window: Remove unnecessary searchbar reveal call (*)
  8abbaaa... window: Fix disable selection-mode on search (*)
  e3ddd20... playlistview: Fix playlist renaming (*)
  3a9ae95... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  961ae87... Update French translation (*)
  b983cdc... playlists: Fix Tracker criticals (*)
  4d7c54d... mpris: Avoid confusion between Playlists and PlayerPlaylist (*)
  3b97402... mpris: Merge player_playlist functions (*)
  1b239df... mpris: Simplify _get_active_playlist logic (*)
  669147f... mpris: Fix ActivePlaylist signal emission (*)
  a1d400e... player: Correctly check if player playlist is set (*)
  e4f9f09... mpris: Do not try to play first song (*)
  9518544... mpris: Distinguish Grilo media ids from D-Bus path (*)
  3933da2... mpris: Simplify _get_song_dbus_path logic (*)
  43e06af... mpris: Rename song path prefix to TrackList (*)
  dcd43cf... mpris: Store path and metadata lists (*)
  51c568f... player: Remove validation field from get_songs method (*)
  9ac555f... player: Handle repeat and limit songs in get_songs (*)
  72d3c52... player: Rename get_songs_method to get_mpris_playlist (*)
  d467602... Flatpak: Minor cleanup (*)
  83139c1... meson: Use python module (*)
  1282a14... playlistview: Use Gtk.EventController (*)
  5a34f45... smoothscale: Use Gtk.EventController (*)
  b9d8d86... window: Use Gtk.EventController for back button (*)
  87f8f13... mediakeys: Use Gtk.EventController for focus-in (*)
  dbfc3df... artistsview: Use Gtk.EventController controller (*)
  4d0c4df... songsview: Use Gtk.EventController (*)
  8c9a956... searchview: Use Gtk.EventController (*)
  5816313... Update Greek translation (*)
  cf42b3a... Update Friulian translation (*)
  d258714... Update Swedish translation (*)
  dac8868... meson: Update package_url_bug constant (*)
  cf6257f... appdata: Use url constants (*)
  e071102... css: Remove custom .devel style class (*)
  859a5de... css: Remove selection-mode devel styling and transition (*)
  78b0e96... playlistview: Fix right-click popover position (*)
  e343355... playlistview: Use GObject property syntax for the popover (*)
  e66cd47... application: Present the window on Wayland (*)
  9497dcc... coverstack: Correctly reset timeout (*)
  2d70b17... mediakeys: Fix typo on constructor's docstring (*)
  e1a8d26... Update Hungarian translation (*)
  ce864bc... Update Galician translation (*)
  8997a52... Update Romanian translation (*)
  32394d9... Update Indonesian translation (*)
  e484c76... [l10n] Add Italian help translation (*)
  65eda34... Update Finnish translation (*)
  c4f4250... Update Turkish translation (*)
  c576033... Update Polish translation (*)
  3712fb8... Update Catalan translation (*)
  0afb569... Update Hungarian translation (*)
  6bf7eec... player: Music pauses when system is going to suspend (*)
  1f7a330... Release 3.31.90 (*)
  7a7db13... gstplayer: Fix url getter (*)
  b6467bf... player: Fix song change while player is on pause (*)
  ef18c66... meson: Add newline at end of meson_post_conf.py (*)
  9efd5a1... tracker: Simplify TrackerWrapper instantiation (*)
  cd3ade2... app: Display an empty view when tracker cannot be found (*)
  a95642b... Updated Czech translation (*)
  443e25d... Update Polish translation (*)
  9537b8f... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  aa488e2... Update Romanian translation (*)
  e16172f... Update Hungarian translation (*)
  99a217b... Update Swedish translation (*)
  1fae668... Update Indonesian translation (*)
  79d4adb... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  64fc927... Update Galician translation (*)
  f203308... Update Kazakh translation (*)
  2b01464... Updated Danish translation (*)
  466532d... build: Update libgd (*)
  7e6c2b8... searchbar: Fix SourceManager tag removal (*)
  bfec39b... searchbar: Fix Match fields sensitivity on source changes (*)
  80802e6... Update Chinese (Taiwan) translation (*)
  fdd0ab9... flatpak: Fix Tracker building (*)
  1d642c0... smoothscale: Prevent negative timeouts (*)
  e24017a... player: Do not reset validation if the playlist is unchange (*)
  5d7e824... Revert "window: Fix disable selection-mode on search" (*)
  2b9b90e... emptyview: Add mock {un}select_all methods (*)
  5f5bde2... Release 3.31.91 (*)
  cb54839... Update Turkish translation (*)
  b858ad2... Update Finnish translation (*)
  a715244... Update Icelandic translation (*)
  e4bae65... Update Icelandic translation (*)
  7536ebf... Update Dutch translation (*)
  a286641... Updated Lithuanian translation (*)
  ea1bc41... Update Basque translation (*)
  4420e48... Update Brazilian Portuguese translation (*)
  4014629... Update Korean translation (*)
  f65610c... Update Italian translation (*)
  bee988f... Update Russian translation (*)
  7ff4818... Update Serbian translation (*)
  87326da... data: Fix initial state graphic for dark mode (*)
  b2496a0... Update Friulian translation (*)
  8f90451... Update German translation (*)
  ad887a4... Updated Vietnamese translation (*)
  562c9d5... Update Latvian translation (*)
  d7c6ee2... Add Dutch translation (*)
  c9b7fea... Release 3.31.92 (*)
  0d2972f... Update Finnish translation (*)
  a5ea033... Update French translation (*)
  b945bf2... Update Catalan translation (*)
  14ee9c8... Release 3.32.0 (*)
  dc65fc1... mpris: Report the correct DesktopEntry (*)
  48d3769... mpris: Update CanGo{Next,Previous} properties on song chang (*)
  beafc0e... smoothscale: Workaround to update position on first run (*)
  063ce21... albumwidget: Album art cover background

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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