[gtk] (136 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/layout-manager

The branch 'wip/layout-manager' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  57aff63... Add GtkLayoutManager
  c62f2ca... Hook GtkLayoutManager into GtkWidget
  b1830d8... Add GtkWidget:layout-manager
  6429673... Rename the internal GtkLayoutChild type
  20d7f44... Add GtkLayoutChild
  a4c6b42... Add GtkBoxLayout
  ebfe6b6... Port GtkBox to GtkBoxLayout
  b8f9e2d... docs: Add chapter on layout managers
  63aa0cb... Add GtkLegacyLayout
  18745f5... Port GtkSwitch to GtkLegacyLayout
  0bf7a38... Add GtkBinLayout
  0340a8f... WIP: GtkGridLayout
  c37c214... WIP: Parse layout properties

Commits added to the branch:

  610692d... Adwaita: Fix typo (missing comma) (*)
  348912d... treeview: make sure separator nodes have a height > 0 (*)
  20f7588... Merge branch 'adwaita-typo-fix-master' into 'master' (*)
  0e1a503... transform: Move to GSK (*)
  4916280... transform: Add more API (*)
  3a3c2d1... rendernode: Make the transform node take a GskTransform (*)
  791bf0c... transform: Remove API to poke internals (*)
  3cc84d2... transform: Make category public API (*)
  cf00c36... transform: Split rotate() and rotate3d() class (*)
  e737b42... trasnform: Fix print statement (*)
  979e9be... testsuite: Add a transforms test (*)
  b391aea... widget: Make transform a GskTransform (*)
  70b3411... transform: Remove gsk_transform_identity() (*)
  3545abc... transform: Implement gsk_transform_invert() (*)
  1fecbd4... transform: Store the category in the transform (*)
  bd113aa... transform: Redo querying API (*)
  a8bf5ee... transform: Readd optimization (*)
  dbe5845... rendernode: Implement diffing of transform nodes (*)
  3a3b325... transform: Add perspective() (*)
  eeed55d... gl renderer: Mark pointer textures as used (*)
  9105de9... gl renderer: Cache rendered fallback nodes (*)
  39fbf13... entry: Update CSS node docs (*)
  18da852... rendernode: Add can_diff implementation for transform nodes (*)
  eacbeb9... x11: Don't emit GDK_NOTHING events (*)
  1513bf4... Update Polish translation (*)
  ad5c5d4... revealer: Add swing transitions (*)
  884088f... gsk: API docs fixes (*)
  9a1c698... widget: Make overflow respect rounded corners (*)
  b114d45... colorswatch: Use gtk_widget_set_overflow() (*)
  bc901ff... text: Remove 2 unused variables (*)
  1475575... text: Use gtk_widget_set_overflow() (*)
  8566218... text: Remove two unused member variables (*)
  3863e44... text: Simplify (*)
  f454a31... Update Dutch translation (*)
  4bba279... Adwaita: Fix selection-mode checkboxes (*)
  44198cc... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  d07cd89... Adwaita: Drop checkbox-selectionmode assets (*)
  8e4c441... a11y: More entry fixes (*)
  4afad78... password entry: Initialize capslock state (*)
  56ee1f3... password entry: Add placeholder-text and activates-default (*)
  f5e112f... gtk-demo: Add a password entry demo (*)
  5251253... password entry: a better Caps Lock icon (*)
  c3f43cf... entry: Make progress bar not pickable (*)
  470720e... password entry: Use text cursor for Caps Lock indicator (*)
  d3cecd6... password entry: Make the Caps Lock icon less prominent (*)
  a3b73a4... password entry: Add a way to see the content (*)
  5822a35... gtk-demo: Show password peek icon (*)
  34e859a... Add a tagged entry demo (*)
  f14d998... password entry: Don't show both icons (*)
  2870f4d... Update Catalan translation (*)
  7ca528b... widget: Check rootness for invisibility (*)
  7c19ab6... single selection: Skip tests properly (*)
  a1cc809... search entry: Fix property notification (*)
  64b9114... password entry: Fix property notification (*)
  92f1bdc... Redo focus handling (*)
  ab5d3e7... root: Add focus (*)
  bd44831... window: Implement the root focus api (*)
  2bf1561... Port widgets to the root focus API (*)
  029ec38... Move a check to gtk_window_set_focus (*)
  2738926... Simplify the move_focus api (*)
  8c1d852... widget: Drop the ::focus signal (*)
  94b0e99... Exclude non-drawable widgets from focus (*)
  15300f8... widget: Add a private setter for has-focus (*)
  7819a5a... Drop gtk_widget_send_focus_change (*)
  d279c66... inspector: Stop using ::set-focus (*)
  f13e617... filechooser: Stop using ::set-focus (*)
  31d9ecb... popover: Stop using ::set-focus (*)
  f688553... window: Remove ::set-focus (*)
  7ca24f1... window: Remove initial-focus builder support (*)
  a3abf06... Clarify grab_focus docs (*)
  8d5f1ae... gdk: Add crossing mode and detail to focus events (*)
  c73972f... gdk: Rename gdk_event_set_user_data (*)
  06f790d... gdk: Add a related_target field to some events (*)
  cdcd2bb... Share crossing and focus change event code (*)
  adb547a... Export gtk_synthesize_crossing_events internally (*)
  4238a04... window: Use gtk_synthesize_crossing_events (*)
  7d354b5... Some fixes to crossing event generation (*)
  888b926... Move maintaining the focus chain (*)
  921eccb... Pass mode and detail to focus-in/out signals (*)
  2f1194c... key controller: Fix a copy/paste error (*)
  4f5a820... key controller: Add focus properties (*)
  f3ed3e9... key controller: Add getters for focus event targets (*)
  4f06b66... key controller: Improve the docs (*)
  93905a8... key controller: Enforce limitations of key forwarding (*)
  181a4bc... Add key controller API to the docs (*)
  492a38c... Make gtk_widget_get_focus_child public (*)
  6ddb611... Use root in gdk_synthesize_crossing_events (*)
  8619b10... Update the focus test (*)
  ad3773b... a11y tests: Update expected results (*)
  1ce5327... xim: Stop using GtkWidget::event (*)
  fc2b412... Merge branch 'wip/matthiasc/focus3' into 'master' (*)
  898728f... a11y tests: Clean up the placeholder-text test (*)
  1540797... motion controller: add details to signals (*)
  ecd6446... motion controller: Add focus properties (*)
  17f4211... motion controller: Add getters for crossing event targets (*)
  430ea05... widget: Fix a mission annotation (*)
  688f099... Update POTFILES.in (*)
  65d9b7e... gdk: Include copy of glib/gconstructor.h (*)
  26f99bf... editable: Fix a thinko (*)
  1196380... paned: Don't use a grab (*)
  93c1353... Merge branch 'wip/carlosg/include-constructors-header' into (*)
  b407431... Merge branch 'crossing-details' into 'master' (*)
  f7e328e... Merge branch 'paned-no-grab' into 'master' (*)
  2b0d1bc... motion controller: Install the properties (*)
  8650980... Adapt to motion controller api change (*)
  0d91481... One forgotten leave signal handler (*)
  480d8ae... renderer: Remove display property (*)
  658588d... renderer: Make gsk_renderer_is_realized() public (*)
  8f6a488... revealer: Always use identity transform for revealed child (*)
  07054ca... singleselection: Add forgotten notify emission (*)
  96a677e... paned: Refactor (*)
  8fb7978... paned: hide the handle widget when <2 children are visible (*)
  85c8e29... stylecontext: Move atk.h include where it belongs (*)
  a44ac75... gtk: Don't include gtkstylecontext.h from gtkcsstypesprivat (*)
  24235f6... Adwaita: draw bigger radius for focus rings (*)
  5679b9a... Adwaita: Adjust switch margins on headerbars (*)
  f47c376... main: Fix crossing event generation for parented roots (*)
  558405e... window: Update state flags (*)
  254c27a... Merge branch 'wip/jimmac/focus-ring-radii' into 'master' (*)
  6990f73... Merge branch 'adwaita-headerbar-switch-margins-master' into (*)
  2479d60... Merge branch 'adwaita-selectionmode-checkboxes-master' into (*)
  0bf136a... Merge branch 'adwaita-remove-selectionmode-assets-master' i (*)
  e079ea7... Add GtkLayoutManager
  dcde84f... Hook GtkLayoutManager into GtkWidget
  bd2677d... Add GtkWidget:layout-manager
  84b3979... Rename the internal GtkLayoutChild type
  c719a28... Add GtkLayoutChild
  8f76927... Add GtkBoxLayout
  acf5fdf... Port GtkBox to GtkBoxLayout
  31fa517... docs: Add chapter on layout managers
  e916e0c... Add GtkLegacyLayout
  b8dd5d7... Port GtkSwitch to GtkLegacyLayout
  40fd1ad... Add GtkBinLayout
  354fb0c... WIP: GtkGridLayout
  e7822ed... WIP: Parse layout properties
  fb0384d... Changes after review

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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