[gnumeric] Update Spanish translation
- From: Translations User D-L <translations src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnumeric] Update Spanish translation
- Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 11:22:16 +0000 (UTC)
commit 87d6256cc0edd68c5bdc8ded93818e340774c51b
Author: Daniel Mustieles <daniel mustieles gmail com>
Date: Wed Jun 19 11:22:10 2019 +0000
Update Spanish translation
po-functions/es.po | 322 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 file changed, 201 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po-functions/es.po b/po-functions/es.po
index a5655c3e1..fdc5a4b0d 100644
--- a/po-functions/es.po
+++ b/po-functions/es.po
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnumeric-functions.HEAD\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnumeric/issues\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-08 14:23+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-03-28 13:21+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-28 12:24+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-19 13:19+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Daniel Mustieles <daniel mustieles gmail com>\n"
"Language-Team: es <gnome-es-list gnome org>\n"
"Language: es\n"
@@ -618,9 +618,6 @@ msgstr ""
"función gama incompleta"
#: ../plugins/fn-complex/functions.c:1111
-#| msgid ""
-#| "The regularized incomplete gamma function is the unregularized incomplete "
-#| "gamma function divided by gamma(@{a})"
msgid ""
"The regularized incomplete gamma function is the unregularized incomplete "
"gamma function divided by GAMMA(@{a})."
@@ -3073,6 +3070,204 @@ msgid ""
"\t'Mi' \tmebi \t\t2^20\n"
"\t'ki' \tkibi \t\t\t2^10"
msgstr ""
+"@{from} y @{to} puede ser cualquiera de los siguientes:\n"
+"Peso y masa:\n"
+"\t'brton'\t\tTonelada imperial\n"
+"\t'cwt'\t\tQuintal americano (corto)\n"
+"\t'g' \t\tGramo\n"
+"\t'hweight'\tQuintal imperial (largo)\n"
+"\t'LTON'\t\tTonelada imperial\n"
+"\t'sg' \t\tSlug\n"
+"\t'shweight'\tQuintal americano (corto)\n"
+"\t'lcwt'\t\tQuintal americano (largo)\n"
+"\t'u' \t\tU (masa atómica)\n"
+"\t'uk_cwt'\tQuintal imperial (corto)\n"
+"\t'uk_ton'\tTonelada imperial\n"
+"\t'm' \t\tMetro\n"
+"\t'mi' \t\tStatute mile\n"
+"\t'survey_mi' \tU.S. survey mile\n"
+"\t'Nmi' \t\tMilla náutica\n"
+"\t'in' \t\tPulgada\n"
+"\t'ft' \t\tPie\n"
+"\t'yd' \t\tYarda\n"
+"\t'ell' \t\tEnglish Ell\n"
+"\t'ang' \t\tAngstrom\n"
+"\t'ly' \t\tAño-luz\n"
+"\t'pc' \t\tParsec\n"
+"\t'parsec' \tParsec\n"
+"\t'Pica'\t\tPica Points\n"
+"\t'Picapt'\tPica Points\n"
+"\t'picapt'\tPica Points\n"
+"\t'yr' \t\tAño\n"
+"\t'day' \t\tDÃa\n"
+"\t'hr' \t\tHora\n"
+"\t'mn' \t\tMinuto\n"
+"\t'sec' \t\tSegundo\n"
+"\t'Pa' \t\tPascal\n"
+"\t'psi' \t\tPSI\n"
+"\t'atm' \t\tAtmósfera\n"
+"\t'Pa' \t\tPascal\n"
+"\t'mmHg'\t\tmm de mercurio\n"
+"\t'N' \t\tNewton\n"
+"\t'dyn' \t\tDyna\n"
+"\t'pond' \t\tPondio\n"
+"\t'lbf' \t\tPondio de fuerza\n"
+"\t'J' \t\tJulio\n"
+"\t'e' \t\tErg\n"
+"\t'c' \t\tCalorÃa termodinámica\n"
+"\t'cal' \t\tCalorÃa IT\n"
+"\t'eV' \t\tElectrón-voltio\n"
+"\t'HPh' \t\tCaballo de vapor/hora\n"
+"\t'Wh' \t\tWatio/hora\n"
+"\t'flb' \t\tPie/libra\n"
+"\t'BTU' \t\tBTU\n"
+"\t'HP' \t\tCaballo de vapor\n"
+"\t'PS' \t\tPferdestärke\n"
+"\t'W' \t\tWatio\n"
+"\t'T' \t\tTesla\n"
+"\t'ga' \t\tGauss\n"
+"\t'C' \t\tGrado Celsius\n"
+"\t'F' \t\tFahrenheit\n"
+"\t'K' \t\tKelvin\n"
+"\t'Rank' \t\tGrado Rankine\n"
+"\t'Reau' \t\tGrado Réaumur\n"
+"Volumen (medición de lÃquidos):\n"
+"\t'tsp' \t\tCuchara de té\n"
+"\t'tspm' \tCuchara de té (moderna, métrica)\n"
+"\t'tbs' \t\tCucharada\n"
+"\t'oz' \t\tOnza fluÃda\n"
+"\t'cup' \t\tTaza\n"
+"\t'pt' \t\tPinta\n"
+"\t'us_pt'\t\tPinta americana\n"
+"\t'uk_pt'\t\tPinta imperial (U.K.)\n"
+"\t'qt' \t\tQuart\n"
+"\t'uk_qt' \tImperial quart\n"
+"\t'gal' \t\tGalón\n"
+"\t'uk_gal' \tImperial gallon\n"
+"\t'GRT' \t\tRegistered ton\n"
+"\t'regton' \tRegistered ton\n"
+"\t'MTON' \t\tMeasurement ton (freight ton)\n"
+"\t'l' \t\tLitro\n"
+"\t'L' \t\tLitro\n"
+"\t'lt' \t\tLitro\n"
+"\t'ang3' \t\tAngstrom cúbico\n"
+"\t'ang^3' \tAngstrom cúbico\n"
+"\t'barrel' \tBarril de petróleo americano (bbl)\n"
+"\t'bushel' \tU.S. bushel\n"
+"\t'ft3' \t\tPie cúbico\n"
+"\t'ft^3' \t\tPie cúbico\n"
+"\t'in3' \t\tPulgada cúbica\n"
+"\t'in^3' \t\tPulgada cúbica\n"
+"\t'ly3' \t\tAño-luz cúbico\n"
+"\t'ly^3' \t\tAño-luz cúbico\n"
+"\t'm3' \t\tMetro cúbico\n"
+"\t'm^3' \t\tMetro cúbico\n"
+"\t'mi3' \t\tMilla cúbica\n"
+"\t'mi^3' \t\tMilla cúbica\n"
+"\t'yd3' \t\tYarda cúbica\n"
+"\t'yd^3' \t\tYarda cúbica\n"
+"\t'Nmi3' \t\tMilla naútica cúbica\n"
+"\t'Nmi^3' \tMilla naútica cúbica\n"
+"\t'Picapt3' \tPica cúbica\n"
+"\t'Picapt^3' \tPica cúbica\n"
+"\t'Pica3' \tPica cúbica\n"
+"\t'Pica^3' \tPica cúbica\n"
+"\t'uk_acre' \tAcre internacional\n"
+"\t'us_acre' \tU.S. survey/statute acre\n"
+"\t'ang2' \t\tAngstrom cuadrado\n"
+"\t'ang^2' \tAngstrom cuadrado\n"
+"\t'ar' \t\t\tAre\n"
+"\t'ha' \t\tHectárea\n"
+"\t'in2' \t\tPulgadas cuadradas\n"
+"\t'in^2' \t\tPulgadas cuadradas\n"
+"\t'ly2' \t\tAño-luz cuadrado\n"
+"\t'ly^2' \t\tAño-luz cuadrado\n"
+"\t'm2' \t\tMetro cuadrado\n"
+"\t'm^2' \t\tMetro cuadrado\n"
+"\t'Morgen' \t\tMorgen (North German Confederation)\n"
+"\t'mi2' \t\tMillas cuadradas\n"
+"\t'mi^2' \t\tMillas cuadradas\n"
+"\t'Nmi2' \t\tMillas naúticas cuadradas\n"
+"\t'Nmi^2' \tMillas naúticas cuadradas\n"
+"\t'Picapt2' \tPica cuadrada\n"
+"\t'Picapt^2' \tPica cuadrada\n"
+"\t'Pica2' \tPica cuadrada\n"
+"\t'Pica^2' \tPica cuadrada\n"
+"\t'yd2' \t\tYardas cuadradas\n"
+"\t'yd^2' \t\tYardas cuadradas\n"
+"Bits y Bytes:\n"
+"\t'bit' \t\tBit\n"
+"\t'byte' \t\tByte\n"
+"\t'admkn' \tAdmiralty knot\n"
+"\t'kn' \t\tknot\n"
+"\t'm/h' \t\tMetros por hora\n"
+"\t'm/hr' \t\tMetros por hora\n"
+"\t'm/s' \t\tMetros por segundo\n"
+"\t'm/sec' \tMetros por segundo\n"
+"\t'mph' \t\tMillas por hora\n"
+"Para unidades de medida se puede usar cualquiera de los siguientes "
+"\t'Y' \tyotta \t\t1E+24\n"
+"\t'Z' \tzetta \t\t1E+21\n"
+"\t'E' \texa \t\t1E+18\n"
+"\t'P' \tpeta \t\t1E+15\n"
+"\t'T' \ttera \t\t1E+12\n"
+"\t'G' \tgiga \t\t1E+09\n"
+"\t'M' \tmega \t\t1E+06\n"
+"\t'k' \tkilo \t\t1E+03\n"
+"\t'h' \thecto \t\t1E+02\n"
+"\t'e' \tdeca (deka)\t1E+01\n"
+"\t'd' \tdeci \t\t1E-01\n"
+"\t'c' \tcenti \t\t1E-02\n"
+"\t'm' \tmilli \t\t1E-03\n"
+"\t'u' \tmicro \t\t1E-06\n"
+"\t'n' \tnano \t\t1E-09\n"
+"\t'p' \tpico \t\t1E-12\n"
+"\t'f' \tfemto \t\t1E-15\n"
+"\t'a' \tatto \t\t1E-18\n"
+"\t'z' \tzepto \t\t1E-21\n"
+"\t'y' \tyocto \t\t1E-24\n"
+"Para bits y bytes se puede usar cualquiera de los siguientes prefijos:\n"
+"\t'Yi' \tyobi \t\t2^80\n"
+"\t'Zi' \tzebi \t\t2^70\n"
+"\t'Ei' \texbi \t\t2^60\n"
+"\t'Pi' \tpebi \t\t2^50\n"
+"\t'Ti' \ttebi \t\t2^40\n"
+"\t'Gi' \tgibi \t\t2^30\n"
+"\t'Mi' \tmebi \t\t2^20\n"
+"\t'ki' \tkibi \t\t2^10"
#: ../plugins/fn-eng/functions.c:830
msgid "This function is Excel compatible (except \"picapt\")."
@@ -3943,8 +4138,6 @@ msgid "dates:dates of cash flow"
msgstr "fechas:fechas de flujo de fondo"
#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:1545
-#| msgid ""
-#| "XNPV calculates the net present value of a cash flow at irregular times"
msgid ""
"XNPV calculates the net present value of a cash flow at irregular times."
msgstr ""
@@ -4348,10 +4541,6 @@ msgstr ""
"AMORLINC:depreciación de un activo usando convenciones contables francesas"
#: ../plugins/fn-financial/functions.c:2964
-#| msgid ""
-#| "AMORLINC calculates the depreciation of an asset using French accounting "
-#| "conventions. Assets purchased in the middle of a period take prorated "
-#| "depreciation into account. "
msgid ""
"AMORLINC calculates the depreciation of an asset using French accounting "
"conventions. Assets purchased in the middle of a period take prorated "
@@ -4918,7 +5107,6 @@ msgid "name:the name of the environment variable"
msgstr "nombre:el nombre de la variable de entorno"
#: ../plugins/fn-info/functions.c:1805
-#, fuzzy
#| msgid "If a variable called @{name} does not exist, #N/A! will be returned."
msgid "If a variable called @{name} does not exist, #N/A will be returned."
msgstr "Si la variable @{nombre} no existe, se devolverá #N/A!."
@@ -5061,17 +5249,14 @@ msgstr ""
"caso devuelve el segundo."
#: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:245
-#| msgid "IFNA:test for #NA! error"
msgid "IFNA:test for #N/A error"
msgstr "IFNA:prueba para el error #N/A"
#: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:246
-#| msgid "x:value to test for #NA! error"
msgid "x:value to test for #N/A error"
msgstr "x:valor con el que probar el error #N/A"
#: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:248
-#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "This function returns the first value, unless that is #NA!, in which case "
#| "it returns the second."
@@ -5079,7 +5264,7 @@ msgid ""
"This function returns the first value, unless that is #N/A, in which case it "
"returns the second."
msgstr ""
-"Esta función devuelve el primer valor, a no ser que sea #NA!, en cuyo caso "
+"Esta función devuelve el primer valor, a no ser que sea #N/A!, en cuyo caso "
"devuelve el segundo."
#: ../plugins/fn-logical/functions.c:265
@@ -5404,9 +5589,6 @@ msgid "vector:n by 1 or 1 by n range to be searched"
msgstr "vector:rango n por 1 o 1 por n que buscar"
#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1258
-#| msgid ""
-#| "type:+1 (the default) to find the largest value ≤ @{seek}, 0 to find the "
-#| "first value = @{seek}, or-1 to find the smallest value ≥ @{seek}"
msgid ""
"type:+1 (the default) to find the largest value ≤ @{seek}, 0 to find the "
"first value = @{seek}, or -1 to find the smallest value ≥ @{seek}"
@@ -5421,9 +5603,6 @@ msgstr ""
"MATCH busca @{vector} para @{objetivo} y devuelve el Ãndice basado en 1."
#: ../plugins/fn-lookup/functions.c:1262
-#| msgid ""
-#| " For @{type} = -1 the data must be sorted in descending order; for "
-#| "@{type} = +1 the data must be sorted in ascending order."
msgid ""
"For @{type} = -1 the data must be sorted in descending order; for @{type} = "
"+1 the data must be sorted in ascending order."
@@ -6066,9 +6245,6 @@ msgstr ""
"correspondientes en el rango cumplan los @{criterios} dados"
#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:756
-#| msgid ""
-#| "SUMIF:sum of the cells in @{actual_range} for which the corresponding "
-#| "cells in the range meet the given @{criteria}"
msgid ""
"MINIFS:minimum of the cells in @{actual_range} for which the corresponding "
"cells in the range meet the given criteria"
@@ -6097,8 +6273,6 @@ msgstr ""
"menos ABS(@{x})"
#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:798 ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1220
-#| msgid ""
-#| "significance:base multiple (defaults to 1 for @{x} > 0 and -1 for @{x} <0)"
msgid ""
"significance:base multiple (defaults to 1 for @{x} > 0 and -1 for @{x} < 0)"
msgstr ""
@@ -6248,9 +6422,6 @@ msgstr ""
"contrario la parte imaginaria"
#: ../plugins/fn-math/functions.c:1084
-#| msgid ""
-#| "The regularized incomplete gamma function is the unregularized incomplete "
-#| "gamma function divided by gamma(@{a})"
msgid ""
"The regularized incomplete gamma function is the unregularized incomplete "
"gamma function divided by GAMMA(@{a})"
@@ -7962,7 +8133,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:636
-#| msgid "R.DBETA:probability density function of the beta distribution"
msgid "R.DGUMBEL:probability density function of the Gumbel distribution"
msgstr ""
"R.DGUMBEL:función de la densidad de probabilidad de la distribución Gumbel"
@@ -7992,15 +8162,11 @@ msgstr ""
"distribución beta."
#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:661
-#| msgid "R.PBETA:cumulative distribution function of the beta distribution"
msgid "R.PGUMBEL:cumulative distribution function of the Gumbel distribution"
msgstr ""
"R.PGUMBEL:función de distribución acumulativa de la distribución Gumbel"
#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:667
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the beta "
-#| "distribution."
msgid ""
"This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the Gumbel "
@@ -8009,14 +8175,10 @@ msgstr ""
"distribución Gumbel."
#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:688
-#| msgid "R.QBETA:probability quantile function of the beta distribution"
msgid "R.QGUMBEL:probability quantile function of the Gumbel distribution"
msgstr "R.QGUMBEL:función cuantil de probabilidad la distribución Gumbel"
#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:694
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the "
-#| "inverse of the cumulative distribution function, of the beta distribution."
msgid ""
"This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
"of the cumulative distribution function, of the Gumbel distribution."
@@ -8284,16 +8446,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1116
-#| msgid "RAYLEIGH:probability density function of the Rayleigh distribution"
msgid "R.DRAYLEIGH:probability density function of the Rayleigh distribution"
msgstr ""
"R.DRAYLEIGH:función de densidad de probabilidad de la distribución de "
#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1120
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This function returns the probability density function of the F "
-#| "distribution."
msgid ""
"This function returns the probability density function of the Rayleigh "
@@ -8302,16 +8460,12 @@ msgstr ""
"distribución de Rayleigh."
#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1139
-#| msgid "R.PF:cumulative distribution function of the F distribution"
msgid ""
"R.PRAYLEIGH:cumulative distribution function of the Rayleigh distribution"
msgstr ""
"R.PRAYLEIGH:función de distribución acumulativa de la distribución Rayleigh"
#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1144
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the F "
-#| "distribution."
msgid ""
"This function returns the cumulative distribution function of the Rayleigh "
@@ -8320,15 +8474,11 @@ msgstr ""
"distribución Rayleigh."
#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1164
-#| msgid "RAYLEIGH:probability density function of the Rayleigh distribution"
msgid "R.QRAYLEIGH:probability quantile function of the Rayleigh distribution"
msgstr ""
"Q.RAYLEIGH:función cuantil de probabilidad de la distribución de Rayleigh"
#: ../plugins/fn-r/functions.c:1169
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the "
-#| "inverse of the cumulative distribution function, of the F distribution."
msgid ""
"This function returns the probability quantile function, i.e., the inverse "
"of the cumulative distribution function, of the Rayleigh distribution."
@@ -9303,7 +9453,6 @@ msgid "RANK.AVG:rank of a number in a list of numbers"
msgstr "RANK.AVG:rango de un número en una lista de números"
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:213
-#| msgid "In case of a tie, RANK returns the average rank."
msgid "In case of a tie, RANK.AVG returns the average rank."
msgstr "En caso de un empate, RANK.AVG devuelve el rango promedio."
@@ -9663,9 +9812,6 @@ msgid "HARMEAN:harmonic mean"
msgstr "HARMEAN:media armónica"
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:734
-#| msgid ""
-#| "The harmonic mean of N data points is N divided by the sum of the "
-#| "reciprocals of the data points)."
msgid ""
"The harmonic mean of N data points is N divided by the sum of the "
"reciprocals of the data points)."
@@ -9801,9 +9947,6 @@ msgstr ""
"distribución acumulativa"
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:982
-#| msgid ""
-#| "If @{cumulative} is false it will return:\t@{y} * exp (-@{y}*@{x}),"
-#| "otherwise it will return\t1 - exp (-@{y}*@{x})."
msgid ""
"If @{cumulative} is false it will return:\t@{y} * exp (-@{y}*@{x}), "
"otherwise it will return\t1 - exp (-@{y}*@{x})."
@@ -10331,10 +10474,6 @@ msgstr ""
"la distribución de Weibull"
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:1936
-#| msgid ""
-#| "If the @{cumulative} boolean is true it will return: 1 - exp (-(@{x}/"
-#| "@{beta})^@{alpha}),otherwise it will return (@{alpha}/@{beta}^@{alpha}) * "
-#| "@{x}^(@{alpha}-1) * exp(-(@{x}/@{beta}^@{alpha}))."
msgid ""
"If the @{cumulative} boolean is true it will return: 1 - exp (-(@{x}/"
"@{beta})^@{alpha}), otherwise it will return (@{alpha}/@{beta}^@{alpha}) * "
@@ -10570,7 +10709,6 @@ msgstr ""
"función devuelve un error #NUM!."
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2371
-#| msgid "Then LARGE(A1:A5,2) equals 25.9.LARGE(A1:A5,4) equals 17.3."
msgid "Then LARGE(A1:A5,2) equals 25.9. LARGE(A1:A5,4) equals 17.3."
msgstr "Luego LARGE(A1:A5,2) igual a 25.9. LARGE(A1:A5,4) igual a 17.3."
@@ -10579,7 +10717,6 @@ msgid "SMALL:@{k}-th smallest value in a data set"
msgstr "SMALL:@{k}º valor más pequeño en un conjunto de datos"
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2414
-#| msgid "Then SMALL(A1:A5,2) equals 17.3.SMALL(A1:A5,4) equals 25.9."
msgid "Then SMALL(A1:A5,2) equals 17.3. SMALL(A1:A5,4) equals 25.9."
msgstr "Luego SMALL(A1:A5,2) igual a 17.3. SMALL(A1:A5,4) igual a 25.9."
@@ -10769,7 +10906,6 @@ msgid "STDEVPA:population standard deviation of an entire population"
msgstr "STDEVPA:desviación estándar de la población de una población entera."
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2834
-#| msgid "PERCENTRANK:rank of a data point in a data set"
msgid ""
"PERCENTRANK:rank of a data point in a data set (Hyndman-Fan method 7: N-1 "
@@ -10804,9 +10940,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Si @{significancia} es menor que uno, esta función devuelve un error #NUM!."
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2842 ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2946
-#| msgid ""
-#| "If @{x} exceeds the largest value or is less than the smallest value in "
-#| "@{array}, this function returns a #NUM! error."
msgid ""
"If @{x} exceeds the largest value or is less than the smallest value in "
"@{array}, this function returns an #N/A error."
@@ -10823,7 +10956,6 @@ msgstr ""
"coincide más de una vez, esta función interpola el valor devuelto."
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:2938
-#| msgid "PERCENTRANK:rank of a data point in a data set"
msgid ""
"PERCENTRANK.EXC:rank of a data point in a data set (Hyndman-Fan method 6: N"
"+1 basis)"
@@ -10832,8 +10964,6 @@ msgstr ""
"de Hyndman-Fan: N-1)"
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3039
-#| msgid ""
-#| "PERCENTILE:determines the 100*@{k}-th percentile of the given data points"
msgid ""
"PERCENTILE:determines the 100*@{k}-th percentile of the given data points "
"(Hyndman-Fan method 7: N-1 basis)"
@@ -10859,8 +10989,6 @@ msgid "Then PERCENTILE(A1:A5,0.42) equals 20.02."
msgstr "Luego PERCENTILE(A1:A5,0.42) igual a 20.02."
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3081
-#| msgid ""
-#| "PERCENTILE:determines the 100*@{k}-th percentile of the given data points"
msgid ""
"PERCENTILE.EXC:determines the 100*@{k}-th percentile of the given data "
"points (Hyndman-Fan method 6: N+1 basis)"
@@ -10873,7 +11001,6 @@ msgid "Then PERCENTILE.EXC(A1:A5,0.42) equals 20.02."
msgstr "Luego PERCENTILE.EXC(A1:A5,0.42) igual a 20.02."
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3126
-#| msgid "QUARTILE:the @{k}-th quartile of the data points"
msgid ""
"QUARTILE:the @{k}-th quartile of the data points (Hyndman-Fan method 7: N-1 "
@@ -10902,7 +11029,6 @@ msgid "Then QUARTILE(A1:A5,1) equals 17.3."
msgstr "Luego QUARTILE(A1:A5,1) igual a 17.3."
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3169
-#| msgid "QUARTILE:the @{k}-th quartile of the data points"
msgid ""
"QUARTILE.EXC:the @{k}-th quartile of the data points (Hyndman-Fan method 6: N"
"+1 basis)"
@@ -10911,7 +11037,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Fan: N+1)"
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3171
-#| msgid "quart:a number from 0 to 4, indicating which quartile to calculate"
msgid "quart:a number from 1 to 3, indicating which quartile to calculate"
msgstr "cuarto:un número de 1 a 3, indicando qué cuartil se va a calcular"
@@ -10986,10 +11111,6 @@ msgstr ""
"error #NUM!."
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3289
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Then TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,1,1) equals 0.003127619.TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,2,1) "
-#| "equals 0.006255239.TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,1,2) equals 0.111804322.TTEST(A1:A5,"
-#| "B1:B5,1,3) equals 0.113821797."
msgid ""
"Then TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,1,1) equals 0.003127619. TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,2,1) "
"equals 0.006255239. TTEST(A1:A5,B1:B5,1,2) equals 0.111804322. TTEST(A1:A5,"
@@ -11080,13 +11201,6 @@ msgstr ""
"seguidas por el intercepto y si @{affine} es verdadero."
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3731
-#| msgid ""
-#| "If @{stats} is true, the second row contains the corresponding standard "
-#| "errors of the regression coefficients.In this case, the third row "
-#| "contains the R^2 value and the standard error for the predicted value. "
-#| "The fourth row contains the observed F value and its degrees of freedom. "
-#| "Finally, the fifth row contains the regression sum of squares and the "
-#| "residual sum of squares."
msgid ""
"If @{stats} is true, the second row contains the corresponding standard "
"errors of the regression coefficients. In this case, the third row contains "
@@ -11137,12 +11251,6 @@ msgstr ""
"predeterminado es FALSO"
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3834
-#| msgid ""
-#| "LOGREG function transforms your x's to z=ln(x) and applies the “least "
-#| "squares†method to fit the linear equation y = m * z + b to your y's and "
-#| "z's --- equivalent to fitting the equation y = m * ln(x) + b to y's and "
-#| "x's. LOGREG returns an array having two columns and one row. m is given "
-#| "in the first column and b in the second. "
msgid ""
"LOGREG function transforms your x's to z=ln(x) and applies the “least "
"squares†method to fit the linear equation y = m * z + b to your y's and z's "
@@ -11157,14 +11265,6 @@ msgstr ""
"columna y b en la segunda."
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3842
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Any extra statistical information is written below m and b in the result "
-#| "array. This extra statistical information consists of four rows of "
-#| "data: In the first row the standard error values for the coefficients m, "
-#| "b are given. The second row contains the square of R and the standard "
-#| "error for the y estimate. The third row contains the F-observed value and "
-#| "the degrees of freedom. The last row contains the regression sum of "
-#| "squares and the residual sum of squares.The default of @{stat} is FALSE."
msgid ""
"Any extra statistical information is written below m and b in the result "
"array. This extra statistical information consists of four rows of data: "
@@ -11231,10 +11331,6 @@ msgstr ""
"forma de la nube de punto es muy diferente de un uno ««logarÃtmico»»."
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:3962
-#| msgid ""
-#| "You can use the above formula = a + b * ln(sign * (x - c)) or rearrange "
-#| "it to = (exp((y - a) / b)) / sign + c to compute unknown y's or x's, "
-#| "respectively. "
msgid ""
"You can use the above formula = a + b * ln(sign * (x - c)) or rearrange it "
"to = (exp((y - a) / b)) / sign + c to compute unknown y's or x's, "
@@ -11466,10 +11562,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Asumiendo que las celdas A1, A2, …, A5 contienen números 23, 27, 28, 33 y 39."
#: ../plugins/fn-stat/functions.c:4570
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Then SUBTOTAL(1,A1:A5) equals 30.SUBTOTAL(6,A1:A5) equals 22378356."
-#| "SUBTOTAL(7,A1:A5) equals 6.164414003.SUBTOTAL(9,A1:A5) equals 150."
-#| "SUBTOTAL(11,A1:A5) equals 30.4."
msgid ""
"Then SUBTOTAL(1,A1:A5) equals 30. SUBTOTAL(6,A1:A5) equals 22378356. "
"SUBTOTAL(7,A1:A5) equals 6.164414003. SUBTOTAL(9,A1:A5) equals 150. "
@@ -11829,9 +11921,6 @@ msgstr ""
"los primeros caracteres devueltos son de la derecha de la cadena."
#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:333
-#| msgid ""
-#| "LEFTB:the first characters of the string @{s} comprising at most "
-#| "@{num_bytes} bytes"
msgid ""
"LEFTB:the first characters of the string @{s} comprising at most "
"@{num_bytes} bytes"
@@ -11980,7 +12069,6 @@ msgid "s2:second string"
msgstr "s2:segunda cadena"
#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:623
-#| msgid "CONCATENATE:the concatenation of the strings @{s1}, @{s2},…"
msgid "CONCAT:the concatenation of the strings @{s1}, @{s2},…"
msgstr "CONCAT:la concatenación de las cadenas @{s1}, @{s2},…"
@@ -11989,7 +12077,6 @@ msgid "This function is identical to CONCATENATE"
msgstr "Esta función es idéntica a CONCATENATE"
#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:642
-#| msgid "CONCATENATE:the concatenation of the strings @{s1}, @{s2},…"
msgid ""
"TEXTJOIN:the concatenation of the strings @{s1}, @{s2},… delimited by @{del}"
msgstr ""
@@ -12253,9 +12340,6 @@ msgstr ""
"mitad de la anchura"
#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1517
-#| msgid ""
-#| "ASC converts full-width katakana and ASCII characters to half-width "
-#| "equivalent characters, copying all others. "
msgid ""
"ASC converts full-width katakana and ASCII characters to half-width "
"equivalent characters, copying all others."
@@ -12294,9 +12378,6 @@ msgstr ""
"anchura completa"
#: ../plugins/fn-string/functions.c:1644
-#| msgid ""
-#| "JIS converts half-width katakana and ASCII characters to full-width "
-#| "equivalent characters, copying all others. "
msgid ""
"JIS converts half-width katakana and ASCII characters to full-width "
"equivalent characters, copying all others."
@@ -12410,7 +12491,6 @@ msgid "ordinates:ordinates of the given data"
msgstr "ordenadas:ordenadas de los datos dados"
#: ../plugins/fn-tsa/functions.c:563
-#| msgid "filter:windowing function to be used, defaults to no filter"
msgid "filter:windowing function to be used, defaults to no filter"
msgstr "filtro:función de ventanas que usar, lo predeterminado es sin filtro"
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