[gegl] bin: add a scrollbar to folder view

commit 72da43cc1a9fe94342990750f0f57e2ecb712b11
Author: Øyvind Kolås <pippin gimp org>
Date:   Tue Jan 29 01:01:20 2019 +0100

    bin: add a scrollbar to folder view
    Also restrict panning of folder view to top/bottom of collection
    and tidy up drawing of each item in collection.

 bin/gegl.c                 |   2 +
 bin/ui.c                   | 199 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.c |   4 +-
 3 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bin/gegl.c b/bin/gegl.c
index 6ea1ee135..3378fb51f 100644
--- a/bin/gegl.c
+++ b/bin/gegl.c
@@ -406,6 +406,8 @@ int gegl_str_has_image_suffix (char *path)
   return g_str_has_suffix (path, ".jpg") ||
          g_str_has_suffix (path, ".png") ||
+         g_str_has_suffix (path, ".svg") ||
+         g_str_has_suffix (path, ".SVG") ||
          g_str_has_suffix (path, ".JPG") ||
          g_str_has_suffix (path, ".PNG") ||
          g_str_has_suffix (path, ".gif") ||
diff --git a/bin/ui.c b/bin/ui.c
index 615078756..9d5bca4d9 100644
--- a/bin/ui.c
+++ b/bin/ui.c
@@ -221,7 +221,9 @@ struct _State {
                             on type of input file.
   GList         *paths;  /* list of full paths to entries in collection/path/containing path,
-                            XXX: could be replaced with URIs  */
+                            XXX: could be replaced with URIs, and each
+                            element should perhaps contain more internal info
+                            like stars, tags etc.  */
@@ -323,7 +325,11 @@ typedef struct Setting {
 Setting settings[]=
+  INT_PROP(color_manage_display, "perform ICC color management and convert output to display ICC profile 
instead of passing out sRGB, passing out sRGB is faster."),
+  INT_PROP(frame_no, "current frame number in video/animation"),
+  INT_PROP_RO(is_video, ""),
   STRING_PROP_RO(path, "path of current document"),
+  INT_PROP(playing, "wheter we are playing or not set to 0 for pause 1 for playing"),
   STRING_PROP_RO(save_path, "save path, might be different from path if current path is an immutable source 
image itself"),
   STRING_PROP_RO(src_path, "source path the immutable source image currently being edited"),
@@ -331,16 +337,13 @@ Setting settings[]=
 //  FLOAT_PROP(v, "vertical coordinate of top-left in display/scaled by scale factor coordinates"),
 //  FLOAT_PROP(render_quality, "1.0 = normal 2.0 = render at 2.0 zoom factor 4.0 render at 25%"),
 //  FLOAT_PROP(preview_quality, "preview quality for use during some interactions, same scale as 
+  FLOAT_PROP(scale, "display scale factor"),
+  INT_PROP(show_bindings, "show currently valid keybindings"),
   INT_PROP(show_graph, "show the graph (and commandline)"),
   INT_PROP(show_thumbbar, "show the thumbbar"),
   INT_PROP(show_controls, "show image viewer controls (maybe merge with show-graph and give better name)"),
   INT_PROP(slide_enabled, "slide show going"),
-  INT_PROP_RO(is_video, ""),
-  INT_PROP(color_manage_display, "perform ICC color management and convert output to display ICC profile 
instead of passing out sRGB, passing out sRGB is faster."),
-  INT_PROP(playing, "wheter we are playing or not set to 0 for pause 1 for playing"),
-  INT_PROP(frame_no, "current frame number in video/animation"),
-  FLOAT_PROP(scale, "display scale factor"),
-  INT_PROP(show_bindings, "show currently valid keybindings"),
+  FLOAT_PROP(slide_pause, "display scale factor"),
@@ -629,7 +632,7 @@ static gboolean renderer_task (gpointer data)
       if (thumb_queue)
         static GPid thumbnailer_pid = 0;
-#define THUMB_BATCH_SIZE    10
+#define THUMB_BATCH_SIZE    32
         char *argv[THUMB_BATCH_SIZE]={"gegl","--thumbgen", NULL};
         int count = 2;
         MrgList *to_remove = NULL;
@@ -1202,6 +1205,14 @@ static void on_dir_drag (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2)
+    {
+      int count = g_list_length (o->paths);
+      if (o->v < 0)
+        o->v = 0;
+      if (o->v > count/hack_cols * hack_dim - mrg_height(e->mrg)/2)
+        o->v = count/hack_cols * hack_dim - mrg_height(e->mrg)/2;
+    }
     o->renderer_state = 0;
     mrg_queue_draw (e->mrg, NULL);
     mrg_event_stop_propagate (e);
@@ -1337,9 +1348,46 @@ static void on_move_drag (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2)
   mrg_event_stop_propagate (e);
+static int dir_scroll_dragged = 0;
+static void on_dir_scroll_drag (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2)
+  State *o = data1;
+  switch (e->type)
+  {
+    default: break;
+    case MRG_DRAG_PRESS:
+      dir_scroll_dragged = 1;
+      break;
+      dir_scroll_dragged = 0;
+      break;
+    case MRG_DRAG_MOTION:
+      {
+        int count = g_list_length (o->paths);
+        float height = mrg_height (e->mrg);
 #if 0
+        y = height * ( o->v / (count/hack_cols * hack_dim) )
+        y = height * ( o->v / (count/hack_cols * hack_dim) )
+        y/height = ( o->v / (count/hack_cols * hack_dim) )
+        y/height * (count/hack_cols * hack_dim) = o->v;
+        o->v += e->delta_y /height * (count/hack_cols * hack_dim);
+        if (o->v < 0)
+          o->v = 0;
+        if (o->v > count/hack_cols * hack_dim - height/2)
+          o->v = count/hack_cols * hack_dim - height/2;
+      }
+      break;
+  }
+  mrg_event_stop_propagate (e);
+#if 0
 static void prop_int_drag_cb (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2)
   GeglNode *node = data1;
@@ -1441,31 +1489,41 @@ static void ui_dir_viewer (State *o)
   float dim;
   int   cols;
   int   no = 0;
+  int   count;
+  float padding = 0.025;
+  float em = mrg_em (mrg);
   update_grid_dim (o);
   cols = hack_cols;
   dim = hack_dim;
-  cairo_rectangle (cr, 0,0, mrg_width(mrg), mrg_height(mrg));
-  mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_MOTION, on_viewer_motion, o, NULL);
-  cairo_new_path (cr);
+  count = g_list_length (o->paths);
   cairo_save (cr);
   cairo_translate (cr, 0, -(int)o->v);
     float x = dim * (no%cols);
     float y = dim * (no/cols);
-    mrg_set_xy (mrg, x, y + dim - mrg_em(mrg) * 2);
-    mrg_printf (mrg, "parent\nfolder");
+    float wdim = dim * .6;
+    float hdim = dim * .6;
     cairo_new_path (mrg_cr(mrg));
-    cairo_rectangle (mrg_cr(mrg), x, y, dim, dim);
+    cairo_rectangle (mrg_cr (mrg), x, y, dim, dim);
     if (no == o->entry_no + 1)
-      cairo_set_source_rgb (mrg_cr(mrg), 1, 1,0);
+      cairo_set_source_rgba (mrg_cr (mrg), 1,1,0,.5);
-      cairo_set_source_rgb (mrg_cr(mrg), 0, 0,0);
-    cairo_set_line_width (mrg_cr(mrg), 4);
-    cairo_stroke_preserve (mrg_cr(mrg));
+      cairo_set_source_rgba (mrg_cr (mrg), 1,1,1,.0);
+    cairo_fill_preserve (mrg_cr (mrg));
     mrg_listen_full (mrg, MRG_CLICK, run_command, "parent", NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    mrg_image (mrg, x + (dim-wdim)/2 + dim * padding, y + (dim-hdim)/2 + dim * padding,
+        wdim * (1.0-padding*2), hdim *(1.0-padding*2), 1.0,
+         "/usr/share/icons/HighContrast/256x256/actions/go-up.png", NULL, NULL);
     cairo_new_path (mrg_cr(mrg));
+    mrg_set_xy (mrg, x, y + dim - mrg_em(mrg) * 2);
+    mrg_printf (mrg, "parent\nfolder");
@@ -1479,7 +1537,7 @@ static void ui_dir_viewer (State *o)
       float y = dim * (no/cols);
       int is_dir = 0;
-      if (y < -dim + o->v || y > mrg_height (mrg) + o->v)
+      if (y < -dim * 4 + o->v || y > mrg_height (mrg) + dim * 1.5 + o->v)
       lstat (path, &stat_buf);
@@ -1487,10 +1545,20 @@ static void ui_dir_viewer (State *o)
       if (S_ISDIR (stat_buf.st_mode))
-        float wdim = 96;
-        float hdim = 96;
-        mrg_image (mrg, x + (dim-wdim)/2, y + (dim-hdim)/2,
-                     wdim, hdim, 1.0, "/usr/share/icons/HighContrast/256x256/places/folder.png", NULL, NULL);
+        float wdim = dim * .6;
+        float hdim = dim * .6;
+        cairo_rectangle (mrg_cr (mrg), x, y, dim, dim);
+        if (no == o->entry_no + 1)
+          cairo_set_source_rgba (mrg_cr (mrg), 1,1,0,.5);
+        else
+          cairo_set_source_rgba (mrg_cr (mrg), 1,1,1,.0);
+        cairo_fill (mrg_cr (mrg));
+        mrg_image (mrg, x + (dim-wdim)/2 + dim * padding, y + (dim-hdim)/2 + dim * padding,
+        wdim * (1.0-padding*2), hdim *(1.0-padding*2), 1.0,
+         "/usr/share/icons/HighContrast/256x256/places/folder.png", NULL, NULL);
         is_dir = 1;
@@ -1503,8 +1571,7 @@ static void ui_dir_viewer (State *o)
       gchar *thumbpath = get_thumb_path (p2);
       /* we compute the thumbpath as the hash of the suffixed path, even for
- * gegl
-         documents - for gegl documents this is slightly inaccurate but consistent.
+ * gegl documents - for gegl documents this is slightly inaccurate but consistent.
       if (access (thumbpath, F_OK) == 0)
@@ -1531,14 +1598,26 @@ static void ui_dir_viewer (State *o)
         float wdim = dim;
         float hdim = dim;
         if (w > h)
           hdim = dim / (1.0 * w / h);
           wdim = dim * (1.0 * w / h);
+        cairo_rectangle (mrg_cr (mrg), x, y, wdim, hdim);
+        if (no == o->entry_no + 1)
+          cairo_set_source_rgba (mrg_cr (mrg), 1,1,0,1.0);
+        else
+          cairo_set_source_rgba (mrg_cr (mrg), 1,1,1,.0);
+        mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_TAP, entry_load, o, (void*)g_intern_string (iter->data));
+        cairo_fill (mrg_cr (mrg));
         if (w!=0 && h!=0)
-          mrg_image (mrg, x + (dim-wdim)/2, y + (dim-hdim)/2,
-                     wdim, hdim, 1.0, thumbpath, NULL, NULL);
+          mrg_image (mrg, x + (dim-wdim)/2 + dim * padding, y + (dim-hdim)/2 + dim * padding,
+        wdim * (1.0-padding*2), hdim *(1.0-padding*2), 1.0, thumbpath, NULL, NULL);
@@ -1559,20 +1638,41 @@ static void ui_dir_viewer (State *o)
       cairo_new_path (mrg_cr(mrg));
       cairo_rectangle (mrg_cr(mrg), x, y, dim, dim);
+#if 0
       if (no == o->entry_no + 1)
         cairo_set_source_rgb (mrg_cr(mrg), 1, 1,0);
         cairo_set_source_rgb (mrg_cr(mrg), 0, 0,0);
       cairo_set_line_width (mrg_cr(mrg), 4);
       cairo_stroke_preserve (mrg_cr(mrg));
       if (no == o->entry_no + 1)
         mrg_listen_full (mrg, MRG_TAP, entry_load, o, path, NULL, NULL);
         mrg_listen_full (mrg, MRG_TAP, entry_select, o, GINT_TO_POINTER(no-1), NULL, NULL);
       cairo_new_path (mrg_cr(mrg));
   cairo_restore (cr);
+  {
+      float height = mrg_height(mrg) * ( mrg_height (mrg) / (count/cols * dim) );
+    float yoffset = 0;
+    if (height < 4 * em)
+    {
+      yoffset = (4 * em - height)/2;
+      height = 4 * em;
+    }
+  cairo_rectangle (cr,
+                   mrg_width(mrg) - 4 * em,
+                   mrg_height(mrg) * ( o->v / (count/cols * dim) ) - yoffset,
+                   4 * em,
+                   height);
+  }
+  cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1,1,1, dir_scroll_dragged?.3:.2);
+  mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_DRAG, on_dir_scroll_drag, o, NULL);
+  cairo_fill (cr);
   mrg_add_binding (mrg, "left", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection left");
   mrg_add_binding (mrg, "right", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection right");
   mrg_add_binding (mrg, "up", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection up");
@@ -1627,11 +1727,6 @@ static void draw_edit (Mrg *mrg, float x, float y, float w, float h)
 static void on_thumbbar_drag (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2);
-static void on_thumbbar_visible (MrgEvent *event, void *data1, void *data2)
 static void on_thumbbar_scroll (MrgEvent *event, void *data1, void *data2)
   State *o = data1;
@@ -1670,21 +1765,18 @@ static void draw_thumb_bar (State *o)
   if (o->show_thumbbar > 1)
-     opacity = o->thumbbar_opacity * (1.0 - 0.09) + 0.09 * 1.0;
+     opacity = o->thumbbar_opacity * (1.0 - 0.14) + 0.14 * 1.0;
      if (opacity < 0.99)
        mrg_queue_draw (o->mrg, NULL);
-     opacity = o->thumbbar_opacity * (1.0 - 0.09) + 0.09 * 0.05;
-     if (opacity > 0.06)
+     opacity = o->thumbbar_opacity * (1.0 - 0.07) + 0.07 * 0.00;
+     if (opacity > 0.02)
        mrg_queue_draw (o->mrg, NULL);
   o->thumbbar_opacity = opacity;
-  //cairo_translate (mrg_cr (mrg), - o->thumbbar_pan_x, -o->thumbbar_pan_y);
-  //cairo_scale (mrg_cr (mrg), o->thumbbar_scale, o->thumbbar_scale);
   cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, height-dim, width, dim);
   mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_DRAG, on_thumbbar_drag, o, NULL);
   mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_SCROLL, on_thumbbar_scroll, o, NULL);
@@ -1693,7 +1785,7 @@ static void draw_thumb_bar (State *o)
   mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_SCROLL, on_thumbbar_motion, o, NULL);
   cairo_new_path (cr);
-  if (curr && opacity > 0.06)
+  if (curr && opacity > 0.01)
     GList *iter = curr;
     float x = mrg_width(mrg)/2-dim/2 - o->thumbbar_pan_x;
@@ -4983,6 +5075,9 @@ static void gegl_ui (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
       mrg_add_binding (mrg, "up", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection up");
       mrg_add_binding (mrg, "down", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection down");
+      mrg_add_binding (mrg, "page-up", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection page-up");
+      mrg_add_binding (mrg, "page-down", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection page-down");
       mrg_add_binding (mrg, "home", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection first");
       mrg_add_binding (mrg, "end", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection last");
@@ -6874,5 +6969,31 @@ cmd_todo (COMMAND_ARGS)
   return 0;
+int cmd_about (COMMAND_ARGS);/* "about", -1, "", ""*/
+cmd_about (COMMAND_ARGS)
+  printf (
+"This is an integrated image browser, viewer and editor using GEGL.\n"
+"It is a testbed for studying and improving GEGL in operation in isolation, \n"
+"It uses micro-raptor GUI to provide interactivity and CSS layout and\n"
+"styling on top of cairo for the user interface. For the graph editor\n"
+"GEGLs native data representation is used as the scene-graph.\n"
+"The internal commandline is a fallback for easy development, and the\n"
+"basis that event dispatch for pointer/touch events and keybindings\n"
+"are dispatched.\n"
+"Thumbnails are stored in ~/.cache/gegl-0.6/thumbnails as 256x256jpg\n"
+"files, the thumbnails kept up to date reflecting any edits, thumbnailing\n"
+"happens on demand by starting a second instance with a batch of paths - or\n"
+"when leaving a modified image for to view/edit another."
+"File types supported are: jpg, png, tif, exr, gif, mp4, avi, mpg and more\n"
+"video and gif files are opened looping.\n"
+  return 0;
diff --git a/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.c b/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.c
index 71175f400..93a33d609 100644
--- a/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.c
+++ b/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.c
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ gegl_sampler_prepare (GeglSampler *self)
     klass->prepare (self);
-    const Babl *model = babl_format_get_model (gegl_buffer_get_format (self->buffer));
+    const Babl *model = babl_format_get_model (self->format);
     if (babl_model_is (model, "Y")||
         babl_model_is (model, "Y'")||
@@ -546,7 +546,9 @@ gegl_buffer_sampler_new_at_level (GeglBuffer      *buffer,
   GType        desired_type;
   if (format == NULL)
+  {
     format = gegl_babl_rgbA_linear_float ();
+  }
   desired_type = gegl_sampler_gtype_from_enum (sampler_type);

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