[evolution] I#578 - ToDo bar: Multiday events shown incorrectly

commit bf328e147e9507a840f4db700567fee87524cd99
Author: Milan Crha <mcrha redhat com>
Date:   Tue Aug 20 17:53:19 2019 +0200

    I#578 - ToDo bar: Multiday events shown incorrectly
    Closes https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evolution/issues/578

 src/calendar/gui/e-to-do-pane.c | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/calendar/gui/e-to-do-pane.c b/src/calendar/gui/e-to-do-pane.c
index 553e61e370..e6141be27b 100644
--- a/src/calendar/gui/e-to-do-pane.c
+++ b/src/calendar/gui/e-to-do-pane.c
@@ -330,6 +330,7 @@ etdp_get_component_data (EToDoPane *to_do_pane,
                         ICalTimezone *default_zone,
                         guint today_date_mark,
                         gchar **out_summary,
+                        gchar **out_summary_no_time,
                         gchar **out_tooltip,
                         gboolean *out_is_task,
                         gboolean *out_is_completed,
@@ -350,6 +351,7 @@ etdp_get_component_data (EToDoPane *to_do_pane,
        g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_CAL_CLIENT (client), FALSE);
        g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_CAL_COMPONENT (comp), FALSE);
        g_return_val_if_fail (out_summary, FALSE);
+       g_return_val_if_fail (out_summary_no_time, FALSE);
        g_return_val_if_fail (out_tooltip, FALSE);
        g_return_val_if_fail (out_is_task, FALSE);
        g_return_val_if_fail (out_is_completed, FALSE);
@@ -487,6 +489,8 @@ etdp_get_component_data (EToDoPane *to_do_pane,
        *out_summary = NULL;
+       *out_summary_no_time = g_markup_printf_escaped ("%s%s%s%s", comp_summary,
+               location ? " (" : "", location ? location : "", location ? ")" : "");
        if (dt && e_cal_component_datetime_get_value (dt)) {
                gchar *time_str;
@@ -505,24 +509,32 @@ etdp_get_component_data (EToDoPane *to_do_pane,
                g_free (time_str);
-       if (!*out_summary) {
-               *out_summary = g_markup_printf_escaped ("%s%s%s%s", comp_summary,
-                       location ? " (" : "", location ? location : "", location ? ")" : "");
-       }
+       if (!*out_summary)
+               *out_summary = g_strdup (*out_summary_no_time);
        if (*out_is_completed || is_cancelled) {
-               gchar *tmp = *out_summary;
+               gchar *tmp;
                /* With leading space, to have proper row height in GtkTreeView */
+               tmp = *out_summary;
                *out_summary = g_strdup_printf (" <s>%s</s>", *out_summary);
+               g_free (tmp);
+               tmp = *out_summary_no_time;
+               *out_summary_no_time = g_strdup_printf (" <s>%s</s>", *out_summary_no_time);
                g_free (tmp);
        } else {
-               gchar *tmp = *out_summary;
+               gchar *tmp;
                /* With leading space, to have proper row height in GtkTreeView */
+               tmp = *out_summary;
                *out_summary = g_strconcat (" ", *out_summary, NULL);
+               g_free (tmp);
+               tmp = *out_summary_no_time;
+               *out_summary_no_time = g_strconcat (" ", *out_summary_no_time, NULL);
                g_free (tmp);
@@ -659,7 +671,20 @@ etdp_get_component_root_paths (EToDoPane *to_do_pane,
                        itt = e_cal_component_datetime_get_value (dt);
                        etdp_itt_to_zone (itt, e_cal_component_datetime_get_tzid (dt), client, default_zone);
+                       /* The end time is excluded */
+                       if (i_cal_time_is_date (itt))
+                               i_cal_time_adjust (itt, -1, 0, 0, 0);
+                       else
+                               i_cal_time_adjust (itt, 0, 0, 0, -1);
                        end_date_mark = etdp_create_date_mark (itt);
+                       /* Multiday event, the end_date_mark is excluded, thus add one more day */
+                       if (end_date_mark > start_date_mark)
+                               end_date_mark++;
+                       else if (end_date_mark < start_date_mark)
+                               end_date_mark = start_date_mark;
                } else {
                        end_date_mark = start_date_mark;
@@ -940,8 +965,8 @@ etdp_add_component (EToDoPane *to_do_pane,
        GtkTreeIter iter = { 0 };
        GdkRGBA bgcolor, fgcolor;
        gboolean bgcolor_set = FALSE, fgcolor_set = FALSE;
-       gchar *summary = NULL, *tooltip = NULL, *sort_key = NULL;
-       gboolean is_task = FALSE, is_completed = FALSE;
+       gchar *summary = NULL, *summary_no_time = NULL, *tooltip = NULL, *sort_key = NULL;
+       gboolean is_task = FALSE, is_completed = FALSE, use_summary_no_time;
        const gchar *icon_name;
        guint date_mark = 0;
@@ -955,7 +980,7 @@ etdp_add_component (EToDoPane *to_do_pane,
        default_zone = e_cal_data_model_get_timezone (to_do_pane->priv->events_data_model);
        if (!etdp_get_component_data (to_do_pane, client, comp, default_zone, to_do_pane->priv->last_today,
-               &summary, &tooltip, &is_task, &is_completed, &sort_key, &date_mark)) {
+               &summary, &summary_no_time, &tooltip, &is_task, &is_completed, &sort_key, &date_mark)) {
                e_cal_component_id_free (id);
@@ -1018,6 +1043,8 @@ etdp_add_component (EToDoPane *to_do_pane,
        etdp_get_comp_colors (to_do_pane, client, comp, &bgcolor, &bgcolor_set, &fgcolor, &fgcolor_set,
+       use_summary_no_time = !is_task && to_do_pane->priv->last_today > date_mark;
        for (link = new_references; link; link = g_slist_next (link)) {
                GtkTreeRowReference *reference = link->data;
@@ -1031,13 +1058,17 @@ etdp_add_component (EToDoPane *to_do_pane,
                                        COLUMN_FGCOLOR, fgcolor_set ? &fgcolor : NULL,
                                        COLUMN_HAS_ICON_NAME, TRUE,
                                        COLUMN_ICON_NAME, icon_name,
-                                       COLUMN_SUMMARY, summary,
+                                       COLUMN_SUMMARY, (is_task || !use_summary_no_time) ? summary : 
                                        COLUMN_TOOLTIP, tooltip,
                                        COLUMN_SORTKEY, sort_key,
                                        COLUMN_DATE_MARK, date_mark,
                                        COLUMN_CAL_CLIENT, client,
                                        COLUMN_CAL_COMPONENT, comp,
+                               /* If an event is split between multiple days, then the next day should be 
without the start time */
+                               if (!is_task && !use_summary_no_time)
+                                       use_summary_no_time = TRUE;
                        gtk_tree_path_free (path);
@@ -1049,6 +1080,7 @@ etdp_add_component (EToDoPane *to_do_pane,
        component_ident_free (ident);
        e_cal_component_id_free (id);
+       g_free (summary_no_time);
        g_free (summary);
        g_free (tooltip);
        g_free (sort_key);

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