[gnome-builder] (16 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/chergert/deploy

The branch 'wip/chergert/deploy' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  fe585b6... deploy: add IdeDeployStrategy stubs
  5f537da... device-manager: fix version macros
  324d803... device-manager: add API to deploy app to a device
  800ab10... pipeline: add ide_build_pipeline_is_ready()
  143c3a7... device-manager: add deploy action
  6d8776d... fix deploy strategy parent type
  a4e0921... device-manager: log failure to deploy to messages panel
  507f217... build: enable deviced from flatpak
  673637a... deviced: add API to get application commit id
  5706263... deviced: start on deviced deployment strategy
  a482df2... pipeline: add commit phase
  e959449... flatpak: use new commit phase for build-finish/build-export
  8cb0efd... flatpak: simplify repo and staging directories
  8b21128... deviced: make some progress on deploying to device
  8154d37... pipeline: be more careful about pipeline initialization

Commits added to the branch:

  8db3a5d... build-manager: return proper error to task (*)
  6cf4c5f... deploy: add IdeDeployStrategy stubs
  0fc00e7... device-manager: fix version macros
  1d75a4c... device-manager: add API to deploy app to a device
  4df2b70... pipeline: add ide_build_pipeline_is_ready()
  bb9c4c9... device-manager: add deploy action
  6995f9a... fix deploy strategy parent type
  c175a7f... device-manager: log failure to deploy to messages panel
  c58d447... build: enable deviced from flatpak
  baa942f... deviced: add API to get application commit id
  34d6cd2... deviced: start on deviced deployment strategy
  fbb654e... pipeline: add commit phase
  7d97fb9... flatpak: use new commit phase for build-finish/build-export
  3e54b9d... flatpak: simplify repo and staging directories
  df87285... deviced: make some progress on deploying to device
  fc8903e... pipeline: be more careful about pipeline initialization

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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