[network-manager-openvpn/th/extra-certs-and-cleanup: 13/13] service/trivial: move code

commit 5b947d696c8c9b22b85595ba4537230896c21074
Author: Thomas Haller <thaller redhat com>
Date:   Fri Feb 23 12:50:34 2018 +0100

    service/trivial: move code
    Certain parts of the code like args_add_*() are trival and self contained.
    Move them to the beginning and together.

 src/nm-openvpn-service.c |  584 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 files changed, 293 insertions(+), 291 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/nm-openvpn-service.c b/src/nm-openvpn-service.c
index 88f5636..1774762 100644
--- a/src/nm-openvpn-service.c
+++ b/src/nm-openvpn-service.c
@@ -225,6 +225,299 @@ _LOGD_enabled (void)
+static gboolean
+validate_auth (const char *auth)
+       return NM_IN_STRSET (auth, NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_NONE,
+                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_RSA_MD4,
+                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_MD5,
+                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_SHA1,
+                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_SHA224,
+                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_SHA256,
+                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_SHA384,
+                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_SHA512,
+                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_RIPEMD160);
+static gboolean
+validate_connection_type (const char *ctype)
+       return NM_IN_STRSET (ctype, NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_TLS,
+                                   NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_STATIC_KEY,
+                                   NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_PASSWORD,
+                                   NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_PASSWORD_TLS);
+static gboolean
+connection_type_is_tls_mode (const char *connection_type)
+       return NM_IN_STRSET (connection_type, NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_TLS,
+                                             NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_PASSWORD,
+                                             NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_PASSWORD_TLS);
+static void
+args_add_str_take (GPtrArray *args, char *arg)
+       nm_assert (args);
+       nm_assert (arg);
+       g_ptr_array_add (args, arg);
+static void
+_args_add_strv (GPtrArray *args, gboolean accept_optional, guint argn, ...)
+       va_list ap;
+       guint i;
+       const char *arg;
+       nm_assert (args);
+       nm_assert (argn > 0);
+       va_start (ap, argn);
+       for (i = 0; i < argn; i++) {
+               arg = va_arg (ap, const char *);
+               if (!arg) {
+                       /* for convenience for the caller, we allow to pass %NULL with the
+                        * meaning to skip the argument. */
+                       nm_assert (accept_optional);
+                       continue;
+               }
+               args_add_str_take (args, g_strdup (arg));
+       }
+       va_end (ap);
+#define args_add_strv(args, ...)  _args_add_strv (args, FALSE, NM_NARG (__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
+#define args_add_strv0(args, ...) _args_add_strv (args, TRUE,  NM_NARG (__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
+static const char *
+args_add_utf8safe_str (GPtrArray *args, const char *arg)
+       char *arg_unescaped;
+       nm_assert (args);
+       nm_assert (arg);
+       arg_unescaped = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape_cp (arg);
+       args_add_str_take (args, arg_unescaped);
+       return arg_unescaped;
+static void
+args_add_int64 (GPtrArray *args, gint64 v)
+       nm_assert (args);
+       args_add_str_take (args, g_strdup_printf ("%"G_GINT64_FORMAT, v));
+static gboolean
+args_add_numstr (GPtrArray *args, const char *arg)
+       gint64 v;
+       nm_assert (args);
+       nm_assert (arg);
+       /* Convert to int and for security's sake and to normalize the value
+        * and also to gracefully handle leading and trailing whitespace. */
+       v = _nm_utils_ascii_str_to_int64 (arg, 10, G_MININT64, G_MAXINT64, 0);
+       if (!v && errno)
+               return FALSE;
+       args_add_int64 (args, v);
+       return TRUE;
+static void
+args_add_vpn_data (GPtrArray *args, NMSettingVpn *s_vpn, const char *s_key, const char *a_key)
+       const char *arg;
+       nm_assert (args);
+       nm_assert (NM_IS_SETTING_VPN (s_vpn));
+       nm_assert (s_key && s_key[0]);
+       nm_assert (a_key && a_key[0]);
+       arg = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, s_key);
+       if (nmovpn_arg_is_set (arg))
+               args_add_strv (args, a_key, arg);
+static void
+args_add_vpn_certs (GPtrArray *args, NMSettingVpn *s_vpn)
+       const char *ca, *cert, *key;
+       gs_free char *ca_free = NULL, *cert_free = NULL, *key_free = NULL;
+       nm_assert (args);
+       nm_assert (NM_IS_SETTING_VPN (s_vpn));
+       ca   = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_OPENVPN_KEY_CA);
+       cert = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_OPENVPN_KEY_CERT);
+       key  = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_OPENVPN_KEY_KEY);
+       ca   = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape (ca,   &ca_free);
+       cert = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape (cert, &cert_free);
+       key  = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape (key,  &key_free);
+       if (   nmovpn_arg_is_set (ca)
+           && nmovpn_arg_is_set (cert)
+           && nmovpn_arg_is_set (key)
+           && nm_streq (ca, cert)
+           && nm_streq (ca, key))
+               args_add_strv (args, "--pkcs12", ca);
+       else {
+               if (nmovpn_arg_is_set (ca))
+                       args_add_strv (args, "--ca", ca);
+               if (nmovpn_arg_is_set (cert))
+                       args_add_strv (args, "--cert", cert);
+               if (nmovpn_arg_is_set (key))
+                       args_add_strv (args, "--key", key);
+       }
+static gboolean
+validate_address (const char *address)
+       const char *p = address;
+       if (!address || !address[0])
+               return FALSE;
+       /* Ensure it's a valid DNS name or IP address */
+       while (*p) {
+               if (!isalnum (*p) && (*p != '-') && (*p != '.'))
+                       return FALSE;
+               p++;
+       }
+       return TRUE;
+typedef struct ValidateInfo {
+       const ValidProperty *table;
+       GError **error;
+       gboolean have_items;
+} ValidateInfo;
+static void
+validate_one_property (const char *key, const char *value, gpointer user_data)
+       ValidateInfo *info = (ValidateInfo *) user_data;
+       int i;
+       if (*(info->error))
+               return;
+       info->have_items = TRUE;
+       /* 'name' is the setting name; always allowed but unused */
+       if (nm_streq (key, NM_SETTING_NAME))
+               return;
+       for (i = 0; info->table[i].name; i++) {
+               const ValidProperty *prop = &info->table[i];
+               long int tmp;
+               if (!nm_streq (prop->name, key))
+                       continue;
+               switch (prop->type) {
+               case G_TYPE_STRING:
+                       if (!prop->address || validate_address (value))
+                               return; /* valid */
+                       g_set_error (info->error,
+                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
+                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
+                                    _("invalid address “%s”"),
+                                    key);
+                       break;
+               case G_TYPE_INT:
+                       errno = 0;
+                       tmp = strtol (value, NULL, 10);
+                       if (errno == 0 && tmp >= prop->int_min && tmp <= prop->int_max)
+                               return; /* valid */
+                       g_set_error (info->error,
+                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
+                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
+                                    _("invalid integer property “%s” or out of range [%d -> %d]"),
+                                    key, prop->int_min, prop->int_max);
+                       break;
+               case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
+                       if (NM_IN_STRSET (value, "yes", "no"))
+                               return; /* valid */
+                       g_set_error (info->error,
+                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
+                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
+                                    /* Translators: keep "yes" and "no" untranslated! */
+                                    _("invalid boolean property “%s” (not yes or no)"),
+                                    key);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       g_set_error (info->error,
+                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
+                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
+                                    _("unhandled property “%s” type %s"),
+                                    key, g_type_name (prop->type));
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       /* Did not find the property from valid_properties or the type did not match */
+       if (!info->table[i].name) {
+               g_set_error (info->error,
+                            NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
+                            NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
+                            _("property “%s” invalid or not supported"),
+                            key);
+       }
+static gboolean
+nm_openvpn_properties_validate (NMSettingVpn *s_vpn, GError **error)
+       GError *validate_error = NULL;
+       ValidateInfo info = { &valid_properties[0], &validate_error, FALSE };
+       nm_setting_vpn_foreach_data_item (s_vpn, validate_one_property, &info);
+       if (!info.have_items) {
+               g_set_error_literal (error,
+                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
+                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
+                                    _("No VPN configuration options."));
+               return FALSE;
+       }
+       if (validate_error) {
+               *error = validate_error;
+               return FALSE;
+       }
+       return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+nm_openvpn_secrets_validate (NMSettingVpn *s_vpn, GError **error)
+       GError *validate_error = NULL;
+       ValidateInfo info = { &valid_secrets[0], &validate_error, FALSE };
+       nm_setting_vpn_foreach_secret (s_vpn, validate_one_property, &info);
+       if (validate_error) {
+               g_propagate_error (error, validate_error);
+               return FALSE;
+       }
+       return TRUE;
 static const char *
 openvpn_binary_find_exepath (void)
@@ -457,141 +750,6 @@ pids_pending_wait_for_processes (void)
-static gboolean
-validate_address (const char *address)
-       const char *p = address;
-       if (!address || !address[0])
-               return FALSE;
-       /* Ensure it's a valid DNS name or IP address */
-       while (*p) {
-               if (!isalnum (*p) && (*p != '-') && (*p != '.'))
-                       return FALSE;
-               p++;
-       }
-       return TRUE;
-typedef struct ValidateInfo {
-       const ValidProperty *table;
-       GError **error;
-       gboolean have_items;
-} ValidateInfo;
-static void
-validate_one_property (const char *key, const char *value, gpointer user_data)
-       ValidateInfo *info = (ValidateInfo *) user_data;
-       int i;
-       if (*(info->error))
-               return;
-       info->have_items = TRUE;
-       /* 'name' is the setting name; always allowed but unused */
-       if (nm_streq (key, NM_SETTING_NAME))
-               return;
-       for (i = 0; info->table[i].name; i++) {
-               const ValidProperty *prop = &info->table[i];
-               long int tmp;
-               if (!nm_streq (prop->name, key))
-                       continue;
-               switch (prop->type) {
-               case G_TYPE_STRING:
-                       if (!prop->address || validate_address (value))
-                               return; /* valid */
-                       g_set_error (info->error,
-                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
-                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
-                                    _("invalid address “%s”"),
-                                    key);
-                       break;
-               case G_TYPE_INT:
-                       errno = 0;
-                       tmp = strtol (value, NULL, 10);
-                       if (errno == 0 && tmp >= prop->int_min && tmp <= prop->int_max)
-                               return; /* valid */
-                       g_set_error (info->error,
-                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
-                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
-                                    _("invalid integer property “%s” or out of range [%d -> %d]"),
-                                    key, prop->int_min, prop->int_max);
-                       break;
-               case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-                       if (NM_IN_STRSET (value, "yes", "no"))
-                               return; /* valid */
-                       g_set_error (info->error,
-                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
-                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
-                                    /* Translators: keep "yes" and "no" untranslated! */
-                                    _("invalid boolean property “%s” (not yes or no)"),
-                                    key);
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       g_set_error (info->error,
-                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
-                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
-                                    _("unhandled property “%s” type %s"),
-                                    key, g_type_name (prop->type));
-                       break;
-               }
-       }
-       /* Did not find the property from valid_properties or the type did not match */
-       if (!info->table[i].name) {
-               g_set_error (info->error,
-                            NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
-                            NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
-                            _("property “%s” invalid or not supported"),
-                            key);
-       }
-static gboolean
-nm_openvpn_properties_validate (NMSettingVpn *s_vpn, GError **error)
-       GError *validate_error = NULL;
-       ValidateInfo info = { &valid_properties[0], &validate_error, FALSE };
-       nm_setting_vpn_foreach_data_item (s_vpn, validate_one_property, &info);
-       if (!info.have_items) {
-               g_set_error_literal (error,
-                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
-                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
-                                    _("No VPN configuration options."));
-               return FALSE;
-       }
-       if (validate_error) {
-               *error = validate_error;
-               return FALSE;
-       }
-       return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-nm_openvpn_secrets_validate (NMSettingVpn *s_vpn, GError **error)
-       GError *validate_error = NULL;
-       ValidateInfo info = { &valid_secrets[0], &validate_error, FALSE };
-       nm_setting_vpn_foreach_secret (s_vpn, validate_one_property, &info);
-       if (validate_error) {
-               g_propagate_error (error, validate_error);
-               return FALSE;
-       }
-       return TRUE;
 static void
 nm_openvpn_disconnect_management_socket (NMOpenvpnPlugin *plugin)
@@ -1049,162 +1207,6 @@ openvpn_child_terminated (NMOpenvpnPlugin *plugin, GPid pid, gint status)
-static gboolean
-validate_auth (const char *auth)
-       return NM_IN_STRSET (auth, NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_NONE,
-                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_RSA_MD4,
-                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_MD5,
-                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_SHA1,
-                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_SHA224,
-                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_SHA256,
-                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_SHA384,
-                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_SHA512,
-                                  NM_OPENVPN_AUTH_RIPEMD160);
-static gboolean
-validate_connection_type (const char *ctype)
-       return NM_IN_STRSET (ctype, NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_TLS,
-                                   NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_STATIC_KEY,
-                                   NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_PASSWORD,
-                                   NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_PASSWORD_TLS);
-static gboolean
-connection_type_is_tls_mode (const char *connection_type)
-       return NM_IN_STRSET (connection_type, NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_TLS,
-                                             NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_PASSWORD,
-                                             NM_OPENVPN_CONTYPE_PASSWORD_TLS);
-static void
-args_add_str_take (GPtrArray *args, char *arg)
-       nm_assert (args);
-       nm_assert (arg);
-       g_ptr_array_add (args, arg);
-static void
-_args_add_strv (GPtrArray *args, gboolean accept_optional, guint argn, ...)
-       va_list ap;
-       guint i;
-       const char *arg;
-       nm_assert (args);
-       nm_assert (argn > 0);
-       va_start (ap, argn);
-       for (i = 0; i < argn; i++) {
-               arg = va_arg (ap, const char *);
-               if (!arg) {
-                       /* for convenience for the caller, we allow to pass %NULL with the
-                        * meaning to skip the argument. */
-                       nm_assert (accept_optional);
-                       continue;
-               }
-               args_add_str_take (args, g_strdup (arg));
-       }
-       va_end (ap);
-#define args_add_strv(args, ...)  _args_add_strv (args, FALSE, NM_NARG (__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
-#define args_add_strv0(args, ...) _args_add_strv (args, TRUE,  NM_NARG (__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
-static const char *
-args_add_utf8safe_str (GPtrArray *args, const char *arg)
-       char *arg_unescaped;
-       nm_assert (args);
-       nm_assert (arg);
-       arg_unescaped = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape_cp (arg);
-       args_add_str_take (args, arg_unescaped);
-       return arg_unescaped;
-static void
-args_add_int64 (GPtrArray *args, gint64 v)
-       nm_assert (args);
-       args_add_str_take (args, g_strdup_printf ("%"G_GINT64_FORMAT, v));
-static gboolean
-args_add_numstr (GPtrArray *args, const char *arg)
-       gint64 v;
-       nm_assert (args);
-       nm_assert (arg);
-       /* Convert to int and for security's sake and to normalize the value
-        * and also to gracefully handle leading and trailing whitespace. */
-       v = _nm_utils_ascii_str_to_int64 (arg, 10, G_MININT64, G_MAXINT64, 0);
-       if (!v && errno)
-               return FALSE;
-       args_add_int64 (args, v);
-       return TRUE;
-static void
-args_add_vpn_data (GPtrArray *args, NMSettingVpn *s_vpn, const char *s_key, const char *a_key)
-       const char *arg;
-       nm_assert (args);
-       nm_assert (NM_IS_SETTING_VPN (s_vpn));
-       nm_assert (s_key && s_key[0]);
-       nm_assert (a_key && a_key[0]);
-       arg = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, s_key);
-       if (nmovpn_arg_is_set (arg))
-               args_add_strv (args, a_key, arg);
-static void
-args_add_vpn_certs (GPtrArray *args, NMSettingVpn *s_vpn)
-       const char *ca, *cert, *key;
-       gs_free char *ca_free = NULL, *cert_free = NULL, *key_free = NULL;
-       nm_assert (args);
-       nm_assert (NM_IS_SETTING_VPN (s_vpn));
-       ca   = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_OPENVPN_KEY_CA);
-       cert = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_OPENVPN_KEY_CERT);
-       key  = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_OPENVPN_KEY_KEY);
-       ca   = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape (ca,   &ca_free);
-       cert = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape (cert, &cert_free);
-       key  = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape (key,  &key_free);
-       if (   nmovpn_arg_is_set (ca)
-           && nmovpn_arg_is_set (cert)
-           && nmovpn_arg_is_set (key)
-           && nm_streq (ca, cert)
-           && nm_streq (ca, key))
-               args_add_strv (args, "--pkcs12", ca);
-       else {
-               if (nmovpn_arg_is_set (ca))
-                       args_add_strv (args, "--ca", ca);
-               if (nmovpn_arg_is_set (cert))
-                       args_add_strv (args, "--cert", cert);
-               if (nmovpn_arg_is_set (key))
-                       args_add_strv (args, "--key", key);
-       }
 static void
 update_io_data_from_vpn_setting (NMOpenvpnPluginIOData *io_data,
                                  NMSettingVpn *s_vpn,

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