[fractal] Created tag 4.0.0

The signed tag '4.0.0' was created.

Tagger: Daniel García Moreno <danigm wadobo com>
Date: 1545474012 +0100

    Release 4.0.0

Changes since the last tag '3.30.0':

Alejandro Domínguez (2):
      Trim spaces on Matrix ID/Alias on Join Room window
      Get avatar thumbnails cropped from server

Alexander Mikhaylenko (9):
      main_window.ui: Refine 'Log in' label
      main_window.ui: Clean up login headerbar
      invite_user.ui: Clean up headerbar
      msg_src_window.ui: Clean up headerbar
      app.css: Apply devel headerbar colors more selectively
      UI: Don't attach dialogs
      app.css: Drop custom devel style
      main_window.ui: Wrap titlebar into HdyTitleBar
      main_window.ui: Add .sidebar style to titlebar separator

Alexandre Franke (7):
      Fix indentation
      rust: Test booleans properly
      Merge branch 'wip/big-emojis' into 'master'
      message: catch more emoji combinations
      rust: stop depending on nightly for fmt
      release: write release notes
      release: mention header bar in notes

Anders Jonsson (2):
      Update Swedish translation
      Update Swedish translation

Bilal Elmoussaoui (2):
      Don't translate the default text of in-app notification
      Remove the label property.

Christopher Davis (10):
      media_viewer: Fix potential overflow when loading media viewer
      fractal-gtk: Use FileChooserNative and set default location
      Add Christopher Davis to author credits
      dependencies: Update reqwest to 0.9.3
      Save device_id and show in Account Settings
      widgets/message.rs: Ellipsize display names
      fractal-gtk: Use HdyLeaflet for mobile UI
      main_window.ui: Set transition animation for leaflets
      leaflet: Shrink padding to message list when app is folded
      uibuilder.rs: Add scroll_widget to uibuilder

Daniel Garcia Moreno (77):
      Merge branch 'media_viewer' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'nota/serde-derive-member' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'headers' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'download-buttons' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'small-MR-history' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'patch-1' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'alatiera/remove-gspell' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/exalm/headerbar-css' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/piotrdrag/update-potfiles-180914' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'header_message' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'alatiera/macros' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'alatiera/build-stuff' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'uid_label' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'utf8-selection' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'origin_server_ts' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'since' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'top' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'search' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'initial-sync-filter' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'jsparber/handy' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'cache' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/exalm/dialogs' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'invite-dialog' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'fix-media-overflow' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'filechoosernative' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'fix-invite-tabs' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'nota/raw-string' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'master' into 'move-extern-crate'
      Merge branch 'move-extern-crate' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'add-name-to-credits' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/exalm/titlebar' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'app-menu-migration' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'update-reqwest-0.9.3' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'show-device-id' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'fix/error-format' into 'master'
      Revert "Merge branch 'fix/error-format' into 'master'"
      Merge branch 'revert-69140334' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'upsidedown' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'log-crate' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'fixscroll' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'scrollbutton' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'ellpsize-display-names' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'cleanup' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'scroll-refactor' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'master' into 'mobile-ui'
      Merge branch 'mobile-ui' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'fix-message-column-panic' into 'master'
      Revert "Merge branch 'fix-message-column-panic' into 'master'"
      Revert "Merge branch 'mobile-ui' into 'master'"
      Merge branch 'messagebox' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'reference' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'add_divider' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'space-above-emotes' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'add_new_divider' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'dont-chop-avatars' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'old_queue' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'appop_cleanup' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'positioning' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'divider_revealer' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'fmt' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'alatiera/declare-deps' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'fix_filter' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'kinetic' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'alatiera/allow_dri' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'alatiera/remove-plain-passwd' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'internal' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'actions' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'source_dialog' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'dialog' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'setup-fmt' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'globals' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'move_load_more' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'globals' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'appop' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'patch-1' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'master' into 'master'

Daniel García Moreno (34):
      Update all dependencies
      Merge branch 'merge-requests/219'
      reqwests update to 0.9.0
      Remove non needed to_string() for slice string
      Remove not needed use Utc
      Remove not needed mut
      Fix load more in the new room history and fast sync
      roomhistory: Remove build warnings
      Add filter to sync for initial sync
      cache: First steps to use lmdb cache
      cache: Use mdl cache instead of json
      cache: Better name for cache mutex unwrap
      cache: tag not used methods to avoid compile warning
      Update Cargo.lock
      Send info data for image attachment
      sync: None since in the initial sync
      Remove not needed use and externs
      Update all dependencies
      Percentage encode username for urls
      Gettting unsigned field in the initial sync
      Ignore redacted message on load more
      New icon design by Tobias Bernard
      Remove invalid meson keyword argument "console"
      Revert "Remove invalid meson keyword argument "console""
      Avoid lock AppOp during the call to wait_is_image_available
      Update POTFILES with current dir listing
      Use letter-avatar from crates.io
      Update Cargo.lock with cargo update
      Check if active_room is some to avoid early return
      Beta release 3.99.0
      Remove code inside debug_assert macro
      media-viewer: disconnect the keypress signal on unmap
      Beta release 3.99.1
      Release 4.0.0

Eisha Chen-yen-su (18):
      UI: Add buttons for images in context menu
      MessageMenu: Show appropriate buttons for images
      MessageMenu: Connect the buttons for images
      UI: Add an ID to the message menu separator
      MessageMenu: Hide delete button when useless
      fractal-gtk: Cleanup code for hiding Delete button
      UI: Add GtkTextView for listing invites
      Member: Add a widget for member pills
      Invite: Add member pill when added to the invite list
      Invite: Remove member from list when their pill is deleted
      UI: Remove useless `GtkListBox`s
      Invite: Cleanup the code for invite list boxes
      Invite: Use the new GtkTextView for searching users
      UI: Enclose `GtkTextView`s in `GtkBox`es
      Invite: Give the `GtkTextView` the appearance of a `GtkEntry`
      Invite: Cleanup the code to remove the old `GtkEntry`
      Invite: Rename new entries with better names
      UI: Prevent invite search entries to add tabs

Giovanni Grieco (1):
      Add Shift+Enter shortcut in shortcuts window

Jiri Grönroos (1):
      Update Finnish translation

Johannes Hayeß (1):
      Updates section about E2EE with current module effort

Jordan Petridis (27):
      Merge branch 'login-font' into 'master'
      Remove gspell
      Merge branch 'derive' into 'master'
      matrix-api/util.rs: Replace build_url macros with functions
      matrix-api/util.rs: Make semaphore a function
      matrix-api/util.rs: Convert media! to a function
      matrix-api/util.rs: Convert thumb! to a function
      Remove unused imports
      Globals: Avoid duplication
      Merge branch 'since_fix' into 'master'
      Put the room directory inside a HdyColumn
      Room Directory: Add top margin
      SourceViewEntry: Use HdyColumn to center it
      SourceViewEntry: Add another bin like parent
      SourceViewEntry: Move it to its own widget
      App: Use the new SVEntry struct instead of GtkBuilder
      Column: set linear_grouwth_width
      Meson: capture the output of the custom target
      Flatpak: Configure libhandy
      Merge branch 'icon-redesign' into 'master'
      Flatpak: Remove enchant2
      Merge branch 'center_header' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'speedup' into 'master'
      meson: declare the needed dependencies
      Flatpak: allow access to dri
      Remove plain password storage
      Flatpak: include the .git suffix in the libhandy uri

Jordi Mas i Hernandez (1):
      Update Catalan translation

Julian Sparber (87):
      media_viewer: move the media viewer to a custom widget
      roomhistory: new msg type and refactor msg widget
      roomhistory: expose image widget in message
      roomhistory: download the username when needed for emotes
      Merge branch 'cleanup-hide-delete-button-code' into 'master'
      backend: use derive to implement Clone
      backend: use derive to implement Clone
      messages: add update methode to message widget
      messages: pass values to MessageBox instead of references
      messages: store if a message row has a header
      backend: restart sync from where fractal was closed
      backend: minor refactor use Option for since
      store: make sure that since value is never empty
      backend: get previous message with get messages api
      backend: remove outdated code for search
      room: remove outdated code and cleanup
      roomhistory: add custom widget for message history
      roomhistory: lazy load all stored room messages
      roomhistory: remove loading spinner form room history
      roomhistory: cleanup old code
      roomhistory: fix loading wrong messages to room history
      roomhistory: use double ended Vector to store messages
      roomhistory: fix listbox fill scrolledwindow
      roomhistory: fix possible crash
      column: add libhandy column to message view
      column: change message list background to white
      center room name on room history
      roomhistory: make rendering a message much faster
      roomhistory: draw messages from the buttom up
      roomhistory: keep scroll position when adding messeges
      roomhistory: fix scroll down button
      roomhistory: create custom widget for scroll view
      update POTFILES.in
      roomhistory: remove shown message count
      messagebox: remove MessageContent from MessageBox
      add debug trait
      roomhistory: cleanup references to MessageBox
      roomhistory: use enum as Common instead of struct
      roomhistory: add new day divider
      roomhistory: remove lines from day divider
      roomhistory: localize day divider
      messagebox: remove day from timestamp
      roomhistory: fix day divider not showing for new messages
      roomhistory: add new message divider
      roomhistory: remove old code for new message divider
      roomhistory: update last viewed mark
      roomhistory: make new message divider disappear
      roomhistory: append new message divider
      roomhistory: load old messages to history in batch
      cleanup: remove unused properties in appop
      roomhistory: use new message divider as entry point for a room
      roomhistory: use revealer to hide NewMessageDivider
      api: fix filter for loading old messages
      roomhistory: fix strange scroll movement when using a touchpad
      message.rs: cleanup code
      message.rs: cleanup code
      message.rs: cleanup code
      appop loop: remove AddRoomMessage
      source viewer: refactor source viewer
      refactor: use GAction
      POFILES: add files for actions modules
      roomhistory: use action to open media viewer
      message.rs: use actions to open file and save file
      macro: fix upgrade_weak!()
      refactor: add a common ErrorDialog widget
      refactor: move save as dialog to actions
      POTFILES: replace source_viewer.rs with source_dialog.rs
      actions: move global app actions to new location
      roomlist: create a Action for opening a room
      room: refactor set_active_room_by_id()
      roomhistory: move load more messages to actions
      Notification: use GNotification
      refactor: remove AppOp Loop fix #374
      refactor App and add WeakApp
      message: connect image row directly to action
      refactor: Add back action to go to previous view
      autocomplete: close autocomplete popover on esc
      app: add workarond for GTK::Application::present()
      App: store weak pointer to AppOp
      ErrorDialog: show dialog on top of current active window
      app: show ErrorDialog (if possible) when app fails to start
      sticker: remove code for sticker #239
      App: don't allow App::new() to fail
      App: reenable devel style
      sidebar: unselect row when changing rooms, fix #385
      sidebar: select room when open it via the notification
      sidebar: clenup code for room selection

Marek Černocký (3):
      Update Czech translation
      Update Czech translation
      Update Czech translation

Mario Blättermann (1):
      Update German translation

NotAFile (2):
      use serde_derive for Member deserialization
      use raw strings for json

Piotr Drąg (6):
      Update Polish translation
      Update POTFILES.in
      Update Polish translation
      Update Polish translation
      Update Polish translation
      Update Polish translation

Rafael Fontenelle (4):
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation

Rasmus Rendal (12):
      Added a label to the members list which shows MXID's
      Added a label to the members list which shows MXID's
      Update members_list.rs
      Merge branch 'uid_label' of https://gitlab.gnome.org/RasmusRendal/fractal into uid_label
      Use dim-label instead of another CSS class
      Made the text small again
      Changed the name to small-font, to make it a bit more general
      Fixed incorrect string slicing that would screw up UTF-8 strings
      Made the code use origin_server_ts instead of age to calculate messages
      Made the code use origin_server_ts instead of age to calculate messages
      Merge branch 'origin_server_ts' of https://gitlab.gnome.org/RasmusRendal/fractal into origin_server_ts
      Added spaces in division

Ricardo Silva Veloso (1):
      Remap rustc output to show errors in GNOME Builder sidebar

Tobias Bernard (2):
      big emoji: change font size to 3em
      Update screenshot for 4.0

Tony Skuse (1):
      adds spacing above emotes #235

Zeeshan Ali (6):
      avatar: Scale the avatars by the min dimension
      Fix formatting of all Rust code
      gitlab-ci: Check Rust formatting before building anything
      Setup pre-commit hook to check style
      fractal-gtk: Bump regex requirement to 1.1.0
      message: Make emoji-only messages, big

mairandomness (32):
      move 'extern crate gtk'
      move 'extern crate chrono'
      move 'extern crate gdk_pixbuf'
      move 'extern crate comrak'
      move 'extern crate notify_rust'
      move 'extern crate glib'
      move 'extern crate gdk'
      move 'extern crate tree_magic'
      move 'extern crate serde_json'
      move 'extern crate url'
      move 'extern crate pango'
      move 'extern crate regex'
      move 'extern crate cairo'
      move 'extern crate sourceview'
      move 'extern crate secret_service'
      move 'extern crate gettextrs'
      move 'extern crate letter_avatar'
      move 'extern crate md5'
      move 'extern crate reqwest'
      move 'extern crate urlencoding'
      change 'About' to 'About Fractal'
      move menus to their new positions
      move menus and 'Keyboard Shortcuts'
      move rest of menus to user_menu.ui'
      remove instances and content of menus.ui
      revert changes to '.po' files
      change user_menu_button display to open-menu-symbolic icon
      rename user_menu to main_menu
      remove empty user_menu.ui (previously moved to main_menu.ui)
      remove empty menus.ui (content was moved to main_menu.ui)
      remove 'Quit' from main_menu
      Log crate

myfreeweb (1):
      cargo.sh: use single brackets for shell compatibility

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