[recipes] Updated Czech translation
- From: Marek Černocký <mcernocky src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [recipes] Updated Czech translation
- Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 16:08:54 +0000 (UTC)
commit 43133648b02c940786b83b54d8e15a6368025a46
Author: Marek Cernocky <marek_cernocky conel cz>
Date: Tue Feb 14 17:08:40 2017 +0100
Updated Czech translation
po/cs.po | 734 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
1 files changed, 425 insertions(+), 309 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po
index 35d9e7a..4483f8a 100644
--- a/po/cs.po
+++ b/po/cs.po
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: recipes master\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-02-11 02:41+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-02-11 15:00+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-02-14 02:36+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-02-14 17:06+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Marek Černocký <marek manet cz>\n"
-"Language-Team: čeština <gnome-cs-list gnome org>\n"
+"Language-Team: čeština <gnome-cs-list gnome org>>\n"
"Language: cs\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n"
-#: data/org.gnome.Recipes.desktop.in:3 src/gr-about-dialog.c:643
+#: data/org.gnome.Recipes.desktop.in:3 src/gr-about-dialog.c:644
msgid "GNOME Recipes"
msgstr "Recepty GNOME"
@@ -32,11 +32,12 @@ msgid "org.gnome.Recipes"
msgstr "org.gnome.Recipes"
#: data/appdata/org.gnome.Recipes.appdata.xml.in:6 src/gr-window.ui:13
-#: src/gr-window.ui:289 src/gr-window.c:591
+#: src/gr-window.ui:293 src/gr-window.c:263 src/gr-window.c:275
+#: src/gr-window.c:597
msgid "Recipes"
msgstr "Recepty"
-#: data/appdata/org.gnome.Recipes.appdata.xml.in:7 src/gr-about-dialog.c:651
+#: data/appdata/org.gnome.Recipes.appdata.xml.in:7 src/gr-about-dialog.c:652
msgid "GNOME loves to cook"
msgstr "GNOME miluje vaření"
@@ -77,13 +78,21 @@ msgstr "Jednotlivý recept"
#: data/appdata/org.gnome.Recipes.appdata.xml.in:38
msgid "Editing a recipe"
-msgstr "Upravuje se recept"
+msgstr "Úprava receptu"
#: data/appdata/org.gnome.Recipes.appdata.xml.in:42
msgid "A shopping list"
msgstr "Nákupní seznam"
+#: data/appdata/org.gnome.Recipes.appdata.xml.in:46
+msgid "Cooking a recipe"
+msgstr "Vaření podle receptu"
#: data/chefs.db.h:3
+msgid "Adrià is originally from Barcelona, Spain."
+msgstr "Adrià pochází z Barcelony ve Španělsku."
+#: data/chefs.db.h:4
msgid ""
"Being from Strasbourg, Alexandre is knowledgeable about both Alsatian and "
"French cuisine, but he's not afraid to experiment in other ones as well."
@@ -91,11 +100,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Původem ze Štrasburku zná Alexandr jak německou, tak francouzskou kuchyni, "
"ale nebojí se experimentovat i s jinými."
-#: data/chefs.db.h:4
+#: data/chefs.db.h:5
msgid "Aviation, making stuff, in Finland."
msgstr "Letectví, vyvádění hloupostí, Finsko."
-#: data/chefs.db.h:5
+#: data/chefs.db.h:6
msgid ""
"Erusan is an American who has lived all over the country, loves GNOME, and "
"enjoys cooking — primarily American, Asian, and Indian cuisine."
@@ -103,15 +112,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Erusan je Američan, který pobýval v zemích celého světa, miluje GNOME a "
"užívá si vaření – převážně americké, asijské a indické kuchyně."
-#: data/chefs.db.h:6
+#: data/chefs.db.h:7
msgid "I cook a lot, particularly Italian and Indian."
msgstr "Vařím hodně, zejména italská a indická jídla."
-#: data/chefs.db.h:7
+#: data/chefs.db.h:8
msgid "The nordic cuisine maestro."
msgstr "Mistr severské kuchyně."
-#: data/chefs.db.h:8
+#: data/chefs.db.h:9
msgid ""
"Ray is a Desktop Software Engineer at Red Hat and vegetarian who "
"occasionally enjoys cooking."
@@ -119,7 +128,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Ray je softwarový inženýr pro desktop ve firmě Red Hat a vegetarián, který "
"se příležitostně věnuje vaření."
-#: data/chefs.db.h:9
+#: data/chefs.db.h:10
msgid ""
"My name is Fredrik Fyksen. I am from Norway, but live in Denmark. I like "
"food, computers and music. You can read more about me at <a href=\"https://"
@@ -129,7 +138,7 @@ msgstr ""
"počítače a hudbu. Více si o mě můžete přečíst na <a href=\"https://www."
-#: data/chefs.db.h:10
+#: data/chefs.db.h:11
msgid ""
"Matthias is a manager in the Desktop team at Red Hat. He likes to cook as "
"much as he likes to code."
@@ -137,19 +146,82 @@ msgstr ""
"Matthias je vedoucí desktopového týmu ve firmě Red Hat. Vaření má rád úplně "
"stejně, jako programování."
-#: data/chefs.db.h:11
+#: data/chefs.db.h:12
msgid "Matthew is a vegan and a Computer Science student who loves FOSS."
msgstr "Matthew je vegan a student počítačových věd, který má rád FOSS."
-#: data/chefs.db.h:12
+#: data/chefs.db.h:13
msgid "Elvin lives in Istanbul."
msgstr "Elvin žije v Istanbulu."
#: data/recipes.db.h:3
+msgid "Spanish Omelet"
+msgstr "Španělská omeleta"
+#: data/recipes.db.h:4
+msgid "Traditional Spanish Omelet, also known as \"Tortilla de Patata\""
+msgstr "Tradiční španělská omeleta známá pod názvem „Tortilla de Patata“"
+#: data/recipes.db.h:5
+msgid ""
+"[image:0]Put a bit of oil in a pan and cover the surface with sliced onions."
+msgstr ""
+"[image:0]Nalijte na pánev trochu oleje a povrch pokryjte plátky cibule."
+#: data/recipes.db.h:6
+msgid "[image:3]Meanwhile, peel the potatoes and cut them in small pieces."
+msgstr "[image:3]Mezitím oloupejte brambory a nakrájejte je na malé kousky."
+#: data/recipes.db.h:7
+msgid ""
+"[image:2]Once the onions start to take colour, put the potatoes into the pan "
+"and add some salt."
+msgstr ""
+"[image:2]Jakmile začne cibule získávat barvu, vložte brambory na pánev a "
+"posolte je."
+#: data/recipes.db.h:8
+msgid ""
+"[image:1]Cover the pan and stir the contents from time to time, until "
+"potatoes are well cooked."
+msgstr ""
+"[image:1]Pánev zakryjte a za občasného zamíchání nechejte brambory vařit, "
+"dokud nejsou hotové."
+#: data/recipes.db.h:9
+msgid "[image:7]Put the eggs in a big bowl and add some salt"
+msgstr "[image:7]Rozklepněte vejce do velké mísy a posolte je."
+#: data/recipes.db.h:10
+msgid "[image:6]Whip the eggs."
+msgstr "[image:6]Vejce rozšlehejte."
+#: data/recipes.db.h:11
+msgid "[image:5]Put the contents of the pan in the bowl and mix it well."
+msgstr "[image:5]Obsah pánve vysypte do mísy a dobře promíchejte."
+#: data/recipes.db.h:12
+msgid ""
+"[image:4]Add some oil to the pan and put the whole mix back into the pan."
+msgstr ""
+"[image:4]Na pánev přidejte trochu oleje a obsah mísy přesypejte zpět na "
+#: data/recipes.db.h:13
+msgid ""
+"[image:8]Once the lower side is cooked, with the help of a plate, turn the "
+msgstr "[image:8]Až je spodní strana usmažená, omeletu obracečkou otočte."
+#: data/recipes.db.h:14
+msgid "Repeat the process until it is well cooked."
+msgstr "Opakujte postup, dokud není vše dobře osmažené."
+#: data/recipes.db.h:15
msgid "White fish for people who dont like fish."
msgstr "Bílá ryba pro lidi, kteří nemají rádi ryby."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:4
+#: data/recipes.db.h:16
msgid ""
"It is a fantastic dish for those of us that dont love fish, but know we have "
"to eat it to stay healthy."
@@ -157,7 +229,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Jedná se o skvělé jídlo pro ty z nás, kteří nemáme ryby rádi, ale víme, že "
"je zdravé je jíst."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:5
+#: data/recipes.db.h:17
msgid ""
"The key to get this dish good is to have high temperature on the stove when "
"first frying the fish. Then turn it down after the initial fry."
@@ -165,7 +237,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Klíčové při přípravě tohoto jídla je, mít při prvním smažení na sporáku "
"vysokou teplotu. Po počátečním osmahnutí ji zase můžete snížit."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:6
+#: data/recipes.db.h:18
msgid ""
"Set the stove to high (8/10), then put a good amount of oil in it. Any type "
"of oil will do."
@@ -173,7 +245,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Nastavte plotnu na vysokou teplotu (8/10) a dejte na ni v pánvi rozehřát "
"dostatečné množství oleje. Dá se použít jakýkoliv kuchyňský olej."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:7
+#: data/recipes.db.h:19
msgid ""
"Remove bone and skin from the fish (if any), and add salt and pepper. Give "
"the stove some minutes to get really hot. Then put the fish in. 2-3 min on "
@@ -183,7 +255,7 @@ msgstr ""
"a pepřem. Vyčkejte, až se pánev dostatečně rozehřeje. Pak na ni položte rybu "
"na 2 až 3 minuty pro každou stranu."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:8
+#: data/recipes.db.h:20
msgid ""
"Turn the temperature down to low (3/10). Add two spoons of butter, some "
"thyme, rosemary and garlic. When the butter have melted, use a spoon to poor "
@@ -193,7 +265,7 @@ msgstr ""
"česneku. Až se máslo rozpustí, přelijte pomocí lžíce rybu máslem spolu se "
"směsí koření."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:9
+#: data/recipes.db.h:21
msgid ""
"After about 5 minutes your fish will be done. You can serve it with "
"potatoes, rice, or noodles. Everything works."
@@ -201,41 +273,47 @@ msgstr ""
"Po 5 minutách je vaše ryba hotová. Můžete ji podávat s bramborami, rýží nebo "
"těstovinami. Hodí se k ní vše."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:10
+#: data/recipes.db.h:22
msgid "Grumbeerekiechle"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:11
+#: data/recipes.db.h:23
msgid ""
"Traditional potato hash from Alsace. Usually served with lettuce, sometimes "
"with smoked salmon."
msgstr ""
+"Tradiční bramborový trhanec z Alsaska. Obvykle se podává s ledovým salátem, "
+"někdy s uzeným lososem."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:12
+#: data/recipes.db.h:24
msgid ""
"[image:1]Peel and grate the potatoes. Peel and slice the onions. Mix with "
"the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl."
msgstr ""
+"[image:1]Oloupejte a nakrájejte brambory. Oloupejte a nakrájejte cibuli. "
+"Obojí promíchejte ve velké míse se zbytkem přísad."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:13
+#: data/recipes.db.h:25
msgid "Put a frying pan on the hob at medium heat with a bit of oil."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dejte na mírný oheň rozehřát pánev s trochou oleje."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:14
+#: data/recipes.db.h:26
msgid "[image:2]Form thin patties in the pan and brown them on both sides."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[image:2]Tvořte na pánvi tenké placičky a nechejte je usmažit dohněda."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:15
+#: data/recipes.db.h:27
msgid ""
"[image:0]Serve hot. Can be kept in a fridge and reheated in a micro-wave "
msgstr ""
+"[image:0]Podávejte teple. Dají se i uchovat v lednici a později ohřát v "
+"mikrovlnné troubě."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:16
+#: data/recipes.db.h:28
msgid "Savoury cakes"
msgstr "Slané koláče"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:17
+#: data/recipes.db.h:29
msgid ""
"This savoury cakes can be served as appetizers or as main course. There are "
"several variations that you can bake with the same base depending on your "
@@ -245,7 +323,7 @@ msgstr ""
"řada variant, které můžete upéct na stejném základě, ale přizpůsobit si je "
"své náladě a chuti. Často se s nimi setkáte u Francouzů."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:18
+#: data/recipes.db.h:30
msgid ""
"Prepare the batter: melt butter in a large bowl, then mix with the eggs, "
"flour and yeast in a bowl."
@@ -253,7 +331,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Připravte těsto: rozpusťte máslo ve velké míse a smíchejte s vejci, moukou a "
-#: data/recipes.db.h:19
+#: data/recipes.db.h:31
msgid ""
"Add the ingredients matching the variation you chose, preferably sliced or "
"diced to turn them into small bits, and mix again. Try coming up with your "
@@ -263,15 +341,15 @@ msgstr ""
"nachystané tak, aby se rozpadly na malé kousky, a opět promíchejte. Zkuste "
"si vymyslet i své vlastní variace."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:20
+#: data/recipes.db.h:32
msgid "Pour the batter in a loaf tin."
msgstr "Nalijte těsto do bochníkové formy."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:21
+#: data/recipes.db.h:33
msgid "[timer:00:40:00]Put in the oven at 180°C for 40 minutes."
msgstr "[timer:00:40:00]Vložte do trouby na 40 minut při 180 °C."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:22
+#: data/recipes.db.h:34
msgid ""
"[image:1]Serve cold, cut in slices or cubes that people will get with a "
@@ -279,11 +357,11 @@ msgstr ""
"[image:1]Podávejte po vychladnutí nařezané na plátky nebo kostky, aby si je "
"lidé mohli napichovat na párátka."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:23
+#: data/recipes.db.h:35
msgid "Tagliatelle alla Romana"
msgstr "Tagliatelle na římský způsob"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:24
+#: data/recipes.db.h:36
msgid ""
"Pasta is one of my favourite things in the world, and this is one of my "
"favourity pasta dishes. It's gutsy Italian food at its best."
@@ -292,7 +370,7 @@ msgstr ""
"patří mezi těstovinami na první místo. Je to ukázka italského jídla v celé "
"jeho kráse."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:25
+#: data/recipes.db.h:37
msgid ""
"It's important to have good quality chicken livers for this recipe - get "
"free range organic if possible. You can use dried pasta if you're unable to "
@@ -302,7 +380,7 @@ msgstr ""
"kupte pocházející z volného chovu. Pokud neseženete čerstvé těstoviny, "
"můžete použít sušené."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:26
+#: data/recipes.db.h:38
msgid ""
"Rinse the chicken livers and cut out any out any bits of sinew. Dry and "
"season with salt and pepper."
@@ -310,11 +388,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Opláchněte kuřecí játra a zbavte je všech blan. Osušte je a ochuťte solí a "
-#: data/recipes.db.h:27
+#: data/recipes.db.h:39
msgid "Finely chop the red onion."
msgstr "Nakrájíme červenou cibuli na drobno."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:28
+#: data/recipes.db.h:40
msgid ""
"Melt half the butter in a frying pan, then add the olive oil and cook the "
"onion until soft, without letting it brown."
@@ -322,7 +400,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Rozpusťte polovinu másla na pánvi, přidejte olivový olej a nechte na něm "
"zesklovatět cibulku (nesmí zhnědnout)."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:29
+#: data/recipes.db.h:41
msgid ""
"Add the livers to the pan and fry until lightly browned. Then add the "
"tomatoes and cook on a low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally."
@@ -330,13 +408,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Přidejte na pánev játra a smažte, dokud nebudou lehce opečená. Pak přidejte "
"rajčata a povařte 20 minut na mírném ohni za občasného promíchání."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:30
+#: data/recipes.db.h:42
msgid ""
"Put a deep pan of water on to boil and add a good pinch of salt to the water."
msgstr ""
"Do hrnce dejte vodu, přidejte do ní špetku soli a nechte ji přivést k varu."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:31
+#: data/recipes.db.h:43
msgid ""
"Remove the livers from the pan and chop finely. Then add back to the sauce "
"and continue to cook. Check for seasoning and add more salt and pepper if "
@@ -346,7 +424,7 @@ msgstr ""
"do omáčky a nechejte dále vařit. V případě potřeby je můžete ještě dochutit "
"solí a pepřem."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:32
+#: data/recipes.db.h:44
msgid ""
"Cook the pasta for 3 minutes if fresh (or put on earlier and follow packet "
"instructions if using dry pasta)."
@@ -354,7 +432,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Uvařte těstoviny. Čerstvé se vaří 3 minuty, u sušených se řiďte instrukcemi "
"na jejich obalu."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:33
+#: data/recipes.db.h:45
msgid ""
"Drain the pasta, retaining a cup of the pasta water. Add the pasta to the "
"sauce along with the remaining butter. Mix and cook on a low heat for "
@@ -364,28 +442,28 @@ msgstr ""
"těstoviny do omáčky, spolu se zbytkem másla. Promíchejte a nechte na mírném "
"ohni povařit několik minut, aby měly těstoviny čas nasát omáčku."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:34
+#: data/recipes.db.h:46
msgid "If the sauce needs loosening, add a bit of the pasta cooking water."
msgstr ""
"Pokud potřebujete, máčku přiředit, použijte k tomu vodu odlitou do šálku."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:35
+#: data/recipes.db.h:47
msgid "Serve with plenty of black pepper."
msgstr "Podávejte s velkým množstvím černého pepře."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:36
+#: data/recipes.db.h:48
msgid "Non-knead buns"
msgstr "Nehnětené bochánky"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:37
+#: data/recipes.db.h:49
msgid "Very quick fresh bread for breakfast with 5 minutes of work."
msgstr "Velmi rychlý chléb na snídani, který zabere 5 minut práce."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:38
+#: data/recipes.db.h:50
msgid "[image:0]Preparation:"
msgstr "[image:0]Příprava:"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:39
+#: data/recipes.db.h:51
msgid ""
"[image:1]Mix together all of the ingredients in a large bowl into a thick "
"porridge-like dough. Do not knead the dough, just mix it together. "
@@ -393,7 +471,7 @@ msgstr ""
"[image:1]Smíchejte dohromady všechny přísady ve velké míse do husté kaše, "
"podobně jako těsto. Ale nesnažte se uhníst těsto, stačí jen smíchat."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:40
+#: data/recipes.db.h:52
msgid ""
"Cover and leave to rise in room temperature for 8-12 hours. This can be done "
"for example the previous night so you can bake them in the morning."
@@ -402,105 +480,105 @@ msgstr ""
"Přípravu můžete provést třeba večer a k pečení pak můžete přistoupit další "
"den ráno."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:41
+#: data/recipes.db.h:53
msgid "Baking:"
msgstr "Pečení:"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:42
+#: data/recipes.db.h:54
msgid "Heat your oven to 250 degrees Celsius."
msgstr "Rozehřejte troubu na 250 stupňů Celsia"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:43
+#: data/recipes.db.h:55
msgid ""
"[image:3]The dough will be more than double in size and full of bubbles and "
"very sticky. Pour a generous amount of flour on your baking surface so it "
"doesn't stick, and pour the dough over it."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:44
+#: data/recipes.db.h:56
msgid ""
"[image:4]Form the dough into a thick snake, about the diameter of your arm "
"and cut bun-sized pieces with scissors onto the baking sheet."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:45
+#: data/recipes.db.h:57
msgid ""
"[timer:00:15:00]Bake until nice and brown, this will take approximately 15 "
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:46
+#: data/recipes.db.h:58
msgid ""
"[image:5]You can substitute half of the wheat flour with oats, seeds or "
"different kind of flour if you want variety."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:47
+#: data/recipes.db.h:59
msgid "Traditional South Indian Tomato Chicken Curry, Fast Version"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:48
+#: data/recipes.db.h:60
msgid ""
"A quick and easy version of a traditional South Indian chicken curry dish, "
"learned from a Mallu immigrant and cook."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:49 src/gr-recipe-formatter.c:55
+#: data/recipes.db.h:61 src/gr-recipe-formatter.c:55
#: src/gr-recipe-printer.c:210
msgid "Preparation:"
msgstr "Příprava:"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:50
+#: data/recipes.db.h:62
msgid "Cube 5 large chicken breasts (about 4 cups) into 1-1.5 inch cubes"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:51
+#: data/recipes.db.h:63
msgid "Thinly slice 1 large onion, chopping the final quarter of the onion"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:52
+#: data/recipes.db.h:64
msgid "Chop 2 medium tomatoes into large chunks"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:53 src/gr-recipe-formatter.c:56
+#: data/recipes.db.h:65 src/gr-recipe-formatter.c:56
#: src/gr-recipe-printer.c:211
msgid "Cooking:"
msgstr "Vaření:"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:54
+#: data/recipes.db.h:66
msgid ""
"In a large pot, heat 1 tbsp olive oil at medium/medium-high heat. Once oil "
"is hot, add mustard seeds and fry until they pop (cover the pot to prevent "
"splashing). Too much heat will burn the seeds."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:55
+#: data/recipes.db.h:67
msgid ""
"Once seeds have popped, turn down the heat to medium and add thinly sliced "
"onion. Cover to retain moisture. Cook until translucent, stirring "
"frequently. Add small amounts of water as necessary."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:56
+#: data/recipes.db.h:68
msgid ""
"While onions are cooking, blend remaining chopped onion and tomatoes to "
"create a puree. Add water if necessary."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:57
+#: data/recipes.db.h:69
msgid ""
"Once onions are translucent, increase heat to medium-high and immediately "
"add all spices. Toast for 30 seconds until aromatic."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:58
+#: data/recipes.db.h:70
msgid ""
"Add the rest of the olive oil (2 more tbsp) and tomato and onion puree from "
"blender. Cook until raw smell of onions and tomatoes is going — up to 5 "
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:59
+#: data/recipes.db.h:71
msgid ""
"Turn down heat to medium. Add chopped chicken breast, cover, and allow to "
"slowly cook. Add small amounts of water as necessary to achieve desired "
@@ -508,142 +586,142 @@ msgid ""
"sauce, so wait a few minutes before adding extra.)"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:60
+#: data/recipes.db.h:72
msgid ""
"Can be served immediately or left to marinate in curry sauce, then reheated. "
"Serve with rice or chapati/heated flour tortilla."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:61
+#: data/recipes.db.h:73
msgid ""
"To make a more full-flavored curry, try adding garam masala (ground "
"cardamom, cloves, fennel seeds, and nutmeg), along with fresh curry leaves."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:62
+#: data/recipes.db.h:74
msgid "Rosemary Scalloped Potatoes"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:63
+#: data/recipes.db.h:75
msgid ""
"A holiday twist on a classic American comfort food dish. Easy to make and "
"sure to please."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:64
+#: data/recipes.db.h:76
msgid "Substitutions and conversions:"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:65
+#: data/recipes.db.h:77
msgid "5 potatoes = 5 cans sliced potatoes"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:66
+#: data/recipes.db.h:78
msgid "1 stick butter = 8 Tbsp butter"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:67
+#: data/recipes.db.h:79
msgid "4 cloves garlic = 1/2 tsp powdered garlic"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:68
+#: data/recipes.db.h:80
msgid "8 oz cream cheese = 1 pouch"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:69
+#: data/recipes.db.h:81
msgid "1 cup half and half = one small carton"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:70
+#: data/recipes.db.h:82
msgid "1 cup grated parmesan = 1 small bag"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:71
+#: data/recipes.db.h:83
msgid "Preheat oven to 350°F."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:72
+#: data/recipes.db.h:84
msgid "Butter a 13x9 baking dish."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:73
+#: data/recipes.db.h:85
msgid "Into buttered baking dish:"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:74
+#: data/recipes.db.h:86
msgid ""
"- Add 5 thinly sliced (use a mandoline) russet potatoes, or 5 cans rinsed "
"pre-sliced potatoes."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:75
+#: data/recipes.db.h:87
msgid ""
"- Salt and pepper potatoes (more will be added to creamy mixture later), "
"stir lightly to separate slices."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:76
+#: data/recipes.db.h:88
msgid "In a frying pan on medium to medium-low heat:"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:77
+#: data/recipes.db.h:89
msgid "- Melt 1 stick of butter."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:78
+#: data/recipes.db.h:90
msgid ""
"- Add 1 chopped onion, garlic. Saute until translucent (about 5 minutes)."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:79
+#: data/recipes.db.h:91
msgid "- Add 8 oz cream cheese (quartered to help it melt faster)."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:80
+#: data/recipes.db.h:92
msgid "- When cream cheese is melted, add 1 cup half and half."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:81
+#: data/recipes.db.h:93
msgid ""
"- Add salt and pepper to taste. (Don't be afraid to use more salt than you "
"expect — it's a large dish, and potatoes need flavoring.) Recommend 1/2 Tbsp "
"salt and 1/2 tsp pepper."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:82
+#: data/recipes.db.h:94
msgid "- Add finely chopped fresh rosemary and chopped green onions."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:83
+#: data/recipes.db.h:95
msgid "- Add 1/2 cup grated parmesan and melt into mixture."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:84
+#: data/recipes.db.h:96
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Go back"
msgid "To bake:"
msgstr "Zpět"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:85
+#: data/recipes.db.h:97
msgid ""
"- Pour mixture over potatoes, stirring a bit to help the sauce cover "
"everywhere. If using canned potatoes, be sure to separate the slices which "
"are otherwise stuck together and prevent the mixture from seeping in."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:86
+#: data/recipes.db.h:98
msgid ""
"- Spread remaining cheese over top to provide a nice texture and cheese "
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:87
+#: data/recipes.db.h:99
msgid ""
"- Bake for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, until liquid is bubbling and top cheese is "
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:88
+#: data/recipes.db.h:100
msgid ""
"Note: Don't be afraid to use extra parmesan cheese and cream (half and "
"half). This recipe makes just enough sauce, but extra creaminess never "
@@ -652,163 +730,165 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:89
+#: data/recipes.db.h:101
msgid "Classic Chicken Noodle Soup"
msgstr "Klasická kuřecí polévka s nudlemi"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:90
+#: data/recipes.db.h:102
msgid "A simple take on a typical American meal."
msgstr "Jednoduše si připravte typické americké jídlo."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:91
+#: data/recipes.db.h:103
msgid ""
"If you haven't butchered the chicken, do so. Depending on how meaty you want "
"the soup, you can use more or less of the butchered parts (I recommend the "
"dark leg meat for the soup). Use the remaining parts for another dish."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:92
+#: data/recipes.db.h:104
msgid ""
"Wash the celery, carrots and herbs. Slice the carrots and celery. Coarsely "
"chop the onion. Prepare the herbs using kitchen twine in a bouquet garni."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:93
+#: data/recipes.db.h:105
msgid ""
"In a large pot, add the chicken, the stock, 2 carrots, 1 stalk of celery, "
"the onion and the bouquet garni. Fill the pot with water to cover the "
"chicken. Bring to a boil and simmer for at least 2 hours."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:94
+#: data/recipes.db.h:106
msgid ""
"Using a cheese cloth strainer, strain the soup into another pot. Remove meat "
"from the bones, gather any loose chicken and add it to the strained soup. "
"Discard the bones and cooked vegetables."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:95
+#: data/recipes.db.h:107
msgid ""
"Add the remaining carrots and celery to the soup. Bring to a boil and simmer "
"for at least one hour. Season with salt and pepper to taste."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:96
+#: data/recipes.db.h:108
msgid ""
"Add noodles and simmer for about 10 minutes, until the noodles are done."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:97
+#: data/recipes.db.h:109
msgid "Pizzaburger"
msgstr "Pizzaburger"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:98
+#: data/recipes.db.h:110
msgid "Tomato dough with hamburger and cheese topping"
msgstr "Rajčatové těsto s hamburgerem a sýrovou omáčkou"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:99
+#: data/recipes.db.h:111
msgid "Dissolve yeast in warm water. Let stand for 2 minutes."
msgstr "Rozpusťte droždí v teplé vodě. Nechejte 2 minuty ustát."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:100
+#: data/recipes.db.h:112
msgid ""
"Add 1/2 cup tomato sauce, oil, salt, 1 tsp chili powder, and sugar. Mix well."
msgstr ""
+"Přidejte ½ šálku rajčatové omáčky, olej, sůl, 1 lžičku čili a cukr. Dobře "
-#: data/recipes.db.h:101
+#: data/recipes.db.h:113
msgid "Gradually stir in flour. Dough will become sticky."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Postupně vmíchejte mouku. Těsto by mělo lepit."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:102
+#: data/recipes.db.h:114
msgid "Optional: Let rise covered in a warm place for about an hour."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Volitelný krok: Nechte zakryté kynou zhruba hodinu na teplém místě."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:103
+#: data/recipes.db.h:115
msgid "Brown diced onion and hamburger in frying pan."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:104
+#: data/recipes.db.h:116
msgid ""
"Add remaining 1 1/2 cups tomato sauce, salt, pepper, and 2 tsp chili powder."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:105
+#: data/recipes.db.h:117
msgid "Remove from heat."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:106
+#: data/recipes.db.h:118
msgid ""
"Spread dough on greased cookie sheet (will be somewhat springy and pull back "
"as it is spread out)."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:107
+#: data/recipes.db.h:119
msgid "Top with hamburger mixture and cover with cheese slices."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:108
+#: data/recipes.db.h:120
msgid "Bake at 400 for 20 to 30 minutes until dough is baked."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:109
+#: data/recipes.db.h:121
msgid "Pineapple Upside Down Cake with Hot Buttered Rum Sauce"
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:110
+#: data/recipes.db.h:122
msgid ""
"This is a delicious, boozy update on a classic cake. The combination of rum "
"and pineapple gives it a distinctively Caribbean flavour."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:111
+#: data/recipes.db.h:123
msgid "Preheat the oven to 175°C/gas mark 4."
msgstr "Předehřejte troubu na 175 °C (4 značku na plynové troubě)."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:112
+#: data/recipes.db.h:124
msgid "Grease a round 20cm cake tin."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:113
+#: data/recipes.db.h:125
msgid ""
"Line the bottom of the tin with as many whole pineapple rings as will fit. "
"Cut the remaining rings in half and use them to line the sides of the tin."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:114
+#: data/recipes.db.h:126
msgid ""
"Crack the eggs into a bowl and add the caster sugar. Whisk until pale and "
"light (an electric whisk is good for this, but not essential)."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:115
+#: data/recipes.db.h:127
msgid ""
"In a different bowl, combine the flour and baking powder, and then sift into "
"the egg and sugar mixture, mixing as you go."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:116
+#: data/recipes.db.h:128
msgid ""
"Melt the butter and combine with the milk, rum and vanilla extract. Zest "
"half the lemon and add."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:117
+#: data/recipes.db.h:129
msgid "Mix the wet mixture into the rest of the ingredients."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:118
+#: data/recipes.db.h:130
msgid ""
"Poor the cake mixture into the cake tin and bake for around 40 minutes, "
"until the top is light brown and an inserted skewer comes out clean."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:119
+#: data/recipes.db.h:131
msgid ""
"Leave the cake to cool for 5 minutes, then turn out on to a rack to cool "
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:120
+#: data/recipes.db.h:132
msgid ""
"When it's time to eat, make the sauce: combine the muscovado sugar and cream "
"in a saucepan and heat until the sugar has dissolved. Add the rum and simmer "
@@ -816,19 +896,19 @@ msgid ""
"the sauce."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:121
+#: data/recipes.db.h:133
msgid "Pour the hot sauce over the cake and serve."
msgstr "Koláč přelijte horkou omáčkou a podávejte."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:122
+#: data/recipes.db.h:134
msgid "Pan pizza"
msgstr "Pizza z pánve"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:123
+#: data/recipes.db.h:135
msgid "Pizza is an all-time favorite."
msgstr "Pizza je oblíbená kdykoliv kdekoliv."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:124
+#: data/recipes.db.h:136
msgid ""
"Put the flour, yeast, water and olive oil in a bowl and stir it up with your "
"hands or a spoon until there's no dry flour left, and let it be."
@@ -836,7 +916,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Dejte do mísy mouku, droždí, vodu a olivový olej a hnětejte rukama nebo "
"míchejte lžící, dokud nezůstane oddělená žádná suchá mouka."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:125
+#: data/recipes.db.h:137
msgid ""
"Cover the bowl tightly in plastic wrap and let it sit at room temperature "
"overnight. "
@@ -844,7 +924,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Mísu neprodyšně zakryjte potravinářskou fólií a nechejte přes noc při "
"pokojové teplotě."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:126
+#: data/recipes.db.h:138
msgid ""
"The next day it should have rosen quite a bit. Dump it all out onto a "
"floured surface, then divide it into balls."
@@ -852,7 +932,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Do příštího dne by mělo těsto trochu nabýt. Vyklopte jej na pomoučenou "
"pracovní desku a rozdělte na kuličky."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:127
+#: data/recipes.db.h:139
msgid ""
"Spread olive oil in a 10-inch cast iron skillet or round cake pan and place "
"a dough ball in the middle."
@@ -860,7 +940,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Vytřete olejem 25cm litinovou pánev nebo dortovou formu a umístěte "
"doprostřed kuličku těsta."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:128
+#: data/recipes.db.h:140
msgid ""
"Rub the dough ball around and flip it a couple times until it is completely "
"coated in oil and the oil completely coats the bottom and sides of the pan. "
@@ -872,7 +952,7 @@ msgstr ""
"rozetřel po dně i stranách pánve nebo formy. Zakryjte jej potravinářskou "
"fólií a nechejte další dvě hodiny uležet, aniž byste s ním jakkoliv hýbali."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:129
+#: data/recipes.db.h:141
msgid ""
"The dough should have spread on it own (takes about 2 hours). Lift the sides "
"of the dough to let big air bubbles out."
@@ -880,7 +960,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Těsto by se mělo samo rovnoměrně rozležet (zabere to zhruba 2 hodiny). "
"Okraje těsta nadzdvihněte, čímž by se měly uvolnit velké vzduchové bubliny."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:130
+#: data/recipes.db.h:142
msgid ""
"Put in the oven at 280°C. (or as hot as your oven goes) for about 15 "
"minutes. Peek underneath and if your pizza is a little pale, you can finish "
@@ -892,11 +972,11 @@ msgstr ""
"nedopečená, můžete ji dopéct na sporáku na mírném ohni, dokud nezíská barvu, "
"jaká vám vyhovuje."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:131
+#: data/recipes.db.h:143
msgid "Wholesome Crackers"
msgstr "Zdravé krekry"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:132
+#: data/recipes.db.h:144
msgid ""
"Crackers are a fulfilling alternative snack and keeps your stomach going. "
"Crackers consist of seeds, oat and flour. The recipe described here is very "
@@ -910,7 +990,7 @@ msgstr ""
"zrovna máte. Osobně jsem vyzkoušel mandle, sezamová semínka, chia semínka, "
"žito, proso a pohanku."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:133
+#: data/recipes.db.h:145
msgid ""
"Turn on the oven at 473,15 K (200 °C). Mix all dry ingredients (seeds, "
"flour, oatmeal, baking powder and salt) together. Mix oil. Then add water "
@@ -923,7 +1003,7 @@ msgstr ""
"pevné a vláčné. Pokud přidáte vody moc, bude se vám těsto přichytávat k "
"pečícímu papíru."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:134
+#: data/recipes.db.h:146
msgid ""
"Cut a sheet of baking paper at the size of a baking tray and place the dough "
"on it. Cut another sheet of baking paper and put on top. Use a rolling pin "
@@ -940,7 +1020,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ukázkový obrázek). Volitelně jej před vložením do předehřáté trouby ozdobte "
"na povrchu dalšími semínky."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:135
+#: data/recipes.db.h:147
msgid ""
"Wait for the crackers to become crisp, this takes around 17 minutes. You can "
"check if they are done by touching the crackers or by pulling up a bit in "
@@ -951,22 +1031,22 @@ msgstr ""
"to můžete buď dotekem krekru, nebo povysunutím plechu a pohledem, jestli se "
"krekry uprostřed stále prohýbají. Hotové krekry by měly mít barvu dozlatova."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:136
+#: data/recipes.db.h:148
msgid ""
"Take out the crackers and leave them on the kitchen table to cool down for a "
"few minutes."
msgstr ""
"Vyjměte krekry a ponechejte je na kuchyňské lince pár minut vychladnout."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:137
+#: data/recipes.db.h:149
msgid "Tofu ‘Egg’ Scramble"
msgstr "Míchaná vajíčka z tofu"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:138
+#: data/recipes.db.h:150
msgid "This vegan breakfast staple is perfect on a lazy saturday morning."
msgstr "Toto veganské jídlo je ideální na klidné sobotní ráno."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:139
+#: data/recipes.db.h:151
msgid ""
"Chop the onion. Open up the tofu package and slice it up, then crumble with "
"your hands."
@@ -974,12 +1054,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Cibuli nakrájejte na drobno. Otevřete balíček tofu, rozkrájejte jej a "
"nakonec rozdrobte rukama."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:140
+#: data/recipes.db.h:152
msgid ""
"Sautee the onion, tofu, and peppers for 3-5 minutes using the vegan butter."
msgstr "Zpěňte cibuli, tofu a papriky na 3 až 5 minut na veganském másle."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:141
+#: data/recipes.db.h:153
msgid ""
"Turn heat down to medium and add the rest of the ingredients – cook for 5-7 "
"minutes more."
@@ -987,11 +1067,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Zvyšte teplotu na střední hodnotu a přidejte zbytek přísad. Vařte dalších "
"5 až 7 minut."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:142
+#: data/recipes.db.h:154
msgid "Donauwellen"
msgstr "Dunajské vlny"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:143
+#: data/recipes.db.h:155
msgid ""
"Donauwellen is a popular German cake with chocolate, vanilla cream and "
"cherries. The name is due to the fact that the dough typically forms a wavy "
@@ -1001,16 +1081,11 @@ msgstr ""
"čokoládou, vanilkovým krémem a třešněmi. Jeho název vznikl podle toho, že "
"těsto tvoří typický vzor vlnek."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:144
+#: data/recipes.db.h:156
msgid "[image:1]Mix the butter until it is creamy. Add sugar and egg."
msgstr "[image:1]Hněťte máslo, dokud není krémovité. Přidejte cukr a vejce."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:145
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Mix the butter until it is creamy. Add sugar and eggs.<a href="
-#| "\"image:1\">①</a> Mix the flour with the baking powder and mix it in. "
-#| "Separate a third of the dough and add the cocoa powder to it.<a href="
-#| "\"image:2\">②</a>"
+#: data/recipes.db.h:157
msgid ""
"[image:2]Mix the flour with the baking powder and mix it in. Separate a "
"third of the dough and add the cocoa powder to it."
@@ -1018,7 +1093,7 @@ msgstr ""
"[image:2]Přidejte mouku s práškem do pečiva a promíchejte. Oddělte třetinu "
"těsta a přidejte do ní kakaový prášek."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:146
+#: data/recipes.db.h:158
msgid ""
"[image:4]Spread the light dough on a buttered baking sheet. Put the dark "
"dough on top."
@@ -1026,24 +1101,19 @@ msgstr ""
"[image:4]Na pečící plech vymazaný máslem rozetřete světlé těsto. Na něj pak "
"tmavé těsto."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:147
+#: data/recipes.db.h:159
msgid "[image:4]Use a fork to make a wavy pattern."
msgstr "[image:4]Použijte vidličku k vytvoření vzoru vln."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:148
+#: data/recipes.db.h:160
msgid "[image:6]Spread the dried cherries on top of the dough."
msgstr "[image:6]Na vršek těsta naskládejte sušené třešně."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:149
+#: data/recipes.db.h:161
msgid "[timer:00:30:00]Bake for 30 minutes at 200 °C."
msgstr "[timer:00:30:00]Pečte 30 minut při 200 °C."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:150
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Use the milk, sugar and pudding to cook vanilla pudding and let it cool "
-#| "down while stirring it frequently. Slowly add spoonfuls of the butter, "
-#| "which should be at room temperature. Spread the butter cream on the "
-#| "cooled cake."
+#: data/recipes.db.h:162
msgid ""
"Use the milk, sugar and pudding to cook vanilla pudding and let it cool down "
"while stirring it frequently. Slowly add spoonfuls of the butter, which "
@@ -1053,11 +1123,11 @@ msgstr ""
"míchání jej nechejte vychladnout. Pomalu přimíchejte lžíce másla pokojové "
-#: data/recipes.db.h:151
+#: data/recipes.db.h:163
msgid "[image:8]Spread the butter cream on the cooled cake."
msgstr "[image:8]Krém rozetřete na vychladlý korpus."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:152
+#: data/recipes.db.h:164
msgid ""
"[image:9]Melt the chocolate frosting in a hot water bath and sprinkle it on "
@@ -1065,15 +1135,15 @@ msgstr ""
"[image:9]Rozpusťte čokoládovou polevu v horké lázni a polijte jí vršek "
"rozetřeného pudingu."
-#: data/recipes.db.h:153
+#: data/recipes.db.h:165
msgid "Gingered Carrot Soup"
msgstr "Mrkvová polévka se zázvorem"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:154
+#: data/recipes.db.h:166
msgid "A nutritious vegan soup that can be made relatively quickly"
msgstr "Výživná veganská polévka s relativně rychlou přípravou"
-#: data/recipes.db.h:155
+#: data/recipes.db.h:167
msgid ""
"Place carrots in large saucepan with water, cover, bring to a boil. Lower "
"heat, simmer until very tender (10-15 minutes). While carrots are cooking, "
@@ -1083,14 +1153,14 @@ msgid ""
"cashews). If you like a more textured soup, only half puree."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:156
+#: data/recipes.db.h:168
msgid ""
"Garnish with parsley, chives, mint or scallions if you want. Top with "
"cayenne pepper if you want a spicier soup. You can also add any leftover "
"grains like rice, barley, couscous, etc. at the last minute."
msgstr ""
-#: data/recipes.db.h:157
+#: data/recipes.db.h:169
msgid "This is my Aunt Wendy's recipe."
msgstr "Jedná se o recept mojí tety Wendy."
@@ -1149,34 +1219,34 @@ msgid "Other Chef"
msgstr "Ostatní kuchaři"
#: src/gr-chef-dialog.ui:138
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Name"
msgid "Name…"
-msgstr "Název"
+msgstr "Jméno…"
#: src/gr-chef-dialog.ui:149
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Short Name:"
msgid "Short Name…"
-msgstr "Zkrácený název:"
+msgstr "Zkrácené jméno…"
+#: src/gr-cooking-page.ui:93
+msgid "Done"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/gr-cooking-page.ui:102
+#: src/gr-cooking-page.ui:115
msgid "Cook Now"
msgstr "Uvařit hned"
-#: src/gr-cooking-page.ui:141
+#: src/gr-cooking-page.ui:154
msgid ""
"To advance to the next step, press any key on the\n"
"keyboard or click the left mouse button."
msgstr ""
-#: src/gr-cooking-page.ui:201
+#: src/gr-cooking-page.ui:214
msgid ""
"To go back to the previous step, doubletap any key\n"
"or double click the left mouse button."
msgstr ""
-#: src/gr-cooking-page.ui:237
+#: src/gr-cooking-page.ui:250
msgid ""
"To exit the process, press the Escape key or click\n"
"the right mouse button."
@@ -1218,12 +1288,12 @@ msgstr "Obsahuje mléčné výrobky"
msgid "Contains Gluten"
msgstr "Obsahuje lepek"
-#: src/gr-details-page.ui:127 src/gr-details-page.c:510
+#: src/gr-details-page.ui:127 src/gr-details-page.c:512
msgid "Spicy"
msgstr "Pikantní"
#: src/gr-details-page.ui:147
-msgid "_Buy ingredients"
+msgid "_Buy Ingredients"
msgstr "_Nakoupit suroviny"
#: src/gr-details-page.ui:165 src/gr-recipe-small-tile.ui:102
@@ -1231,11 +1301,11 @@ msgid "Serves"
msgstr "Porce"
#: src/gr-details-page.ui:199
-msgid "Preparation time"
+msgid "Preparation Time"
msgstr "Doba přípravy"
#: src/gr-details-page.ui:229
-msgid "Cooking time"
+msgid "Cooking Time"
msgstr "Doba vaření/pečení"
#: src/gr-details-page.ui:290
@@ -1293,7 +1363,7 @@ msgid "Details"
msgstr "Podrobnosti"
#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:278
-msgid "_Name your recipe"
+msgid "_Name Your Recipe"
msgstr "_Název vašeho receptu"
#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:308
@@ -1301,7 +1371,7 @@ msgid "Ser_ves"
msgstr "_Porce"
#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:338
-msgid "_Preparation time"
+msgid "_Preparation Time"
msgstr "Doba _přípravy"
#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:358 src/gr-edit-page.ui:395
@@ -1325,7 +1395,7 @@ msgid "More than an hour"
msgstr "více než hodina"
#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:375
-msgid "C_ooking time"
+msgid "C_ooking Time"
msgstr "D_oba vaření/pečení"
#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:412
@@ -1348,7 +1418,7 @@ msgstr "_Ostrost"
msgid "Mild"
msgstr "jemné"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:522 src/gr-spice-row.c:100
+#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:522
msgid "Somewhat spicy"
msgstr "mírně pikantní"
@@ -1356,7 +1426,7 @@ msgstr "mírně pikantní"
msgid "Hot"
msgstr "pikantní"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:524 src/gr-details-page.c:505 src/gr-spice-row.c:104
+#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:524 src/gr-details-page.c:507
msgid "Very spicy"
msgstr "velmi pikantní"
@@ -1404,7 +1474,7 @@ msgstr "Přidat obrázek"
msgid "Add Timer"
msgstr "Přidat čas"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:812 src/gr-edit-page.ui:833 src/gr-edit-page.c:344
+#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:812 src/gr-edit-page.ui:833 src/gr-edit-page.c:338
msgid "Ingredient"
msgstr "Surovina"
@@ -1412,11 +1482,11 @@ msgstr "Surovina"
msgid "Search…"
msgstr "Hledat…"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:891 src/gr-edit-page.ui:912 src/gr-edit-page.c:345
+#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:891 src/gr-edit-page.ui:912 src/gr-edit-page.c:339
msgid "Amount"
msgstr "Množství"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:984 src/gr-edit-page.c:348
+#: src/gr-edit-page.ui:984 src/gr-edit-page.c:342
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Přidat"
@@ -1471,7 +1541,7 @@ msgstr "Dietní omezení"
msgid "No restrictions"
msgstr "Bez omezení"
-#: src/gr-query-editor.ui:237 src/gr-edit-page.c:1516
+#: src/gr-query-editor.ui:237 src/gr-edit-page.c:1510
#: src/gr-recipe-formatter.c:68 src/gr-recipe-printer.c:243
msgid "Ingredients"
msgstr "Suroviny"
@@ -1482,7 +1552,7 @@ msgstr "Suroviny"
msgid "Anything"
msgstr "Cokoliv"
-#: src/gr-recipe-small-tile.ui:126 src/gr-edit-page.c:1545
+#: src/gr-recipe-small-tile.ui:126 src/gr-edit-page.c:1539
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Odebrat"
@@ -1510,7 +1580,7 @@ msgstr "Doporučují kuchaři z GNOME"
msgid "Try a different search"
msgstr "Zkusit jiné hledání"
-#: src/gr-shopping-page.ui:42 src/gr-window.c:810
+#: src/gr-shopping-page.ui:42 src/gr-window.c:845
msgid "Buy ingredients"
msgstr "Nákup surovin"
@@ -1551,22 +1621,22 @@ msgid "Search"
msgstr "Hledat"
#: src/gr-window.ui:115
-msgid "_Start cooking"
+msgid "_Start Cooking"
msgstr "_Začít vařit"
-#: src/gr-window.ui:191
+#: src/gr-window.ui:190
msgid "Ingredients to buy added."
msgstr "Přidány surovin k nákupu"
-#: src/gr-window.ui:198
+#: src/gr-window.ui:200
msgid "View Shopping List"
msgstr "Zobrazit nákupní seznam"
-#: src/gr-window.ui:253
+#: src/gr-window.ui:257
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Zpět"
-#: src/gr-window.ui:322
+#: src/gr-window.ui:326 src/gr-window.c:281
msgid "Cuisines"
msgstr "Kuchyně"
@@ -1589,7 +1659,7 @@ msgid "_Quit"
msgstr "U_končit"
#: src/recipe-conflict-dialog.ui:10 src/gr-chef-dialog.c:115
-#: src/gr-image-viewer.c:587 src/gr-window.c:725
+#: src/gr-image-viewer.c:587 src/gr-window.c:760
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Zrušit"
@@ -1674,23 +1744,34 @@ msgstr "Systémové knihovny"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Systém"
-#: src/gr-about-dialog.c:653
+#: src/gr-about-dialog.c:654
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "Marek Černocký <marek manet cz>"
-#: src/gr-about-dialog.c:656
+#: src/gr-about-dialog.c:657
msgid "Learn more about GNOME Recipes"
msgstr "Dozvědět se více o Receptech GNOME"
-#: src/gr-about-dialog.c:660
+#: src/gr-about-dialog.c:661
msgid "Recipes by"
msgstr "Recepty od"
+#: src/gr-account.c:189
+#, c-format
+msgid "Got an error from Account portal"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gr-account.c:213
+msgid ""
+"Allow your personal information to be included with recipes you share with "
+"your friends."
+msgstr ""
#: src/gr-chef-dialog.c:111 src/gr-image-viewer.c:583
msgid "Select an Image"
msgstr "Výběr obrázku"
-#: src/gr-chef-dialog.c:114 src/gr-image-viewer.c:586 src/gr-window.c:724
+#: src/gr-chef-dialog.c:114 src/gr-image-viewer.c:586 src/gr-window.c:759
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Otevřít"
@@ -1702,11 +1783,11 @@ msgstr "Soubory s obrázky"
msgid "New Chef"
msgstr "Nový kuchař"
-#: src/gr-cooking-page.c:168
+#: src/gr-cooking-page.c:170
msgid "Cooking"
msgstr "Vaření"
-#: src/gr-cooking-view.c:345
+#: src/gr-cooking-view.c:348
#, c-format
msgid "Step %d/%d"
msgstr "Krok %d/%d"
@@ -1929,46 +2010,46 @@ msgstr ""
"středoasijských, středoevropských a balkánských kuchyní. Proto je nemožné "
"uvést prvky turecké kuchyně ve stručném seznamu."
-#: src/gr-details-page.c:296
+#: src/gr-details-page.c:298
msgid "Could not find this recipe."
msgstr "Nelze najít tento recept."
-#: src/gr-details-page.c:561
+#: src/gr-details-page.c:560
#, c-format
msgid "Timer: %s"
msgstr "Čas: %s"
-#: src/gr-details-page.c:564
+#: src/gr-details-page.c:563
#, c-format
msgid "Image %d"
msgstr "Obrázek %d"
-#: src/gr-details-page.c:667 src/gr-edit-page.c:1819
+#: src/gr-details-page.c:666 src/gr-edit-page.c:1813
#, c-format
msgid "Recipe by %s"
msgstr "Recepty od kuchaře %s"
-#: src/gr-diet.c:34 src/gr-list-page.c:231
+#: src/gr-diet.c:34
msgid "Gluten-free recipes"
msgstr "Bezlepkové recepty"
-#: src/gr-diet.c:37 src/gr-list-page.c:233
+#: src/gr-diet.c:37
msgid "Nut-free recipes"
msgstr "Bezořechové recepty"
-#: src/gr-diet.c:40 src/gr-list-page.c:235
+#: src/gr-diet.c:40
msgid "Vegan recipes"
msgstr "Veganské recepty"
-#: src/gr-diet.c:43 src/gr-list-page.c:237
+#: src/gr-diet.c:43
msgid "Vegetarian recipes"
msgstr "Vegetariánské recepty"
-#: src/gr-diet.c:46 src/gr-list-page.c:239
+#: src/gr-diet.c:46
msgid "Milk-free recipes"
msgstr "Bezmléčné recepty"
-#: src/gr-diet.c:49 src/gr-diet.c:78 src/gr-list-page.c:241
+#: src/gr-diet.c:49 src/gr-diet.c:78
msgid "Other dietary restrictions"
msgstr "Jiná dietní omezení"
@@ -2069,88 +2150,88 @@ msgstr ""
"<a href=\"https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intolerance_lakt%C3%B3zy\">Dozvědět "
"se více…</a>"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:394
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:388
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Použít"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:997
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:991
msgid "hour"
msgstr "hodina"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:998
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:992
msgid "hours"
msgstr "hodiny"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:999
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:993
msgctxt "hour abbreviation"
msgid "h"
msgstr "h"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1003
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:997
msgid "minute"
msgstr "minuta"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1004
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:998
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minut"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1005
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:999
msgctxt "minute abbreviation"
msgid "min"
msgstr "min"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1006
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1000
msgctxt "minute abbreviation"
msgid "m"
msgstr "m"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1010
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1004
msgid "second"
msgstr "sekunda"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1011
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1005
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekund"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1012
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1006
msgctxt "second abbreviation"
msgid "sec"
msgstr "sec"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1013
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1007
msgctxt "second abbreviation"
msgid "s"
msgstr "s"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1156
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1150
msgid "Recipe Author"
msgstr "Autor receptu"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1531
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1525
msgid "Name of the List"
msgstr "Název seznamu"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1564
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1558
msgid "No ingredients added yet"
msgstr "Zatím nebyla přidána žádná surovina"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1583
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1577
msgid "Add Ingredient"
msgstr "Přidat surovinu"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1684
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1678
msgid "Add List"
msgstr "Přidat seznam"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1702
-msgid "Name your recipe"
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1696
+msgid "Name Your Recipe"
msgstr "Název vašeho receptu"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1873
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1867
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Název"
-#: src/gr-edit-page.c:2249 src/gr-recipe-store.c:1094
+#: src/gr-edit-page.c:1987 src/gr-recipe-store.c:1133
#, c-format
msgid "You need to provide a name for the recipe"
msgstr "Musíte dát receptu název"
@@ -2163,48 +2244,72 @@ msgid ""
"your system."
msgstr ""
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:231
+msgid "Gluten-free Recipes"
+msgstr "Bezlepkové recepty"
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:233
+msgid "Nut-free Recipes"
+msgstr "Bezořechové recepty"
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:235
+msgid "Vegan Recipes"
+msgstr "Veganské recepty"
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:237
+msgid "Vegetarian Recipes"
+msgstr "Vegetariánské recepty"
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:239
+msgid "Milk-free Recipes"
+msgstr "Bezmléčné recepty"
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:241
+msgid "Other Dietary Restrictions"
+msgstr "Jiná dietní omezení"
#: src/gr-list-page.c:282
#, c-format
msgid "No %s found"
msgstr "Nebyla nalezena kategorie %s"
-#: src/gr-list-page.c:285 src/gr-list-page.c:329 src/gr-list-page.c:361
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:285 src/gr-list-page.c:334 src/gr-list-page.c:365
msgid "You could add one using the “New Recipe” button."
msgstr "Můžete jej přidat pomocí tlačítka „Nový recept“."
-#: src/gr-list-page.c:318
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:323
#, c-format
msgid "Recipes by %s"
msgstr "Recepty od kuchaře %s"
-#: src/gr-list-page.c:325
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:330
#, c-format
msgid "No recipes by chef %s found"
msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny žádné recepty od kuchaře %s"
-#: src/gr-list-page.c:331 src/gr-list-page.c:408
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:336 src/gr-list-page.c:412
msgid "Sorry about this."
msgstr "Omlouváme se za to."
-#: src/gr-list-page.c:358
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:362
#, c-format
msgid "No recipes for %s found"
msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny žádné recepty pro období %s"
-#: src/gr-list-page.c:380
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:384
msgid "No favorite recipes found"
msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny žádné oblíbené recepty"
-#: src/gr-list-page.c:381
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:385
msgid "Use the ♥ button to mark recipes as favorites."
msgstr "Použijte tlačítko ♥ k označení jako oblíbený recept."
-#: src/gr-list-page.c:407
+#: src/gr-list-page.c:411
msgid "No imported recipes found"
msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny žádné importované recepty"
#: src/gr-meal.c:44
-msgid "Main course"
+msgid "Main Course"
msgstr "Hlavní chod"
#: src/gr-meal.c:45
@@ -2216,7 +2321,7 @@ msgid "Breakfast"
msgstr "Snídaně"
#: src/gr-meal.c:47
-msgid "Side dishes"
+msgid "Side Dishes"
msgstr "Příloha"
#: src/gr-meal.c:48
@@ -2224,12 +2329,12 @@ msgid "Desserts"
msgstr "Dezert"
#: src/gr-meal.c:49
-msgid "Cake and baking"
+msgid "Cake and Baking"
msgstr "Buchty, dorty, pečivo"
#: src/gr-meal.c:50
-msgid "Drinks and cocktails"
-msgstr "Nápoj nebo koktejl"
+msgid "Drinks and Cocktails"
+msgstr "Nápoje a koktejly"
#: src/gr-meal.c:51
msgid "Pizza"
@@ -2303,12 +2408,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(The attached file can be imported into GNOME recipes.)"
msgstr "(Přiložený soubor se dá naimportovat do Receptů GNOME.)"
-#: src/gr-recipe-exporter.c:187
+#: src/gr-recipe-exporter.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Could not share recipes"
msgstr "Nelze sdílet recepty"
-#: src/gr-recipe-exporter.c:189
+#: src/gr-recipe-exporter.c:190
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There was an error sending the exported recipes by e-mail.\n"
@@ -2317,12 +2422,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Došlo k chybě při odesílání exporotvaných receptů e-mailem.\n"
"Nelze najít exportovaná data v „%s“."
-#: src/gr-recipe-exporter.c:368
+#: src/gr-recipe-exporter.c:367
#, c-format
msgid "This build does not support exporting"
msgstr "Toto sestavení nepodporuje exportování"
-#: src/gr-recipe-exporter.c:446
+#: src/gr-recipe-exporter.c:445
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error while exporting:\n"
@@ -2331,7 +2436,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Chyba při exportu:\n"
-#: src/gr-recipe-exporter.c:524
+#: src/gr-recipe-exporter.c:523
#, c-format
msgid "%d recipe selected for sharing"
msgid_plural "%d recipes selected for sharing"
@@ -2339,7 +2444,7 @@ msgstr[0] "%d recept vybrán ke sdílení"
msgstr[1] "%d recepty vybrány ke sdílení"
msgstr[2] "%d receptů vybráno ke sdílení"
-#: src/gr-recipe-exporter.c:556
+#: src/gr-recipe-exporter.c:555
msgid ""
"Some of the selected recipes are included\n"
"with GNOME recipes. You should only contribute\n"
@@ -2416,29 +2521,29 @@ msgstr "od kuchaře %s"
msgid "Anonymous"
msgstr "anonym"
-#: src/gr-recipes-page.c:228
-msgid "My recipes"
+#: src/gr-recipes-page.c:230
+msgid "My Recipes"
msgstr "Moje recepty"
-#: src/gr-recipes-page.c:233
+#: src/gr-recipes-page.c:235
msgid "Favorites"
msgstr "Oblíbené"
-#: src/gr-recipes-page.c:267
+#: src/gr-recipes-page.c:269
msgid "Last edited:"
msgstr "Naposledy upraveno:"
-#: src/gr-recipes-page.c:348
+#: src/gr-recipes-page.c:370
#, c-format
msgid "Buy ingredients: <b>%s</b>"
msgstr "Nakoupit suroviny: <b>%s</b>"
-#: src/gr-recipes-page.c:350
+#: src/gr-recipes-page.c:372
#, c-format
msgid "Buy ingredients: <b>%s and %s</b>"
msgstr "Nakoupit suroviny: <b>%s a %s</b>"
-#: src/gr-recipes-page.c:352
+#: src/gr-recipes-page.c:374
#, c-format
msgid "Buy ingredients: <b>%s, %s and %d other</b>"
msgid_plural "Buy ingredients: <b>%s, %s and %d others</b>"
@@ -2446,7 +2551,7 @@ msgstr[0] "Nakoupit suroviny: <b>%s, %s a %d další</b>"
msgstr[1] "Nakoupit suroviny: <b>%s, %s a %d další</b>"
msgstr[2] "Nakoupit suroviny: <b>%s, %s a %d dalších</b>"
-#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1099
+#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1138
#, c-format
msgid ""
"A recipe with this name and author already exists.\n"
@@ -2455,32 +2560,32 @@ msgstr ""
"Recept s tímto názvem a autorem již existuje.\n"
"Zvolte prosím jiný název"
-#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1128
+#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1167
#, c-format
msgid "You need to provide an ID for the recipe"
msgstr "Musíte receptu přidělit ID"
-#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1134
+#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1173
#, c-format
msgid "A recipe with this ID already exists"
msgstr "Recept s tímto ID již existuje"
-#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1262
+#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1301
#, c-format
msgid "You need to provide an ID"
msgstr "Musíte zadat ID"
-#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1268
+#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1307
#, c-format
msgid "Sorry, this ID is taken"
msgstr "Bohužel, toto ID je zabrané"
-#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1295
+#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1334
#, c-format
msgid "You need to provide an ID for the chef"
msgstr "Musíte kuchaři přidělit ID"
-#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1301
+#: src/gr-recipe-store.c:1340
#, c-format
msgid "A chef with this ID already exists"
msgstr "Kuchař s tímto ID již existuje"
@@ -2513,10 +2618,15 @@ msgstr "Podzim"
msgid "Winter"
msgstr "Zima"
-#: src/gr-shopping-list-printer.c:138 src/gr-shopping-page.c:674
+#: src/gr-shopping-list-formatter.c:43 src/gr-shopping-list-printer.c:138
+#: src/gr-shopping-page.c:688
msgid "Shopping List"
msgstr "Nákupní seznam"
+#: src/gr-shopping-list-formatter.c:45
+msgid "For the following recipes:"
+msgstr "Pro následující recepty:"
#: src/gr-shopping-list-printer.c:147
msgid "For the following recipes"
msgstr "Pro následující recepty"
@@ -2549,16 +2659,24 @@ msgstr[0] "%d recept označen k přípravě"
msgstr[1] "%d recepty označeny k přípravě"
msgstr[2] "%d receptů označeno k přípravě"
-#: src/gr-shopping-page.c:686
+#: src/gr-shopping-page.c:700
#, c-format
msgid "Could not share shopping list"
msgstr "Nelze sdílet nákupní seznam"
-#: src/gr-shopping-page.c:688
+#: src/gr-shopping-page.c:702
#, c-format
msgid "There was an error sending the shopping list by e-mail.\n"
msgstr "Došlo k chybě při odesílání nákupního seznamu e-mailem.\n"
+#: src/gr-spice-row.c:100
+msgid "Somewhat Spicy"
+msgstr "mírně pikantní"
+#: src/gr-spice-row.c:104
+msgid "Very Spicy"
+msgstr "velmi pikantní"
#: src/gr-unit.c:40
msgctxt "unit abbreviation"
msgid "g"
@@ -2734,12 +2852,12 @@ msgstr "sklenice"
msgid "I don’t know this unit: %s"
msgstr "Tato jednotka není zmámá: %s"
-#: src/gr-utils.c:401
+#: src/gr-utils.c:415
#, c-format
msgid "more than a year ago"
msgstr "před více než rokem"
-#: src/gr-utils.c:404 src/gr-utils.c:408
+#: src/gr-utils.c:418 src/gr-utils.c:422
#, c-format
msgid "%d month ago"
msgid_plural "%d months ago"
@@ -2747,7 +2865,7 @@ msgstr[0] "před %d měsícem"
msgstr[1] "před %d měsíci"
msgstr[2] "před %d měsíci"
-#: src/gr-utils.c:412
+#: src/gr-utils.c:426
#, c-format
msgid "%d day ago"
msgid_plural "%d days ago"
@@ -2755,22 +2873,22 @@ msgstr[0] "před %d dnem"
msgstr[1] "před %d dny"
msgstr[2] "před %d dny"
-#: src/gr-utils.c:415
+#: src/gr-utils.c:429
#, c-format
msgid "just now"
msgstr "právě teď"
-#: src/gr-utils.c:417
+#: src/gr-utils.c:431
#, c-format
msgid "10 minutes ago"
msgstr "před 10 minutami"
-#: src/gr-utils.c:419
+#: src/gr-utils.c:433
#, c-format
msgid "half an hour ago"
msgstr "před půl hodinou"
-#: src/gr-utils.c:423
+#: src/gr-utils.c:437
#, c-format
msgid "%d hour ago"
msgid_plural "%d hours ago"
@@ -2778,43 +2896,43 @@ msgstr[0] "před %d hodnou"
msgstr[1] "před %d hodinami"
msgstr[2] "před %d hodinami"
-#: src/gr-utils.c:429
+#: src/gr-utils.c:443
msgid "some time ago"
msgstr "před nějakou dobou"
-#: src/gr-window.c:175
-msgid "Add a new recipe"
+#: src/gr-window.c:176
+msgid "Add a New Recipe"
msgstr "Přidání nového receptu"
-#: src/gr-window.c:466
+#: src/gr-window.c:472
#, c-format
msgid "Recipe “%s” deleted"
msgstr "Recept „%s“ byl smazán"
-#: src/gr-window.c:644
+#: src/gr-window.c:650
msgid "Imported Recipes"
msgstr "Importované recepty"
-#: src/gr-window.c:703
+#: src/gr-window.c:694
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Recipe Author Information"
msgid "My Chef Information"
msgstr "Informace o autorovi receptu"
-#: src/gr-window.c:721
+#: src/gr-window.c:756
msgid "Select a recipe file"
msgstr "Výběr souboru s receptem"
-#: src/gr-window.c:761
+#: src/gr-window.c:796
#, c-format
msgid "Chefs: %s"
msgstr "Kuchaři: %s"
-#: src/gr-window.c:778
+#: src/gr-window.c:813
msgid "Favorite recipes"
msgstr "Oblíbené recepty"
-#: src/gr-window.c:835
+#: src/gr-window.c:863
msgid "My own recipes"
msgstr "Moje vlastní recepty"
@@ -2928,7 +3046,7 @@ msgstr "sýr"
#: src/ingredients.c:28
msgid "Cherries, pitted"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vypeckované třešně"
#: src/ingredients.c:29
msgid "Chocolate frosting"
@@ -3219,10 +3337,8 @@ msgid "no Cheese"
msgstr "bez sýru"
#: src/no-ingredients.c:28
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "no Cheese"
msgid "no Cherries, pitted"
-msgstr "bez sýru"
+msgstr "bez vypeckovaných třešní"
#: src/no-ingredients.c:29
msgid "no Chocolate frosting"
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