[gnumeric] Fix typos

commit ab93e5b574b92e2d307e6eeece738b6eb6046192
Author: Marek Černocký <marek manet cz>
Date:   Sun Oct 2 09:13:36 2016 +0200

    Fix typos

 doc/C/functions.xml              |   10 +++++-----
 plugins/fn-complex/functions.c   |    2 +-
 plugins/fn-financial/functions.c |    2 +-
 plugins/fn-stat/functions.c      |    6 +++---
 4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/C/functions.xml b/doc/C/functions.xml
index 6f44e4a..1178fb8 100644
--- a/doc/C/functions.xml
+++ b/doc/C/functions.xml
@@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@
-        <para>The regularized incomplete gamma function is the unregularized incomplete gamma function 
divided by gamma(<parameter>a</parameter>)</para>
+        <para>The regularized incomplete gamma function is the unregularized incomplete gamma function 
divided by gamma(<parameter>a</parameter>).</para>
         <title>See also</title>
@@ -8171,7 +8171,7 @@
-        <para><function>XNPV</function> calculates the net present value of a cash flow at irregular 
+        <para><function>XNPV</function> calculates the net present value of a cash flow at irregular 
@@ -17054,7 +17054,7 @@
-        <para>An error is returned when there are less than 3 different x's or y's, or when the shape of the 
point cloud is too different from a ``logarithmic'' one. You can use the above formula = a + b * ln(sign * (x 
- c)) or rearrange it to = (exp((y - a) / b)) / sign + c to compute unknown y's or x's, respectively.  This 
is non-linear fitting by trial-and-error. The accuracy of `c' is: width of x-range -&gt; rounded to the next 
smaller (10^integer), times 0.000001. There might be cases in which the returned fit is not the best 
+        <para>An error is returned when there are less than 3 different x's or y's, or when the shape of the 
point cloud is too different from a ``logarithmic'' one. You can use the above formula = a + b * ln(sign * (x 
- c)) or rearrange it to = (exp((y - a) / b)) / sign + c to compute unknown y's or x's, respectively. This is 
non-linear fitting by trial-and-error. The accuracy of `c' is: width of x-range -&gt; rounded to the next 
smaller (10^integer), times 0.000001. There might be cases in which the returned fit is not the best 
         <title>See also</title>
@@ -17985,7 +17985,7 @@
-        <para>If both <parameter>x</parameter> and <parameter>y</parameter> equal 0, 
<function>PERMUTATIONA</function> returns 1. If <parameter>x</parameter> &lt; 0 or <parameter>y</parameter> 
&lt; 0, <function>PERMUTATIONA</function> returns #NUM! If <parameter>x</parameter> or 
<parameter>y</parameter> are not integers, they are truncated</para>
+        <para>If both <parameter>x</parameter> and <parameter>y</parameter> equal 0, 
<function>PERMUTATIONA</function> returns 1. If <parameter>x</parameter> &lt; 0 or <parameter>y</parameter> 
&lt; 0, <function>PERMUTATIONA</function> returns #NUM! If <parameter>x</parameter> or 
<parameter>y</parameter> are not integers, they are truncated.</para>
         <title>OpenDocument Format (ODF) Compatibility</title>
@@ -20327,7 +20327,7 @@
-        <para>In case of a tie, RANK returns the average rank.</para>
+        <para>In case of a tie, RANK.AVG returns the average rank.</para>
         <title>Microsoft Excel Compatibility</title>
diff --git a/plugins/fn-complex/functions.c b/plugins/fn-complex/functions.c
index 2cd4abc..2e98ed9 100644
--- a/plugins/fn-complex/functions.c
+++ b/plugins/fn-complex/functions.c
@@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ static GnmFuncHelp const help_imigamma[] = {
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_ARG, F_("z:a complex number")},
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_ARG, F_("lower:if true (the default), the lower incomplete gamma function, otherwise 
the upper incomplete gamma function")},
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_ARG, F_("regularize:if true (the default), the regularized version of the incomplete 
gamma function")},
-       { GNM_FUNC_HELP_NOTE, F_("The regularized incomplete gamma function is the unregularized incomplete 
gamma function divided by gamma(@{a})") },
+       { GNM_FUNC_HELP_NOTE, F_("The regularized incomplete gamma function is the unregularized incomplete 
gamma function divided by gamma(@{a}).") },
diff --git a/plugins/fn-financial/functions.c b/plugins/fn-financial/functions.c
index e615866..ac06ff6 100644
--- a/plugins/fn-financial/functions.c
+++ b/plugins/fn-financial/functions.c
@@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ static GnmFuncHelp const help_xnpv[] = {
         { GNM_FUNC_HELP_ARG, F_("rate:effective annual interest rate")},
         { GNM_FUNC_HELP_ARG, F_("values:cash flow")},
         { GNM_FUNC_HELP_ARG, F_("dates:dates of cash flow")},
-       { GNM_FUNC_HELP_DESCRIPTION, F_("XNPV calculates the net present value of a cash flow at irregular 
times") },
+       { GNM_FUNC_HELP_DESCRIPTION, F_("XNPV calculates the net present value of a cash flow at irregular 
times.") },
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_END }
diff --git a/plugins/fn-stat/functions.c b/plugins/fn-stat/functions.c
index b641d71..207dec2 100644
--- a/plugins/fn-stat/functions.c
+++ b/plugins/fn-stat/functions.c
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ static GnmFuncHelp const help_rank_avg[] = {
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_ARG, F_("x:number whose rank you want to find")},
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_ARG, F_("ref:list of numbers")},
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_ARG, F_("order:0 (descending order) or non-zero (ascending order); defaults to 0")},
-       { GNM_FUNC_HELP_NOTE, F_("In case of a tie, RANK returns the average rank.")},
+       { GNM_FUNC_HELP_NOTE, F_("In case of a tie, RANK.AVG returns the average rank.")},
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_EXCEL, F_("This function is Excel 2010 compatible.")},
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_EXAMPLES, F_("Let us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 
17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 25.9.")},
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_EXAMPLES, F_("Then RANK.AVG(17.3,A1:A5) equals 4.")},
@@ -3962,7 +3962,7 @@ static GnmFuncHelp const help_logfit[] = {
                                 "= a + b * ln(sign * (x - c)) "
                                 "or rearrange it to "
                                 "= (exp((y - a) / b)) / sign + c "
-                                "to compute unknown y's or x's, respectively. ")},
+                                "to compute unknown y's or x's, respectively.")},
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_NOTE, F_("This is non-linear fitting by trial-and-error. "
                                 "The accuracy of `c' is: width of x-range -> rounded to the "
                                 "next smaller (10^integer), times 0.000001. There might be cases "
@@ -4965,7 +4965,7 @@ static GnmFuncHelp const help_permutationa[] = {
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_ARG, F_("y:number of selected objects")},
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_NOTE, F_("If both @{x} and @{y} equal 0, PERMUTATIONA returns 1.") },
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_NOTE, F_("If @{x} < 0 or @{y} < 0, PERMUTATIONA returns #NUM!") },
-       { GNM_FUNC_HELP_NOTE, F_("If @{x} or @{y} are not integers, they are truncated") },
+       { GNM_FUNC_HELP_NOTE, F_("If @{x} or @{y} are not integers, they are truncated.") },
        { GNM_FUNC_HELP_ODF, F_("This function is OpenFormula compatible.") },

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